def plot_hists_dict(hist_dict, setNames=True, **kwargs): """ Draws the contents of a dictionary of hists. Styling will be done automatically. Any additional kwargs are passed to the plot_hists and legend methods. Args: hist_dict: a str, Hist dictionary of the histograms to be drawn. Keywords: setNames: a bool to specify whether the keys of the dict will be used as titles in the legend. Returns: a handle to the new canvas """ items = hist_dict.items() for hn, h in items: h.SetName(hn) if setNames: h.SetTitle(hn) hists = [x[1] for x in items] names = [x[0] for x in items] ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, **kwargs) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) canv.LEGEND = leg return canv
def plot_data_mc(hists_mc, hist_data, name): canv = ROOT.TCanvas() p1 = ROOT.TPad("p1", "p1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) p1.Draw() p1.SetTicks(1, 1); p1.SetGrid(); p1.SetFillStyle(0); stacks_d = OrderedDict() print "MC",hists_mc print "VAL",hists_mc.values() stacks_d["mc"] = hists_mc.values() stacks_d["data"] = [hist_data] stacks = plot_hists_stacked( p1, stacks_d, x_label=var, y_label="", do_log_y=True ) leg = legend([hist_data] + list(reversed(hists_mc.values())), styles=["p", "f"]) print canv, hist_data print get_stack_total_hist(stacks["mc"]) ratio_pad, hratio = plot_data_mc_ratio(canv, get_stack_total_hist(stacks["mc"]), hist_data) plot_info = PlotMetaInfo( name, "CUT", "WEIGHT", [infile],, comments=str(result[SIGNAL]) ) of.savePlot(canv, plot_info) canv.Close()
legend_pos = "top-right" if legend_pos == "top-right": lumibox = lumi_textbox(Lumi,"top-left") if legend_pos == "top-left": lumibox = lumi_textbox(Lumi,"top-right") hist_list = mc_to_plot.values() hist_list.reverse() # reverse order of mc histograms for the legend entry hist_list.append(qcd) hist_list.insert(0,data) leg = legend( hist_list, names = process_names, styles=["p", "f"], width=0.25, pos = legend_pos ) outfilename = "Plots/" + channel + "/" + mode1 + mode1a + "/" + hist_to_plot + mode2 + weight + ".pdf" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(outfilename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfilename)) c.SaveAs(outfilename) c.Close() #----------------Signal PDG ID information------------------ # nr_W = 0 # nr_tau = 0 if hist_to_plot == "el_mother_id" or hist_to_plot == "mu_mother_id": nr_W = mc_to_plot["signal"].GetBinContent(2) + mc_to_plot["signal"].GetBinContent(50)
hcomphep.SetLineStyle('dashed') hcomphep.SetMarkerSize(0) Styling.data_style(data_post) hi = [data_post, htrue, hcomphep] chi2 = data_post.Chi2Test(htrue, "WW CHI2/NDF") #htrue.SetTitle(htrue.GetTitle() + " #chi^{2}/#nu = %.1f" % chi2) #hi_norm = hi hi_norm = map(post_normalize, hi) for h in hi[1:]: h.SetMarkerSize(0) of = OutputFolder(subdir='unfolding/%s' % lep) canv = plot_hists(hi_norm, x_label="cos #theta*", draw_cmd=len(hi)*["E1"], y_label="a.u.") #leg = legend(hi, styles=['p', 'f'], legend_pos='bottom-right', nudge_x=-0.29, nudge_y=-0.08) leg = legend(hi, styles=['p', 'f'], legend_pos='top-left', nudge_y=-0.14) lb = lumi_textbox(lumi, pos='top-center', line2="#scale[1.5]{A = %.2f #pm %.2f (stat.) #pm %.2f (syst.)}" % ( measured_asym, measured_asym_errs[lep][0], measured_asym_errs[lep][1] ), nudge_y=0.03 ) pmi = PlotMetaInfo( 'costheta_unfolded', '2j1t_mva_loose {0}'.format(channel), 'weighted to lumi={0}, sf(tchan)={1}'.format(lumi, fitpars[lep]), [args.infileMC, args.infileD] ) of.savePlot(canv, pmi)
def data_mc_plot(samples, plot_def, name, lepton_channel, lumi, weight, physics_processes, use_antiiso=False):'Plot in progress %s' % name) merge_cmds = PhysicsProcess.get_merge_dict(physics_processes) #The actual merge dictionary var = plot_def['var'] #Id var is a list/tuple, assume if not isinstance(var, basestring): try: if lepton_channel == 'ele': var = var[0] elif lepton_channel == 'mu': var = var[1] except Exception as e: logger.error("Plot variable 'var' specification incorrect for multi-variable plot: %s" % str(var)) raise e cut = None if lepton_channel == 'ele': cut = plot_def['elecut'] elif lepton_channel == 'mu': cut = plot_def['mucut'] cut_str = str(cut) plot_range = plot_def['range'] do_norm = False if 'normalize' in plot_def.keys() and plot_def['normalize']: do_norm = True hists_mc = dict() hists_data = dict() for name, sample in samples.items(): logger.debug("Starting to plot %s" % name) if sample.isMC: hist = sample.drawHistogram(var, cut_str, weight=str(weight), plot_range=plot_range) hist.Scale(sample.lumiScaleFactor(lumi)) hists_mc[] = hist if do_norm: Styling.mc_style_nostack(hists_mc[], else: Styling.mc_style(hists_mc[], if "fitpars" in plot_def.keys(): rescale_to_fit(, hist, plot_def["fitpars"][lepton_channel]) elif "antiiso" in name and plot_def['estQcd'] and not use_antiiso: # Make loose template #Y U NO LOOP :) -JP region = '2j1t' if '2j0t' in plot_def['estQcd']: region='2j0t' if '3j0t' in plot_def['estQcd']: region='3j0t' if '3j1t' in plot_def['estQcd']: region='3j1t' if '3j2t' in plot_def['estQcd']: region='3j2t' qcd_extra_cut = Cuts.deltaR(0.3)*Cuts.antiiso(lepton_channel) #Take the loose template with a good shape from the N-jet, M-tag, post lepton selection region with high statistics qcd_loose_cut = cutlist[region]*cutlist['presel_'+lepton_channel]*qcd_extra_cut #Take the template which can be correctly normalized from the actual region with inverted isolation cuts qcd_cut = cut*qcd_extra_cut hist_qcd_loose = sample.drawHistogram(var, str(qcd_loose_cut), weight="1.0", plot_range=plot_range) hist_qcd = sample.drawHistogram(var, str(qcd_cut), weight="1.0", plot_range=plot_range) logger.debug("Using the QCD scale factor %s: %.2f" % (plot_def['estQcd'], qcdScale[lepton_channel][plot_def['estQcd']])) hist_qcd.Scale(qcdScale[lepton_channel][plot_def['estQcd']]) hist_qcd_loose.Scale(hist_qcd.Integral()/hist_qcd_loose.Integral()) if var=='cos_theta': hist_qcd=hist_qcd_loose sampn = "QCD" #Rescale the QCD histogram to the eta_lj fit if "fitpars" in plot_def.keys(): rescale_to_fit(sampn, hist_qcd, plot_def["fitpars"][lepton_channel]) hists_mc[sampn] = hist_qcd hists_mc[sampn].SetTitle('QCD') if do_norm: Styling.mc_style_nostack(hists_mc[sampn], 'QCD') else: Styling.mc_style(hists_mc[sampn], 'QCD') #Real ordinary data in the isolated region elif not "antiiso" in name or use_antiiso: hist_data = sample.drawHistogram(var, cut_str, weight="1.0", plot_range=plot_range) hist_data.SetTitle('Data') Styling.data_style(hist_data) hists_data[name] = hist_data if len(hists_data.values())==0: raise Exception("Couldn't draw the data histogram") #Combine the subsamples to physical processes hist_data = sum(hists_data.values()) merge_cmds['QCD']=["QCD"+merge_cmds['data'][0]] order=['QCD']+PhysicsProcess.desired_plot_order if plot_def['log']: order = PhysicsProcess.desired_plot_order_log+['QCD'] merged_hists = merge_hists(hists_mc, merge_cmds, order=order) if hist_data.Integral()<=0: logger.error(hists_data) logger.error("hist_data.entries = %d" % hist_data.GetEntries()) logger.error("hist_data.integral = %d" % hist_data.Integral()) raise Exception("Histogram for data was empty. Something went wrong, please check.") if do_norm: for k,v in merged_hists.items(): v.Scale(1./v.Integral()) hist_data.Scale(1./hist_data.Integral()) htot = sum(merged_hists.values()) chi2 = hist_data.Chi2Test(htot, "UW CHI2/NDF") if chi2>20:#FIXME: uglyness logger.error("The chi2 between data and MC is large (%s, chi2=%.2f). You may have errors with your samples!" % (name, chi2) )"MC : %s" % " ".join(map(lambda x: "%.1f" % x, list(htot.y()))))"DATA: %s" % " ".join(map(lambda x: "%.1f" % x, list(hist_data.y()))))"diff: %s" % str( " ".join(map(lambda x: "%.1f" % x, numpy.abs(numpy.array(list(htot.y())) - numpy.array(list(hist_data.y()))))) )) merged_hists_l = merged_hists.values() PhysicsProcess.name_histograms(physics_processes, merged_hists) leg_style = ['p','f'] if do_norm: leg_style=['p','l'] leg = legend([hist_data] + list(reversed(merged_hists_l)), legend_pos=plot_def['labloc'], styles=leg_style) canv = ROOT.TCanvas() #Make the stacks stacks_d = OrderedDict() stacks_d["mc"] = merged_hists_l stacks_d["data"] = [hist_data] #label xlab = plot_def['xlab'] if not isinstance(xlab, basestring): if lepton_channel == 'ele': xlab = xlab[0] else: xlab = xlab[1] ylab = 'N / '+str((1.*(plot_range[2]-plot_range[1])/plot_range[0])) if plot_def['gev']: ylab+=' GeV' fact = 1.5 if plot_def['log']: fact = 10 plow=0.3 if do_norm: plow=0 #Make a separate pad for the stack plot p1 = ROOT.TPad("p1", "p1", 0, plow, 1, 1) p1.Draw() p1.SetTicks(1, 1); p1.SetGrid(); p1.SetFillStyle(0); stacks = plot_hists_stacked(p1, stacks_d, x_label=xlab, y_label=ylab, max_bin_mult = fact, do_log_y = plot_def['log'], stack = (not do_norm)) #Put the the lumi box where the legend is not boxloc = 'top-right' if plot_def['labloc'] == 'top-right': boxloc = 'top-left' chan = 'Electron' if lepton_channel == "mu": chan = 'Muon' additional_comments = "" if 'cutname' in plot_def.keys(): additional_comments += ", " + plot_def['cutname'][lepton_channel] lbox = lumi_textbox(lumi, boxloc, 'preliminary', chan + ' channel' + additional_comments ) #Draw everything lbox.Draw() leg.Draw() canv.Draw() #Keep the handles just in case canv.PAD1 = p1 canv.STACKS = stacks canv.LEGEND = legend canv.LUMIBOX = lbox return canv, merged_hists, htot, hist_data
def plot_fit(var, fitConf, hData, fit_result): tdrstyle() canvases = [] infile = "fits/"+var.shortName+"_fit_"".root" f = TFile(infile) print outfile_name = "fit_plots/"+var.shortName+"_Fit_" #print fit_result QCDRATE = fit_result.qcd QCDRATE_UP = fit_result.qcd + fit_result.qcd_uncert QCDRATE_DOWN = fit_result.qcd - fit_result.qcd_uncert NONQCDRATE = fit_result.nonqcd NONQCDRATE_UP = fit_result.nonqcd + fit_result.nonqcd_uncert NONQCDRATE_DOWN = fit_result.nonqcd - fit_result.nonqcd_uncert WJETS = fit_result.wjets WJETS_UP = fit_result.wjets + fit_result.wjets_uncert WJETS_DOWN = fit_result.wjets - fit_result.wjets_uncert cst = TCanvas("Histogram_",,10,10,1000,1000) hNonQCD = TH1D(f.Get(var.shortName+"__nonqcd")) hNonQCD.SetTitle("Non-QCD") hNonQCD.SetLineColor(kRed) hNonQCDp=TH1D(hNonQCD) hNonQCDp.Scale(NONQCDRATE_UP/NONQCDRATE) hNonQCDm=TH1D(hNonQCD) hNonQCDm.Scale(NONQCDRATE_DOWN/NONQCDRATE) hNonQCDp.SetLineColor(kOrange) hNonQCDp.SetTitle("Non-QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hNonQCDm.SetLineColor(kOrange) hNonQCDm.SetTitle("non-QCD - 1 sigma") hWJets = TH1D(f.Get(var.shortName+"__wjets")) hWJets.SetTitle("W+Jets") hWJets.SetLineColor(kGreen+4) hWJetsp=TH1D(hWJets) hWJetsp.Scale(WJETS_UP/WJETS) hWJetsm=TH1D(hWJets) hWJetsm.Scale(WJETS_DOWN/WJETS) hWJetsp.SetLineColor(kGreen+8) hWJetsp.SetTitle("W+Jets #pm 1 #sigma") hWJetsm.SetLineColor(kGreen+8) hWJetsm.SetTitle("W+Jets - 1 sigma") hData.SetNameTitle(var.shortName+"__DATA", "Data") hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) #print "data integral: ",hData.Integral() hQCD = f.Get(var.shortName+"__qcd") hQCD.SetNameTitle(var.shortName+"__qcd", "QCD") hQCD.SetLineColor(kYellow) hQCDp=TH1D(hQCD) hQCDp.Scale(QCDRATE_UP/QCDRATE) hQCDm=TH1D(hQCD) hQCDm.Scale(QCDRATE_DOWN/QCDRATE) hQCDp.SetLineColor(kGreen) hQCDp.SetTitle("QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hQCDm.SetLineColor(kGreen) hQCDm.SetTitle("QCD #pm 1 #sigma") hTotal=TH1D(hNonQCD) hTotal.Add(hQCD) hTotal.Add(hWJets) hTotal.SetLineColor(kBlue) hTotal.SetTitle("Fitted total") max_bin = hData.GetMaximum()*1.6 hData.SetAxisRange(0, max_bin, "Y") hData.GetXaxis().SetTitle(var.displayName) #hTotal.Draw("") title = fit_result.getTitle() hData.SetMarkerStyle(20) hData.Draw("E1") hNonQCDp.Draw("same") hQCD.Draw("same") hNonQCD.Draw("same") hNonQCDm.Draw("same") hQCDp.Draw("same") hQCDm.Draw("same") hWJets.Draw("same") hWJetsp.Draw("same") hWJetsm.Draw("same") hTotal.Draw("same") #hData.SetTitle("QCD fit, "+title) hData.Draw("E1 same") lumibox = lumi_textbox(19739) leg = legend( [hData, hQCD, hQCDp, hNonQCD, hNonQCDp, hWJets, hWJetsp, hTotal], styles=["p", "l"], width=0.2 ) leg.Draw() #print hNonQCD.Integral(), hData.Integral(), hQCD.Integral(), hTotal.Integral(), hQCDp.Integral(), hQCDm.Integral() cst.Update() cst.SaveAs(outfile_name+".png") cst.SaveAs(outfile_name+".pdf") cst.Draw() return cst
if __name__=="__main__": samp = Sample.fromFile("~/Documents/stpol/data/out_step3_joosep_11_07_19_44/mu/iso/nominal/W4Jets_exclusive.root") samp.tree.AddFriend("trees/WJets_weights", samp.file_name) tdrstyle() cut = str(,0)*Cuts.Wflavour("W_heavy")) mean_weight = samp.drawHistogram(str(Weights.wjets_madgraph_weight("nominal")), cut, weight="1.0", plot_range=[200, 0, 2]).hist.GetMean() print "mean weight=%.2f" % mean_weight hi0 = samp.drawHistogram("cos_theta", cut, weight="1.0", plot_range=[20, -1, 1]).hist hi0.Scale(samp.lumiScaleFactor(20000)) hi1 = samp.drawHistogram("cos_theta", cut, weight=str(Weights.wjets_madgraph_weight("nominal")), plot_range=[20, -1, 1]).hist hi1.Scale(samp.lumiScaleFactor(20000)) hi2 = samp.drawHistogram("cos_theta", cut, weight=str(Weights.wjets_madgraph_weight("wjets_up")), plot_range=[20, -1, 1]).hist hi2.Scale(samp.lumiScaleFactor(20000)) hi3 = samp.drawHistogram("cos_theta", cut, weight=str(Weights.wjets_madgraph_weight("wjets_down")), plot_range=[20, -1, 1]).hist hi3.Scale(samp.lumiScaleFactor(20000)) hists = [hi0, hi1, hi2, hi3] #for h in hists: # h.Scale(1.0/h.Integral()) hi0.SetTitle("unweighted") hi1.SetTitle("weighted") hi2.SetTitle("weighted wjets_up") hi3.SetTitle("weighted wjets_down") ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label="cos #theta") leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], nudge_x=-0.2) hi0.SetTitle("WJets hf yield with variations, 2J0T") canv.Update()
for name, histo in histos[process].items(): if name != "Nominal": print "Chi2 %s %s %.2f %.3f" % ( process, name, histo.Chi2Test(histos[process]["Nominal"], "WW CHI2/NDF"), histo.Chi2Test(histos[process]["Nominal"], "WW")) canv = plot_hists(canv, histos[process], x_label="cos(#Theta *)", title=process, max_bin_mult=1.6) #Draws the lumi box lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi_iso["mu"]) #Draw the legend leg = legend( histos[process].values( ), # <<< need to reverse MC order here, mc3 is top-most styles=["l"], width=0.3, text_size=0.015) outf.write(make_plot_slide(process, canv)) outf.write("\end{document}") outf.close()
def plot_sherpa_vs_madgraph(var, cut_name, cut, samples, out_dir, recreate=False, **kwargs): hname = var["varname"] out_dir = out_dir + "/" + cut_name if recreate and os.path.exists(out_dir):"Output directory %s exists, removing" % out_dir) shutil.rmtree(out_dir) mkdir_p(out_dir)"Using output directory %s" % out_dir)"Using output directory %s" % out_dir) coll = data_mc(var["var"], cut_name, cut,*, samples, out_dir, recreate, LUMI_TOTAL, reweight_madgraph=True, flavour_split=True, plot_range=var["range"], **kwargs) logging.debug(str(coll.hists)) for hn, hist in coll.hists.items(): sample_name = coll.metadata[hn].sample_name process_name = coll.metadata[hn].process_name match = re.match(".*/cut__flavour__(W_[Hl][Hl])/.*", hn) if match: flavour_scenario = else: flavour_scenario = None try: if sample_types.is_mc(sample_name): Styling.mc_style(hist, process_name) else: Styling.data_style(hist) except KeyError as e: logger.warning("Couldn't style histogram %s" % hn) if flavour_scenario: logger.debug("Matched flavour split histogram %s, %s" % (hn, flavour_scenario)) #Styling.mc_style(hist, process_name) if re.match("W_H[lH]", flavour_scenario): logger.debug("Changing colour of %s" % (hn)) hist.SetFillColor(hist.GetFillColor()+1) hist.SetLineColor(hist.GetLineColor()+1) logger.debug("pre merge: %s" % str([ (hn, coll.hists[hn].GetLineColor()) for hn in coll.hists.keys() if "sherpa" in hn])) merges = dict() merge_cmds = get_merge_cmds() merge_cmds.pop("WJets") merges["madgraph/unweighted"] = merge_cmds.copy() merges["madgraph/weighted"] = merge_cmds.copy() merges["sherpa/unweighted"] = merge_cmds.copy() merges["sherpa/weighted"] = merge_cmds.copy() merges["sherpa/unweighted"]["WJets_hf"] = ["weight__nominal/cut__flavour__W_heavy/WJets_sherpa_nominal"] merges["sherpa/unweighted"]["WJets_lf"] = ["weight__nominal/cut__flavour__W_light/WJets_sherpa_nominal"] merges["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets_hf"] = ["weight__sherpa_flavour/cut__flavour__W_heavy/WJets_sherpa_nominal"] merges["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets_lf"] = ["weight__sherpa_flavour/cut__flavour__W_light/WJets_sherpa_nominal"] merges["madgraph/unweighted"]["WJets_hf"] = ["weight__nominal/cut__flavour__W_heavy/W[1-4]Jets_exclusive"] merges["madgraph/unweighted"]["WJets_lf"] = ["weight__nominal/cut__flavour__W_light/W[1-4]Jets_exclusive"] merges["madgraph/weighted"]["WJets_hf"] = ["weight__reweight_madgraph/cut__flavour__W_heavy/W[1-4]Jets_exclusive"] merges["madgraph/weighted"]["WJets_lf"] = ["weight__reweight_madgraph/cut__flavour__W_light/W[1-4]Jets_exclusive"] hmerged = dict() for k in merges.keys(): hmerged[k] = merge_hists(copy.deepcopy(coll.hists), merges[k]) logger.debug("post merge: %s" % str([ (hn, hmerged["sherpa/weighted"][hn].GetLineColor()) for hn in hmerged["sherpa/weighted"].keys()])) #w_mg_sh = 1.0416259307303726 #sherpa to madgraph ratio w_mg_sh = 1.0821535639376414 hmerged["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets_hf"].Scale(w_mg_sh) hmerged["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets_lf"].Scale(w_mg_sh)"Drawing madgraph unweighted plot") canv = ROOT.TCanvas("c2", "c2") suffix = "__%s__%s" % (var["var"], cut_name) suffix = escape(suffix) plot(canv, "madgraph_unw"+suffix, hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"], out_dir, **kwargs) kwargs = dict({"x_label": var["varname"]}, **kwargs) for k, v in hmerged.items(): logger.debug("Group %s" % k) for hn, h in v.items(): logger.debug("Sample %s = %.2f" % (hn, h.Integral()))"%s data=%.2f" % (k, v["data"].Integral()))"%s MC=%.2f" % (k, sum([h.Integral() for k, h in v.items() if k!="data"]))) hists_flavours_merged = dict() hists_flavours_merged["madgraph/weighted"] = merge_hists(hmerged["madgraph/weighted"], {"WJets": ["WJets_hf", "WJets_lf"]}) hists_flavours_merged["madgraph/unweighted"] = merge_hists(hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"], {"WJets": ["WJets_hf", "WJets_lf"]}) hists_flavours_merged["sherpa/unweighted"] = merge_hists(hmerged["sherpa/unweighted"], {"WJets": ["WJets_hf", "WJets_lf"]}) hists_flavours_merged["sherpa/weighted"] = merge_hists(hmerged["sherpa/weighted"], {"WJets": ["WJets_hf", "WJets_lf"]})"Drawing sherpa weighted plot") canv = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1") plot(canv, "sherpa_rew"+suffix, hmerged["sherpa/weighted"], out_dir, **kwargs)"Drawing sherpa unweighted plot") canv = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1") plot(canv, "sherpa_unw"+suffix, hmerged["sherpa/unweighted"], out_dir, **kwargs)"Drawing madgraph plot") canv = ROOT.TCanvas("c2", "c2") plot(canv, "madgraph_rew"+suffix, hmerged["madgraph/weighted"], out_dir, **kwargs) total_madgraph = copy.deepcopy(hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"]) merged_colls = dict() for k, v in hmerged.items(): merged_colls[k] = HistCollection(copy.deepcopy(v), name=k)"Drawing sherpa vs. madgraph shape comparison plots") hists = [ ("sherpa unw hf", hmerged["sherpa/unweighted"]["WJets_hf"]), ("sherpa rew hf", hmerged["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets_hf"]), ("madgraph unw hf", hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"]["WJets_hf"]), ("madgraph rew hf", hmerged["madgraph/weighted"]["WJets_hf"]), ] hists = copy.deepcopy(hists) for hn, h in hists: h.SetTitle(hn + " %.2f" % h.Integral()) h.Scale(1.0/h.Integral()) hists = [h[1] for h in hists] ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label=var["varname"], do_chi2=True) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) canv.SaveAs(out_dir + "/weighted_flavour_hf_%s.png" % hname) canv.Close() hists = [ ("data", hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"]["data"]), ("sherpa", hists_flavours_merged["sherpa/unweighted"]["WJets"]), ("madgraph", hists_flavours_merged["madgraph/unweighted"]["WJets"]), ] hists = copy.deepcopy(hists) for hn, h in hists: h.SetTitle(hn + " %.2f" % h.Integral()) h.Scale(1.0/h.Integral()) hists = [h[1] for h in hists] ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label=var["varname"], do_chi2=True) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) canv.SaveAs(out_dir + "/unweighted_sherpa_mg_%s.png" % hname) canv.Close() hists = [ ("data", hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"]["data"]), ("sherpa", hists_flavours_merged["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets"]), ("madgraph", hists_flavours_merged["madgraph/weighted"]["WJets"]), ] hists = copy.deepcopy(hists) for hn, h in hists: h.SetTitle(hn + " %.2f" % h.Integral()) h.Scale(1.0/h.Integral()) hists = [h[1] for h in hists] ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label=var["varname"], do_chi2=True) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) canv.SaveAs(out_dir + "/weighted_sherpa_mg_%s.png" % hname) canv.Close() hists = [ ("sherpa unw lf", hmerged["sherpa/unweighted"]["WJets_lf"]), ("sherpa rew lf", hmerged["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets_lf"]), ("madgraph unw lf", hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"]["WJets_lf"]), ("madgraph rew lf", hmerged["madgraph/weighted"]["WJets_lf"]), ] hists = copy.deepcopy(hists) for hn, h in hists: h.SetTitle(hn + " %.2f" % h.Integral()) h.Scale(1.0/h.Integral()) hists = [h[1] for h in hists] ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label=var["varname"], do_chi2=True) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) canv.SaveAs(out_dir + "/weighted_flavour_lf_%s.png" % hname) canv.Close() hists = [ ("data", hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"]["data"]), ("madgraph unw", hists_flavours_merged["madgraph/unweighted"]["WJets"]), ("madgraph rew", hists_flavours_merged["madgraph/weighted"]["WJets"]), ("sherpa unw", hists_flavours_merged["sherpa/unweighted"]["WJets"]), ("sherpa rew", hists_flavours_merged["sherpa/weighted"]["WJets"]), ] hists = copy.deepcopy(hists) for hn, h in hists: h.SetTitle(hn + " %.2f" % h.Integral()) h.Scale(1.0/h.Integral()) hists = [h[1] for h in hists] ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label=var["varname"], do_chi2=True) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) hists[0].SetTitle("") canv.Update() canv.SaveAs(out_dir + "/shapes_%s.png" % hname) canv.Close() # hists = [ # ("sherpa hf", hmerged["sherpa"]["WJets_hf"]), # ("madgraph unw hf", hmerged["madgraph/unweighted"]["WJets_hf"]), # ("madgraph rew hf", hmerged["madgraph/weighted"]["WJets_hf"]), # ] # hists = copy.deepcopy(hists) # for hn, h in hists: # h.SetTitle(hn + " %.2f" % h.Integral()) # h.Scale(1.0/h.Integral()) # hists = [h[1] for h in hists] # ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) # canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label=var["varname"], do_chi2=True) # leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], **kwargs) # hists[0].SetTitle("madgraph sherpa rew hf") # canv.SaveAs(out_dir + "/shapes_hf_%s.png" % hname) # canv.Close() return coll, merged_colls
def plot_ratios(cut_name, cut, samples, out_dir, recreate, flavour_scenario=flavour_scenarios[0]): out_dir += "/" + cut_name mkdir_p(out_dir) colls = dict() samples_WJets = filter(lambda x: sample_types.is_wjets(, samples) for sc in flavour_scenario:"Drawing ratio with cut %s" % sc) cut_ = cut*getattr(Cuts, sc) colls[sc] = data_mc(costheta["var"], cut_name + "__" + sc, cut_,*, samples_WJets, out_dir, recreate, LUMI_TOTAL, plot_range=costheta["range"]) logger.debug(colls[flavour_scenario[0]].hists["weight__nominal/cut__all/WJets_sherpa_nominal"].Integral()) logger.debug(colls[flavour_scenario[1]].hists["weight__nominal/cut__all/WJets_sherpa_nominal"].Integral()) coll = dict() for k, c in colls.items(): for hn, h in c.hists.items(): coll[hn + "/" + k] = h for k, h in coll.items(): logger.debug("%s = %s" % (k, str([y for y in h.y()]))) logger.debug(coll) #coll = HistCollection(coll, name=cut_name) merges = {} for sc in flavour_scenario: merges["madgraph/%s" % sc] = ["weight__nominal/cut__all/W[1-4]Jets_exclusive/%s" % sc] merges["sherpa/unweighted/%s" % sc] = ["weight__nominal/cut__all/WJets_sherpa_nominal/%s" % sc] merges["sherpa/weighted/%s" % sc] = ["weight__sherpa_flavour/cut__all/WJets_sherpa_nominal/%s" % sc] merged = merge_hists(coll, merges) for k, h in merged.items(): logger.debug("%s = %s" % (k, str([y for y in h.y()]))) hists_flavour = dict() hists_flavour["madgraph"] = ROOT.TH1F("madgraph", "madgraph", len(flavour_scenario), 0, len(flavour_scenario)-1) hists_flavour["sherpa/unweighted"] = ROOT.TH1F("sherpa_unw", "sherpa unweighted", len(flavour_scenario), 0, len(flavour_scenario)-1) hists_flavour["sherpa/weighted"] = ROOT.TH1F("sherpa_rew", "sherpa weighted", len(flavour_scenario), 0, len(flavour_scenario)-1) for i, sc in zip(range(1,len(flavour_scenario)+1), flavour_scenario): sh1_int, sh1_err = calc_int_err(merged["sherpa/unweighted/%s" % sc]) sh2_int, sh2_err = calc_int_err(merged["sherpa/weighted/%s" % sc]) mg_int, mg_err = calc_int_err(merged["madgraph/%s" % sc]) logger.debug("%.2f %.2f" % (sh1_int, sh1_err)) logger.debug("%.2f %.2f" % (sh2_int, sh2_err)) logger.debug("%.2f %.2f" % (mg_int, mg_err)) hists_flavour["madgraph"].SetBinContent(i, mg_int) hists_flavour["madgraph"].SetBinError(i, mg_err) hists_flavour["sherpa/unweighted"].SetBinContent(i, sh1_int) hists_flavour["sherpa/unweighted"].SetBinError(i, sh1_err) hists_flavour["sherpa/weighted"].SetBinContent(i, sh2_int) hists_flavour["sherpa/weighted"].SetBinError(i, sh2_err) hists_flavour["madgraph"].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, sc) hists_flavour["sherpa/unweighted"].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, sc) hists_flavour["sherpa/weighted"].GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, sc) hists_flavour["sherpa/weighted"].Sumw2() hists_flavour["sherpa/unweighted"].Sumw2() hists_flavour["madgraph"].Sumw2() hists_flavour["ratio/unweighted"] = hists_flavour["madgraph"].Clone("ratio_unw") hists_flavour["ratio/unweighted"].Divide(hists_flavour["sherpa/unweighted"]) hists_flavour["ratio/weighted"] = hists_flavour["madgraph"].Clone("ratio_rew") hists_flavour["ratio/weighted"].Divide(hists_flavour["sherpa/weighted"]) for i, sc in zip(range(1,len(flavour_scenario)+1), flavour_scenario):"weights[%s] = %.6f; //error=%.6f [%d]" % (sc, hists_flavour["ratio/unweighted"].GetBinContent(i), hists_flavour["ratio/unweighted"].GetBinError(i), i)) flavour_ratio_coll = HistCollection(hists_flavour, name="hists__flavour_ratios") for sc in flavour_scenario: hists = [merged["madgraph/%s" % sc], merged["sherpa/unweighted/%s" % sc], merged["sherpa/weighted/%s" % sc]] for hist in hists: norm(hist) #hist.SetName(sc) #hist.SetTitle(sc) ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) canv = plot_hists(hists, x_label=costheta["varname"]) leg = legend(hists, styles=["f", "f"], nudge_x=-0.2) chi2 = hists[0].Chi2Test(hists[1], "WW CHI2/NDF") hists[0].SetTitle("madgraph to sherpa comparison #chi^{2}/ndf=%.2f" % chi2) canv.Update() canv.SaveAs(out_dir + "/flavours__%s.png" % (sc)) md_merged = dict() for sc in flavour_scenario:"Calculating ratio for %s" % sc) hi = merged["sherpa/unweighted/%s" % sc].Clone("ratio__%s" % sc) hi.Divide(merged["madgraph/%s" % sc]) merged[hi.GetName()] = hi hc_merged = HistCollection(merged, md_merged, "hists__costheta_flavours_merged")"Saved merged histogram collection")
h.Draw("same *h") hData.Draw("e1 same") #Draws the lumi box from plots.common.utils import lumi_textbox lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi_iso["mu"], "top-right") stacks_d = OrderedDict() #<<< need to use OrderedDict to have data drawn last (dict does not preserve order) stacks_d["sys"] = histos stacks_d["mc"] = list(reversed(stack.GetHists())) stacks_d["data"] = [hData] #print stacks_d #Draw the legend leg_histos = [hData] leg_histos.extend(histos) leg_histos.extend(list(reversed(stack.GetHists()))) from plots.common.legend import legend leg = legend( leg_histos,# <<< need to reverse MC order here, mc3 is top-most pos="top-left", styles=["p", "pl", "pl", "pl", "pl", "pl", "pl", "f"], width=0.2, text_size=0.015 ) filename = "plots/systematics_stack" cst.SaveAs(filename+".png") cst.SaveAs(filename+".pdf") #return cst
\end{tabular} \end{center} \end{frame} """) for name,histo in histos[process].items(): if name != "Nominal": print "Chi2 %s %s %.2f %.3f" %(process,name,histo.Chi2Test(histos[process]["Nominal"], "WW CHI2/NDF"),histo.Chi2Test(histos[process]["Nominal"], "WW")) canv = plot_hists(canv, histos[process], x_label="cos(#Theta *)", title=process, max_bin_mult=1.6 ) #Draws the lumi box lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi_iso["mu"]) #Draw the legend leg = legend( histos[process].values(), # <<< need to reverse MC order here, mc3 is top-most styles=["l"], width=0.3, text_size=0.015 ) outf.write(make_plot_slide(process, canv)) outf.write("\end{document}") outf.close()
def data_mc_plot(pd): hists = load_theta_format(pd.infile, styles) for (variable, sample, systtype, systdir), hist in hists.items_flat(): #Scale all MC samples except QCD to the luminosity if sample_types.is_mc(sample) and not sample=="qcd": hist.Scale(pd.lumi) if hasattr(pd, "rebin"): hist.Rebin(pd.rebin) if sample=="qcd" and hasattr(pd, "qcd_yield"): hist.Scale(pd.qcd_yield / hist.Integral()) rescale_to_fit(sample, hist, pd.process_scale_factor) hist.SetTitle(sample) hist.SetName(sample) #Assuming we only have 1 variable hists = hists[pd.var] hists_nominal = hists.pop("nominal")[None] hists_nom_data = hists_nominal.pop('data') hists_nom_mc = hists_nominal.values() hists_syst = hists hists_nom_data.SetTitle('data') #A list of all the systematic up, down variation templates as 2-tuples all_systs = [ ] all_systs = hists_syst.keys() systs_to_consider = [] #See which systematics where asked to switch on for syst in all_systs: for sm in pd.systematics: if re.match(sm, syst): systs_to_consider.append(syst) #The total nominal MC histogram nom = sum(hists_nom_mc) if pd.normalize: ratio = hists_nom_data.Integral() / nom.Integral() hists_nom_data.Scale(1.0/ratio) #Get all the variated up/down total templates #A list with all the up/down total templates all_systs = [] sumsqs = []"Considering systematics %s" % str(systs_to_consider)) for syst in systs_to_consider: #A list with the up/down variated template for a particular systematic totupdown = [] sumsq = [] for systdir in ["up", "down"]: #Get all the templates corresponding to a systematic scenario and a variation _hists = hists_syst[syst][systdir] for k, h in _hists.items(): """ Consider only the shape variation of the systematic, hence the variated template is normalized to the corresponding unvariated template. """ if pd.systematics_shapeonly: if h.Integral()>0: h.Scale(hists_nominal[k].Integral() / h.Integral()) #For the missing variated templates, use the nominal ones, but warn the user present = set(_hists.keys()) all_mc = set(hists_nominal.keys()) missing = list(all_mc.difference(present)) for m in missing: logger.warning("Missing systematic template for %s:%s" % (syst, systdir)) #Calculate the total variated template tot = sum(_hists.values()) + sum([hists_nominal[m] for m in missing]) totupdown.append(tot) sumsq.append( math.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.power(numpy.array(list(nom.y())) - numpy.array(list(tot.y())), 2))) ) logger.debug("Systematic %s: sumsq=%.2Eu, %.2Ed" % (syst, sumsq[0], sumsq[1])) sumsqs.append((syst, max(sumsq))) all_systs.append( (syst, tuple(totupdown)) ) sumsqs = sorted(sumsqs, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for syst, sumsq in sumsqs[0:7]:"Systematic %s, %.4f" % (syst, sumsq)) #Calculate the total up/down variated templates by summing in quadrature syst_stat_up, syst_stat_down = total_syst( nom, all_systs, ) for k, v in hists_nominal.items(): if hasattr(PhysicsProcess, k): pp = getattr(PhysicsProcess, k) v.SetTitle(pp.pretty_name) else: logger.warning("Not setting pretty name for %s" % k) #If QCD is high-stats, put it in the bottom plotorder = copy.copy(PhysicsProcess.desired_plot_order_mc) if hists_nominal["qcd"].GetEntries()>100: plotorder.pop(plotorder.index("qcd")) plotorder.insert(0, "qcd") stacks_d = OrderedDict() stacks_d['mc'] = reorder(hists_nominal, plotorder) stacks_d['data'] = [hists_nom_data] #Systematic style for s in [syst_stat_up, syst_stat_down]: s.SetFillStyle(0) s.SetLineWidth(3) s.SetMarkerSize(0) s.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue+2) s.SetLineStyle('dashed') s.SetTitle("stat. + syst.") #c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c", 1000, 1000) c = ROOT.TCanvas("c", "c") p1 = ROOT.TPad("p1", "p1", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) p1.Draw() p1.SetTicks(1, 1); p1.SetGrid(); p1.SetFillStyle(0); stacks = plot_hists_stacked( p1, stacks_d, x_label=pd.get_x_label(), max_bin_mult=pd.get_max_bin_mult(), min_bin=pd.get_min_bin() ) p1.SetLogy(pd.log) syst_stat_up.Draw("SAME hist") syst_stat_down.Draw("SAME hist") ratio_pad, hratio = plot_data_mc_ratio( c, hists_nom_data, nom, syst_hists=(syst_stat_down, syst_stat_up), min_max=pd.get_ratio_minmax() ) leg = legend( stacks_d['data'] + list(reversed(stacks_d['mc'])) + [syst_stat_up], nudge_x=pd.legend_nudge_x, nudge_y=pd.legend_nudge_y, **pd.__dict__ ) lb = lumi_textbox(pd.lumi, line2=pd.get_lumibox_comments(channel=pd.channel_pretty), pos=pd.get_lumi_pos() ) c.children = [p1, ratio_pad, stacks, leg, lb] tot = 0 for k, v in hists_nominal.items(): print k, v.Integral(), v.GetEntries() tot += v.Integral() tot_data = hists_nom_data.Integral() print "MC: %.2f Data: %.2f" % (tot, tot_data) #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return c, (hists_nominal, hists_nom_data)
#Draw the stacked histograms #---- stacks_d = OrderedDict() #<<< need to use OrderedDict to have data drawn last (dict does not preserve order) stacks_d["mc"] = [h_mc1, h_mc2, h_mc3] # <<< order is important here, mc1 is bottom-most stacks_d["data"] = [h_d1] stacks = plot_hists_stacked( canv, stacks_d, x_label="variable x [GeV]", y_label="", do_log_y=False ) #Draws the lumi box from plots.common.utils import lumi_textbox lumibox = lumi_textbox(19432) #Draw the legend from plots.common.legend import legend leg = legend( [h_d1, h_mc3, h_mc2, h_mc1], # <<< need to reverse MC order here, mc3 is top-most styles=["p", "f"], width=0.25 ) try: os.mkdir("muon_out") except OSError: pass canv.SaveAs("muon_out/test.pdf")
h.Draw("same *h") hData.Draw("e1 same") #Draws the lumi box from plots.common.utils import lumi_textbox lumibox = lumi_textbox(lumi_iso["mu"], "top-right") stacks_d = OrderedDict( ) #<<< need to use OrderedDict to have data drawn last (dict does not preserve order) stacks_d["sys"] = histos stacks_d["mc"] = list(reversed(stack.GetHists())) stacks_d["data"] = [hData] #print stacks_d #Draw the legend leg_histos = [hData] leg_histos.extend(histos) leg_histos.extend(list(reversed(stack.GetHists()))) from plots.common.legend import legend leg = legend( leg_histos, # <<< need to reverse MC order here, mc3 is top-most pos="top-left", styles=["p", "pl", "pl", "pl", "pl", "pl", "pl", "f"], width=0.2, text_size=0.015) filename = "plots/systematics_stack" cst.SaveAs(filename + ".png") cst.SaveAs(filename + ".pdf") #return cst
#Draw the stacked histograms #---- stacks_d = OrderedDict( ) #<<< need to use OrderedDict to have data drawn last (dict does not preserve order) stacks_d["mc"] = [h_mc1, h_mc2, h_mc3] # <<< order is important here, mc1 is bottom-most stacks_d["data"] = [h_d1] stacks = plot_hists_stacked(canv, stacks_d, x_label="variable x [GeV]", y_label="", do_log_y=False) #Draws the lumi box from plots.common.utils import lumi_textbox lumibox = lumi_textbox(19432) #Draw the legend from plots.common.legend import legend leg = legend( [h_d1, h_mc3, h_mc2, h_mc1 ], # <<< need to reverse MC order here, mc3 is top-most styles=["p", "f"], width=0.25) try: os.mkdir("muon_out") except OSError: pass canv.SaveAs("muon_out/test.pdf")
else: legend_pos = "top-right" if legend_pos == "top-right": lumibox = lumi_textbox(Lumi, "top-left") if legend_pos == "top-left": lumibox = lumi_textbox(Lumi, "top-right") hist_list = mc_to_plot.values() hist_list.reverse() # reverse order of mc histograms for the legend entry hist_list.append(qcd) hist_list.insert(0, data) leg = legend(hist_list, names=process_names, styles=["p", "f"], width=0.25, pos=legend_pos) outfilename = "Plots/" + channel + "/" + mode1 + mode1a + "/" + hist_to_plot + mode2 + weight + ".pdf" if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(outfilename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfilename)) c.SaveAs(outfilename) c.Close() #----------------Signal PDG ID information------------------ # nr_W = 0 # nr_tau = 0 if hist_to_plot == "el_mother_id" or hist_to_plot == "mu_mother_id": nr_W = mc_to_plot["signal"].GetBinContent( 2) + mc_to_plot["signal"].GetBinContent(50)"files = %s" % str(files)) for sn, fi in files.items(): hi = fi.Get("flavour_counts") hi.SetName(sn) pn = sn Styling.mc_style(hi, pn) hists[sn] = hi merges = OrderedDict() merges["W (madgraph)"] = ["W1Jets_exclusive", "W2Jets_exclusive", "W3Jets_exclusive", "W4Jets_exclusive"] merges["W (sherpa)"] = ["WJets_sherpa"] hists_merged = merge_hists(hists, merges) hists = hists_merged.values() ColorStyleGen.style_hists(hists) for h in hists: h.SetFillColor(ROOT.kWhite) h.Scale(1.0 / h.Integral()) c = plot_hists(hists, x_label="flavour(j,j)", y_label="", draw_cmd="HIST E1") leg = legend(hists, styles=len(hists) * ["f"], nudge_x=-0.1) hists[0].SetTitle("Jet flavour fraction n %s" % cut_name) # hists[0].SetFillColor(ROOT.kGreen+2) hists[0].SetMinimum(10 ** -3) hists[0].SetMaximum(10) # hists[0].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen+2) c.SetLogy() c.SaveAs(out_dir + "/flavour_%s.pdf" % cut_name) c.Close()