Exemple #1
 def test_container_details_cached_miss_mtime(self):
     mc = SimMemcache()
     the_path = "/tmp/bar"
     def mock_get_container_details_from_fs(cont_path, bu_p=5):
         bu = bu_p
         oc = 1
         ol = ['foo',]
         dl = [('a',100),]
         return utils.ContainerDetails(bu, oc, ol, dl)
     def mock_do_stat(path):
         # Be sure we miss due to mtimes not matching
         class MockStat(object):
             def __init__(self, mtime):
                 self.st_mtime = mtime
         return MockStat(200)
     cd = mock_get_container_details_from_fs(the_path, bu_p=6)
     mc.set(utils.MEMCACHE_CONTAINER_DETAILS_KEY_PREFIX + utils.strip_obj_storage_path(the_path), cd)
     orig_gcdff = utils._get_container_details_from_fs
     utils._get_container_details_from_fs = mock_get_container_details_from_fs
     orig_ds = utils.do_stat
     utils.do_stat = mock_do_stat
         retval = utils.get_container_details(the_path, memcache=mc)
         cd = mock_get_container_details_from_fs(the_path)
         assert retval == (cd.obj_list, cd.object_count, cd.bytes_used)
         mkey = utils.MEMCACHE_CONTAINER_DETAILS_KEY_PREFIX + utils.strip_obj_storage_path(the_path)
         assert mkey in mc._d
         assert 5 == mc._d[mkey].bytes_used
         utils._get_container_details_from_fs = orig_gcdff
         utils.do_stat = orig_ds
Exemple #2
 def test_container_details_cached_hit(self):
     mc = SimMemcache()
     the_path = "/tmp/bar"
     def mock_get_container_details_from_fs(cont_path, bu_p=5):
         bu = bu_p
         oc = 1
         ol = ['foo',]
         dl = [('a',100),]
         return utils.ContainerDetails(bu, oc, ol, dl)
     def mock_do_stat(path):
         class MockStat(object):
             def __init__(self, mtime):
                 self.st_mtime = mtime
         return MockStat(100)
     cd = mock_get_container_details_from_fs(the_path, bu_p=6)
     mc.set(utils.MEMCACHE_CONTAINER_DETAILS_KEY_PREFIX + utils.strip_obj_storage_path(the_path), cd)
     orig_gcdff = utils._get_container_details_from_fs
     utils._get_container_details_from_fs = mock_get_container_details_from_fs
     orig_ds = utils.do_stat
     utils.do_stat = mock_do_stat
         retval = utils.get_container_details(the_path, memcache=mc)
         # If it did not properly use memcache, the default mocked version
         # of get details from fs would return 5 bytes used instead of the
         # 6 we specified above.
         cd = mock_get_container_details_from_fs(the_path, bu_p=6)
         assert retval == (cd.obj_list, cd.object_count, cd.bytes_used)
         utils._get_container_details_from_fs = orig_gcdff
         utils.do_stat = orig_ds
Exemple #3
 def test_container_details_cached_miss_dir_list(self):
     mc = SimMemcache()
     the_path = "/tmp/bar"
     def mock_get_container_details_from_fs(cont_path, bu_p=5):
         bu = bu_p
         oc = 1
         ol = ['foo',]
         dl = []
         return utils.ContainerDetails(bu, oc, ol, dl)
     def mock_do_stat(path):
         # Be sure we don't miss due to mtimes not matching
         self.fail("do_stat should not have been called")
     cd = mock_get_container_details_from_fs(the_path, bu_p=6)
     mc.set(utils.MEMCACHE_CONTAINER_DETAILS_KEY_PREFIX + utils.strip_obj_storage_path(the_path), cd)
     orig_gcdff = utils._get_container_details_from_fs
     utils._get_container_details_from_fs = mock_get_container_details_from_fs
     orig_ds = utils.do_stat
     utils.do_stat = mock_do_stat
         retval = utils.get_container_details(the_path, memcache=mc)
         cd = mock_get_container_details_from_fs(the_path)
         assert retval == (cd.obj_list, cd.object_count, cd.bytes_used)
         mkey = utils.MEMCACHE_CONTAINER_DETAILS_KEY_PREFIX + utils.strip_obj_storage_path(the_path)
         assert mkey in mc._d
         assert 5 == mc._d[mkey].bytes_used
         utils._get_container_details_from_fs = orig_gcdff
         utils.do_stat = orig_ds
Exemple #4
 def test_container_details_uncached(self):
     the_path = "/tmp/bar"
     def mock_get_container_details_from_fs(cont_path):
         bu = 5
         oc = 1
         ol = ['foo',]
         dl = [('a',100),]
         return utils.ContainerDetails(bu, oc, ol, dl)
     orig_gcdff = utils._get_container_details_from_fs
     utils._get_container_details_from_fs = mock_get_container_details_from_fs
         retval = utils.get_container_details(the_path)
         cd = mock_get_container_details_from_fs(the_path)
         assert retval == (cd.obj_list, cd.object_count, cd.bytes_used)
         utils._get_container_details_from_fs = orig_gcdff