self.sell('long', price, self.position()) #six.print_('sel', self.datetime[0].date(), price, self.position()) #six.print_('---') if price > self.buy_price: self.num_win += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': pcon = stock(code) simulator = ExecuteUnit( [pcon], None, #'2015-08-02', # 使用自定义的数据源 datasource=ds163.CachedStock163Source('163cache')) algo = DemoStrategy(simulator) #six.print_('close: ', #six.print_('close length: ', algo.close.length_history) six.print_('total: %s, win: %s' % (algo.num_cont, algo.num_win)) # 显示回测结果 a = {} b = [] try: for trans in algo.blotter.transactions: deals.update_positions(a, b, trans) except Exception, e: six.print_(e) plotting.plot_result([pcon], algo._indicators, b, algo.blotter)
#algo2 = DemoStrategy(simulator) #for deal in algo.blotter.deal_positions: ## code... #print("----------------") #print("开仓时间: %s;成交价格: %f;买卖方向: %s;成交量: %d;") % \ #(deal.open_datetime, deal.open_price, Direction.type_to_str(deal.direction), deal.quantity) #print("平仓时间: %s;成交价格: %f;买卖方向: %s;成交量: %d;盈亏: %f;") % \ #(deal.close_datetime, deal.close_price, Direction.type_to_str(deal.direction), deal.quantity, deal.profit()) # 显示回测结果 a = {} b = [] try: for trans in algo.blotter.transactions: deals.update_positions(a, b, trans); except Exception, e: print e plotting.plot_result([pcon], algo._indicators, b, algo.blotter) except Exception, e: import traceback print traceback.format_exc() #print e
if self.ma10[1] < self.ma20[1] and self.ma10 > self.ma20:'long',, 1, contract = 'IF000.SHFE') elif self.position() > 0 and self.ma10[1] > self.ma20[1] and self.ma10 < self.ma20: self.sell('long',, 1) # 输出pcon1的当前K线开盘价格。 print( # 夸品种数据引用 # pcon2的前一根K线开盘价格。 print(self.open_(1)[1]) if __name__ == '__main__': try: # 策略的运行对象周期合约 pcon1 = pcontract('IF000.SHFE', '10.Minute') pcon2 = pcontract('IF000.SHFE', '10.Minute') # 创建模拟器,这里假设策略要用到两个不同的数据,比如套利。 simulator = ExecuteUnit([pcon1, pcon2]); # 创建策略。 algo = DemoStrategy(simulator) # 运行模拟器,这里会开始事件循环。 # 显示回测结果 plotting.plot_result([pcon], algo._indicators, algo.blotter.deal_positions, algo.blotter) except Exception, e: print(e)
def plot_reslist(l_bases_tests): import plotting as pl for base,rtest in l_bases_tests: pl.plot_result(rtest)
pcon = pcontract('BB.SHFE', '1.Minute') #begin_dt, end_dt = '2015-05-25', '2015-06-01' #pcon = stock('600848','10.Minute') # 通过tushare下载股票数据 simulator = ExecuteUnit([pcon, pcon], '2013-12-12', '2013-12-25') algo = DemoStrategy(simulator) #algo1 = DemoStrategy(simulator) #algo2 = DemoStrategy(simulator) #for deal in algo.blotter.deal_positions: ## code... #print("----------------") #print("开仓时间: %s;成交价格: %f;买卖方向: %s;成交量: %d;") % \ #(deal.open_datetime, deal.open_price, Direction.type_to_str(deal.direction), deal.quantity) #print("平仓时间: %s;成交价格: %f;买卖方向: %s;成交量: %d;盈亏: %f;") % \ #(deal.close_datetime, deal.close_price, Direction.type_to_str(deal.direction), deal.quantity, deal.profit()) # 显示回测结果 positions = {} signals = [] for trans in algo.blotter.transactions: deals.update_positions(positions, signals, trans) plotting.plot_result([pcon], algo._indicators, signals, algo.blotter.all_holdings) except Exception, e: import traceback print e print traceback.format_exc() #print e
algo = DemoStrategy(simulator) #algo1 = DemoStrategy(simulator) #algo2 = DemoStrategy(simulator) #for deal in algo.blotter.deal_positions: ## code... #print("----------------") #print("开仓时间: %s;成交价格: %f;买卖方向: %s;成交量: %d;") % \ #(deal.open_datetime, deal.open_price, Direction.type_to_str(deal.direction), deal.quantity) #print("平仓时间: %s;成交价格: %f;买卖方向: %s;成交量: %d;盈亏: %f;") % \ #(deal.close_datetime, deal.close_price, Direction.type_to_str(deal.direction), deal.quantity, deal.profit()) # 显示回测结果 positions = {} signals = [] for trans in algo.blotter.transactions: deals.update_positions(positions, signals, trans); plotting.plot_result([pcon], algo._indicators, signals, algo.blotter.all_holdings) except Exception, e: import traceback print e print traceback.format_exc() #print e