Exemple #1
    def test_basic3(self):
        g = Grammar("start: '\(' name_list (COMMA MUL NAME)? '\)'; @name_list: NAME | name_list COMMA NAME ;  MUL: '\*'; COMMA: ','; NAME: '\w+'; ")
        l = g.parse('(a,b,c,*x)')

        g = Grammar("start: '\(' name_list (COMMA MUL NAME)? '\)'; @name_list: NAME | name_list COMMA NAME ;  MUL: '\*'; COMMA: ','; NAME: '\w+'; ")
        l2 = g.parse('(a,b,c,*x)')
        assert l == l2, '%s != %s' % (l, l2)
Exemple #2
 def test_basic2(self):
     # Multiple parsers and colliding tokens
     g = Grammar("start: B A ; B: '12'; A: '1'; ", auto_filter_tokens=False)
     g2 = Grammar("start: B A; B: '12'; A: '2'; ", auto_filter_tokens=False)
     x = g.parse('121')
     assert x.head == 'start' and x.tail == ['12', '1'], x
     x = g2.parse('122')
     assert x.head == 'start' and x.tail == ['12', '2'], x
Exemple #3
    def test_basic1(self):
        g = Grammar("start: a+ b a+? 'b' a*; b: 'b'; a: 'a';")
        r = g.parse('aaabaab')
        self.assertEqual(''.join(x.head for x in r.tail), 'aaabaa')
        r = g.parse('aaabaaba')
        self.assertEqual(''.join(x.head for x in r.tail), 'aaabaaa')

        self.assertRaises(ParseError, g.parse, 'aaabaa')
Exemple #4
    def test_basic1(self):
        g = Grammar("start: a+ b a+? 'b' a*; b: 'b'; a: 'a';")
        r = g.parse('aaabaab')
        self.assertEqual( ''.join(x.head for x in r.tail), 'aaabaa' )
        r = g.parse('aaabaaba')
        self.assertEqual( ''.join(x.head for x in r.tail), 'aaabaaa' )

        self.assertRaises(ParseError, g.parse, 'aaabaa')
Exemple #5
    def test_recurse_expansion(self):
        """Verify that stack depth doesn't get exceeded on recursive rules marked for expansion."""
        g = Grammar(r"""@start: a | start a ; a : A ; A : 'a' ;""")

        # Force PLY to write to the debug log, but prevent writing it to the terminal (uses repr() on the half-built
        # STree data structures, which uses recursion).
        g._grammar.debug = yacc.NullLogger()

        g.parse("a" * (sys.getrecursionlimit() / 4))
Exemple #6
    def test_recurse_expansion(self):
        """Verify that stack depth doesn't get exceeded on recursive rules marked for expansion."""
        g = Grammar(r"""@start: a | start a ; a : A ; A : 'a' ;""")

        # Force PLY to write to the debug log, but prevent writing it to the terminal (uses repr() on the half-built
        # STree data structures, which uses recursion).
        g._grammar.debug = yacc.NullLogger()

        g.parse("a" * (sys.getrecursionlimit() / 4))
Exemple #7
def test_python_lex(code=FIB, expected=54):
    g = Grammar(_read('python.g'))
    l = list(g.lex(code))
    for x in l:
        y = x.value
        if isinstance(y, TokValue):
            logging.debug('%s %s %s', y.type, y.line, y.column)
            logging.debug('%s %s', x.type, x.value)
    assert len(l) == expected, len(l)
Exemple #8
def test_python_lex(code=FIB, expected=54):
    g = Grammar(_read('python.g'))
    l = list(g.lex(code))
    for x in l:
        y = x.value
        if isinstance(y, TokValue):
            logging.debug('%s %s %s', y.type, y.line, y.column)
            logging.debug('%s %s', x.type, x.value)
    assert len(l) == expected, len(l)
Exemple #9
    def test_expand1_lists_with_one_item(self):
        g = Grammar(r"""start: list ;
                        ?list: item+ ;
                        item : A ;
                        A: 'a' ;
        r = g.parse("a")

        # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we only provided one element it should have expanded to 'item'
        self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.head for subtree in r.tail], ('item',))

        # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
        self.assertEqual(len(r.tail), 1)
Exemple #10
    def test_multiple_item_flatten_list(self):
        g = Grammar(r"""start: list ;
                        #list: | item ',' list ;
                        item : A ;
                        A: 'a' ;
        r = g.parse("a,a,")

        # Because 'list' is a flatten rule it's top-level element should *never* be expanded
        self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.head for subtree in r.tail], ('list',))

        # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains exactly the two 'item's we've given it
        [list] = r.tail
        self.assertSequenceEqual([item.head for item in list.tail], ('item', 'item'))
Exemple #11
    def test_dont_expand1_lists_with_multiple_items_2(self):
        g = Grammar(r"""start: list ;
                        ?list: item+ '!';
                        item : A ;
                        A: 'a' ;
        r = g.parse("aa!")

        # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we've provided more than one element it should *not* have expanded
        self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.head for subtree in r.tail], ('list',))

        # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
        self.assertEqual(len(r.tail), 1)

        # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains the two 'item's we've given it
        [list] = r.tail
        self.assertSequenceEqual([item.head for item in list.tail], ('item', 'item'))
Exemple #12
    def test_empty_expand1_list_2(self):
        g = Grammar(r"""start: list ;
                        ?list: item* '!'?;
                        item : A ;
                        A: 'a' ;
        r = g.parse("")

        # because 'list' is an expand-if-contains-one rule and we've provided less than one element (i.e. none) it should *not* have expanded
        self.assertSequenceEqual([subtree.head for subtree in r.tail], ('list',))

        # regardless of the amount of items: there should be only *one* child in 'start' because 'list' isn't an expand-all rule
        self.assertEqual(len(r.tail), 1)

        # Sanity check: verify that 'list' contains no 'item's as we've given it none
        [list] = r.tail
        self.assertSequenceEqual([item.head for item in list.tail], ())
Exemple #13
    def test_basic3(self):
        g = Grammar("start: '\(' name_list (COMMA MUL NAME)? '\)'; @name_list: NAME | name_list COMMA NAME ;  MUL: '\*'; COMMA: ','; NAME: '\w+'; ")
        l = g.parse('(a,b,c,*x)')

        g = Grammar("start: '\(' name_list (COMMA MUL NAME)? '\)'; @name_list: NAME | name_list COMMA NAME ;  MUL: '\*'; COMMA: ','; NAME: '\w+'; ")
        l2 = g.parse('(a,b,c,*x)')
        assert l == l2, '%s != %s' % (l, l2)
Exemple #14
 def test_basic2(self):
     # Multiple parsers and colliding tokens
     g = Grammar("start: B A ; B: '12'; A: '1'; ", auto_filter_tokens=False)
     g2 = Grammar("start: B A; B: '12'; A: '2'; ", auto_filter_tokens=False)
     x = g.parse('121')
     assert x.head == 'start' and x.tail == ['12', '1'], x
     x = g2.parse('122')
     assert x.head == 'start' and x.tail == ['12', '2'], x
Exemple #15
 def test_unicode(self):
     g = Grammar(r"""start: UNIA UNIB UNIA;
                 UNIA: '\xa3';
                 UNIB: '\u0101';
    def setUp(self):
        tree_grammar = Grammar("start: branch; branch: name ('{' branch* '}')?; name: '[a-z]';")

        self.tree1 = tree_grammar.parse("a{b{cde}}")
        self.tree2 = tree_grammar.parse("a{abc{bbab}c}")
Exemple #17
 def test_unicode(self):
     g = Grammar(r"""start: UNIA UNIB UNIA;
                 UNIA: '\xa3';
                 UNIB: '\u0101';
Exemple #18
 def test_stringio_unicode(self):
     """Verify that a Grammar can be created from file-like objects other than Python's standard 'file' object"""
     Grammar(uStringIO(u"start: a+ b a+? 'b' a*; b: 'b'; a: 'a';"))
Exemple #19
 def setUp(self):
     with grammars.open('config.g') as g:
         self.g = Grammar(g)
Exemple #20
 def setUp(self):
     with grammars.open('python.g') as g:
         self.g = Grammar(g)
Exemple #21
    bin_expr = _bin_operator
    # arg = _assignment
    assign = _assignment
    if_expr = _if

def _read(n, *args):
    kwargs = {'encoding': 'iso-8859-1'}
    with open(os.path.join(CUR_PATH, n), *args, **kwargs) as f:
        return f.read()

if os.name == 'nt':
    if 'PyPy' in sys.version:
        PYTHON_LIB = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib-python', sys.winver)
        PYTHON_LIB = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Lib')
    PYTHON_LIB = [
        x for x in sys.path if x.endswith('%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2])

# print(os.getcwd())
with grammars.open(os.getcwd() + '/grammar.g') as g:
    g = Grammar(g)

p = RParser()
tree = g.parse(_read('sample.r'))
