def make_wordfigures(ibs, metrics, invindex, figdir, wx_sample, wx2_dpath): """ Builds mosaics of patches assigned to words in sample ouptuts them to disk """ from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 import vtool as vt import parse vocabdir = join(figdir, 'vocab_patches2') ut.ensuredir(vocabdir) dump_word_patches(ibs, vocabdir, invindex, wx_sample, metrics) # COLLECTING PART --- collects patches in word folders #vocabdir seldpath = vocabdir + '_selected' ut.ensurepath(seldpath) # stack for show for wx, dpath in ut.progiter(six.iteritems(wx2_dpath), lbl='Dumping Word Images:', num=len(wx2_dpath), freq=1, backspace=False): #df2.rrr() fpath_list = fname_list = [basename(fpath_) for fpath_ in fpath_list] patch_list = [vt.imread(fpath_) for fpath_ in fpath_list] # color each patch by nid nid_list = [ int(parse.parse('{}_nid={nid}_{}', fname)['nid']) for fname in fname_list ] nid_set = set(nid_list) nid_list = np.array(nid_list) if len(nid_list) == len(nid_set): # no duplicate names newpatch_list = patch_list else: # duplicate names. do coloring sortx = nid_list.argsort() patch_list = np.array(patch_list, dtype=object)[sortx] fname_list = np.array(fname_list, dtype=object)[sortx] nid_list = nid_list[sortx] colors = (255 * np.array(df2.distinct_colors(len(nid_set)))).astype( np.int32) color_dict = dict(zip(nid_set, colors)) wpad, hpad = 3, 3 newshape_list = [ tuple( (np.array(patch.shape) + (wpad * 2, hpad * 2, 0)).tolist()) for patch in patch_list ] color_list = [color_dict[nid_] for nid_ in nid_list] newpatch_list = [ np.zeros(shape) + color[None, None] for shape, color in zip(newshape_list, color_list) ] for patch, newpatch in zip(patch_list, newpatch_list): newpatch[wpad:-wpad, hpad:-hpad, :] = patch #img_list = patch_list #bigpatch = vt.stack_image_recurse(patch_list) #bigpatch = vt.stack_image_list(patch_list, vert=False) bigpatch = vt.stack_square_images(newpatch_list) bigpatch_fpath = join(seldpath, basename(dpath) + '_patches.png') # def _dictstr(dict_): str_ = ut.dict_str(dict_, newlines=False) str_ = str_.replace('\'', '').replace(': ', '=').strip('{},') return str_ figtitle = '\n'.join([ 'wx=%r' % wx, 'stat(pdist): %s' % _dictstr(metrics.wx2_pdist_stats[wx]), 'stat(wdist): %s' % _dictstr(metrics.wx2_wdist_stats[wx]), ]) metrics.wx2_nMembers[wx] df2.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) fig, ax = df2.imshow(bigpatch, figtitle=figtitle) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle) df2.adjust_subplots(top=.878, bottom=0) df2.save_figure(1, bigpatch_fpath)
def test_grabcut_on_aid(aid): chip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(aid) probchip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_probchip_fpath(aid) chip_img = cv2.imread(chip_fpath) probchip_img = cv2.imread(probchip_fpath, flags=cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) label_values = [cv2.GC_BGD, cv2.GC_PR_BGD, cv2.GC_PR_FGD, cv2.GC_FGD] def probchip_to_grabcut_labels(probchip_img, w, h): scaled_probchip = cv2.resize(probchip_img, dsize=(w, h)) mask = ((len(label_values) - 1) * (scaled_probchip / 255)).astype(np.uint8) # Except for one center pixel #mask[mask.shape[0] // 2, mask.shape[1] // 2] = 3 label_mask = mask.copy() for index, value in enumerate(label_values): label_mask[mask == index] = value # No certainty label_mask[label_mask == cv2.GC_FGD] = cv2.GC_PR_FGD label_mask[label_mask == cv2.GC_BGD] = cv2.GC_PR_BGD return label_mask def grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask): image_mask = label_mask.copy() label_colors = np.linspace(0, 255, len(label_values)).astype(np.uint8) for value, color in zip(label_values, label_colors): image_mask[label_mask == value] = (color) return image_mask def grabcut_from_probchip(chip_img, label_mask): rect = (0, 0, w, h) bgd_model = np.zeros((1, 13 * 5), np.float64) fgd_model = np.zeros((1, 13 * 5), np.float64) num_iters = 5 mode = cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK # label_mask is an outvar label_mask_ = label_mask.copy() print(label_values) print(np.unique(label_mask_)) with ut.Timer('grabcut'): cv2.grabCut(chip_img, label_mask_, rect, bgd_model, fgd_model, num_iters, mode=mode) #is_foreground = (label_mask == cv2.GC_FGD) + (label_mask == cv2.GC_PR_FGD) #is_foreground = (label_mask_ == cv2.GC_FGD) # + (label_mask == cv2.GC_PR_FGD) return label_mask_ (h, w) = chip_img.shape[0:2] label_mask = probchip_to_grabcut_labels(probchip_img, w, h) label_mask_ = grabcut_from_probchip(chip_img, label_mask) float_mask = grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask_) / 255.0 segmented_chip = chip_img * float_mask[:, :, None] next_pnum = df2.make_pnum_nextgen(2, 3) df2.imshow(chip_img, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(probchip_img, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask), fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(segmented_chip, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(255 * (float_mask), fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(chip_img * (float_mask > .6)[:, :, None], fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.present()
def make_wordfigures(ibs, metrics, invindex, figdir, wx_sample, wx2_dpath): """ Builds mosaics of patches assigned to words in sample ouptuts them to disk """ from plottool import draw_func2 as df2 import vtool as vt import parse vocabdir = join(figdir, 'vocab_patches2') ut.ensuredir(vocabdir) dump_word_patches(ibs, vocabdir, invindex, wx_sample, metrics) # COLLECTING PART --- collects patches in word folders #vocabdir seldpath = vocabdir + '_selected' ut.ensurepath(seldpath) # stack for show for wx, dpath in ut.progiter(six.iteritems(wx2_dpath), lbl='Dumping Word Images:', num=len(wx2_dpath), freq=1, backspace=False): #df2.rrr() fpath_list = fname_list = [basename(fpath_) for fpath_ in fpath_list] patch_list = [gtool.imread(fpath_) for fpath_ in fpath_list] # color each patch by nid nid_list = [int(parse.parse('{}_nid={nid}_{}', fname)['nid']) for fname in fname_list] nid_set = set(nid_list) nid_list = np.array(nid_list) if len(nid_list) == len(nid_set): # no duplicate names newpatch_list = patch_list else: # duplicate names. do coloring sortx = nid_list.argsort() patch_list = np.array(patch_list, dtype=object)[sortx] fname_list = np.array(fname_list, dtype=object)[sortx] nid_list = nid_list[sortx] colors = (255 * np.array(df2.distinct_colors(len(nid_set)))).astype(np.int32) color_dict = dict(zip(nid_set, colors)) wpad, hpad = 3, 3 newshape_list = [tuple((np.array(patch.shape) + (wpad * 2, hpad * 2, 0)).tolist()) for patch in patch_list] color_list = [color_dict[nid_] for nid_ in nid_list] newpatch_list = [np.zeros(shape) + color[None, None] for shape, color in zip(newshape_list, color_list)] for patch, newpatch in zip(patch_list, newpatch_list): newpatch[wpad:-wpad, hpad:-hpad, :] = patch #img_list = patch_list #bigpatch = vt.stack_image_recurse(patch_list) #bigpatch = vt.stack_image_list(patch_list, vert=False) bigpatch = vt.stack_square_images(newpatch_list) bigpatch_fpath = join(seldpath, basename(dpath) + '_patches.png') # def _dictstr(dict_): str_ = ut.dict_str(dict_, newlines=False) str_ = str_.replace('\'', '').replace(': ', '=').strip('{},') return str_ figtitle = '\n'.join([ 'wx=%r' % wx, 'stat(pdist): %s' % _dictstr(metrics.wx2_pdist_stats[wx]), 'stat(wdist): %s' % _dictstr(metrics.wx2_wdist_stats[wx]), ]) metrics.wx2_nMembers[wx] df2.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) fig, ax = df2.imshow(bigpatch, figtitle=figtitle) df2.set_figtitle(figtitle) df2.adjust_subplots(top=.878, bottom=0) df2.save_figure(1, bigpatch_fpath)
def test_grabcut_on_aid(aid): chip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(aid) probchip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_probchip_fpath(aid) chip_img = vt.imread(chip_fpath) probchip_img = vt.imread(probchip_fpath, grayscale=True) label_values = [cv2.GC_BGD, cv2.GC_PR_BGD, cv2.GC_PR_FGD, cv2.GC_FGD] def probchip_to_grabcut_labels(probchip_img, w, h): scaled_probchip = cv2.resize(probchip_img, dsize=(w, h)) mask = ((len(label_values) - 1) * (scaled_probchip / 255)).astype( np.uint8) # Except for one center pixel #mask[mask.shape[0] // 2, mask.shape[1] // 2] = 3 label_mask = mask.copy() for index, value in enumerate(label_values): label_mask[mask == index] = value # No certainty label_mask[label_mask == cv2.GC_FGD] = cv2.GC_PR_FGD label_mask[label_mask == cv2.GC_BGD] = cv2.GC_PR_BGD return label_mask def grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask): image_mask = label_mask.copy() label_colors = np.linspace(0, 255, len(label_values)).astype(np.uint8) for value, color in zip(label_values, label_colors): image_mask[label_mask == value] = (color) return image_mask def grabcut_from_probchip(chip_img, label_mask): rect = (0, 0, w, h) bgd_model = np.zeros((1, 13 * 5), np.float64) fgd_model = np.zeros((1, 13 * 5), np.float64) num_iters = 5 mode = cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK # label_mask is an outvar label_mask_ = label_mask.copy() print(label_values) print(np.unique(label_mask_)) with ut.Timer('grabcut'): cv2.grabCut(chip_img, label_mask_, rect, bgd_model, fgd_model, num_iters, mode=mode) #is_foreground = (label_mask == cv2.GC_FGD) + (label_mask == cv2.GC_PR_FGD) #is_foreground = (label_mask_ == cv2.GC_FGD) # + (label_mask == cv2.GC_PR_FGD) return label_mask_ (h, w) = chip_img.shape[0:2] label_mask = probchip_to_grabcut_labels(probchip_img, w, h) label_mask_ = grabcut_from_probchip(chip_img, label_mask) float_mask = grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask_) / 255.0 segmented_chip = chip_img * float_mask[:, :, None] next_pnum = df2.make_pnum_nextgen(2, 3) df2.imshow(chip_img, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(probchip_img, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(grabcut_labels_to_probchip(label_mask), fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(segmented_chip, fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(255 * (float_mask), fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.imshow(chip_img * (float_mask > .6)[:, :, None], fnum=1, pnum=next_pnum()) df2.present()