Exemple #1
 def f(mode, fname):
     wf = functools.partial(lambda z, x: wavefs[mode - 1](x, z), 0)
     (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(title=u'Argand diagram for n=%i mode' % mode,
     plotting.plot_argand(ax, wf, waveguide.slab_gap)
     plotting.save_figure(fig, fname)
def wrangle(data, target=sentiments):
    '''Prepare data for classification'''

    raw_len = len(data.index)

    # Drop duplicate data
    data.drop_duplicates('Sentence', inplace=True)

    # Reverse one-hot encoding to obtain single target vector
    data['Sentiment'] = data.loc[:, target].idxmax(axis=1)
    data.drop(target, axis=1, inplace=True)

    # Define length of sentences by splitting per space
    data['NumWords'] = data['Sentence'].str.split().str.len()

    # Remove special characters without meaning

    # Pie chart to visualize fraction of useful data
    print('{} instances of {} ({:.3f}%) remaining.'.format(
        len(data.index), raw_len,
        len(data.index) / raw_len * 100.0))
    labels = ['Good data', 'Bad data']
    sizes = [len(data.index), raw_len - len(data.index)]
    plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.1f%%')
    plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), 'useful_data')
def evaluate_parameter(results, poi, tag,
                       xlabel=None, ylabel=None,
                       categorical=False, log=False, xticklabels=None):
    # Replace NaN (or None) with 0 to allow for Python-style logical comparison
    results = results.fillna(0)
    # Create parameter index (without scores) to filter results with
    optimum = results.loc[results[selected_score].idxmax()]
    idx = optimum.index.drop(scores)
    # Get sample of results where all parameters are identical except for the
    # parameter of interest
    sample = results[conjunction([results[n] == optimum[n] for n in idx.drop(poi)])]

    if categorical:
        c = sns.catplot(x=poi, y=selected_score, data=sample, kind='bar')
        plt.ylabel(ylabel if ylabel else selected_score)
        plt.xlabel(xlabel if xlabel else poi)
        if xticklabels:
            vals, labels = plt.xticks()
                       [xticklabels(l.get_text()) for l in labels],
        plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), tag + '_' + poi)
        sample = sample.sort_values(by=poi)
        plt.errorbar(x=poi, y=selected_score, data=sample)
                        sample[selected_score] - sample[selected_score_std],
                        sample[selected_score] + sample[selected_score_std],
        plt.ylabel(ylabel if ylabel else selected_score)
        plt.xlabel(xlabel if xlabel else poi)
        if log: plt.xscale('log')
        plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), tag + '_' + poi)
Exemple #4
    def f(mode, fname):
        wavefs_propagated = []
        labels = []

        for d in dists:
            wavefs_propagated.append(functools.partial(lambda z,x: wavefs[mode-1](x,z), d))
            labels.append('z=%.3fm' % d)

        (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(title=u'Intensity for n=%i mode' % mode,
            xlabel=u'Distance accross waveguide (m)',
            ylabel=u'Wavefunction intensity (arbitrary units)')

        colours = ['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'purple', 'grey', 'lime', 'cyan', 'yellow', 'black', 'navy', 'teal']
        d = []
        for (wf, lbl) in zip(wavefs_propagated, labels):
            d.append(plotting.plot_intensity(ax, wf, waveguide.slab_gap, colour=colours.pop(), label=lbl))

        if len(dists) != 1:
            ax.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size' : 10})

        plotting.save_figure(fig, fname)
        i = 1
        for data in d:
            sio.savemat(fname + str(i) + '.mat',data)
            i += 1
Exemple #5
 def f(mode, fname):
     wf = functools.partial(lambda z,x: wavefs[mode-1](x,z), 0)
     (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(title=u'Poynting vector for n=%i mode' % mode,
         xlabel=u'Distance accross waveguide (m)',
         ylabel=u'Energy flow (right is +)')
     d = plotting.plot_poynting_vector(ax, wf, waveguide.slab_gap)
     plotting.save_figure(fig, fname)
     sio.savemat(fname + '.mat', d)
Exemple #6
 def f(mode, fname):
     wavef = lambda x: wavefs[mode-1](x, 0)
     (fig, reax, imax) = plotting.setup_figure_topbottom(title=u'Wavefunction for n=%i mode' % mode,
     #fig, reax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(title=u'Wavefunction for n=%i mode' % mode,
         xlabel=u'Distance accross waveguide (m)',
         ylabel=u'Wavefunction (arbitrary units)')
     d = plotting.plot_wavefunction(reax, imax, wavef, waveguide.slab_gap)
     plotting.save_figure(fig, fname)
     sio.savemat(fname + '.mat', d)
def tf_idf(data):
    param_grid = [
        {'vec__stop_words': [None, 'english'],
         'vec__ngram_range': [(1, 1), (1, 2)],
         'vec__min_df': [3, 4, 5],
         'vec__max_df': [0.5, 0.75, 0.9],
         # 'vec__sublinear_tf': [True, False],
         'model': [LinearSVC],
         'clf__max_iter': [10000],
         'clf__dual': [False, True],
         'clf__class_weight': ['balanced'],
         'clf__random_state': [0]},

        {'vec__stop_words': [None, 'english'],
         'vec__ngram_range': [(1, 1), (1, 2)],
         'vec__min_df': [1, 2, 3, 4],
         'vec__max_df': [0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95],
         'vec__sublinear_tf': [True, False],
         'model': [MultinomialNB, ComplementNB, BernoulliNB],
         'clf__alpha': [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0]}

    results = mlearning.cross_validate(
        mlearning.tf_idf, ParameterGrid(param_grid),
        data['Sentence'], data['Sentiment']
    ).sort_values(by='balanced_accuracy_score', ascending=False)
    print('--- Tf-Idf results ---')
          .drop(['accuracy_score', 'accuracy_score_std', 'confusion_matrix', 'parameters'], axis=1)
          .rename({'balanced_accuracy_score': 'bas', 'balanced_accuracy_score_std': 'bas_std'}, axis=1)

    mlearning.characterize_optimum(results, data, mlearning.tf_idf)

    # Confusion matrix
    optimum = results.loc[results['balanced_accuracy_score'].idxmax()]
    plotting.confusion_heatmap(optimum['confusion_matrix'], sentiments)
    plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), 'confusion_heatmap')
    plotting.confusion_heatmap(optimum['confusion_matrix'], sentiments, True)
    plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), 'confusion_heatmap_norm')

    # Hyperparameter dependency
    evaluate_parameter(results, 'clf__alpha', 'tfidf',
                       ylabel='Balanced accuracy score', xlabel='Alpha', log=True)
    evaluate_parameter(results, 'vec__max_df', 'tfidf',
                       ylabel='Balanced accuracy score', xlabel='Max doc frequency')
    evaluate_parameter(results, 'vec__min_df', 'tfidf',
                       ylabel='Balanced accuracy score', xlabel='Min doc frequency')
    evaluate_parameter(results, 'vec__ngram_range', 'tfidf',
                       ylabel='Balanced accuracy score', xlabel='n-gram range', categorical=True)
        results, 'model', 'tfidf', ylabel='Balanced accuracy score', categorical=True,
        xticklabels=lambda x: str(x).split("'")[1].split('.')[-1])
def characterize(data):
    '''Characterize the data visually'''

    # Bias in terms of sentiment
    plotting.save_figure(sns.countplot(x='Sentiment', data=data),

    # Overview of length of sentences
    plotting.save_figure(sns.distplot(data['NumWords']), 'num_words')

    # Overview of length of sentences per sentiment
    colors = plotting.palette()
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 6), sharey=True)
    for sentiment, ax in zip(sentiments, axs):
        color = next(colors)
        p = sns.distplot(data.loc[data['Sentiment'] == sentiment, 'NumWords'],
                         bins=8, ax=ax, color=color,
                         hist=True, kde=False, norm_hist=True,
                         fit=stats.lognorm, fit_kws={'color': color})
    # plt.legend()
    plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), 'num_words_sentiments')

    # Overview of length of sentences per sentiment
    colors = plotting.palette()
    for sentiment, ax in zip(sentiments, axs):
        sns.distplot(data.loc[data['Sentiment'] == sentiment, 'NumWords'],
                     bins=8, label=sentiment,
                     hist=False, kde=False, norm_hist=True,
                     fit=stats.lognorm, fit_kws={'color': next(colors)})
    plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), 'num_words_fits')

    # Visualize splitting of data
    fold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5)
        fold, data['Sentence'],
            {'Negative': 0, 'Neutral': 1, 'Positive': 2}).sort_values(),
    ax, 5)
    plotting.save_figure(plt.gcf(), 'stratified_cross_fold')
Exemple #9
def sp_plot_wavefunction(waveguide, wavelength, angle, out_file, verbose=False):
    This method produces a wavefunction hitting the waveguide at angle, and splits it into the guided modes of the
    waveguide. The resultant wavefunction is plotted
    @param waveguide: The waveguide being illuminated
    @type waveguide: PlanarWaveguide
    @param wavelength: The wavelength of light illuminating the waveguide
    @type wavelength: float
    @param angle: The angle of the plane waves striking the waveguide, in radian
    @type angle: float
    @param out_file: The filename to write output to
    @type out_file: str
    @param verbose: Whether or not to give verbose output
    @type verbose: bool
    @return: None

    solver = modesolvers.ExpLossySolver(waveguide, wavelength)
    kxs = solver.solve_transcendental(verbose=verbose)
    wavefs = solver.get_wavefunctions(kxs, verbose=verbose)

    k = 2*np.pi/wavelength
    inkx = k*np.sin(angle)
    inwave = lambda x: np.exp(1j*inkx*x)

    splitter = splitters.ModeSplitter(inwave, wavefs)
    cm = splitter.get_coupling_constants()
    wffull = splitter.get_wavefunction(cm)
    wf = functools.partial(lambda z,x: wffull(x,z), 0.005)

    if verbose:
        print 'Coupling coefficients: '
        for (i,c) in enumerate(cm):
            print '\t %i: Magnitude: %f, Phase: %f, Square: %f' % (i+1, np.abs(c), np.angle(c), np.abs(c)**2)

    (fig, reax, imax) = plotting.setup_figure_topbottom(title=ur'Wavefunction for incidence angle $\theta=%f$ rad' % angle,
        xlabel=u'Distance accross waveguide (m)',
        ylabel=u'Wavefunction (arbitrary units)')
    #plotting.plot_intensity(reax, wf, waveguide.slab_gap)
    #phasef = lambda x: np.angle(wf(x))

    plotting.plot_wavefunction(reax, imax, wf, waveguide.slab_gap)
    plotting.save_figure(fig, unicode(out_file))
Exemple #10
    def f(mode, fname):
        kx = kxs[mode-1]
        inwave = lambda x: np.exp(1j*kx.real*x)
        splitter = splitters.ModeSplitter(inwave, wavefs)
        cm = splitter.get_coupling_constants()
        wffull = splitter.get_wavefunction(cm)
        wf = lambda x: wffull(x, 0.005)

        #(fig, reax, imax) = plotting.setup_figure_topbottom(
        #    title=ur'Wavefunction for incidence angle on n=%i mode' % mode,
        #    xlabel=u'Distance accross waveguide (m)',
        #    ylabel=u'Wavefunction (arbitrary units)')
        (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(
            title=ur'Wavefunction for incidence angle on n=%i mode' % mode,
            xlabel=u'Distance accross waveguide (m)',
            ylabel=u'Wavefunction (arbitrary units)')
        #plotting.plot_wavefunction(reax, imax, wf, waveguide.slab_gap)
        plotting.plot_intensity(ax, wf, waveguide.slab_gap)
        plotting.save_figure(fig, fname)

        coefftable[mode-1, :] = np.abs(cm)**2
Exemple #11
def sp_plot_coupled_map(waveguide, wavelength, angle, zlimits, out_file, verbose=False):
    This method produces a plot of the intensity map in the waveguide when it is illuminated by a plane wave
    of arbitrary angle

    @param waveguide: The waveguide being illuminated
    @type waveguide: PlanarWaveguide
    @param wavelength: The wavelength of light illuminating the waveguide
    @type wavelength: float
    @param angle: The angle of the plane waves striking the waveguide, in radian
    @type angle: float
    @param zlimits: The z-axis limits within which to plot the wavefunction
    @type zlimits: tuple
    @param out_file: The filename to write output to
    @type out_file: str
    @param verbose: Whether or not to give verbose output
    @type verbose: bool
    @return: None

    #do the decomposition
    solver = modesolvers.ExpLossySolver(waveguide, wavelength)
    kxs = solver.solve_transcendental(verbose=verbose)
    wavefs = solver.get_wavefunctions(kxs, verbose=verbose)

    k = 2 * np.pi / wavelength
    inkx = k * np.sin(angle)
    inwave = lambda x: np.exp(1j * inkx * x)

    splitter = splitters.ModeSplitter(inwave, wavefs)
    cm = splitter.get_coupling_constants()
    wffull = splitter.get_wavefunction(cm)
    (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(
        title=ur'Intensity for incidence angle %f rads' % angle,
        xlabel=u'Longitudinal distance accross waveguide (m)',
        ylabel=u'Transverse distance accross waveguide (m)')
    (X,Y,Z) = plotting.plot_intensity_map(ax, wffull, waveguide.slab_gap, zlimits)
    plotting.save_figure(fig, unicode(out_file))
    sio.savemat(out_file + '.mat', {'inten' : Z, 'X' : X, 'Y' : Y})
Exemple #12
def sp_plot_total_coupling(waveguide, wavelength, out_file, verbose=False):
    solver = modesolvers.ExpLossySolver(waveguide, wavelength)
    kxs = solver.solve_transcendental(verbose=verbose)
    wavefs = solver.get_wavefunctions(kxs, verbose=verbose)

    tirang = waveguide.critical_angle(wavelength)
    angs = np.linspace(0, tirang+0.1*tirang, num=100)
    intensity = np.zeros(100)

    k = 2*np.pi/wavelength

    pb = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=['Calculating Integrals: ', progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar()],
    if verbose:

    for (n,a) in enumerate(angs):
        kx = np.sin(a)*k
        inwave = lambda x: np.exp(1j*kx*x)

        splitter = splitters.ModeSplitter(inwave, wavefs)
        cm = splitter.get_coupling_constants()
        wffull = splitter.get_wavefunction(cm)
        wf = lambda x: wffull(x, 0)
        integrand = lambda x: np.abs(wf(x))**2
        area = integrate.quad(integrand, -1e-6, 1e-6, limit=3000)[0]
        intensity[n] = area

        if verbose:

    (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(title=u'Coupling efficiency of waveguide',
        xlabel=u'Angle of radiation incidence (rads)',
        ylabel=u'Intensity Coupled')
    ax.plot(angs, intensity)
    plotting.save_figure(fig, out_file)
    sio.savemat(out_file + '.mat', {'angs' : angs, 'Intensity' : intensity})
    i += 1

nodes = [1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216]
strnodes = ['$' + str(x) + '^3$' for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9]]
ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
#ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')

#ax.set_yticklabels(np.array(nodes, dtype=int))


ax.plot(nodes, np.ones(len(nodes)), "k--", label="ideal")

ax.set_ylabel("Efficiency  $E = \dfrac{t_1 N}{t_N}$")
plt.legend()  #frameon=False)

myplt.make_grid(ax, True)

if blood:
    myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'strong_scale_blood.pdf')
    myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'strong_scale_poiseuille.pdf')

Exemple #14
def ic_exit_surface(waveguide, sourcecls, angle, nwaves, out_file, verbose=False):
    This method implements incoherent --exitsurface behaviour
    It plots the intensity profile at the exit surface of the waveguide when it is illuminated with incoherent
    radiation from source at an angle of angle

    @param waveguide: The waveguide being illuminated
    @type waveguide: PlanarWaveguide
    @param source: The characteristics of the source that is generating the radiation hitting this waveguide
    @type source: type
    @param angle: The angle the waveguide is tilted at with respect to the source
    @type angle: float
    @param nwaves: The number of waves to contribute to the plot of the exit surface
    @type nwaves: int
    @param out_file: The file to write the resultant plot to
    @type out_file: str
    @param verbose: Whether or not to give verbose output
    @type verbose: bool
    @return: None

    source = sourcecls(angle)
    intensity = np.zeros((250,500))
    (X, Y) = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, waveguide.length, 500),
        np.linspace(-waveguide.slab_gap, waveguide.slab_gap, 250))

    #let's see if our source is monochromatic
    prevval = source.get_wave()[1]
    ismonochrome = True
    for i in range(10):
        newval = source.get_wave()[1]
        ismonochrome = ismonochrome and prevval == newval
        prevval = newval
    if ismonochrome:
        #get this done once
        solver = modesolvers.ExpLossySolver(waveguide, prevval)
        kx = solver.solve_transcendental(verbose=False) #this'll get real noisy otherwise
        modewaves = solver.get_wavefunctions(kx, verbose=False)

    pb = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=['Performing Incoherent Sum: ', progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar()],
    if verbose:

    #We need to iterate over many waves, summing their intensity
    for i in xrange(nwaves):
        #get a wave
        (wave, wl) = source.get_wave()
        inwave = lambda x: wave(x, 0) #only intersted in incidence surface
        #solve modes for this wl
        if not ismonochrome:
            solver = modesolvers.ExpLossySolver(waveguide, wl)
            kx = solver.solve_transcendental(verbose=False) #this'll get real noisy otherwise
            modewaves = solver.get_wavefunctions(kx, verbose=False)
        #split wave into modes
        splitter = splitters.ModeSplitter(inwave, modewaves)
        cm = splitter.get_coupling_constants()
        wffull = splitter.get_wavefunction(cm)
        #get wavefunction at exit surface
        exitf = lambda x,y: np.abs(wffull(y, x))**2
        #incoherently add exitf to the picture so far
        exitvf = np.vectorize(exitf)
        intensity = intensity + exitvf(X,Y)
        if verbose:
    #now plot it
    (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(
        title=ur'Exit surface intensity',
        xlabel=u'Longitudinal distance across waveguide (m)',
        ylabel=u'Transverse distance across waveguide (m)')
    #ax.plot(x, intensity, color='blue', linestyle='-', marker=None, antialiased=True)
    #ax.set_xlim((-waveguide.slab_gap, waveguide.slab_gap))
    #ax.set_ylim((np.min(intensity) - 0.1 * np.abs(np.min(intensity)),
    #             np.max(intensity) + 0.1 * np.abs(np.max(intensity))))
    #plotting.shade_waveguide(ax, waveguide.slab_gap)

    #Consider only the rightmost 4/5ths when setting the intensity
    #lowest = np.min(intensity[:, 360:])
    #highest = np.max(intensity[:, 360:])

    pcm = ax.pcolor(X, Y, intensity, cmap=matplotlib.cm.jet)
    ax.get_figure().colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, use_gridspec=True)
    ax.set_xlim((0, waveguide.length))
    ax.set_ylim((-waveguide.slab_gap, waveguide.slab_gap))

    #bang down a slightly different guideline for the waveguide limits
    topr = Rectangle((0, waveguide.slab_gap / 2), waveguide.length, waveguide.slab_gap / 2, hatch='\\', fill=False)
    bottomr = Rectangle((0, -waveguide.slab_gap), waveguide.length, waveguide.slab_gap / 2, hatch='/', fill=False)
    plotting.save_figure(fig, unicode(out_file))
    #save the data too
    sio.savemat(out_file+'.mat', {'intensity':intensity, 'X':X, 'Y':Y})
Exemple #15
         label='Data dump',
plt.plot(nodes, total, '-', label='Total', linewidth=2.5, zorder=2, color='C2')

nodes = [x**3 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]
strnodes = ['$' + str(x) + '^3$' for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]
ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
#ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')

#ax.set_yticklabels(np.array(nodes, dtype=int))


ax.set_ylabel("Time per step, \si{\milli\second}")
plt.legend()  #frameon=False)


myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'datadump.pdf')
    i += 1

nodes = [x**3 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9]]
strnodes = ['$' + str(x) + '^3$' for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9]]
ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
#ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')

#ax.set_yticklabels(np.array(nodes, dtype=int))


ax.plot(nodes, np.ones(len(nodes)), "k--", label="ideal")

ax.set_ylabel("Efficiency  $E = \dfrac{t_1}{t_N}$")
plt.legend()  #frameon=False)

myplt.make_grid(ax, True)

if blood:
    myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'weak_scale_blood.pdf')
    myplt.save_figure(fig, 3, 'weak_scale_poiseuille.pdf')

Exemple #17
def ic_far_field(waveguide, sourcecls, angle, nwaves, out_file, verbose=False):
    """Pretty shameless copy-paste of the exit_surface method follows"""
    source = sourcecls(angle)
    intensity = np.zeros(500)
    xv = np.linspace(-waveguide.slab_gap, waveguide.slab_gap, 500)

    #let's see if our source is monochromatic
    prevval = source.get_wave()[1]
    ismonochrome = True
    for i in range(10):
        newval = source.get_wave()[1]
        ismonochrome = ismonochrome and prevval == newval
        prevval = newval
    if ismonochrome:
        #get this done once
        solver = modesolvers.ExpLossySolver(waveguide, prevval)
        kx = solver.solve_transcendental(verbose=False) #this'll get real noisy otherwise
        modewaves = solver.get_wavefunctions(kx, verbose=False)

    pb = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=['Performing Incoherent Sum: ', progressbar.Percentage(), progressbar.Bar()],
    if verbose:

    #We need to iterate over many waves, summing their intensity
    for i in xrange(nwaves):
        #get a wave
        (wave, wl) = source.get_wave()
        inwave = lambda x: wave(x, 0) #only intersted in incidence surface
        #solve modes for this wl
        if not ismonochrome:
            solver = modesolvers.ExpLossySolver(waveguide, wl)
            kx = solver.solve_transcendental(verbose=False) #this'll get real noisy otherwise
            modewaves = solver.get_wavefunctions(kx, verbose=False)
            #split wave into modes
        splitter = splitters.ModeSplitter(inwave, modewaves)
        cm = splitter.get_coupling_constants()
        wffull = splitter.get_wavefunction(cm)
        #get wavefunction at exit surface
        exitf = lambda x: wffull(x, waveguide.length)
        #incoherently add exitf to the picture so far
        exitvf = np.vectorize(exitf)
        exitdata = exitvf(xv)
        farfield = fft.fft(exitdata)
        intensity = intensity + np.abs(fft.fftshift(farfield))**2
        if verbose:
            pb.update(i + 1)
            #now plot it
    (fig, ax) = plotting.setup_figure_standard(
        title=ur'Propagated Intensity',
        xlabel=u'Intensity at screen (arbitrary units)',
        ylabel=u'Relative transverse distance on screen (m)')
    ax.plot(xv, intensity, color='blue', linestyle='-', marker=None, antialiased=True)
    ax.set_xlim((-waveguide.slab_gap, waveguide.slab_gap))
    ax.set_ylim((np.min(intensity) - 0.1 * np.abs(np.min(intensity)),
                 np.max(intensity) + 0.1 * np.abs(np.max(intensity))))
    plotting.shade_waveguide(ax, waveguide.slab_gap)

    #Consider only the rightmost 4/5ths when setting the intensity
    #lowest = np.min(intensity[:, 360:])
    #highest = np.max(intensity[:, 360:])

    #pcm = ax.pcolor(X, Y, intensity, cmap=matplotlib.cm.jet)
    #ax.get_figure().colorbar(pcm, ax=ax, use_gridspec=True)
    #ax.set_xlim((0, waveguide.length))
    #ax.set_ylim((-waveguide.slab_gap, waveguide.slab_gap))

    #bang down a slightly different guideline for the waveguide limits
    #topr = Rectangle((0, waveguide.slab_gap / 2), waveguide.length, waveguide.slab_gap / 2, hatch='\\', fill=False)
    #bottomr = Rectangle((0, -waveguide.slab_gap), waveguide.length, waveguide.slab_gap / 2, hatch='/', fill=False)
    plotting.save_figure(fig, unicode(out_file))
    #save the data too
    sio.savemat(out_file + '.mat', {'intensity': intensity, 'xv' : xv})