def gnuplot_single_slice(plotitem): """plot a single map slice; helper function for process pool""" (outfilename, cube_slice, xaxis, yaxis, vaxis, xylabels, \ aspect, fulltitle, cbar_title, draw_objects) = plotitem plot_slice.gnuplot_2D(outfilename, cube_slice, xaxis, yaxis, vaxis, xylabels, aspect, fulltitle, cbar_title, eps_outfile=None, draw_objects=draw_objects)
def make_cube_movie(source_key, colorbar_title, frame_dir, filetag_suffix="", saveslice=None, saveslice_file=None, outputdir="./", sigmarange=6., ignore=None, multiplier=1., transverse=False, title=None, sigmacut=None, logscale=False, physical=False, convolve=False, tag=None): """Make a stack of spatial slice maps and animate them transverse plots along RA and freq and image plane is in Dec First mask any points that exceed `sigmacut`, and then report the extent of `sigmarange` away from the mean """ datapath_db = data_paths.DataPath() cosmology = Cosmology() littleh = (cosmology.H0 / 100.0) beam_data = np.array([0.316148488246, 0.306805630985, 0.293729620792, 0.281176247549, 0.270856788455, 0.26745856078, 0.258910010848, 0.249188429031]) freq_data = np.array([695, 725, 755, 785, 815, 845, 875, 905], dtype=float) beam_fwhm = interp1d(freq_data, beam_data) freq_data_Hz = freq_data * 1.0e6 if tag is None: tag = '_'.join(source_key.split(";")) tag = '-'.join(tag.split(":")) # for a given path #tag = ".".join(source_key.split(".")[:-1]) # extract root name #tag = tag.split("/")[-1] if title is None: title = "%(tag)s (i = %(index)d, " title += "freq = %(freq)3.1f MHz, z = %(redshift)3.3f, " title += "Dc=%(distance)3.0f cMpc)" print tag fileprefix = frame_dir + tag nlevels = 500 if transverse: orientation = "_freqRA" else: orientation = "_RADec" # prepare the data #cube = algebra.make_vect(algebra.load(source_key)) * multiplier cube = datapath_db.fetch_multi(source_key) * multiplier if logscale: cube[cube < 0] = np.min(np.abs(cube)) cube = np.log10(cube) isnan = np.isnan(cube) isinf = np.isinf(cube) maskarray = ma.mask_or(isnan, isinf) if ignore is not None: maskarray = ma.mask_or(maskarray, (cube == ignore)) convolved = "" if convolve: convolved = "_convolved" beamobj = beam.GaussianBeam(beam_data, freq_data_Hz) cube = beamobj.apply(cube) if sigmacut: #np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan, precision=4) deviation = np.abs((cube - np.mean(cube)) / np.std(cube)) extend_maskarray = (cube > (sigmacut * deviation)) maskarray = ma.mask_or(extend_maskarray, maskarray) mcube = ma.masked_array(cube, mask=maskarray) try: whmaskarray = np.where(maskarray)[0] mask_fraction = float(len(whmaskarray)) / float(cube.size) except: mask_fraction = 0. print "fraction of map clipped: %f" % mask_fraction (cube_mean, cube_std) = (mcube.mean(), mcube.std()) print "cube mean=%g std=%g" % (cube_mean, cube_std) try: len(sigmarange) color_axis = np.linspace(sigmarange[0], sigmarange[1], nlevels, endpoint=True) except TypeError: if (sigmarange > 0.): color_axis = np.linspace(cube_mean - sigmarange * cube_std, cube_mean + sigmarange * cube_std, nlevels, endpoint=True) else: if saveslice is not None: color_axis = np.linspace(ma.min(mcube[saveslice, :, :]), ma.max(mcube[saveslice, :, :]), nlevels, endpoint=True) else: color_axis = np.linspace(ma.min(mcube), ma.max(mcube), nlevels, endpoint=True) print "using range: [%g, %g]" % (np.min(color_axis), np.max(color_axis)) freq_axis = cube.get_axis('freq') (ra_axis, dec_axis) = (cube.get_axis('ra'), cube.get_axis('dec')) runlist = [] # TODO: make transverse work with gnuplot if transverse: for decind in range(cube.shape[2]): fulltitle = tag + " (dec = %3.1f)" % (dec_axis[decind]) runlist.append((decind, cube[:, :, decind], freq_axis, ra_axis, color_axis, ["Freq", "Ra"], 20., fulltitle, colorbar_title, fileprefix, 800.)) else: for freqind in range(cube.shape[0]): outfilename = fileprefix + str('.%03d' % freqind) + '.jpeg' # if in angle, freq coordinates if not physical: freq_MHz = freq_axis[freqind] / 1.e6 z_here = cc.freq_21cm_MHz / freq_MHz - 1. comoving_distance = cosmology.comoving_distance(z_here) / littleh proper_distance = cosmology.proper_distance(z_here) / littleh angular_scale = 20. / / proper_distance title_info = {"index": freqind, "redshift": z_here, "distance": comoving_distance, "freq": freq_MHz, "tag": tag} fulltitle = title % title_info if (freq_MHz <= freq_data.min()) or \ (freq_MHz >= freq_data.max()): fwhm = 0. else: fwhm = beam_fwhm(freq_MHz) FWHM_circle = {"primitive": "circle", "center_x": 0.9, "center_y": 0.15, "radius": fwhm / 2., "width": 5, "color": "purple" } region_scale = {"primitive": "rect", "center_x": 0.9, "center_y": 0.15, "size_x": angular_scale, "size_y": angular_scale, "width": 3, "color": "black" } draw_objects = [FWHM_circle, region_scale] runlist.append((outfilename, cube[freqind, :, :], ra_axis, dec_axis, color_axis, ["RA", "Dec"], 1., fulltitle, colorbar_title, draw_objects)) else: distance = freq_axis[freqind] / 1.e6 fulltitle = "%s (i = %d, Dc = %10.3f cMpc)" % \ (title, freqind, distance) runlist.append((outfilename, cube[freqind, :, :], ra_axis, dec_axis, color_axis, ["x (RA, cMpc/h)", "y (Dec, cMpc/h)"], 1., fulltitle, colorbar_title, draw_objects)) if saveslice is not None: print "saving just slice %d" % saveslice (outfilename, cube_slice, xaxis, yaxis, vaxis, xylabels, \ aspect, fulltitle, cbar_title, draw_objects) = runlist[saveslice] plot_slice.gnuplot_2D(outfilename, cube_slice, xaxis, yaxis, vaxis, xylabels, aspect, fulltitle, cbar_title, eps_outfile=saveslice_file, draw_objects=draw_objects) else: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 4)), runlist) #gnuplot_single_slice(runlist[0]) # for troubleshooting argument = frame_dir + tag + '.%03d.jpeg' outfile = outputdir + tag + filetag_suffix + orientation + convolved + '.mp4' subprocess.check_call(('ffmpeg', '-vb', '2500000', '-r', '10', '-y', '-i', argument, outfile)) for fileindex in range(len(runlist)): os.remove(fileprefix + str('.%03d' % fileindex) + '.jpeg')