def run(self): """ This initialise process called when QGIS started """ # create and show the dialog self.dlg = PlotStatisticsDialog() # show the dialog QObject.connect(self.dlg, SIGNAL("okClicked(QString, QString)"), self.readData)
class PlotStatistics: def __init__(self, iface): # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface def initGui(self): self.canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() self.mainWindow = self.iface.mainWindow() # Create action that will start plugin configuration self.action = QAction(QIcon(":/plugins/plotstatistics/icon.png"), \ "plot statistics", self.mainWindow) # connect the action to the run method QObject.connect(self.action, SIGNAL("triggered()"), # Add toolbar button and menu item self.iface.addToolBarIcon(self.action) self.iface.addPluginToMenu("&plot statistics", self.action) def unload(self): # Remove the plugin menu item and icon self.iface.removePluginMenu("&plot statistics",self.action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(self.action) # run method that performs all the real work def run(self): """ This initialise process called when QGIS started """ # create and show the dialog self.dlg = PlotStatisticsDialog() # show the dialog QObject.connect(self.dlg, SIGNAL("okClicked(QString, QString)"), self.readData) def readData(self, layerName, outFile): """ selected layer and output file name are passed in from dialog box, from the layer its attribute values are extracted to plot diagrams. Note this function currently extract data from Vector layer only. """ dateTimeList = [] magList = [] depList = [] vlayer = utils.getVectorLayerByName( layerName ) vprovider = vlayer.dataProvider() feat = QgsFeature() allAttrs = vprovider.attributeIndexes() allAttrs ) # field description myFields = vprovider.fields() while vprovider.nextFeature(feat): atmap = feat.attributeMap() for key, value in atmap.iteritems(): if key == 6: dateTime = "%-22s" % atmap[key].toString() dateTimeList.append(dateTime) elif key == 3: #mag = "%-22s" % atmap[key].toString() mag = "%-22s" % atmap[key].toString() magList.append(mag) elif key == 4: dep = "%-22s" % atmap[key].toString() depList.append(dep) else: pass self.plotTimes(dateTimeList,magList, depList, outFile) def plotTimes(self, dateTimeList,magList, depList, outFile): """ This function plots following diagrams calculating Bin/histogram values - date vs Frequency - time vs Frequency - magnitude vs Frequency - depth vs Frequency """ outputfile = str(outFile) + "_date_freq.png" timeoutputfile = str(outFile) + "_time_freq.png" magoutputfile = str(outFile) + "_mag_freq.png" depoutputfile = str(outFile) + "_dep_freq.png" yearList = [] timeList = [] magOutList = [] depOutList = [] for mag in magList: mag_en = float(mag) magOutList.append(mag_en) for dep in depList: dep_en = float(dep) depOutList.append(dep_en) for dateTime in dateTimeList: year = dateTime[:4] time = dateTime[11:13] year_e = int(year) time_e = int(time) yearList.append(year_e) timeList.append(time_e) # Frequency vs Year plot startYear = min(yearList) endYear = max(yearList) step = 1 #bin width bins = np.arange(startYear, endYear, step) hist, edges = np.histogram(yearList, bins) plt.figure()[:-1]+0.5,hist, width=1, color='k')[:-1]+0.02,hist, width=0.8, color='k') plt.axis([startYear, endYear, 0, 100]) plt.ylabel('Number of Eruptions per Year') plt.xlabel('Year') plt.savefig(outputfile) # Frequency vs Time plot startTime = min(timeList) endTime = max(timeList) step = 1 #bin width bins = np.arange(startTime, endTime, step) hist, edges = np.histogram(timeList, bins) plt.figure()[:-1]+0.5,hist, width=1, color='k') plt.axis([startTime, endTime, 0, 100]) plt.ylabel('Number of Eruptions per Time') plt.xlabel('Time') plt.savefig(timeoutputfile) # Frequency vs Mag plot startMag = min(magOutList) endMag = max(magOutList) step = 1 #bin width bins = np.arange(startMag, endMag, step) hist, edges = np.histogram(magOutList, bins) plt.figure()[:-1]+0.5,hist, width=0.8, color='k') plt.axis([startMag, endMag, 0, 50]) plt.ylabel('Number of Eruptions ') plt.xlabel('Mag') plt.savefig(magoutputfile) # Frequency vs Dep plot startDep = min(depOutList) endDep = max(depOutList) step = 1 #bin width bins = np.arange(startDep, endDep, step) hist, edges = np.histogram(depOutList, bins) plt.figure()[:-1]+0.5,hist, width=0.8, color='k')[:-1]+0.02,hist, width=0.8, color='k') plt.axis([startDep, endDep, 0, 50]) plt.ylabel('Number of Eruptions') plt.xlabel('Depth') plt.savefig(depoutputfile)