def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts Hebrew University, Jerusalem format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify HUJI format input file, required -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -LP [colon delimited list of protocols, include all that apply] AF: af demag T: thermal including thellier but not trm acquisition N: NRM only TRM: trm acquisition ANI: anisotropy experiment G: triple AF demag (GRM protocol) -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY [8] this is a synthetic sample with no site name NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in seperate files (eg. af.txt, thermal.txt, etc.) Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX T in Centigrade XXX AF in mT for special experiments: Thellier: XXX.0 first zero field step XXX.1 first in field step [XXX.0 and XXX.1 can be done in any order] XXX.2 second in-field step at lower temperature (pTRM check) XXX.3 second zero-field step after infield (pTRM check step) XXX.3 MUST be done in this order [XXX.0, XXX.1 [optional XXX.2] XXX.3] AARM: X.00 baseline step (AF in zero bias field - high peak field) X.1 ARM step (in field step) where X is the step number in the 15 position scheme (see Appendix to Lecture 13 - Lectures in Paleomagnetism, 2007) TRM: XXX.YYY XXX is temperature step of total TRM YYY is dc field in microtesla Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in geographic coordinate system Inclination: Declination in geographic coordinate system """ # initialize some stuff WD="." version_num=pmag.get_version() noave=0 methcode,inst="","" phi,theta,peakfield,labfield=0,0,0,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 dec=[315,225,180,135,45,90,270,270,270,90,180,180,0,0,0] # applied field for remanence anisotropy directions inc=[0,0,0,0,0,-45,-45,0,45,45,45,-45,-90,-45,45] demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv methcode="LP-NO" # NRM syn=0 synfile='er_synthetics.txt' samp_file,site_file,ErSamps='er_samples.txt','er_sites.txt',[] samp_file_in="" meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" trm=0 irm=0 specnum=-1 # # get command line arguments # user="" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] try: open(samp_file,'rU') ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file' except: print 'sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad input file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-dc" in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-6 phi=float(args[ind+2]) theta=float(args[ind+3]) if "-ac" in args: ind=args.index("-ac") peakfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-3 if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if '-syn' in args: syn=1 ind=args.index("-syn") institution=args[ind+1] syntype=args[ind+2] if '-fsy' in args: ind=args.index("-fsy") synfile=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "TRM" in codes: trm=1 noave=1 if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=180 SynRecs,MagRecs=[],[] Data=input.readlines() for line in Data: instcode="HUJI-2G" if len(line)>1: rec=line.split() if rec[0][0]!='#': # HUJI way of marking bad data points SynRec={} MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" mmddyy=rec[2].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year hhmm=rec[3] yyyy=mmddyy[2] mm=int(mmddyy[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(mmddyy[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=mmddyy[1].split(':') MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hhmm+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='30' MagRec["measurement_positions"]='1' if rec[4]=='T': demag="T" if rec[4]=='A': demag="AF" MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if samp_con!='8': site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site MagRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name else: MagRec["er_site_name"]="" MagRec["er_location_name"]="" MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]=rec[0] treat=rec[5].split('.') if len(treat)==1:treat.append('.0') if demag=="AF": if methcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(treat[0])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' else: # AARM experiment if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) if labfield!=0: print "inconsistency in mag file with lab field" else: meas_type="LT-AF-I" ipos=int(treat[0])-1 MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(dec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (inc[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla else: # thermal treatment MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if trm==0: # demag=T and not trmaq if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][0]=='1':meas_type="LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][0]=='2': meas_type="LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM=1 if treat[1][0]=='3': MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' # this is a zero field step meas_type="LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check else: meas_type="LT-T-I" # trm acquisition experiment MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[1])*1e-6) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[10])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[6] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[7] MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRecs.append(MagRec) else: print 'skipping: ',rec[0] MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts Liverpool microwave format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify liverpool format input file, required -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -ins INST: identify instrument, e.g., LIV-TRISTAN, LIV-OLD14GHZ, default is "" -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, required -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify er_samples formatted file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -sit Site_name : specify site name for this specimen -unc measurement units are uncalibrated (default is uAm^2) -B PHI THETA: dc lab field phi, theta, default is 0, 90 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention - required if -sit not specified Sample naming convention: do not use if -sit option used! [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ # initialize some stuff version_num = pmag.get_version() noave = 0 methcode, instcode = "", "" phi, theta, peakfield, labfield = 0, 0, 0, 0 pMRM, MD, samp_con, Z, site = 0, 0, "6", "", "" er_location_name = "" citation = "This study" args = sys.argv methcode = "LP-NO" # NRM specnum, measnum = 1, 1 powt_max = 0 ErSamps, Samps = [], [] # # get command line arguments # dirpath = "." meas_file, samp_file = dirpath + "/magic_measurements.txt", dirpath + "/er_samples.txt" user = "" unc = 0 if "-WD" in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dirpath = args[ind + 1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] if "-ins" in args: ind = args.index("-ins") instcode = args[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = dirpath + "/" + args[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] samp_file = dirpath + "/" + samp_file try: open(samp_file, "rU") ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print "sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file" except: print "er_samples.txt file does not exist" print "sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file" if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") magfile = args[ind + 1] magfile = dirpath + "/" + magfile try: input = open(magfile, "rU") except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-B" in args: ind = args.index("-B") phi = args[ind + 1] theta = args[ind + 2] else: phi, theta = "0.", "90." if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-unc" in args: unc = 1 if "-sit" in args: ind = args.index("-sit") site = args[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if samp_con == "6" and site == "": print "you must either specify a naming convention, or a site name" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() MagRecs = [] if len(ErSamps) > 1: for samp in ErSamps: if samp["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: Samps.append(samp["er_sample_name"]) Data = input.readlines() if 1: # never mind for line in Data: if len(line) > 1: rec = line.split(",") MagRec = {} MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = "" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = "" MagRec["treatment_mw_integral"] = "" meas_type = "LT-NO" MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = rec[0][1:-1] MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name if specnum != 0: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0][1:-1][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0][1:-1] if site == "": site = pmag.parse_site(MagRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) MagRec["er_site_name"] = site MagRec["treatment_mw_power"] = rec[2] MagRec["treatment_mw_time"] = rec[3] powt = int(float(MagRec["treatment_mw_power"]) * (float(MagRec["treatment_mw_time"]))) MagRec["treatment_mw_energy"] = "%7.1f" % (powt) if powt > powt_max: powt_max = powt treat = rec[1].strip('"').upper() if treat == "Z": # in zero field meas_type = "LT-M-Z" # as opposed to LT-MV-Z if powt < powt_max: meas_type = "LT-PMRM-Z" elif treat == "A": # in zero field meas_type = "LT-M-I" # as opposed to LT-MV-I labfield = float(rec[10]) * 1e-6 # assuming uT, convert to T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "%8.3e" % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = phi # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = theta # labfield theta if powt < powt_max: meas_type = "LT-PMRM-I" if len(rec) > 10: MagRec["treatment_mw_integral"] = rec[10] if unc == 0: MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = "%10.3e" % (float(rec[4]) * 1e-6) # moment in Am^2 (from uAm^2) if unc == 1: MagRec["measurement_magnitude"] = rec[4] # uncalibrated moment cart = [] cart.append(float(rec[7])) cart.append(float(rec[8])) cart.append(float(rec[9])) dir = pmag.cart2dir(cart) MagRec["measurement_dec"] = "%9.3f" % (dir[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"] = "%9.3f" % (dir[1]) MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = instcode MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MagRec["measurement_number"] = "%i" % (measnum) MagRec["magic_experiment_name"] = MagRec["er_specimen_name"] + ":" + methcode measnum += 1 MagRecs.append(MagRec) if MagRec["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: # add this puppy to the list in er_samples.txt Samps.append(MagRec["er_sample_name"]) ErSamp = {} ErSamp["er_sample_name"] = Samps[-1] ErSamp["er_location_name"] = MagRec["er_location_name"] ErSamp["er_site_name"] = site ErSamp["er_citation_names"] = "This study" gdec = float(rec[5]) ginc = float(rec[6]) az, pl = pmag.get_azpl(dir[0], dir[1], gdec, ginc) ErSamp["sample_azimuth"] = "%7.1f" % az ErSamp["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % pl ErSamps.append(ErSamp) MagOuts = pmag.mw_measurements_methods(MagRecs) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, "magic_measurements") print "measurements put in ", meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file, ErSamps, "er_samples") print "sample names put in ", samp_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts MsT data (T,M) to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify T,M format input file, required -fsa SFILE: name with sample, site, location information -F FILE: specify output file, default is MsT_measurements.txt -dc H: specify applied field during measurement, default is 0.5 T -syn : This is a synthetic specimen and has no sample/site/location information -spn SPEC: specimen name -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT files: T M: T is in Centigrade and M is uncalibrated magnitude """ # initialize some stuff samp_con,Z="1","0" dir_path='.' citation='This study' args=sys.argv specnum,measnum=0,1 # # get command line arguments # user="" if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+"/MsT_measurements.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] labfield='0.5' if "-dc" in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") infile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] try: input=open(infile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print main.__doc__ print "-f is required option" sys.exit() if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum er_location_name,syn,specimen_name='unknown',0,'unknown' if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-spn" in args: ind=args.index("-spn") specimen_name=args[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ print "-spn is required option" sys.exit() if "-syn" in args: syn=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" MagRecs,specs=[],[] version_num=pmag.get_version() data=input.readlines() T0=float(data[0].split()[0]) for line in data: instcode="" if len(line)>1: MagRec={} if syn==0: MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]=labfield rec=line.split() T=float(rec[0]) MagRec["measurment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(rec[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if T>T0: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-MW-I' elif T<T0: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-MC-I' T0=T else: print 'skipping repeated temperature step' MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='' T0=T MagRec["measurement_magnitude"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[1])) # uncalibrated magnitude if syn==0: MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=specimen_name MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=specimen_name[:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=specimen_name if "-fsa" in args: for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == MagRec["er_sample_name"]: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] else: MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]=specimen_name MagRec["er_location_name"]="" MagRec["er_sample_name"]="" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" MagRec["er_specimen_name"]="" MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_number"]=str(measnum) measnum+=1 MagRecs.append(MagRec) for rec in MagRecs: # sort out the measurements by experiment type rec['magic_experiment_name']=specimen_name if rec['magic_method_codes']=='LP-MW-I': rec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen_name+':LP-MW-I:Curie' elif rec['magic_method_codes']=='LP-MC-I': rec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen_name+':LP-MC-I' pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagRecs,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts .k15 format data to magic_measurements format. assums Jelinek Kappabridge measurement scheme SYNTAX [-h] [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f KFILE: specify .k15 format input file -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements format output file -Fsa SFILE, specify er_samples format file for output -Fa AFILE, specify rmag_anisotropy format file for output -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument that measurements were made on -spc NUM: specify number of digets for specimen ID, default is 0 -ncn NCOM: specify naming convention (default is #1) Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] sample = site [6] sample, site, location info in er_samples.txt [7] all others you will have to either customize your DEFAULTS MFILE: k15_measurements.txt SFILE: er_samples.txt AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt LOC: unknown INST: unknown INPUT name [az,pl,strike,dip], followed by 3 rows of 5 measurements for each specimen """ # # initialize some variables # version_num=pmag.get_version() specnum=0 sampfile, measfile="er_samples.txt","k15_measurements.txt" anisfile='rmag_anisotropy.txt' resfile='rmag_results.txt' syn=0 er_location_name="unknown" inst="unknown" itilt,igeo,linecnt,key=0,0,0,"" first_save=1 k15,specnum=[],0 citation='This study' dir_path='.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] # pick off stuff from command line if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') k15file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') measfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fsa') sampfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fa') anisfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-loc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-loc') er_location_name=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specnum=-int(sys.argv[ind+1]) samp_con,Z="1","" if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if samp_con=='6': Samps,filetype=pmag.magic_read(dirpath+'/er_samples.txt') sampfile, measfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile,dir_path+'/'+measfile anisfile=dir_path+'/'+anisfile resfile=dir_path+'/'+resfile k15file=dir_path+'/'+k15file try: SampRecs,filetype=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) # append new records to existing samplist=[] for samp in SampRecs: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samplist:samplist.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except IOError: SampRecs=[] # measurement directions for Jelinek 1977 protocol: Decs=[315,225,180,135,45,90,270,270,270,90,180,180,0,0,0] Incs=[0,0,0,0,0,-45,-45,0,45,45,45,-45,-90,-45,45] # some defaults to read in .k15 file format # list of measurements and default number of characters for specimen ID # some magic default definitions # # read in data input=open(k15file,'rU') MeasRecs,SpecRecs,AnisRecs,ResRecs=[],[],[],[] # read in data MeasRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec,AnisRec,ResRec={},{},{},{},{},{} for line in input.readlines(): linecnt+=1 rec=line.split() if linecnt==1: MeasRec["magic_method_codes"]="" SpecRec["magic_method_codes"]="" SampRec["magic_method_codes"]="" AnisRec["magic_method_codes"]="" SiteRec["magic_method_codes"]="" ResRec["magic_smethod_codes"]="" MeasRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num SpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num SampRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num AnisRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num SiteRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num ResRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num MeasRec["magic_method_codes"]="LP-X" MeasRec["measurement_flag"]="g" MeasRec["measurement_standard"]="u" MeasRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" AnisRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" ResRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MeasRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MeasRec["magic_experiment_name"]=rec[0]+":LP-AN-MS" AnisRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec[0]+":AMS" ResRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec[0]+":AMS" SpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] AnisRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] SampRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] ResRec["rmag_result_name"]=rec[0] if specnum!=0: MeasRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] if specnum==0: MeasRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] SampRec["er_sample_name"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] SpecRec["er_sample_name"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] AnisRec["er_sample_name"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] ResRec["er_sample_names"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] if samp_con=="6": for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name']==AnisRec["er_sample_name"]: sitename=samp['er_site_name'] er_location_name=samp['er_location_name'] elif samp_con!="": sitename=pmag.parse_site(AnisRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MeasRec["er_site_name"]=sitename MeasRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name SampRec["er_site_name"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] SpecRec["er_site_name"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] AnisRec["er_site_name"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] ResRec["er_site_names"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] SampRec["er_location_name"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] SpecRec["er_location_name"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] AnisRec["er_location_name"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] ResRec["er_location_names"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] if len(rec)>=3: SampRec["sample_azimuth"],SampRec["sample_dip"]=rec[1],rec[2] az,pl,igeo=float(rec[1]),float(rec[2]),1 if len(rec)==5: SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"],SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]= '(%7.1f)'%(90.+float(rec[3])),(rec[4]) bed_az,bed_dip,itilt,igeo=90.+float(rec[3]),float(rec[4]),1,1 else: for i in range(5): k15.append(1e-6*float(rec[i])) # assume measurements in micro SI if linecnt==4: sbar,sigma,bulk=pmag.dok15_s(k15) hpars=pmag.dohext(9,sigma,sbar) MeasRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MeasRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin for i in range(15): NewMeas=copy.deepcopy(MeasRec) NewMeas["measurement_orient_phi"]='%7.1f' %(Decs[i]) NewMeas["measurement_orient_theta"]='%7.1f'% (Incs[i]) NewMeas["measurement_chi_volume"]='%12.10f'% (k15[i]) NewMeas["measurement_number"]='%i'% (i+1) NewMeas["magic_experiment_name"]=rec[0]+":LP-AN-MS" MeasRecs.append(NewMeas) if SampRec['er_sample_name'] not in samplist: SampRecs.append(SampRec) samplist.append(SampRec['er_sample_name']) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) AnisRec["anisotropy_type"]="AMS" ResRec["anisotropy_type"]="AMS" AnisRec["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[0]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[1]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[2]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[3]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[4]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[5]) AnisRec["anisotropy_mean"]='%12.10f'%(bulk) AnisRec["anisotropy_sigma"]='%12.10f'%(sigma) AnisRec["anisotropy_unit"]='SI' AnisRec["anisotropy_n"]='15' AnisRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='-1' AnisRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS' AnisRecs.append(AnisRec) ResRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS' ResRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='-1' ResRec["anisotropy_t1"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['t1']) ResRec["anisotropy_t2"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['t2']) ResRec["anisotropy_t3"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['t3']) ResRec["anisotropy_fest"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['F']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['F12']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['F23']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v1_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v2_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v3_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v1_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v2_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v3_inc']) ResRec['anisotropy_v1_eta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v1_eta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_eta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_eta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_eta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_eta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e12']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e13']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e12']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e23']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e13']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e23']) ResRec["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] ResRecs.append(ResRec) if igeo==1: sbarg=pmag.dosgeo(sbar,az,pl) hparsg=pmag.dohext(9,sigma,sbarg) AnisRecG=copy.copy(AnisRec) ResRecG=copy.copy(ResRec) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[0]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[1]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[2]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[3]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[4]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[5]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='0' ResRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='0' ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v1_dec']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v2_dec']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v3_dec']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v1_inc']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v2_inc']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v3_inc']) ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_eta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_eta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_eta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_eta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_eta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_eta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecG["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] ResRecs.append(ResRecG) AnisRecs.append(AnisRecG) if itilt==1: sbart=pmag.dostilt(sbarg,bed_az,bed_dip) hparst=pmag.dohext(9,sigma,sbart) AnisRecT=copy.copy(AnisRec) ResRecT=copy.copy(ResRec) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[0]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[1]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[2]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[3]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[4]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[5]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='100' ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v1_dec']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v2_dec']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v3_dec']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v1_inc']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v2_inc']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v3_inc']) ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_eta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_eta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_eta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_eta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_eta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_eta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='100' ResRecT["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] ResRecs.append(ResRecT) AnisRecs.append(AnisRecT) k15,linecnt=[],0 MeasRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec,AnisRec={},{},{},{},{} pmag.magic_write(sampfile,SampRecs,'er_samples') pmag.magic_write(anisfile,AnisRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') pmag.magic_write(resfile,ResRecs,'rmag_results') pmag.magic_write(measfile,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') print "Data saved to: ",sampfile,anisfile,resfile,measfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ThellierTool format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .tdt format input file, required -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT Format of ThellierTool files: 2 line header: Thellier-tdt XX.0 (field in microtesla) Data: Spec Treat Intensity Declination Inclination Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX.00 first zero field step XXX.11 (or .1) first in field step [XXX.0 and XXX.1 can be done in any order] XXX.12 (or .2)second in-field step at lower temperature (pTRM check) XXX.13 (or .3) second zero-field step after infield (pTRM check step) XXX.13 MUST be done in this order [XXX.00, XXX.11 [optional XXX.12] XXX.13] Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Declination in specimen coordinate system """ # initialize some stuff noave=0 methcode,inst="","" phi,theta,labfield=0,90,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv methcode="LP-NO" specnum=0 # # get command line arguments # dir_path='.' meas_file,samp_file="magic_measurements.txt","er_samples.txt" user="" if "-WD" in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" MagRecs=[] demag="T" version_num=pmag.get_version() data=input.readlines() rec=data[1].split() labfield=float(rec[0])*1e-6 for line in data[2:]: rec=line.split() if len(rec)>2: MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]="" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if "-fsa" in args: for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == MagRec["er_sample_name"]: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] if rec[1]==".00":rec[1]="0.00" treat=rec[1].split('.') if float(rec[1])==0: pass if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][-1]=='1':meas_type="LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][-1]=='2': meas_type="LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM=1 if treat[1][-1]=='3': MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' # this is a zero field step meas_type="LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[2])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[3] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[4] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts .s format data to magic_measurements format. SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f SFILE specifies the .s file name -sig last column has sigma -typ Anisotropy type: AMS,AARM,ATRM (default is AMS) -F RFILE specifies the rmag_anisotropy file name -usr USER specify username -loc location specify location/study name -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -spn SPECNAME, this specimen has the name SPECNAME -n first column has specimen name -crd [s,g,t], specify coordinate system of data s=specimen,g=geographic,t=tilt adjusted, default is 's' -ncn NCON: naming conventionconvention NCON Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] sample = site [6] sample, site, location info in er_samples.txt [7] all others you will have to either customize your DEFAULT RFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt INPUT X11,X22,X33,X12,X23,X13 (.s format file) X11,X22,X33,X12,X23,X13,sigma (.s format file with -sig option) SID, X11,X22,X33,X12,X23,X13 (.s format file with -n option) OUTPUT rmag_anisotropy.txt format file NOTE because .s files do not have specimen names or location information, the output MagIC files will have to be changed prior to importing to data base. """ sfile,anisfile="","rmag_anisotropy.txt" location='unknown' user="" sitename,specnum='unknown',0 samp_con,Z="",1 user="" dir_path='.' name,sigma,spec=0,0,'unknown' type='AMS' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-spc" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-spc") specnum=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-spn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-spn") spec=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') sfile = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-sig' in sys.argv: sigma=1 if '-typ' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-typ') type = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') anisfile = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-usr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-usr') user = sys.argv[ind+1] if '-loc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-loc') location = sys.argv[ind+1] if "-n" in sys.argv: name=1 coord='-1' if "-crd" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=='s':coord='-1' if coord=='g':coord='0' if coord=='t':coord='100' if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if samp_con=='6': Samps,filetype=pmag.magic_read(dirpath+'/er_samples.txt') # # get down to bidness sfile=dir_path+'/'+sfile anisfile=dir_path+'/'+anisfile input=open(sfile,'rU') AnisRecs=[] linecnt=0 citation="This study" # read in data for line in input.readlines(): AnisRec={} rec=line.split() if name==1: k=1 spec=rec[0] else: k=0 trace=float(rec[k])+float(rec[k+1])+float(rec[k+2]) s1='%10.9e'%(float(rec[k])/trace) s2='%10.9e'%(float(rec[k+1])/trace) s3='%10.9e'%(float(rec[k+2])/trace) s4='%10.9e'%(float(rec[k+3])/trace) s5='%10.9e'%(float(rec[k+4])/trace) s6='%10.9e'%(float(rec[k+5])/trace) AnisRec["er_citation_names"]=citation AnisRec["er_specimen_name"]=spec if specnum!=0: AnisRec["er_sample_name"]=spec[:specnum] else: AnisRec["er_sample_name"]=spec if samp_con=="6": for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name']==AnisRec["er_sample_name"]: sitename=samp['er_site_name'] location=samp['er_location_name'] elif samp_con!="": sitename=pmag.parse_site(AnisRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) AnisRec["er_location_name"]=location AnisRec["er_site_name"]=sitename AnisRec["er_anylist_mail_names"]=user if type=='AMS': AnisRec["anisotropy_type"]="AMS" AnisRec["magic_experiment_names"]=spec+":LP-X" else: AnisRec["anisotropy_type"]=type AnisRec["magic_experiment_names"]=spec+":LP-"+type AnisRec["anisotropy_s1"]=s1 AnisRec["anisotropy_s2"]=s2 AnisRec["anisotropy_s3"]=s3 AnisRec["anisotropy_s4"]=s4 AnisRec["anisotropy_s5"]=s5 AnisRec["anisotropy_s6"]=s6 if sigma==1:AnisRec["anisotropy_sigma"]='%10.8e'%(float(rec[k+6])/trace) AnisRec["anisotropy_unit"]='SI' AnisRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]=coord AnisRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-'+type AnisRecs.append(AnisRec) pmag.magic_write(anisfile,AnisRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') print 'data saved in ',anisfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts SIO .mag format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .mag format input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE : specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsy: specify er_synthetics file, default is er_sythetics.txt -Fsa: specify output er_samples file, default is NONE (only for LDGO formatted files) -LP [colon delimited list of protocols, include all that apply] AF: af demag T: thermal including thellier but not trm acquisition S: Shaw method I: IRM (acquisition) I3d: 3D IRM experiment N: NRM only TRM: trm acquisition ANI: anisotropy experiment D: double AF demag G: triple AF demag (GRM protocol) CR: cooling rate experiment. The treatment coding of the measurement file should be: XXX.00,XXX.10, XXX.20 ...XX.70 etc. (XXX.00 is optional) where XXX in the temperature and .10,.20... are running numbers of the cooling rates steps. XXX.00 is optional zerofield baseline. XXX.70 is alteration check. syntax in sio_magic is: -LP CR xxx,yyy,zzz,.....xx -A where xx, yyy, are cooling time in [K/minutes], seperated by comma, ordered at the same order as XXX.10,XXX.20 ...XX.70 if you use a zerofield step then no need to specify the cooling rate for the zerofield It is important to add to the command line the -A option so the measurements will not be evraged. But users need to make sure that there are no duplicate meaurements in the file -V [1,2,3] units of IRM field in volts using ASC coil #1,2 or 3 -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -syn INST TYPE: sets these specimens as synthetics created at institution INST and of type TYPE -ins INST : specify which demag instrument was used (e.g, SIO-Suzy or SIO-Odette),default is "" -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] synthetic - has no site name [9] ODP naming convention INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in seperate .mag files (eg. af.mag, thermal.mag, etc.) Format of SIO .mag files: Spec Treat CSD Intensity Declination Inclination [optional metadata string] Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX T in Centigrade XXX AF in mT for special experiments: Thellier: XXX.0 first zero field step XXX.1 first in field step [XXX.0 and XXX.1 can be done in any order] XXX.2 second in-field step at lower temperature (pTRM check) XXX.3 second zero-field step after infield (pTRM check step) XXX.3 MUST be done in this order [XXX.0, XXX.1 [optional XXX.2] XXX.3] AARM: X.00 baseline step (AF in zero bias field - high peak field) X.1 ARM step (in field step) where X is the step number in the 15 position scheme (see Appendix to Lecture 13 - ATRM: X.00 optional baseline X.1 ATRM step (+X) X.2 ATRM step (+Y) X.3 ATRM step (+Z) X.4 ATRM step (-X) X.5 ATRM step (-Y) X.6 ATRM step (-Z) X.7 optional alteration check (+X) TRM: XXX.YYY XXX is temperature step of total TRM YYY is dc field in microtesla Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Optional metatdata string: mm/dd/yy;hh:mm;[dC,mT];xx.xx;UNITS;USER;INST;NMEAS hh in 24 hours. dC or mT units of treatment XXX (see Treat above) for thermal or AF respectively DC field UNITS of DC field (microT, mT) INST: instrument code, number of axes, number of positions (e.g., G34 is 2G, three axes, measured in four positions) NMEAS: number of measurements in a single position (1,3,200...) """ # initialize some stuff infile_type="mag" noave=0 methcode,inst="LP-NO","" phi,theta,peakfield,labfield=0,0,0,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 dec=[315,225,180,135,45,90,270,270,270,90,180,180,0,0,0] inc=[0,0,0,0,0,-45,-45,0,45,45,45,-45,-90,-45,45] tdec=[0,90,0,180,270,0,0,90,0] tinc=[0,0,90,0,0,-90,0,0,90] missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv fmt='old' syn=0 synfile='er_synthetics.txt' samp_file,ErSamps='',[] trm=0 irm=0 specnum=0 coil="" # # get command line arguments # meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" user="" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsy' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsy") synfile=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] try: open(samp_file,'rU') ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file' except: print 'sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-dc" in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-6 phi=float(args[ind+2]) theta=float(args[ind+3]) if "-ac" in args: ind=args.index("-ac") peakfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-3 if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(args[ind+1]) if '-syn' in args: syn=1 ind=args.index("-syn") institution=args[ind+1] syntype=args[ind+2] if '-fsy' in args: ind=args.index("-fsy") synfile=args[ind+1] if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4-" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7-" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" irmunits="mT" if "I3d" in codes: methcode="LT-T-Z:LP-IRM-3D" if "S" in codes: demag="S" methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield=labfield ans=raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans=="": arm_labfield=50e-6 else: arm_labfield=float(ans)*1e-6 ans=raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans=="": trm_peakT=600+273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT=float(ans)+273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" trm=1 if "CR" in codes: demag="T" cooling_rate_experiment=1 ind=args.index("CR") coolling_times=args[ind+1] coolling_times_list=coolling_times.split(',') if "-V" in args: methcode="LP-IRM" ind=args.index("-V") irmunits="V" coil=args[ind+1] if coil not in ["1","2","3"]: print main.__doc__ print 'not a valid coil specification' sys.exit() if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="T" and "CR" in codes: methcode="LP-CR-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=.180 SynRecs,MagRecs=[],[] version_num=pmag.get_version() if 1: #if infile_type=="SIO format": for line in input.readlines(): instcode="" if len(line)>2: SynRec={} MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" rec=line.split() if rec[1]==".00":rec[1]="0.00" treat=rec[1].split('.') if methcode=="LP-IRM": if irmunits=='mT': labfield=float(treat[0])*1e-3 else: labfield=pmag.getfield(irmunits,coil,treat[0]) if rec[1][0]!="-": phi,theta=0.,90. else: phi,theta=0.,-90. meas_type="LT-IRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) if len(rec)>6: code1=rec[6].split(';') # break e.g., 10/15/02;7:45 indo date and time if len(code1)==2: # old format with AM/PM missing=0 code2=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year code3=rec[7].split(';') # break e.g., AM;C34;200 into time;instr/axes/measuring pos;number of measurements yy=int(code2[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(code2[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(code2[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if code3[0]=="PM":hh=hh+12 if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='SAN' if inst=="": if code3[1][0]=='C':instcode='SIO-bubba' if code3[1][0]=='G':instcode='SIO-flo' else: instcode='' MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code3[1][2] elif len(code1)>2: # newest format (cryo7 or later) if "LP-AN-ARM" not in methcode:labfield=0 fmt='new' date=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year yy=int(date[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(date[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(date[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='SAN' if inst=="": if code1[6][0]=='C':instcode='SIO-bubba' if code1[6][0]=='G':instcode='SIO-flo' else: instcode='' if len(code1)>1: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[6][2] else: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[7] # takes care of awkward format with bubba and flo being different if user=="":user=code1[5] if code1[2][-1]=='C': demag="T" if code1[4]=='microT' and float(code1[3])!=0. and "LP-AN-ARM" not in methcode: labfield=float(code1[3])*1e-6 if code1[2]=='mT' and methcode!="LP-IRM": demag="AF" if code1[4]=='microT' and float(code1[3])!=0.: labfield=float(code1[3])*1e-6 if code1[4]=='microT' and labfield!=0. and meas_type!="LT-IRM": phi,theta=0.,-90. if demag=="T": meas_type="LT-T-I" if demag=="AF": meas_type="LT-AF-I" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) if code1[4]=='' or labfield==0. and meas_type!="LT-IRM": if demag=='T':meas_type="LT-T-Z" if demag=="AF":meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' if syn==0: MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]="" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if "-fsa" in args: samp=pmag.get_dictitem(Samps,'er_sample_name',MagRec['er_sample_name'],'T') if len(samp)>0: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp[0]["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp[0]["er_site_name"] else: MagRec['er_location_name']='' MagRec["er_site_name"]='' elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] else: if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_site_name"]="" MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]=MagRec["er_specimen_name"] SynRec["er_synthetic_name"]=MagRec["er_specimen_name"] site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SynRec["synthetic_parent_sample"]=site SynRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SynRec["synthetic_institution"]=institution SynRec["synthetic_type"]=syntype SynRecs.append(SynRec) if float(rec[1])==0: pass elif demag=="AF": if methcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(rec[1])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla if meas_type=="LT-AF-Z": MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' else: # AARM experiment if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-AF-Z:LP-AN-ARM:" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) if labfield!=0 and methcode!="LP-AN-ARM": print "Warning - inconsistency in mag file with lab field - overriding file with 0" else: meas_type="LT-AF-I:LP-AN-ARM" ipos=int(treat[0])-1 MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(dec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (inc[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla elif demag=="T" and methcode == "LP-AN-TRM": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z:LP-AN-TRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) if treat[1][0]=='7': # alteration check as final measurement meas_type="LT-PTRM-I:LP-AN-TRM" else: meas_type="LT-T-I:LP-AN-TRM" # find the direction of the lab field in two ways: # (1) using the treatment coding (XX.1=+x, XX.2=+y, XX.3=+z, XX.4=-x, XX.5=-y, XX.6=-z) ipos_code=int(treat[1][0])-1 # (2) using the magnetization DEC=float(rec[4]) INC=float(rec[5]) if INC < 45 and INC > -45: if DEC>315 or DEC<45: ipos_guess=0 if DEC>45 and DEC<135: ipos_guess=1 if DEC>135 and DEC<225: ipos_guess=3 if DEC>225 and DEC<315: ipos_guess=4 else: if INC >45: ipos_guess=2 if INC <-45: ipos_guess=5 # prefer the guess over the code ipos=ipos_guess MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(tdec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (tinc[ipos]) # check it if ipos_guess!=ipos_code and treat[1][0]!='7': print "-E- ERROR: check specimen %s step %s, ATRM measurements, coding does not match the direction of the lab field!"%(rec[0],".".join(list(treat))) elif demag=="S": # Shaw experiment if treat[1][1]=='0': if int(treat[0])!=0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" # first AF else: meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' elif treat[1][1]=='1': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(arm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) meas_type="LT-AF-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif treat[1][1]=='2': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(trm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (trm_peakT) meas_type="LT-T-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif treat[1][1]=='3': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(arm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) meas_type="LT-AF-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" # Cooling rate experient # added by rshaar elif demag=="T" and methcode == "LP-CR-TRM": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z:LP-CR-TRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) if treat[1][0]=='7': # alteration check as final measurement meas_type="LT-PTRM-I:LP-CR-TRM" else: meas_type="LT-T-I:LP-CR-TRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta indx=int(treat[1][0])-1 # alteration check matjed as 0.7 in the measurement file if indx==6: cooling_time= coolling_times_list[-1] else: cooling_time=coolling_times_list[indx] MagRec["measurement_description"]="cooling_rate"+":"+cooling_time+":"+"K/min" elif demag!='N': if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if trm==0: # demag=T and not trmaq if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][0]=='1':meas_type="LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][0]=='2': meas_type="LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM=1 if treat[1][0]=='3': MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' # this is a zero field step meas_type="LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check else: labfield=float(treat[1])*1e-6 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta meas_type="LT-T-I:LP-TRM" # trm acquisition experiment MagRec["measurement_csd"]=rec[2] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[3])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[4] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[5] MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation if "LP-IRM-3D" in methcode : meas_type=methcode #MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcode.strip(':') MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if 'std' in rec[0]: MagRec["measurement_standard"]='s' else: MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' #print MagRec['treatment_temp'] MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file if samp_file!="": pmag.magic_write(samp_file,ErSamps,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file if len(SynRecs)>0: pmag.magic_write(synfile,SynRecs,'er_synthetics') print "synthetics put in ",synfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ascii files generated by SUFAR ver.4.0 to MagIC formated files for use with PmagPy plotting software SYNTAX -h [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits -f FILE: specify .asc input file name -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements output file -Fa AFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy output file -Fr RFILE: specify rmag_results output file -Fs SFILE: specify er_specimens output file with location, sample, site, etc. information -usr USER: specify who made the measurements -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument used -spc SPEC: specify number of characters to specify specimen from sample -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -k15 : specify static 15 position mode - default is spinning -new : replace all existing magic files DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt SFILE: default is to create new er_specimen.txt file USER: "" LOC: "unknown" INST: "" SPEC: 0 sample name is same as site (if SPEC is 1, sample is all but last character) appends to 'er_specimens.txt, er_samples.txt, er_sites.txt' files Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] This is a synthetic [9] ODP naming convention """ citation = "This study" cont = 0 samp_con, Z = "1", 1 AniRecSs, AniRecs, SpecRecs, SampRecs, SiteRecs, MeasRecs = [], [], [], [], [], [] user, locname, specfile = "", "unknown", "er_specimens.txt" isspec, inst, specnum = "0", "", 0 spin, new = 1, 0 dir_path = "." if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] aoutput, routput, moutput = ( dir_path + "/rmag_anisotropy.txt", dir_path + "/rmag_results.txt", dir_path + "/magic_measurements.txt", ) if "-h" in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-usr") user = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if "-k15" in sys.argv: spin = 0 if "-ins" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-ins") inst = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-f" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") ascfile = dir_path + "/" + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-F") moutput = dir_path + "/" + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fa" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-Fa") aoutput = dir_path + "/" + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fr" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-Fr") routput = dir_path + "/" + sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fs" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-Fs") specfile = dir_path + "/" + sys.argv[ind + 1] isspec = "1" elif "-loc" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-loc") locname = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-spc" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-spc") specnum = -(int(sys.argv[ind + 1])) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if isspec == "1": specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(specfile) specnames, sampnames, sitenames = [], [], [] if "-new" not in sys.argv: # see if there are already specimen,sample, site files lying around try: SpecRecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + "/er_specimens.txt") for spec in SpecRecs: if spec["er_specimen_name"] not in specnames: specnames.append(samp["er_specimen_name"]) except: SpecRecs, specs = [], [] try: SampRecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + "/er_samples.txt") for samp in SampRecs: if samp["er_sample_name"] not in sampnames: sampnames.append(samp["er_sample_name"]) except: sampnames, SampRecs = [], [] try: SiteRecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + "/er_sites.txt") for site in SiteRecs: if site["er_site_names"] not in sitenames: sitenames.append(site["er_site_name"]) except: sitenames, SiteRecs = [], [] try: input = open(ascfile, "rU") except: print "Error opening file: ", ascfile Data = input.readlines() k = 0 while k < len(Data): line = Data[k] words = line.split() if "ANISOTROPY" in words: # first line of data for the spec MeasRec, AniRec, SpecRec, SampRec, SiteRec = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} specname = words[0] AniRec["er_specimen_name"] = specname if isspec == "1": for spec in specs: if spec["er_specimen_name"] == specname: AniRec["er_sample_name"] = spec["er_sample_name"] AniRec["er_site_name"] = spec["er_site_name"] AniRec["er_location_name"] = spec["er_location_name"] break elif isspec == "0": if specnum != 0: sampname = specname[:specnum] else: sampname = specname AniRec["er_sample_name"] = sampname SpecRec["er_specimen_name"] = specname SpecRec["er_sample_name"] = sampname SampRec["er_sample_name"] = sampname SiteRec["er_sample_name"] = sampname SiteRec["site_description"] = "s" if samp_con != "9": AniRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(AniRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) SpecRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(AniRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) SampRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(AniRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) SiteRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(AniRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) else: AniRec["er_site_name"] = specname SpecRec["er_site_name"] = specname SampRec["er_site_name"] = specname SiteRec["er_site_name"] = specname pieces = specname.split("-") AniRec["er_expedition_name"] = pieces[0] SpecRec["er_expedition_name"] = pieces[0] SampRec["er_expedition_name"] = pieces[0] SiteRec["er_expedition_name"] = pieces[0] location = pieces[1] AniRec["er_location_name"] = locname SpecRec["er_location_name"] = locname SampRec["er_location_name"] = locname SiteRec["er_location_name"] = locname AniRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" SpecRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" SampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" SiteRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" AniRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" AniRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = inst AniRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS" AniRec["magic_experiment_names"] = specname + ":" + "LP-AN-MS" AniRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user for key in AniRec.keys(): MeasRec[key] = AniRec[key] MeasRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" AniRec["anisotropy_flag"] = "g" MeasRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MeasRec["measurement_description"] = "Bulk sucsecptibility measurement" AniRec["anisotropy_type"] = "AMS" AniRec["anisotropy_unit"] = "Normalized by trace - bulk in measurements table" if spin == 1: AniRec["anisotropy_n"] = "192" else: AniRec["anisotropy_n"] = "15" if "Azi" in words and isspec == "0": SampRec["sample_azimuth"] = words[1] labaz = float(words[1]) if "Dip" in words: SampRec["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (-float(words[1])) SpecRec["specimen_vol"] = "%8.3e" % (float(words[10]) * 1e-6) # convert actual volume to m^3 from cm^3 labdip = float(words[1]) if "T1" in words and "F1" in words: k += 2 # read in fourth line down line = Data[k] rec = line.split() dd = rec[1].split("/") dip_direction = int(dd[0]) + 90 SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = "%i" % (dip_direction) SampRec["sample_bed_dip"] = dd[1] bed_dip = float(dd[1]) if "Mean" in words: k += 4 # read in fourth line down line = Data[k] rec = line.split() MeasRec["measurement_chi_volume"] = rec[1] sigma = 0.01 * float(rec[2]) / 3.0 AniRec["anisotropy_sigma"] = "%7.4f" % (sigma) AniRec["anisotropy_unit"] = "SI" if "factors" in words: k += 4 # read in second line down line = Data[k] rec = line.split() if "Specimen" in words: # first part of specimen data AniRec["anisotropy_s1"] = "%7.4f" % (float(words[5]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec["anisotropy_s2"] = "%7.4f" % (float(words[6]) / 3.0) AniRec["anisotropy_s3"] = "%7.4f" % (float(words[7]) / 3.0) k += 1 line = Data[k] rec = line.split() AniRec["anisotropy_s4"] = "%7.4f" % (float(rec[5]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec["anisotropy_s5"] = "%7.4f" % (float(rec[6]) / 3.0) AniRec["anisotropy_s6"] = "%7.4f" % (float(rec[7]) / 3.0) AniRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "-1" AniRecs.append(AniRec) AniRecG, AniRecT = {}, {} for key in AniRec.keys(): AniRecG[key] = AniRec[key] for key in AniRec.keys(): AniRecT[key] = AniRec[key] sbar = [] sbar.append(float(AniRec["anisotropy_s1"])) sbar.append(float(AniRec["anisotropy_s2"])) sbar.append(float(AniRec["anisotropy_s3"])) sbar.append(float(AniRec["anisotropy_s4"])) sbar.append(float(AniRec["anisotropy_s5"])) sbar.append(float(AniRec["anisotropy_s6"])) sbarg = pmag.dosgeo(sbar, labaz, labdip) AniRecG["anisotropy_s1"] = "%12.10f" % (sbarg[0]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s2"] = "%12.10f" % (sbarg[1]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s3"] = "%12.10f" % (sbarg[2]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s4"] = "%12.10f" % (sbarg[3]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s5"] = "%12.10f" % (sbarg[4]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s6"] = "%12.10f" % (sbarg[5]) AniRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "0" AniRecs.append(AniRecG) if bed_dip != "" and bed_dip != 0: # have tilt correction sbart = pmag.dostilt(sbarg, dip_direction, bed_dip) AniRecT["anisotropy_s1"] = "%12.10f" % (sbart[0]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s2"] = "%12.10f" % (sbart[1]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s3"] = "%12.10f" % (sbart[2]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s4"] = "%12.10f" % (sbart[3]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s5"] = "%12.10f" % (sbart[4]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s6"] = "%12.10f" % (sbart[5]) AniRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "100" AniRecs.append(AniRecT) MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) if SpecRec["er_specimen_name"] not in specnames: SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) specnames.append(SpecRec["er_specimen_name"]) if SampRec["er_sample_name"] not in sampnames: SampRecs.append(SampRec) sampnames.append(SampRec["er_sample_name"]) if SiteRec["er_site_name"] not in sitenames: SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) sitenames.append(SiteRec["er_site_name"]) k += 1 # skip to next specimen pmag.magic_write(aoutput, AniRecs, "rmag_anisotropy") print "anisotropy tensors put in ", aoutput pmag.magic_write(moutput, MeasRecs, "magic_measurements") print "bulk measurements put in ", moutput if isspec == "0": SpecOut, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SpecRecs) output = dir_path + "/er_specimens.txt" pmag.magic_write(output, SpecOut, "er_specimens") print "specimen info put in ", output output = dir_path + "/er_samples.txt" SampOut, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(output, SampOut, "er_samples") print "sample info put in ", output output = dir_path + "/er_sites.txt" SiteOut, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SiteRecs) pmag.magic_write(output, SiteOut, "er_sites") print "site info put in ", output print """"
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts CIT and .sam format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .sam format input file, required -fsi SITEFILE : specify file with site names and locations [tab delimited magic file] -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file, default is er_samples.txt # LORI -n [gm,kg,cc,m3]: specify normalization -A: don't average replicate measurements -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SITEFILE or be a synthetic -mcd [FS-FD:SO-MAG,.....] colon delimited list for method codes applied to all specimens in .sam file -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) NOTES: Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [default] [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ # # norm = 'cc' samp_con, Z = '3', 1 meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' spec_file = 'er_specimens.txt' samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' site_file = 'er_sites.txt' ErSpecs, ErSamps, ErSites, ErLocs, ErCits = [], [], [], [], [] MeasRecs = [] specnum, units, locname = 0, "1", "unknown" citation = "This study" dir_path = '.' args = sys.argv if '-WD' in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = args[ind + 1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] if '-F' in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsp") spec_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsi' in args: # LORI addition ind = args.index("-Fsi") site_file = args[ind + 1] if '-loc' in args: ind = args.index("-loc") locname = args[ind + 1] if '-mcd' in args: ind = args.index("-mcd") methods = args[ind + 1] else: methods = 'SO-MAG' if '-spc' in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = -int(args[ind + 1]) if '-n' in args: ind = args.index("-n") norm = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: avg = 1 else: avg = 0 if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 3-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") magfile = args[ind + 1] # LJ if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') input_dir_path = args[ind + 1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path # LJ magfile = input_dir_path + '/' + magfile spec_file = output_dir_path + '/' + spec_file samp_file = output_dir_path + '/' + samp_file site_file = output_dir_path + '/' + site_file meas_file = output_dir_path + '/' + meas_file try: input = open(magfile, 'r') except Exception as ex: print "bad sam file name" sys.exit() File = input.readlines() sids, ln, format = [], 0, 'CIT' formats = ['CIT', '2G', 'APP', 'JRA'] ErLocRec = {} ErLocRec["er_location_name"] = locname ErLocRec["er_citation_name"] = citation comment = File[ln] if comment == 'CIT': format = comment ln += 1 comment = File[ln] print comment ln += 1 specimens, samples, sites = [], [], [] if format == 'CIT': line = File[ln].split() site_lat = line[0] site_lon = line[1] ErLocRec["location_begin_lat"] = site_lat ErLocRec["location_begin_lon"] = site_lon ErLocRec["location_end_lat"] = site_lat ErLocRec["location_end_lon"] = site_lon ErLocs.append(ErLocRec) Cdec = float(line[2]) for k in range(ln + 1, len(File)): line = File[k] rec = line.split() specimen = rec[0] specimens.append(specimen) for specimen in specimens: ErSpecRec, ErSampRec, ErSiteRec = {}, {}, {} if specnum != 0: sample = specimen[:specnum] else: sample = specimen site = pmag.parse_site(sample, samp_con, Z) ErSpecRec['er_specimen_name'] = specimen ErSpecRec['er_sample_name'] = sample ErSpecRec['er_site_name'] = site ErSpecRec['er_location_name'] = locname ErSpecRec['er_citation_name'] = citation ErSampRec['er_sample_name'] = sample ErSampRec['er_site_name'] = site ErSampRec['er_location_name'] = locname ErSampRec['er_citation_name'] = citation ErSampRec['magic_method_codes'] = methods ErSampRec['sample_declination_correction'] = '%7.1f' % (Cdec) ErSiteRec['er_site_name'] = site ErSiteRec['er_location_name'] = locname ErSiteRec['er_citation_name'] = citation ErSiteRec['site_lat'] = site_lat ErSiteRec['site_lon'] = site_lon f = open(input_dir_path + '/' + specimen, 'rU') Lines = f.readlines() comment = "" line = Lines[0].split() if len(line) > 2: comment = line[2] info = Lines[1].split() vol = float(info[-1]) if vol != 1.0: if norm == 'cc': units = "1" if norm == 'm3': units = "2" ErSampRec['specimen_weight'] = "" if units == "1" or "": ErSampRec['specimen_volume'] = '%10.3e' % (vol * 1e-6) else: ErSampRec['specimen_volume'] = '%10.3e' % (vol) else: if norm == 'cc': units = "1" if norm == 'm3': units = "2" ErSampRec['specimen_volume'] = "" if units == "1" or "": ErSampRec['specimen_weight'] = '%10.3e' % (vol * 1e-3) else: ErSampRec['specimen_weight'] = '%10.3e' % (vol) dip = float(info[-2]) dip_direction = float(info[-3]) + Cdec + 90. sample_dip = -float(info[-4]) sample_azimuth = float(info[-5]) + Cdec - 90. if len(info) > 5: ErSampRec['sample_height'] = info[-6] else: ErSampRec['sample_height'] = '0' ErSampRec['sample_azimuth'] = '%7.1f' % (sample_azimuth) ErSampRec['sample_dip'] = '%7.1f' % (sample_dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip'] = '%7.1f' % (dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction'] = '%7.1f' % (dip_direction) ErSampRec['sample_class'] = '' ErSampRec['sample_type'] = '' ErSampRec['sample_lithology'] = '' if Cdec != 0 or Cdec != "": ErSampRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'SO-CMD-NORTH' else: ErSampRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'SO-MAG' for line in Lines[2:len(Lines) - 1]: MeasRec = ErSpecRec.copy() treat_type = line[0:3] treat = line[3:6] if treat_type.strip( ) == 'NRM' or treat == ' ': # reverting back. otherwise breaks examples. MeasRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-NO' MeasRec['measurement_temp'] = '273' MeasRec['treatment_temp'] = '273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field'] = '0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field'] = '0' elif treat_type.strip() == 'AF': MeasRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp'] = '273' MeasRec['treatment_temp'] = '273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field'] = '0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field'] = '%10.3e' % (float(treat) * 1e-3) elif treat_type.strip() == 'TT': MeasRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-T-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp'] = '273' MeasRec['treatment_temp'] = '%7.1f' % (float(treat) + 273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field'] = '0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field'] = '0' elif treat_type.strip() == 'LT' or treat_type.strip() == 'LN2': MeasRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-LT-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp'] = '273' MeasRec['treatment_temp'] = '77' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field'] = '0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field'] = '0' else: print "trouble with your treatment steps" MeasRec['measurement_dec'] = line[46:51] MeasRec['measurement_inc'] = line[52:58] M = '%8.2e' % (float(line[31:39]) * vol * 1e-3) # convert to Am2 MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment'] = M MeasRec['measurement_x_sd'] = '%8.2e' % ( float(line[58:67]) * 1e-8) #(convert e-5emu to Am2) MeasRec['measurement_y_sd'] = '%8.2e' % (float(line[67:76]) * 1e-8) MeasRec['measurement_z_sd'] = '%8.2e' % (float(line[76:85]) * 1e-8) MeasRec['measurement_csd'] = '%7.1f' % (eval(line[41:46])) MeasRec['magic_instrument_codes'] = line[85:] MeasRec["measurement_positions"] = '1' MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) ErSpecs.append(ErSpecRec) if sample not in samples: samples.append(sample) ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) site = pmag.parse_site(sample, samp_con, Z) if site not in sites: sites.append(site) ErSites.append(ErSiteRec) pmag.magic_write(spec_file, ErSpecs, 'er_specimens') print 'specimens stored in ', spec_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file, ErSamps, 'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ', samp_file pmag.magic_write(site_file, ErSites, 'er_sites') print 'sites stored in ', site_file Fixed = pmag.measurements_methods(MeasRecs, avg) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, Fixed, 'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ', meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ascii files generated by SUFAR ver.1.2 to MagIC formated files for use with PmagPy plotting software SYNTAX -h [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits -f FILE: specify .asc input file name -Fa AFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy output file -Fr RFILE: specify rmag_results output file -Fs SFILE: specify er_specimens output file with location, sample, site, etc. information -usr USER: specify who made the measurements -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument used -spc SPEC: specify number of characters to specify specimen from sample -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt SFILE: default is to create new er_specimen.txt file USER: "" LOC: "unknown" INST: "PGL-KLY3" SPEC: 0 sample name is same as site (if SPEC is 1, sample is all but last character) creates new 'er_specimens.txt' file Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ citation = "This study" cont = 0 samp_con, Z = "1", 1 ResRecs, SucRecs, SpecRecs, SampRecs, SiteRecs = [], [], [], [], [] user, locname, specfile = "", "locname", "er_specimens.txt" isspec, inst, specnum = "0", "PGL-KLY3", 0 aoutput, routput = "rmag_anisotropy.txt", "rmag_results.txt" dir_path = "." if "-h" in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-usr") user = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 3-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "-f" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") ascfile = sys.argv[ind + 1] elif "-i" not in sys.argv: print "must specify ascii input file or use interactive option [-i]\n\n " print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-Fa" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-Fa") aoutput = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fr" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-Fr") routput = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fs" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-Fs") specfile = sys.argv[ind + 1] isspec = "1" elif "-loc" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-loc") locname = sys.argv[ind + 1] samp_con, Z = pmag.get_samp_con() if "-spc" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-spc") specnum = -(int(sys.argv[ind + 1])) if "-i" in sys.argv: user = raw_input("Who made these measurements? \n Use the earthref mailname please, [] \n") if user == "": user = "" isspec = raw_input( " Is there an existing er_specimen file [1] or do you wish to create one? [0] <return> to skip " ) if isspec == "1": specfile = raw_input("Enter er_specimen file name: [er_specimens.txt] ") if specfile == "": specfile = "er_specimens.txt" elif isspec == "0": locname = raw_input("Enter location name for this study ") samp_con, Z = pmag.get_samp_con() ans = raw_input("How many characters to specify specimen [1] ") if ans == "": specnum = -1 else: specnum = -int(ans) aoutput = raw_input("Filename for output [rmag_anisotropy.txt] ") if aoutput == "": aoutput = "rmag_anisotropy.txt" routput = raw_input("Filename for results output [rmag_results.txt] ") if routput == "": routput = "rmag_results.txt" ascfile = raw_input("Enter asc file for processing ") if isspec == "1": specs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(specfile) try: input = open(ascfile, "rU") except: print "Error opening file: ", ascfile sys.exit() Data = input.readlines() k = 0 while k < len(Data): line = Data[k] words = line.split() if "ANISOTROPY" in words: # first line of data for the spec SucRec, SpecRec, SampRec, SiteRec, ResRec = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} specname = words[0] SucRec["er_specimen_name"] = specname if isspec == "1": for spec in specs: if spec["er_specimen_name"] == specname: SucRec["er_sample_name"] = spec["er_sample_name"] SucRec["er_site_name"] = spec["er_site_name"] SucRec["er_location_name"] = spec["er_location_name"] break elif isspec == "0": SucRec["er_sample_name"] = specname[:specnum] SpecRec["er_sample_name"] = specname[:specnum] SiteRec["er_sample_name"] = specname[:specnum] SucRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(SucRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) SpecRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(SucRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) SampRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(SucRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) SiteRec["er_site_name"] = pmag.parse_site(SucRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) SucRec["er_location_name"] = locname SpecRec["er_location_name"] = locname SampRec["er_location_name"] = locname SiteRec["er_location_name"] = locname SpecRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" SampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" SiteRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" ResRec["er_sample_names"] = SucRec["er_sample_name"] ResRec["er_site_names"] = SucRec["er_site_name"] SucRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" SucRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = inst SucRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS" SucRec["magic_experiment_names"] = specname + ":" + "LP-AN-MS" SucRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user SucRec["anisotropy_type"] = "AMS" SucRec["anisotropy_n"] = "15" ResRec["rmag_result_name"] = SucRec["er_specimen_name"] + "Specimen Coordinates" ResRec["er_specimen_names"] = SucRec["er_specimen_name"] ResRec["magic_experiment_names"] = SucRec["magic_experiment_names"] ResRec["anisotropy_type"] = SucRec["anisotropy_type"] if "Azi" in words and isspec == "0": SampRec["sample_azimuth"] = words[1] SampRec["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (-float(words[1])) SpecRec["specimen_vol"] = "%8.3e" % (float(words[10]) * 1e-6) # convert actual volume to m^3 from cm^3 if "[A/m]" in words: k += 2 # read in second line down line = Data[k] words = line.split() SucRec["anisotropy_mean"] = words[1] SucRec["anisotropy_sigma"] = words[2] SucRec["anisotropy_unit"] = "SI" ResRec["anisotropy_ftest"] = words[3] ResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"] = words[4] ResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"] = words[5] if "susceptibilities" in words: k += 2 # read in second line down line = Data[k] words = line.split() ResRec["anisotropy_t1"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[0]) / 3.0) ResRec["anisotropy_t2"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[1]) / 3.0) ResRec["anisotropy_t3"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[2]) / 3.0) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"] = words[3] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"] = words[4] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"] = words[5] k += 2 # read in second line down line = Data[k] words = line.split() ResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"] = words[4] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"] = words[5] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"] = words[6] if "factors" in words: k += 4 # read in second line down line = Data[k] words = line.split() ResRec["anisotropy_l"] = words[0] ResRec["anisotropy_f"] = words[1] ResRec["anisotropy_p"] = words[2] ResRec["anisotropy_pp"] = words[3] ResRec["anisotropy_t"] = words[4] if "Specimen" in words: # first part of specimen data ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = words[2] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = words[3] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = words[4] SucRec["anisotropy_s1"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[5]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 SucRec["anisotropy_s2"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[6]) / 3.0) SucRec["anisotropy_s3"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[7]) / 3.0) k += 1 line = Data[k] words = line.split() ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = words[2] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = words[3] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = words[4] SucRec["anisotropy_s4"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[5]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 SucRec["anisotropy_s5"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[6]) / 3.0) SucRec["anisotropy_s6"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[7]) / 3.0) SucRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "-1" ResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] ResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] ResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] ResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] ResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] ResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] ResRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "-1" k += 2 line = Data[k] words = line.split() SucRecs.append(SucRec) ResRecs.append(ResRec) ResRecG = copy.copy(ResRec) SucRecG = copy.copy(SucRec) ResRecG["rmag_result_name"] = SucRec["er_specimen_name"] + "Geographic Coordinates" ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = words[2] ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = words[3] ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = words[4] SucRecG["anisotropy_s1"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[5]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 SucRecG["anisotropy_s2"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[6]) / 3.0) SucRecG["anisotropy_s3"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[7]) / 3.0) k += 1 line = Data[k] words = line.split() ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = words[2] ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = words[3] ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = words[4] SucRecG["anisotropy_s4"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[5]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 SucRecG["anisotropy_s5"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[6]) / 3.0) SucRecG["anisotropy_s6"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[7]) / 3.0) SucRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "0" ResRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "0" Dgeo, Igeo = float(ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_dec"]), float(ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_inc"]) ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_dec"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_inc"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_dec"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_inc"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_dec"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_inc"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_dec"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_inc"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_dec"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_inc"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_dec"] ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_inc"] k += 2 line = Data[k] words = line.split() ResRecs.append(ResRecG) SucRecs.append(SucRecG) SucRecT = copy.copy(SucRecG) ResRecT = copy.copy(ResRecG) ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = words[3] ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = words[4] ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = words[5] SucRecT["anisotropy_s1"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[6]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 SucRecT["anisotropy_s2"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[7]) / 3.0) SucRecT["anisotropy_s3"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[8]) / 3.0) k += 1 # skip down 1 line = Data[k] words = line.split() ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = words[2] ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = words[3] ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = words[4] Dtilt, Itilt = float(ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_dec"]), float(ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_inc"]) DipDir, Dip = pmag.get_tilt(Dgeo, Igeo, Dtilt, Itilt) SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = "%7.1f" % (DipDir) SampRec["sample_bed_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (Dip) SucRecT["anisotropy_s4"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[5]) / 3.0) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 SucRecT["anisotropy_s5"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[6]) / 3.0) SucRecT["anisotropy_s6"] = "%6.4f" % (float(words[7]) / 3.0) SucRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "100" ResRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "100" ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_dec"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_inc"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_dec"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_inc"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_dec"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_inc"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_dec"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_inc"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_dec"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_inc"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_dec"] ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_inc"] SucRecs.append(SucRecT) ResRecs.append(ResRecT) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) SampRecs.append(SampRec) SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) k += 1 pmag.magic_write(aoutput, SucRecs, "rmag_anisotropy") print "anisotropy tensors put in ", aoutput pmag.magic_write(routput, ResRecs, "rmag_results") print "anisotropy results put in ", routput if isspec == "0": output = "er_specimens.txt" pmag.magic_write(output, SpecRecs, "er_specimens") print "specimen info put in ", output output = "er_samples.txt" pmag.magic_write(output, SampRecs, "er_samples") print "sample info put in ", output output = "er_sites.txt" pmag.magic_write(output, SiteRecs, "er_sites") print "site info put in ", output print """"
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes space delimited AzDip file and converts to MagIC formatted tables SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input file -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" -app appends to existing er_samples.txt file, default is to overwrite INPUT FORMAT Input files must be space delimited: Samp Az Dip Strike Dip Orientation convention: Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip e.g. field_dip is degrees from horizontal of drill direction Magnetic declination convention: Az is already corrected in file Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in er_samples.txt will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # DEBUG = 0 version_num = pmag.get_version() orient_file, samp_file, or_con, corr = "orient.txt", "er_samples.txt", "3", "1" args = sys.argv date, lat, lon = "", "", "" # date of sampling, latitude (pos North), longitude (pos East) bed_dip, bed_dip_dir = "", "" participantlist = "" sites = [] # list of site names Lats, Lons = [], [] # list of latitudes and longitudes SampRecs, SiteRecs, ImageRecs, imagelist = [], [], [], [] # lists of Sample records and Site records samp_con, Z, average_bedding = "1", 1, "0" newbaseline, newbeddir, newbeddip = "", "", "" meths = "FS-FD" delta_u = "0" sclass, lithology, type = "", "", "" newclass, newlith, newtype = "", "", "" user = "" corr == "3" DecCorr = 0.0 location_name = "unknown" # # if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") orient_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if "-mcd" in args: ind = args.index("-mcd") meths = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") location_name = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-app" in args: try: SampRecs, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print "sample data to be appended to: ", samp_file except: print "problem with existing samp file: ", samp_file, " will create new" # # read in file to convert # azfile = open(orient_file, "rU") AzDipDat = azfile.readlines() azfile.close() SampOut, samplist = [], [] for line in AzDipDat: orec = line.split() if len(orec) > 2: labaz, labdip = pmag.orient(float(orec[1]), float(orec[2]), or_con) bed_dip = float(orec[4]) if bed_dip != 0: bed_dip_dir = float(orec[3]) - 90.0 # assume dip to right of strike else: bed_dip_dir = float(orec[3]) # assume dip to right of strike MagRec = {} MagRec["er_location_name"] = location_name MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" # # parse information common to all orientation methods # MagRec["er_sample_name"] = orec[0] MagRec["sample_bed_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (bed_dip) MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = "%7.1f" % (bed_dip_dir) MagRec["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (labdip) MagRec["sample_azimuth"] = "%7.1f" % (labaz) methods = meths.replace(" ", "").split(":") OR = 0 for method in methods: type = method.split("-") if "SO" in type: OR = 1 if OR == 0: meths = meths + ":SO-NO" MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meths site = pmag.parse_site(orec[0], samp_con, Z) # parse out the site name MagRec["er_site_name"] = site MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num SampOut.append(MagRec) if MagRec["er_sample_name"] not in samplist: samplist.append(MagRec["er_sample_name"]) for samp in SampRecs: if samp not in samplist: SampOut.append(samp) Samps, keys = pmag.fillkeys(SampOut) pmag.magic_write(samp_file, Samps, "er_samples") print "Data saved in ", samp_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts University of Rome JR6 format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file for appending, default is er_samples.txt -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -A : don't average replicate measurements -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM:SO-SUN] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-SUN orientations are from a sun compass SO-MAG orientations are from a magnetic compass SO-MAG-CMD orientations declination corrected magnetic compass -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] synthetic - has no site name [9] ODP naming convention INPUT Put data from separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in separate directory """ # # version_num=pmag.get_version() er_location_name="" ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MagRecs=[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0 specnum=0 sampmeths='FS-FD:SO-POM:SO-SUN' samp_con,Z="4","2" if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+'/'+'magic_measurements.txt' samp_file=dir_path+'/'+'er_samples.txt' if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") sampmeths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" if "S" in codes: demag="S" methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield=labfield ans=raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans=="": arm_labfield=50e-6 else: arm_labfield=float(ans)*1e-6 ans=raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans=="": trm_peakT=600+273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT=float(ans)+273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" trm=1 if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=.180 filelist=os.listdir(dir_path) # read in list of files to import samples=[] MagRecs,SampRecs=[],[] for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(samp['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(samp) for file in filelist: # parse each file parts=file.split('.') if parts[1].upper()=='JR6': print 'processing: ',file treatment_type,treatment_value,user="","","" inst="UR-JR6" input=open(dir_path+'/'+file,'rU').readlines() for line in input: newline=line.replace('-',' -') rec=newline.split() MagRec,SampRec={},{} specimen=rec[0] if specnum!=0: SampRec['er_sample_name']=specimen[:specnum] else: SampRec['er_sample_name']=specimen er_site_name=pmag.parse_site(SampRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SampRec['er_site_name']=er_site_name SampRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name for key in SampRec.keys():MagRec[key]=SampRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']=rec[7] SampRec['sample_dip']='-'+rec[8] SampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']=rec[9] SampRec['sample_bed_dip']=rec[10] SampRec['magic_method_codes']=sampmeths MagRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"]='' # set csd to blank MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-NO' if rec[2]=='C': temp=float(rec[1])+273. if temp>298: MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (temp) # room temp in kelvin MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-T-Z' else: # measurement is in oe AC=float(rec[1])*1e-4 # convert to tesla if AC!=0.: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(AC) MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-AF-Z' vol=10.8*1e-6 # standard Roma lab volume MagRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MagRec['measurement_number']='1' mexp=10**(float(rec[6])) x,y,z=mexp*float(rec[3]),mexp*float(rec[4]),mexp*float(rec[5]) Cart=[x,y,z] Dir=pmag.cart2dir(Cart) MagRec['measurement_dec']='%7.1f'%(Dir[0]) MagRec['measurement_inc']='%7.1f'%(Dir[1]) MagRec['measurement_magn_volume']='%8.3e'%(Dir[2]) MagRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(Dir[2]*vol) MagRec['measurement_description']='converted A/m to Am^2 using volume of '+str(vol)+' m^3' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if MagRec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(MagRec['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(SampRec) if len(SampRecs)>0: SampOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ',samp_file Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ',meas_file
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes the binary 2G format magnetometer files and converts them to magic_measurements, er_samples.txt and er_sites.txt file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input 2G (binary) file -F FILE: specify magic_measurements output file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output file, default is: er_sites.txt -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #5 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass SO-SUN orientation with sun compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ins INST : specify instsrument name -a: average replicate measurements INPUT FORMAT Input files are horrible mag binary format (who knows why?) Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-field_dip i.e., field_dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -field_dip i.e., mag_azimuth is strike and field_dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip i.e., lab arrow same as field arrow, but field_dip was a hade. [4] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip [5] lab azimuth is same as mag_azimuth,lab arrow dip=field_dip-90 [6] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [7] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: Az will use supplied declination to correct azimuth Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in magic_measurements.txt & er_samples.txt formatted files will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # mag_file = '' specnum=0 ub_file,samp_file,or_con,corr,meas_file = "","er_samples.txt","3","1","magic_measurements.txt" pos_file,site_file="","er_sites.txt" noave=1 args=sys.argv bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" samp_con,Z,average_bedding="2",1,"0" meths='FS-FD' sclass,lithology,_type="","","" user,inst="","" DecCorr=0. location_name="unknown" months=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] gmeths="" # # dir_path='.' if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") mag_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-fpos" in args: ind=args.index("-fpos") pos_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsi" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ocn" in args: ind=args.index("-ocn") or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") gmeths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") location_name=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if "-a" in args: noave=0 # ID = False if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') ID = args[ind+1] # if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file', '') pos_file = kwargs.get('pos_file', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'er_sites.txt') or_con = kwargs.get('or_con', '3') samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '2') corr = kwargs.get('corr', '1') gmeths = kwargs.get('gmeths', '') location_name = kwargs.get('location_name', '') specnum = int(kwargs.get('specnum', 0)) inst = kwargs.get('inst', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 1) # default is DO average ID = kwargs.get('ID', '') # format and fix variables acquired from command line args or input with **kwargs if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if ID: input_dir_path = ID else: input_dir_path = dir_path if samp_con: if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "6" in samp_con: try: Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(os.path.join(input_dir_path, 'er_samples.txt')) except: print "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" return False, "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" if file_type == 'bad_file': print "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" return False, "there is no er_samples.txt file in your input directory - you can't use naming convention #6" if not mag_file: print "mag file is required input" return False, "mag file is required input" output_dir_path = dir_path mag_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, mag_file) samp_file = output_dir_path+'/'+samp_file site_file = output_dir_path+'/'+site_file meas_file= output_dir_path+'/'+meas_file samplist=[] try: Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samplist: samplist.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except: Samps=[] MagRecs=[] try: f=open(mag_file,'rU') f.close() except Exception as ex: print 'ex', ex print "bad mag file" return False, "bad mag file" firstline,date=1,"" d=input.split('\xcd') for line in d: rec=line.split('\x00') if firstline==1: firstline=0 spec,vol="",1 for c in line[15:23]: if c!='\x00':spec=spec+c # check for bad sample name test=spec.split('.') date="" if len(test)>1: spec=test[0] kk=24 while line[kk]!='\x01' and line[kk]!='\x00': kk+=1 vcc=line[24:kk] el=10 while rec[el].strip()!='':el+=1 date,comments=rec[el+7],[] else: el=9 while rec[el]!='\x01':el+=1 vcc,date,comments=rec[el-3],rec[el+7],[] specname=spec.lower() print 'importing ',specname el+=8 while rec[el].isdigit()==False: comments.append(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 az=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 pl=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 bed_dip_dir=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 bed_dip=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 if rec[el]=='\x01': bed_dip=180.-bed_dip el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 fold_az=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 fold_pl=rec[el] el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 if rec[el]!="" and rec[el]!='\x02' and rec[el]!='\x01': deccorr=float(rec[el]) az+=deccorr bed_dip_dir+=deccorr fold_az+=deccorr if bed_dip_dir>=360:bed_dip_dir=bed_dip_dir-360. if az>=360.:az=az-360. if fold_az>=360.:fold_az=fold_az-360. else: deccorr=0 if specnum!=0: sample=specname[:specnum] else: sample=specname SampRec={} SampRec["er_sample_name"]=sample SampRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(az,pl,or_con) # convert to labaz, labpl # # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip) SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip_dir) SampRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) if vcc.strip()!="":vol=float(vcc)*1e-6 # convert to m^3 from cc SampRec["sample_volume"]='%10.3e'%(vol) # SampRec["sample_class"]=sclass SampRec["sample_lithology"]=lithology SampRec["sample_type"]=_type SampRec["sample_declination_correction"]='%7.1f'%(deccorr) methods=gmeths.split(':') if deccorr!="0": if 'SO-MAG' in methods:del methods[methods.index('SO-MAG')] methods.append('SO-CMD-NORTH') meths="" for meth in methods:meths=meths+meth+":" meths=meths[:-1] SampRec["magic_method_codes"]=meths if int(samp_con)<6 or int(samp_con) == 7: site=pmag.parse_site(SampRec["er_sample_name"],samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name SampRec["er_site_name"]=site elif len(Samps)>1: site,location="","" for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == SampRec["er_sample_name"]: site=samp["er_site_name"] location=samp["er_location_name"] break SampRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] SampRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] if sample not in samplist: samplist.append(sample) Samps.append(SampRec) else: MagRec={} MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=specname MagRec["er_sample_name"]=SampRec['er_sample_name'] MagRec["er_site_name"]=SampRec['er_site_name'] MagRec["er_location_name"]=location_name el,demag=1,'' treat=rec[el] if treat[-1]=='C': demag='T' elif treat!='NRM': demag='AF' el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[el] cdec=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[el] cinc=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 gdec=rec[el] el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 ginc=rec[el] el=skip(2,el,rec) # skip bdec,binc # el=skip(4,el,rec) # skip gdec,ginc,bdec,binc # print 'moment emu: ',rec[el] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3/vol) # magnetization in A/m el=skip(2,el,rec) # skip to xsig MagRec["measurement_sd_x"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el=skip(3,el,rec) # skip to ysig MagRec["measurement_sd_y"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el=skip(3,el,rec) # skip to zsig MagRec["measurement_sd_z"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el+=1 # skip to positions MagRec["measurement_positions"]=rec[el] # el=skip(5,el,rec) # skip to date # mm=str(months.index(date[0])) # if len(mm)==1: # mm='0'+str(mm) # else: # mm=str(mm) # dstring=date[2]+':'+mm+':'+date[1]+":"+date[3] # MagRec['measurement_date']=dstring MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="" MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type if demag=="AF": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(treat[:-2])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' elif demag=="T": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[:-1])+273.) # temp in kelvin meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) MagOuts, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(MagOuts) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "Measurements put in ",meas_file SampsOut,sampkeys=pmag.fillkeys(Samps) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampsOut,"er_samples") Sites=[] for samp in Samps: SiteRec={} SiteRec['er_site_name']=samp['er_site_name'] SiteRec['er_location_name']=samp['er_location_name'] SiteRec['site_definition']='s' SiteRec['er_citation_names']='This study' if 'sample_class' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_class']=samp['sample_class'] if 'sample_lithology' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_lithology']=samp['sample_lithology'] if 'sample_type' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_lithology']=samp['sample_lithology'] if 'sample_lat' in samp.keys(): SiteRec['site_lat']=samp['sample_lat'] else: SiteRec['site_lat']="-999" if 'sample_lon' in samp.keys(): SiteRec['site_lon']=samp['sample_lon'] else: SiteRec['site_lon']="-999" if 'sample_height' in samp.keys():SiteRec['site_height']=samp['sample_height'] Sites.append(SiteRec) pmag.magic_write(site_file,Sites,'er_sites') return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts FINNISH format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify index file with list of files for importing [default is index.txt] -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -n [gm,kg,cc,m3]: specify normalization -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention [default is #2 below] -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SITEFILE or be a synthetic -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) NOTES: Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ # # norm='cc' samp_con,Z='2',1 meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' magfile='index.txt' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MeasRecs=[] specnum,unis,locname=-1,"1","unknown" citation="This study" dir_path='.' args=sys.argv labfield,phi,theta="","","" if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] if '-loc' in args: ind=args.index("-loc") locname=args[ind+1] if '-spc' in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=-int(args[ind+1]) if '-dc' in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-6 phi=args[ind+2] theta=args[ind+3] if '-n' in args: ind=args.index("-n") norm=args[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] magfile=dir_path+'/'+magfile spec_file=dir_path+'/'+spec_file samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file site_file=dir_path+'/'+site_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad sam file name" sys.exit() Files=input.readlines() sids,ln=[],0 specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] for file in Files: Zsteps,Isteps=[],[] print 'processing ',file.split()[0] data=open(file.split()[0],'rU').readlines() # parse out header info line= data[0] k=6 while k<len(line) and line[k]==' ':k+=1 inst=line[k:] line= data[1] rec=line.split(':') specimen=rec[1].split()[0].lower() if specnum!=0: sample=specimen[:specnum] else: sample=specimen site=pmag.parse_site(sample,samp_con,Z) line= data[2] rec=line.split(':') lithology=rec[1] line=data[7] rec=line.split() site_lat=rec[0] site_lon=rec[1] # sample_azimuth=(float(rec[2])-90.) # if sample_azimuth<0:sample_azimuth+=360. ## sample_dip=(90.-float(rec[3])) dip=float(rec[5]) if dip!=0: dip_direction=(float(rec[4])-90.) else: dip_direction=0 if dip_direction<0:dip_direction+=360. sample_azimuth=0 sample_dip=0 ## the data are in geographic coordinates already vol=float(rec[6]) weight=float(rec[7]) line= data[8] treat_type=line[:2] ErSpecRec,ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{},{} ErSpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen ErSpecRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSpecRec['er_site_name']=site ErSpecRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSpecRec['er_citation_name']=citation ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSampRec['er_site_name']=site ErSampRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSampRec['er_citation_name']=citation ErSiteRec['sample_lat']=site_lat ErSiteRec['sample_lon']=site_lon ErSiteRec['er_site_name']=site ErSiteRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSiteRec['er_citation_name']=citation ErSiteRec['site_lat']=site_lat ErSiteRec['site_lon']=site_lon if weight!=0: ErSpecRec['specimen_weight']='%10.3e'%(weight*1e-3) # convert to kg else: ErSpecRec['specimen_weight']="" if vol!=0: if norm=='cc':units="1" if norm=='m3':units="2" if units=="1" or "": ErSpecRec['specimen_volume']='%10.3e'%(vol*1e-6) else: ErSpecRec['specimen_volume']='%10.3e'%(vol) else: ErSpecRec['specimen_volume']="" ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(sample_azimuth) ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(sample_dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(dip_direction) ErSampRec['sample_class']='' ErSampRec['sample_type']='' ErSampRec['sample_lithology']=lithology ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']="SO-CMD-NORTH" lastrec=data[-1] while len(lastrec.split())<2: # stripping off blanks at end del data[-1] lastrec=data[-1] for line in data[9:]: MeasRec=ErSpecRec.copy() MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' rec=line.split() if len(rec)==1: rec=line.split('\t') treat=rec[0].strip() if treat=="0": MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-NO' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_phi']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_theta']='' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' else: if treat_type.strip()=='AF': MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-AF-Z' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_phi']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_theta']='' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='%10.3e'%(float(treat)*1e-4) # convert from Oe elif treat_type.strip()=='TH': if labfield=="": MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-T-Z' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='%7.1f'%(float(treat)+273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_phi']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_theta']='' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' else: if treat not in Zsteps: print 'first Z: ',treat Zsteps.append(treat) MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-T-Z' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='%7.1f'%(float(treat)+273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_phi']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_theta']='' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' elif treat not in Isteps: print 'first I: ',treat Isteps.append(treat) MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-T-I' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='%7.1f'%(float(treat)+273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='%10.3e'%(labfield) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_phi']=phi MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_theta']=theta MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' elif treat in Isteps: if float(treat)<float(Zsteps[-1]): print 'pTRM ',treat MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-PTRM-Z' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='%7.1f'%(float(treat)+273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_phi']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_theta']='' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' else: print 'pTRM tail ',treat MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-PTRM-MD' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='%7.1f'%(float(treat)+273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_phi']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field_theta']='' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' MeasRec['measurement_dec']=rec[1] MeasRec['measurement_inc']=rec[2] intens='%8.2e'%(float(rec[3])*1e-3) # convert to A/m MeasRec['measurement_magn_volume']=intens MeasRec['measurement_csd']='%7.1f'%(eval(rec[5])) MeasRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) ErSpecs.append(ErSpecRec) if sample not in samples: samples.append(sample) ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) if site not in sites: sites.append(site) ErSites.append(ErSiteRec) pmag.magic_write(spec_file,ErSpecs,'er_specimens') print 'specimens stored in ',spec_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,ErSamps,'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ',samp_file pmag.magic_write(site_file,ErSites,'er_sites') Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MeasRecs,1) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ',meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes the binary 2G format magnetometer files and converts them to magic_measurements, er_samples.txt and er_sites.txt file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input 2G (binary) file -F FILE: specify magic_measurements output file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output file, default is: er_sies.txt -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #5 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass SO-SUN orientation with sun compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ins INST : specify instsrument name -a: average replicate measurements INPUT FORMAT Input files are horrible mag binary format (who knows why?) Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-field_dip i.e., field_dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -field_dip i.e., mag_azimuth is strike and field_dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip i.e., lab arrow same as field arrow, but field_dip was a hade. [4] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip [5] lab azimuth is same as mag_azimuth,lab arrow dip=field_dip-90 [6] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [7] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: Az will use supplied declination to correct azimuth Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in magic_measurements.txt & er_samples.txt formatted files will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # specnum = 0 ub_file, samp_file, or_con, corr, meas_file = "", "er_samples.txt", "3", "1", "magic_measurements.txt" pos_file, site_file = "", "er_sites.txt" noave = 1 args = sys.argv bed_dip, bed_dip_dir = "", "" samp_con, Z, average_bedding = "2", 1, "0" meths = "FS-FD" sclass, lithology, type = "", "", "" user, inst = "", "" DecCorr = 0.0 location_name = "unknown" months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"] gmeths = "" # # dir_path = "." if "-WD" in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-fpos" in args: ind = args.index("-fpos") pos_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-Fsi" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsi") site_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ocn" in args: ind = args.index("-ocn") or_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if "6" in samp_con: try: Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(dir_path + "/er_samples.txt") except: print "there is no er_samples.txt file available - you can't use naming convention #6" sys.exit() if "-mcd" in args: ind = args.index("-mcd") gmeths = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") location_name = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "-ins" in args: ind = args.index("-ins") inst = args[ind + 1] if "-a" in args: noave = 0 # # mag_file = dir_path + "/" + mag_file samp_file = dir_path + "/" + samp_file site_file = dir_path + "/" + site_file meas_file = dir_path + "/" + meas_file samplist = [] try: Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] not in samplist: samplist.append(samp["er_sample_name"]) except: Samps = [] MagRecs = [] f = open(mag_file, "rU") input = f.close() firstline, date = 1, "" d = input.split("\xcd") for line in d: rec = line.split("\x00") if firstline == 1: firstline = 0 spec, vol = "", 1 for c in line[15:23]: if c != "\x00": spec = spec + c # check for bad sample name test = spec.split(".") date = "" if len(test) > 1: spec = test[0] kk = 24 while line[kk] != "\x01" and line[kk] != "\x00": kk += 1 vcc = line[24:kk] el = 10 while rec[el].strip() != "": el += 1 date, comments = rec[el + 7], [] else: el = 9 while rec[el] != "\x01": el += 1 vcc, date, comments = rec[el - 3], rec[el + 7], [] specname = spec.lower() print "importing ", specname el += 8 while rec[el].isdigit() == False: comments.append(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 az = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 pl = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 bed_dip_dir = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 bed_dip = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 if rec[el] == "\x01": bed_dip = 180.0 - bed_dip el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 fold_az = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 fold_pl = rec[el] el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 if rec[el] != "" and rec[el] != "\x02" and rec[el] != "\x01": deccorr = float(rec[el]) az += deccorr bed_dip_dir += deccorr fold_az += deccorr if bed_dip_dir >= 360: bed_dip_dir = bed_dip_dir - 360.0 if az >= 360.0: az = az - 360.0 if fold_az >= 360.0: fold_az = fold_az - 360.0 else: deccorr = 0 if specnum != 0: sample = specname[:specnum] else: sample = specname SampRec = {} SampRec["er_sample_name"] = sample SampRec["er_location_name"] = location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" labaz, labdip = pmag.orient(az, pl, or_con) # convert to labaz, labpl # # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["sample_bed_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (bed_dip) SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = "%7.1f" % (bed_dip_dir) SampRec["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"] = "%7.1f" % (labaz) if vcc.strip() != "": vol = float(vcc) * 1e-6 # convert to m^3 from cc SampRec["sample_volume"] = "%10.3e" % (vol) # SampRec["sample_class"] = sclass SampRec["sample_lithology"] = lithology SampRec["sample_type"] = type SampRec["sample_declination_correction"] = "%7.1f" % (deccorr) methods = gmeths.split(":") if deccorr != "0": if "SO-MAG" in methods: del methods[methods.index("SO-MAG")] methods.append("SO-CMD-NORTH") meths = "" for meth in methods: meths = meths + meth + ":" meths = meths[:-1] SampRec["magic_method_codes"] = meths if int(samp_con) < 6: site = pmag.parse_site(SampRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) # parse out the site name SampRec["er_site_name"] = site elif len(Samps) > 1: site, location = "", "" for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == SampRec["er_sample_name"]: site = samp["er_site_name"] location = samp["er_location_name"] break SampRec["er_location_name"] = samp["er_location_name"] SampRec["er_site_name"] = samp["er_site_name"] if sample not in samplist: samplist.append(sample) Samps.append(SampRec) else: MagRec = {} MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = "0" meas_type = "LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MagRec["measurement_number"] = "1" MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = specname MagRec["er_sample_name"] = SampRec["er_sample_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"] = SampRec["er_site_name"] MagRec["er_location_name"] = location_name el, demag = 1, "" treat = rec[el] if treat[-1] == "C": demag = "T" elif treat != "NRM": demag = "AF" el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 MagRec["measurement_dec"] = rec[el] cdec = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 MagRec["measurement_inc"] = rec[el] cinc = float(rec[el]) el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 gdec = rec[el] el += 1 while rec[el] == "": el += 1 ginc = rec[el] el = skip(2, el, rec) # skip bdec,binc # el=skip(4,el,rec) # skip gdec,ginc,bdec,binc # print 'moment emu: ',rec[el] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = "%10.3e" % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"] = "%10.3e" % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3 / vol) # magnetization in A/m el = skip(2, el, rec) # skip to xsig MagRec["measurement_sd_x"] = "%10.3e" % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3) # convert from emu el = skip(3, el, rec) # skip to ysig MagRec["measurement_sd_y"] = "%10.3e" % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3) # convert from emu el = skip(3, el, rec) # skip to zsig MagRec["measurement_sd_z"] = "%10.3e" % (float(rec[el]) * 1e-3) # convert from emu el += 1 # skip to positions MagRec["measurement_positions"] = rec[el] # el=skip(5,el,rec) # skip to date # mm=str(months.index(date[0])) # if len(mm)==1: # mm='0'+str(mm) # else: # mm=str(mm) # dstring=date[2]+':'+mm+':'+date[1]+":"+date[3] # MagRec['measurement_date']=dstring MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = inst MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = "" MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type if demag == "AF": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "%8.3e" % (float(treat[:-2]) * 1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "0" elif demag == "T": MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (float(treat[:-1]) + 273.0) # temp in kelvin meas_type = "LT-T-Z" MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, "magic_measurements") print "Measurements put in ", meas_file SampsOut, sampkeys = pmag.fillkeys(Samps) pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampsOut, "er_samples") Sites = [] for samp in Samps: SiteRec = {} SiteRec["er_site_name"] = samp["er_site_name"] SiteRec["er_location_name"] = samp["er_location_name"] SiteRec["site_definition"] = "s" SiteRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" if "sample_class" in samp.keys(): SiteRec["site_class"] = samp["sample_class"] if "sample_lithology" in samp.keys(): SiteRec["site_lithology"] = samp["sample_lithology"] if "sample_type" in samp.keys(): SiteRec["site_lithology"] = samp["sample_lithology"] if "sample_lat" in samp.keys(): SiteRec["site_lat"] = samp["sample_lat"] else: SiteRec["site_lat"] = "-999" if "sample_lon" in samp.keys(): SiteRec["site_lon"] = samp["sample_lon"] else: SiteRec["site_lon"] = "-999" if "sample_height" in samp.keys(): SiteRec["site_height"] = samp["sample_height"] Sites.append(SiteRec) pmag.magic_write(site_file, Sites, "er_sites")
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes Fort Hoofddijk (University of Utrecht) format magnetometer files and converts them to magic_measurements and er_samples.txt SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input file -fpos FILE: specify stratigraphic position file (.saf format) -F FILE: specify magic_measurements output file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #1 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass SO-SUN orientation with sun compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ins INST : specify instsrument name INPUT FORMAT Input files must be colon delimited: "file_name", "instrument" "specimen name","",az,pl,vol(cc),strike,dip treatment,X,Y,Z,CSD,"yy-mm-dd","hh:mm" Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-dip i.e., dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -dip i.e., mag_azimuth is strike and dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = dip-90 e.g. dip is degrees from horizontal of drill direction [4] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = dip [5] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-dip [6] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: Az is already corrected in file Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in magic_measurements.txt & er_samples.txt formatted files will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # uu_file,samp_file,or_con,corr,meas_file = "","er_samples.txt","1","1","magic_measurements.txt" pos_file="" specnum=-1 args=sys.argv bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" samp_con,Z,average_bedding="1",1,"0" meths='FS-FD:SO-POM' sclass,lithology,type="","","" user,inst="","" or_con='1' corr=="3" DecCorr=0. location_name="unknown" # # dir_path='.' if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") uu_file=sys.argv[ind+1] d=uu_file.split('.') if d[1].upper()=="AF":demag="AF" if d[1].upper()=="TH":demag="T" if "-fpos" in args: ind=args.index("-fpos") pos_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ocn" in args: ind=args.index("-ocn") or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") location_name=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=-int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] # # uu_file=dir_path+'/'+uu_file samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file if pos_file!="":pos_file=dir_path+'/'+pos_file samplist=[] try: SampOut,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) for rec in SampOut: if rec['er_sample_name'] not in samplist: samplist.append(rec['er_sample_name']) except: SampOut=[] PosData=[] if pos_file != "": p=open(pos_file,'rU') PosIn=p.readlines() p.close() for line in PosIn: srec=line.split()[0].split(',') Prec={'er_site_name':srec[0],'sample_height':srec[1]} PosData.append(Prec) infile=open(uu_file,'rU') Data=infile.readlines() infile.close() MagRecs=[] header=Data[0].split(',') if inst=="":inst=header[1].strip('"') if inst=='2G DC': inst=="FH-2GDC" # Dc Squid machine at Fort Hoofddijk else: inst="" newsamp=1 for k in range(1,len(Data)-1): # step through file, skipping header and "END" statement line=Data[k].split('\n')[0] rec=line.split(',') if newsamp==1 and rec[0].lower()!='end': newsamp=0 specname=rec[0].strip('"') # take off quotation marks if specnum!=0: sample=specname[:specnum] else: sample=specname site=pmag.parse_site(sample,samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name SampRec={} SampRec["er_sample_name"]=sample SampRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(rec[2]),float(rec[3]),or_con) bed_dip=float(rec[6]) if bed_dip!=0: bed_dip_dir=float(rec[5])+90. # assume dip to right of strike if bed_dip_dir>=360:bed_dip_dir=bed_dip_dir-360. else: bed_dip_dir=float(rec[5]) # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip) SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip_dir) SampRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) vol=float(rec[4])*1e-6 SampRec["sample_volume"]='%10.3e'%(vol) # convert cc into m^3 SampRec["sample_class"]=sclass SampRec["sample_lithology"]=lithology SampRec["sample_type"]=type SampRec["magic_method_codes"]=meths SampRec["er_site_name"]=site # # find position data # if PosData!=[]: for srec in PosData: if srec['er_site_name']==site: SampRec['sample_height']=srec['sample_height'] break if sample not in samplist: samplist.append(sample) SampOut.append(SampRec) elif rec[0]=='9999': # end of this specimen k=k+1 # move on newsamp=1 elif rec[0].lower()!='end' and rec[0]!="": # got some data line=Data[k].split('\n')[0] rec=line.split(',') MagRec={} MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=specname MagRec["er_sample_name"]=sample MagRec["er_site_name"]=site MagRec["er_location_name"]=location_name MagRec["measurement_csd"]=rec[4] cart=[] cart.append(-float(rec[2])) # appending x,y,z from data record cart.append(float(rec[3])) cart.append(-float(rec[1])) Dir=pmag.cart2dir(cart) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]='%10.3e'% (float(Dir[2])*1e-6) # moment in A/m (from 10^-6 A/m) MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(Dir[2])*vol*1e-6) # moment in Am^2 MagRec["measurement_dec"]='%7.1f'%(Dir[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"]='%7.1f'%(Dir[1]) MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="" MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type if demag=="AF": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(rec[0])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' elif demag=="T": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(rec[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type # date=rec[5].strip('"').split('-') # time=rec[6].strip('"') # if int(date[0])<50: # assume this century # yyyy='20'+date[0] # else: # yyyy='19'+date[0] # assume last century # dstring=yyyy+':'+date[1]+':'+date[2]+":"+time # MagRec['measurement_date']=dstring MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,0) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "Measurements put in ",meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,"er_samples") print "Sample orientation info saved in ", samp_file print "Good bye"
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts PMD (IPG - PaleoMac) format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements -ncn NCON: specify naming convention Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT IPG-PMD format files """ # initialize some stuff noave = 0 methcode, inst = "", "" samp_con, Z = "1", "" missing = 1 demag = "N" er_location_name = "unknown" citation = "This study" args = sys.argv methcode = "LP-NO" specnum = -1 MagRecs = [] version_num = pmag.get_version() Samps = [] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec = [] MagFiles = [] # # get command line arguments # user = "" mag_file = "" dir_path = "." ErSamps = [] SampOuts = [] if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] samp_file = dir_path + "/er_samples.txt" meas_file = dir_path + "/magic_measurements.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] try: open(samp_file, "rU") ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print "sample information will be appended to ", samp_file except: print samp_file, " not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file" samp_file = dir_path + "/er_samples.txt" if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: noave = 1 data = open(mag_file, "rU").readlines() # read in data from file for line in data: rec = line.split() if "E-" not in rec[1] and "E+" not in rec[1]: # new specimen er_specimen_name = rec[0] ErSampRec, ErSiteRec = {}, {} # make a sample record if specnum != 0: er_sample_name = rec[0][:specnum] else: er_sample_name = rec[0] if len(ErSamps) > 0: # need to copy existing for samp in ErSamps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == er_sample_name: ErSampRec = samp # we'll ammend this one else: SampOuts.append(samp) # keep all the others if int(samp_con) < 6: er_site_name = pmag.parse_site(er_sample_name, samp_con, Z) else: if "er_site_name" in ErSampRec.keys(): er_site_name = ErSampREc["er_site_name"] if "er_location_name" in ErSampRec.keys(): er_location_name = ErSampREc["er_location_name"] ErSampRec["er_sample_name"] = er_sample_name ErSampRec["sample_azimuth"] = rec[1] dip = -float(rec[2]) ErSampRec["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (dip) ErSampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = "%7.1f" % (float(rec[3]) + 90.0) ErSampRec["sample_bed_dip"] = rec[4] if "er_location_name" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name if "er_site_name" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["er_site_name"] = er_site_name if "er_citation_names" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" if "magic_method_codes" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["magic_method_codes"] = "SO-NO" SampOuts.append(ErSampRec) elif rec[0][0] == "N" or rec[0][0] == "T" or rec[0][0] == "M": if len(rec) > 1: # skip blank lines at bottom MagRec = {} # MagRec['measurement_date']=measdate MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["er_site_name"] = er_site_name MagRec["er_sample_name"] = er_sample_name MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MagRec["measurement_number"] = "1" MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = er_specimen_name if rec[0] == "NRM": meas_type = "LT-NO" elif rec[0][0] == "M": meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" elif rec[0][0] == "T": meas_type = "LT-T-Z" else: print "measurement type unknown" sys.exit() X = [float(rec[1]), float(rec[2]), float(rec[3])] Vec = pmag.cart2dir(X) MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = "%10.3e" % (Vec[2]) # Am^2 # MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]=rec[4] # A/m MagRec["measurement_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (Vec[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (Vec[1]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" if meas_type != "LT-NO": treat = float(rec[0][1:]) else: treat = 0 if meas_type == "LT-AF-Z": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "%8.3e" % (treat * 1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif meas_type == "LT-T-Z": MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (treat + 273.0) # temp in kelvin MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, "magic_measurements") print "results put in ", meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampOuts, "er_samples") print "sample orientations put in ", samp_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts Micromag agm files to magic format SYNTAX [-h] [command line options] OPTIONS -usr USER: identify user, default is "" - put in quotation marks! -bak: this is a IRM backfield curve -f FILE, specify input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE, specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F MFILE, specify magic measurements formatted output file, default is agm_measurements.txt -spn SPEC, specimen name, default is base of input file name, e.g. SPECNAME.agm -spc NUM, specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -Fsp SPECFILE : name of er_specimens.txt file for appending data to [default: er_specimens.txt] -ncn NCON,: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -syn SYN, synthetic specimen name -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, should have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE (unless synthetic) -ins INST : specify which instrument was used (e.g, SIO-Maud), default is "" -u units: [cgs,SI], default is cgs Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY [8] specimen is a synthetic - it has no sample, site, location information NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT MagIC format files: magic_measurements, er_specimens, er_sample, er_site """ citation='This study' MeasRecs=[] units='cgs' meth="LP-HYS" version_num=pmag.get_version() args=sys.argv fmt='old' er_sample_name,er_site_name,er_location_name="","","" inst="" er_location_name="unknown" er_synthetic_name="" user="" er_site_name="" dir_path='.' if "-WD" in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] specfile=dir_path+'/er_specimens.txt' output=dir_path+"/agm_measurements.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-bak" in args: meth="LP-IRM-DCD" output=dir_path+"/irm_measurements.txt" if "-new" in args: fmt='new' if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") output=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") agm_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] er_specimen_name=args[ind+1].split('.')[0] else: print "agm_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") specfile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] specnum,samp_con,Z=0,'1',1 if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-spn" in args: ind=args.index("-spn") er_specimen_name=args[ind+1] elif "-syn" not in args: print "you must specify a specimen name" sys.exit() if "-syn" in args: ind=args.index("-syn") er_synthetic_name=args[ind+1] er_specimen_name="" if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") sampfile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) print 'sample_file successfully read in' if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if "-u" in args: ind=args.index("-u") units=args[ind+1] ErSpecRecs,filetype=pmag.magic_read(specfile) ErSpecRec,MeasRec={},{} ErSpecRec['er_citation_names']="This study" ErSpecRec['er_specimen_name']=er_specimen_name ErSpecRec['er_synthetic_name']=er_synthetic_name if specnum!=0: ErSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=er_specimen_name[:specnum] else: ErSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=er_specimen_name if "-fsa" in args and er_synthetic_name=="": for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == ErSpecRec["er_sample_name"]: ErSpecRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] ErSpecRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6 and int(samp_con)!=8: site=pmag.parse_site(ErSpecRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) ErSpecRec["er_site_name"]=site ErSpecRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name ErSpecRec['er_scientist_mail_names']=user.strip() insert=1 for rec in ErSpecRecs: if rec['er_specimen_name']==er_specimen_name: insert=0 break if insert==1: ErSpecRecs.append(ErSpecRec) ErSpecRecs,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(ErSpecRecs) pmag.magic_write(specfile,ErSpecRecs,'er_specimens') print "specimen name put in ",specfile f=open(agm_file,'rU') Data=f.readlines() if "ASCII" not in Data[0]:fmt='new' measnum,start=1,"" if fmt=='new': # new Micromag formatted file end=2 for skip in range(len(Data)): line=Data[skip] rec=line.split() if 'Units' in line:units=rec[-1] if "Raw" in rec: start=skip+2 if "Field" in rec and "Moment" in rec and start=="": start=skip+2 break else: start = 2 end=1 for i in range(start,len(Data)-end): # skip header stuff MeasRec={} for key in ErSpecRec.keys(): MeasRec[key]=ErSpecRec[key] MeasRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MeasRec['magic_method_codes']=meth if 'er_synthetic_name' in MeasRec.keys() and MeasRec['er_synthetic_name']!="": MeasRec['magic_experiment_name']=er_synthetic_name+':'+meth else: MeasRec['magic_experiment_name']=er_specimen_name+':'+meth line=Data[i] rec=line.split(',') # data comma delimited if rec[0]!='\n': if units=='cgs': field =float(rec[0])*1e-4 # convert from oe to tesla else: field =float(rec[0]) # field in tesla if meth=="LP-HYS": MeasRec['measurement_lab_field_dc']='%10.3e'%(field) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='' else: MeasRec['measurement_lab_field_dc']='' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='%10.3e'%(field) if units=='cgs': MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%10.3e'%(float(rec[1])*1e-3) # convert from emu to Am^2 else: MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%10.3e'%(float(rec[1])) # Am^2 MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' # temp in kelvin MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' # temp in kelvin MeasRec['measurement_flag']='g' MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' MeasRec['measurement_number']='%i'%(measnum) measnum+=1 MeasRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) # now we have to relabel LP-HYS method codes. initial loop is LP-IMT, minor loops are LP-M - do this in measurements_methods function if meth=='LP-HYS': recnum=0 while float(MeasRecs[recnum]['measurement_lab_field_dc'])<float(MeasRecs[recnum+1]['measurement_lab_field_dc']) and recnum+1<len(MeasRecs): # this is LP-IMAG MeasRecs[recnum]['magic_method_codes']='LP-IMAG' MeasRecs[recnum]['magic_experiment_name']=MeasRecs[recnum]['er_specimen_name']+":"+'LP-IMAG' recnum+=1 # pmag.magic_write(output,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",output
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes University of Barcelona format magnetometer files and converts them to magic_measurements and er_samples.txt SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify master txt file -fpos FILE: specify stratigraphic position file (.saf format) -F FILE: specify magic_measurements output file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #5 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass SO-SUN orientation with sun compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ins INST : specify instsrument name -a: average replicate measurements INPUT FORMAT Input files are horrible 2G binary format (who knows why?) Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-field_dip i.e., field_dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -field_dip i.e., mag_azimuth is strike and field_dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip e.g. field_dip is degrees from horizontal of drill direction [4] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip [5] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip-90 [6] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: Az will use supplied declination to correct azimuth Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in magic_measurements.txt & er_samples.txt formatted files will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # specnum=0 ub_file,samp_file,or_con,corr,meas_file = "","er_samples.txt","3","1","magic_measurements.txt" pos_file="" noave=1 args=sys.argv bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" samp_con,Z,average_bedding="2",1,"0" meths='FS-FD' sclass,lithology,type="","","" user,inst="","" DecCorr=0. location_name="unknown" months=['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] gmeths="" # # dir_path='.' if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") ub_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-fpos" in args: ind=args.index("-fpos") pos_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ocn" in args: ind=args.index("-ocn") or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") gmeths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") location_name=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if "-a" in args:noave=0 # # ub_file=dir_path+'/'+ub_file if pos_file!="":pos_file=dir_path+'/'+pos_file samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file samplist=[] try: SampOut,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) for rec in SampOut: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samplist: samplist.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except: SampOut=[] PosData=[] if pos_file != "": p=open(pos_file,'rU') PosIn=p.readlines() p.close() for line in PosIn: srec=line.split()[0].split(',') Prec={'er_site_name':srec[0],'sample_height':srec[1]} PosData.append(Prec) mastfile=open(ub_file,'rU') Files=mastfile.readlines() mastfile.close() MagRecs,SampRecs=[],[] for file in Files: cfile=file.split()[0] if cfile!='end': cfile=dir_path+'/'+file.split()[0]+'.dat' f=open(cfile,'rU') f.close() firstline=1 d=input.split('\xcd') for line in d: rec=line.split('\x00') if firstline==1: firstline=0 specname,vol="",1 for c in line[15:23]: if c!='\x00':specname=specname+c print 'importing ',specname el=9 while rec[el]!='\x01':el+=1 vcc,date,comment=rec[el-3],rec[el+7],rec[el+8] el+=10 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 az=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 pl=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 bed_dip_dir=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 bed_dip=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 if rec[el]=='\x01': bed_dip=180.-bed_dip el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 fold_az=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 fold_pl=rec[el] el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 if rec[el]!="": deccorr=float(rec[el]) az+=deccorr bed_dip_dir+=deccorr fold_az+=deccorr if bed_dip_dir>=360:bed_dip_dir=bed_dip_dir-360. if az>=360.:az=az-360. if fold_az>=360.:fold_az=fold_az-360. else: deccorr=0 if specnum!=0: sample=specname[:specnum] else: sample=specname if sample not in samplist: samplist.append(sample) SampRec={} SampRec["er_sample_name"]=sample SampRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(az,pl,or_con) # convert to labaz, labpl # # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip) SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='%7.1f'%(bed_dip_dir) SampRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) if vcc!="":vol=float(vcc)*1e-6 # convert to m^3 from cc SampRec["sample_volume"]='%10.3e'%(vol) # SampRec["sample_class"]=sclass SampRec["sample_lithology"]=lithology SampRec["sample_type"]=type SampRec["sample_declination_correction"]='%7.1f'%(deccorr) methods=gmeths.split(':') if deccorr!="0": if 'SO-MAG' in methods:del methods[methods.index('SO-MAG')] methods.append('SO-CMD-NORTH') meths="" for meth in methods:meths=meths+meth+":" meths=meths[:-1] SampRec["magic_method_codes"]=meths site=pmag.parse_site(SampRec["er_sample_name"],samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name SampRec["er_site_name"]=site # # find position data # if PosData!=[]: SampRec['sample_height']="" for srec in PosData: if srec['er_site_name']==site: SampRec['sample_height']=srec['sample_height'] break SampOut.append(SampRec) else: MagRec={} MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=specname MagRec["er_sample_name"]=SampRec['er_sample_name'] MagRec["er_site_name"]=SampRec['er_site_name'] MagRec["er_location_name"]=location_name el,demag=1,'' treat=rec[el] if treat[-1]=='C': demag='T' elif treat!='NRM': demag='AF' el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[el] cdec=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[el] cinc=float(rec[el]) el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 gdec=rec[el] el+=1 while rec[el]=="":el+=1 ginc=rec[el] el=skip(2,el,rec) # skip bdec,binc # el=skip(4,el,rec) # skip gdec,ginc,bdec,binc # print 'moment emu: ',rec[el] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3/vol) # magnetization in A/m el=skip(2,el,rec) # skip to xsig MagRec["measurement_sd_x"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el=skip(3,el,rec) # skip to ysig MagRec["measurement_sd_y"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el=skip(3,el,rec) # skip to zsig MagRec["measurement_sd_z"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[el])*1e-3) # convert from emu el+=1 # skip to positions MagRec["measurement_positions"]=rec[el] el=skip(5,el,rec) # skip to date date=rec[el].split() mm=str(months.index(date[0])) if len(mm)==1: mm='0'+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dstring=date[2]+':'+mm+':'+date[1]+":"+date[3] MagRec['measurement_date']=dstring MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="unknown" MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type if demag=="AF": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(treat[:-2])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' elif demag=="T": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[:-1])+273.) # temp in kelvin meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "Measurements put in ",meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,"er_samples") print "Sample orientation info saved in ", samp_file print "Good bye"
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts JR6 .txt format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt (Not working yet) -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements -ncn NCON: specify sample naming convention (6 and 7 not yet implemented) -mcd [SO-MAG,SO-SUN,SO-SIGHT...] supply how these samples were oriented -v NUM : specify the volume of the sample, default 2.5cm^3. Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT JR6 .txt format file """ # initialize some stuff noave=0 volume = 2.5 * 1e-6 # default volume is 2.5 cm^3 (2.5 * 1e-6 meters^3) inst="" samp_con,Z='1',"" missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="unknown" citation='This study' args=sys.argv meth_code="LP-NO" specnum=-1 MagRecs=[] version_num=pmag.get_version() Samps=[] # keeps track of sample orientations user="" mag_file="" dir_path='.' ErSamps=[] SampOuts=[] samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ID' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ID') input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind+1] #try: # open(samp_file,'rU') # ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) # print 'sample information will be appended to ', samp_file #except: # print samp_file,' not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' # samp_file = output_dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file= args[ind+1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind+1]) if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meth_code=args[ind+1] if "-v" in args: ind=args.index("-v") volume=float(args[ind+1]) * 1e-6 if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') specnum = kwargs.get('specnum', 1) samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '1') er_location_name = kwargs.get('er_location_name', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get('meth_code', "LP-NO") volume = float(kwargs.get('volume', 0)) if not volume: volume = 2.5 * 1e-6 #default volume is a 2.5 cm cube, translated to meters cubed else: #convert cm^3 to m^3 volume *= 1e-6 # format variables mag_file = input_dir_path+"/" + mag_file meas_file = output_dir_path+"/" + meas_file samp_file = output_dir_path+"/" + samp_file if specnum!=0: specnum=-specnum if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{} # parse data data=open(mag_file,'rU') line=data.readline() line=data.readline() line=data.readline() while line !='': parsedLine=line.split() sampleName=parsedLine[0] demagLevel=parsedLine[2] date=parsedLine[3] line=data.readline() line=data.readline() line=data.readline() line=data.readline() parsedLine=line.split() specimenAngleDec=parsedLine[1] specimenAngleInc=parsedLine[2] while parsedLine[0] != 'MEAN' : line=data.readline() parsedLine=line.split() if len(parsedLine) == 0: parsedLine=["Hello"] Mx=parsedLine[1] My=parsedLine[2] Mz=parsedLine[3] line=data.readline() line=data.readline() parsedLine=line.split() splitExp = parsedLine[2].split('A') intensityVolStr=parsedLine[1] + splitExp[0] intensityVol = float(intensityVolStr) # check and see if Prec is too big and messes with the parcing. precisionStr='' if len(parsedLine) == 6: #normal line precisionStr=parsedLine[5][0:-1] else: precisionStr=parsedLine[4][0:-1] precisionPer = float(precisionStr) precision=intensityVol*precisionPer/100 while parsedLine[0] != 'SPEC.' : line=data.readline() parsedLine=line.split() if len(parsedLine) == 0: parsedLine=["Hello"] specimenDec=parsedLine[2] specimenInc=parsedLine[3] line=data.readline() line=data.readline() parsedLine=line.split() geographicDec=parsedLine[1] geographicInc=parsedLine[2] # Add data to various MagIC data tables. er_specimen_name = sampleName if specnum!=0: er_sample_name=er_specimen_name[:specnum] else: er_sample_name=er_specimen_name if int(samp_con)<6: er_site_name=pmag.parse_site(er_sample_name,samp_con,Z) # else: # if 'er_site_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_site_name=ErSampRec['er_site_name'] # if 'er_location_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_location_name=ErSampRec['er_location_name'] # check sample list(SampOuts) to see if sample already exists in list before adding new sample info sampleFlag=0 for sampRec in SampOuts: if sampRec['er_sample_name'] == er_sample_name: sampleFlag=1 break if sampleFlag == 0: ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=er_sample_name ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']=specimenAngleDec sample_dip=str(float(specimenAngleInc)-90.0) #convert to magic orientation ErSampRec['sample_dip']=sample_dip ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']=meth_code ErSampRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name ErSampRec['er_site_name']=er_site_name ErSampRec['er_citation_names']='This study' SampOuts.append(ErSampRec.copy()) MagRec={} MagRec['measurement_description']='Date: '+date MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['er_site_name']=er_site_name MagRec['er_sample_name']=er_sample_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=er_specimen_name MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' if demagLevel == 'NRM': meas_type="LT-NO" elif demagLevel[0] == 'A': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" treat=float(demagLevel[1:]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif demagLevel[0] == 'T': meas_type="LT-T-Z" treat=float(demagLevel[1:]) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (treat+273.) # temp in kelvin else: print "measurement type unknown", demag_level return False, "measurement type unknown" MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]=str(intensityVol*volume) # Am^2 MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]=intensityVolStr # A/m MagRec["measurement_dec"]=specimenDec MagRec["measurement_inc"]=specimenInc MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec.copy()) #read lines till end of record line=data.readline() line=data.readline() line=data.readline() line=data.readline() line=data.readline() # read all the rest of the special characters. Some data files not consistantly formatted. while (len(line) <=3 and line!=''): line=data.readline() #end of data while loop MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOuts,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes tab delimited Hebrew University sample file and converts to MagIC formatted tables SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input file -Fsa FILE: specify sample output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify site output file, default is: er_sites.txt -Iso: import sample orientation info - default is to set sample_az/dip to 0,0 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" INPUT FORMAT Input files must be tab delimited: Samp Az Dip Dip_dir Dip Orientation convention: Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip e.g. field_dip is degrees from horizontal of drill direction Magnetic declination convention: Az is already corrected in file Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] sample = site [5] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in er_samples.txt will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # version_num=pmag.get_version() samp_file,or_con,corr = "er_samples.txt","1","1" site_file='er_sites.txt' args=sys.argv date,lat,lon="","","" # date of sampling, latitude (pos North), longitude (pos East) bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" participantlist="" sites=[] # list of site names Lats,Lons=[],[] # list of latitudes and longitudes SampRecs,SiteRecs,ImageRecs,imagelist=[],[],[],[] # lists of Sample records and Site records samp_con,Z,average_bedding="1",1,"0" newbaseline,newbeddir,newbeddip="","","" meths='FS-FD:SO-POM:SO-SUN' delta_u="0" sclass,lithology,type="","","" newclass,newlith,newtype='','','' user="" or_con='3' corr=="3" DecCorr=0. location_name="unknown" ignore=1 # # if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") orient_file=sys.argv[ind+1] else: "Must have orientation file name" sys.exit() if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 3-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" print samp_con, Z if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") location_name=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-Iso" in args: ignore=0 # # read in file to convert # azfile=open(orient_file,'rU') AzDipDat=azfile.readlines() azfile.close() SampOut=[] SiteOut=[] for line in AzDipDat[1:]: orec=line.split() if len(orec)>1: labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(orec[1]),float(orec[2]),or_con) bed_dip_dir=(orec[3]) bed_dip=(orec[4]) SampRec={} SiteRec={} SampRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SiteRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SiteRec["site_class"]="" SiteRec["site_lithology"]="" SiteRec["site_type"]="" SiteRec["site_definition"]="s" SiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" # # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["er_sample_name"]=orec[0] SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]=orec[3] SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]=orec[4] SiteRec["site_bed_dip_direction"]=orec[3] SiteRec["site_bed_dip"]=orec[4] if ignore==0: SampRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) else: SampRec["sample_dip"]='0' SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='0' SampRec["sample_lat"]=orec[5] SampRec["sample_lon"]=orec[6] SiteRec["site_lat"]=orec[5] SiteRec["site_lon"]=orec[6] methods=meths.split(":") SampRec["magic_method_codes"]=meths site=pmag.parse_site(orec[0],samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name SampRec["er_site_name"]=site SampRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num SiteRec["er_site_name"]=site SiteRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num SampOut.append(SampRec) SiteOut.append(SiteRec) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,"er_samples") print "Sample info saved in ", samp_file pmag.magic_write(site_file,SiteOut,"er_sites") print "Site info saved in ", site_file
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts PMD (Enkin) format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements -ncn NCON: specify naming convention -mcd [SO-MAG,SO-SUN,SO-SIGHT...] supply how these samples were oriented Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT PMD format files """ # initialize some stuff noave=0 inst="" samp_con,Z='1',"" missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="unknown" citation='This study' args=sys.argv meth_code="LP-NO" specnum=-1 MagRecs=[] version_num=pmag.get_version() Samps=[] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec=[] MagFiles=[] user="" mag_file="" dir_path='.' ErSamps=[] SampOuts=[] samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ID' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ID') input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind+1] #try: # open(samp_file,'rU') # ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) # print 'sample information will be appended to ', samp_file #except: # print samp_file,' not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' # samp_file = output_dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file= args[ind+1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind+1]) if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meth_code=args[ind+1] if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') specnum = kwargs.get('specnum', 0) samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '1') er_location_name = kwargs.get('er_location_name', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get('meth_code', "LP-NO") print samp_con # format variables mag_file = input_dir_path+"/" + mag_file meas_file = output_dir_path+"/" + meas_file samp_file = output_dir_path+"/" + samp_file if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "naming convention option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "naming convention option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "naming convention option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" # parse data data=open(mag_file,'rU').readlines() # read in data from file comment=data[0] line=data[1].strip() line=line.replace("=","= ") # make finding orientations easier rec=line.split() # read in sample orientation, etc. er_specimen_name=rec[0] ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{} # make a sample record if specnum!=0: er_sample_name=rec[0][:specnum] else: er_sample_name=rec[0] if len(ErSamps)>0: # need to copy existing for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name']==er_sample_name: ErSampRec=samp # we'll ammend this one else: SampOuts.append(samp) # keep all the others if int(samp_con)<6: er_site_name=pmag.parse_site(er_sample_name,samp_con,Z) else: if 'er_site_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_site_name=ErSampREc['er_site_name'] if 'er_location_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_location_name=ErSampREc['er_location_name'] az_ind=rec.index('a=')+1 ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=er_sample_name ErSampRec['er_sample_description']=comment ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']=rec[az_ind] dip_ind=rec.index('b=')+1 dip=-float(rec[dip_ind]) ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) strike_ind=rec.index('s=')+1 ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(float(rec[strike_ind])+90.) bd_ind=rec.index('d=')+1 ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']=rec[bd_ind] v_ind=rec.index('v=')+1 vol=rec[v_ind][:-3] date=rec[-2] time=rec[-1] ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']=meth_code if 'er_location_name' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name if 'er_site_name' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['er_site_name']=er_site_name if 'er_citation_names' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['er_citation_names']='This study' if 'magic_method_codes' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-NO' SampOuts.append(ErSampRec) for k in range(3,len(data)): # read in data line=data[k] rec=line.split() if len(rec)>1: # skip blank lines at bottom MagRec={} MagRec['measurement_description']='Date: '+date+' '+time MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['er_site_name']=er_site_name MagRec['er_sample_name']=er_sample_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=er_specimen_name if rec[0]=='NRM': meas_type="LT-NO" elif rec[0][0]=='M' or rec[0][0]=='H': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif rec[0][0]=='T': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: print "measurement type unknown" return False, "measurement type unknown" X=[float(rec[1]),float(rec[2]),float(rec[3])] Vec=pmag.cart2dir(X) MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (Vec[2]) # Am^2 MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]=rec[4] # A/m MagRec["measurement_dec"]='%7.1f'%(Vec[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"]='%7.1f'%(Vec[1]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' if meas_type!='LT-NO': treat=float(rec[0][1:]) else: treat=0 if meas_type=="LT-AF-Z": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif meas_type=="LT-T-Z": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (treat+273.) # temp in kelvin MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOuts,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts UMICH .mag format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .mag format input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE : specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Format of UMICH .mag files: Spec Treat CSD Intensity Declination Inclination metadata string Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX T in Centigrade XXX AF in mT Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Declination in specimen coordinate system metatdata string: mm/dd/yy;hh:mm;[dC,mT];xx.xx;UNITS;USER;INST;NMEAS hh in 24 hours. dC or mT units of treatment XXX (see Treat above) for thermal or AF respectively DC field UNITS of DC field (microT, mT) INST: instrument code, number of axes, number of positions (e.g., G34 is 2G, three axes, measured in four positions) NMEAS: number of measurements in a single position (1,3,200...) """ # initialize some stuff dir_path='.' infile_type="mag" noave=0 methcode,inst="","" phi,theta,peakfield,labfield=0,0,0,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv methcode="LP-NO" samp_file,ErSamps='',[] specnum=0 # # get command line arguments # meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" user="" if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" MagRecs,specs=[],[] version_num=pmag.get_version() if infile_type=="mag": for line in input.readlines(): instcode="" if len(line)>2: MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" rec=line.split() labfield=0 code1=rec[6].split(';') date=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year yy=int(date[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(date[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(date[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='' instcode='' if len(code1)>1: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[6][2] else: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[7] # takes care of awkward format with bubba and flo being different if user=="":user=code1[5] if code1[2][-1]=='C': demag="T" if code1[2]=='mT': demag="AF" treat=rec[1].split('.') if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') if demag=='T' and treat!=0: meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if demag=="AF": meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])*1e-3) # Af field in T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if rec[0] not in specs:specs.append(rec[0]) # get a list of specimen names experiment=rec[0]+":" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if "-fsa" in args: for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == MagRec["er_sample_name"]: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] if rec[1]==".00":rec[1]="0.00" MagRec["measurement_csd"]=rec[2] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[3])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[4] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[5] MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=[] for spec in specs: # gather all demag types for this specimen SpecRecs,meths,measnum=[],[],1 for rec in MagRecs: if rec['er_specimen_name']==spec: rec['measurement_number']=str(measnum) measnum+=1 if rec['magic_method_codes'] not in meths:meths.append(rec['magic_method_codes']) SpecRecs.append(rec) expname=spec if "LT-AF-Z" in meths:expname=expname+ ':LP-DIR-AF' if "LT-T-Z" in meths:expname=expname+ ':LP-DIR-T' for rec in SpecRecs: rec['magic_experiment_name']=expname MagOuts.append(rec) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes tab delimited field notebook information and converts to MagIC formatted tables SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input file, default is: orient.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output site location file, default is: er_sites.txt -app append/update these data in existing er_samples.txt, er_sites.txt files -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #1 below -dcn DCON [DEC]: specify declination convention, default is #1 below if DCON = 2, you must supply the declination correction -BCN don't correct bedding_dip_dir for magnetic declination -already corrected -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -a: averages all bedding poles and uses average for all samples: default is NO -gmt HRS: specify hours to subtract from local time to get GMT: default is 0 -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used INPUT FORMAT Input files must be tab delimited and have in the first line: tab location_name Note: The "location_name" will facilitate searching in the MagIC database. Data from different "locations" should be put in separate files. The definition of a "location" is rather loose. Also this is the word 'tab' not a tab, which will be indicated by '\t'. The second line has the names of the columns (tab delimited), e.g.: site_name sample_name mag_azimuth field_dip date lat long sample_lithology sample_type sample_class shadow_angle hhmm stratigraphic_height bedding_dip_direction bedding_dip GPS_baseline image_name image_look image_photographer participants method_codes site_description sample_description GPS_Az, sample_igsn, sample_texture, sample_cooling_rate, cooling_rate_corr, cooling_rate_mcd Notes: 1) column order doesn't matter but the NAMES do. 2) sample_name, sample_lithology, sample_type, sample_class, lat and long are required. all others are optional. 3) If subsequent data are the same (e.g., date, bedding orientation, participants, stratigraphic_height), you can leave the field blank and the program will fill in the last recorded information. BUT if you really want a blank stratigraphic_height, enter a '-1'. These will not be inherited and must be specified for each entry: image_name, look, photographer or method_codes 4) hhmm must be in the format: hh:mm and the hh must be in 24 hour time. date must be mm/dd/yy (years < 50 will be converted to 20yy and >50 will be assumed 19yy) 5) image_name, image_look and image_photographer are colon delimited lists of file name (e.g., IMG_001.jpg) image look direction and the name of the photographer respectively. If all images had same look and photographer, just enter info once. The images will be assigned to the site for which they were taken - not at the sample level. 6) participants: Names of who helped take the samples. These must be a colon delimited list. 7) method_codes: Special method codes on a sample level, e.g., SO-GT5 which means the orientation is has an uncertainty of >5 degrees for example if it broke off before orienting.... 8) GPS_Az is the place to put directly determined GPS Azimuths, using, e.g., points along the drill direction. 9) sample_cooling_rate is the cooling rate in K per Ma 10) int_corr_cooling_rate 11) cooling_rate_mcd: data adjustment method code for cooling rate correction; DA-CR-EG is educated guess; DA-CR-PS is percent estimated from pilot samples; DA-CR-TRM is comparison between 2 TRMs acquired with slow and rapid cooling rates. is the percent cooling rate factor to apply to specimens from this sample, DA-CR-XX is the method code Orientation convention: Samples are oriented in the field with a "field arrow" and measured in the laboratory with a "lab arrow". The lab arrow is the positive X direction of the right handed coordinate system of the specimen measurements. The lab and field arrows may not be the same. In the MagIC database, we require the orientation (azimuth and plunge) of the X direction of the measurements (lab arrow). Here are some popular conventions that convert the field arrow azimuth (mag_azimuth in the orient.txt file) and dip (field_dip in orient.txt) to the azimuth and plunge of the laboratory arrow (sample_azimuth and sample_dip in er_samples.txt). The two angles, mag_azimuth and field_dip are explained below. [1] Standard Pomeroy convention of azimuth and hade (degrees from vertical down) of the drill direction (field arrow). lab arrow azimuth= sample_azimuth = mag_azimuth; lab arrow dip = sample_dip =-field_dip. i.e. the lab arrow dip is minus the hade. [2] Field arrow is the strike of the plane orthogonal to the drill direction, Field dip is the hade of the drill direction. Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90 Lab arrow dip = -field_dip [3] Lab arrow is the same as the drill direction; hade was measured in the field. Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [4] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip : use this for unoriented samples too [5] Same as AZDIP convention explained below - azimuth and inclination of the drill direction are mag_azimuth and field_dip; lab arrow is as in [1] above. lab azimuth is same as mag_azimuth,lab arrow dip=field_dip-90 [6] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [7] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: [1] Use the IGRF value at the lat/long and date supplied [default] [2] Will supply declination correction [3] mag_az is already corrected in file [4] Correct mag_az but not bedding_dip_dir Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name = sample name [6] site name entered in site_name column in the orient.txt format input file [7-Z] [XXX]YYY: XXX is site designation with Z characters from samples XXXYYY NB: all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in er_samples.txt and er_sites.txt - will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # stratpos="" args=sys.argv date,lat,lon="","","" # date of sampling, latitude (pos North), longitude (pos East) bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" participantlist="" Lats,Lons=[],[] # list of latitudes and longitudes SampOuts,SiteOuts,ImageOuts=[],[],[] # lists of Sample records and Site records samplelist,sitelist,imagelist=[],[],[] samp_con,Z,average_bedding,DecCorr="1",1,"0",0. newbaseline,newbeddir,newbeddip="","","" meths='' delta_u="0" sclass,lithology,type="","","" newclass,newlith,newtype='','','' user="" BPs=[]# bedding pole declinations, bedding pole inclinations # # dir_path,AddTo='.',0 if "-WD" in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] orient_file,samp_file,or_con,corr = dir_path+"/orient.txt",dir_path+"/er_samples.txt","1","1" site_file=dir_path+"/er_sites.txt" image_file=dir_path+"/er_images.txt" SampRecs,SiteRecs,ImageRecs=[],[],[] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") orient_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsi" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-app' in args: AddTo=1 try: SampRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample data to be appended to: ', samp_file except: print 'problem with existing file: ',samp_file, ' will create new.' try: SiteRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(site_file) print 'site data to be appended to: ',site_file except: print 'problem with existing file: ',site_file,' will create new.' try: ImageRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(image_file) print 'image data to be appended to: ',image_file except: print 'problem with existing file: ',image_file,' will create new.' if "-ocn" in args: ind=args.index("-ocn") or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-dcn" in args: ind=args.index("-dcn") corr=sys.argv[ind+1] if corr=="2": DecCorr=float(sys.argv[ind+2]) elif corr=="3": DecCorr=0. if '-BCN' in args: BedCorr=0 else: BedCorr=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "-gmt" in args: ind=args.index("-gmt") delta_u=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-a" in args: average_bedding="1" # # read in file to convert # OrData,location_name=pmag.magic_read(orient_file) # # step through the data sample by sample # for OrRec in OrData: if 'mag_azimuth' not in OrRec.keys():OrRec['mag_azimuth']="" if 'field_dip' not in OrRec.keys():OrRec['field_dip']="" if OrRec['mag_azimuth']==" ":OrRec["mag_azimuth"]="" if OrRec['field_dip']==" ":OrRec["field_dip"]="" if 'sample_description' in OrRec.keys(): sample_description=OrRec['sample_description'] else: sample_description="" if 'sample_igsn' in OrRec.keys(): sample_igsn=OrRec['sample_igsn'] else: sample_igsn="" if 'sample_texture' in OrRec.keys(): sample_texture=OrRec['sample_texture'] else: sample_texture="" if 'sample_cooling_rate' in OrRec.keys(): sample_cooling_rate=OrRec['sample_cooling_rate'] else: sample_cooling_rate="" if 'cooling_rate_corr' in OrRec.keys(): cooling_rate_corr=OrRec['cooling_rate_corr'] if 'cooling_rate_mcd' in OrRec.keys(): cooling_rate_mcd=OrRec['cooling_rate_mcd'] else: cooling_rate_mcd='DA-CR' else: cooling_rate_corr="" cooling_rate_mcd="" sample_orientation_flag='g' if 'sample_orientation_flag' in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec['sample_orientation_flag']=='b' or OrRec["mag_azimuth"]=="": sample_orientation_flag='b' methcodes=meths # initialize method codes if meths!='': if 'method_codes' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['method_codes'].strip()!="":methcodes=methcodes+":"+OrRec['method_codes'] # add notes else: if 'method_codes' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['method_codes'].strip()!="":methcodes=OrRec['method_codes'] # add notes codes=methcodes.replace(" ","").split(":") MagRec={} MagRec["er_location_name"]=location_name MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec['sample_orientation_flag']=sample_orientation_flag MagRec['sample_igsn']=sample_igsn MagRec['sample_texture']=sample_texture MagRec['sample_cooling_rate']=sample_cooling_rate MagRec['cooling_rate_corr']=cooling_rate_corr MagRec['cooling_rate_mcd']=cooling_rate_mcd # # parse information common to all orientation methods # MagRec["er_sample_name"]=OrRec["sample_name"] if "IGSN" in OrRec.keys(): MagRec["sample_igsn"]=OrRec["IGSN"] else: MagRec["sample_igsn"]="" MagRec["sample_height"],MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"],MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]="","","" if "er_sample_alternatives" in OrRec.keys():MagRec["er_sample_alternatives"]=OrRec["sample_alternatives"] sample=OrRec["sample_name"] if OrRec['mag_azimuth']=="" and OrRec['field_dip']!="": OrRec['mag_azimuth']='999' if OrRec["mag_azimuth"]!="": labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(OrRec["mag_azimuth"]),float(OrRec["field_dip"]),or_con) if labaz<0:labaz+=360. else: labaz,labdip="","" if OrRec['mag_azimuth']=='999':labaz="" if "GPS_baseline" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['GPS_baseline']!="":newbaseline=OrRec["GPS_baseline"] if newbaseline!="":baseline=float(newbaseline) if 'participants' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['participants']!="" and OrRec['participants']!=participantlist: participantlist=OrRec['participants'] MagRec['er_scientist_mail_names']=participantlist newlat=OrRec["lat"] if newlat!="":lat=float(newlat) if lat=="": print "No latitude specified for ! ",sample sys.exit() MagRec["sample_lat"]='%11.5f'%(lat) newlon=OrRec["long"] if newlon!="":lon=float(newlon) if lon=="": print "No longitude specified for ! ",sample sys.exit() MagRec["sample_lon"]='%11.5f'%(lon) if 'bedding_dip_direction' in OrRec.keys(): newbeddir=OrRec["bedding_dip_direction"] if newbeddir!="":bed_dip_dir=OrRec['bedding_dip_direction'] if 'bedding_dip' in OrRec.keys(): newbeddip=OrRec["bedding_dip"] if newbeddip!="":bed_dip=OrRec['bedding_dip'] MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]=bed_dip MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]=bed_dip_dir if "sample_class" in OrRec.keys():newclass=OrRec["sample_class"] if newclass!="":sclass=newclass if sclass=="": sclass="Not Specified" MagRec["sample_class"]=sclass if "sample_lithology" in OrRec.keys():newlith=OrRec["sample_lithology"] if newlith!="":lithology=newlith if lithology=="": lithology="Not Specified" MagRec["sample_lithology"]=lithology if "sample_type" in OrRec.keys():newtype=OrRec["sample_type"] if newtype!="":type=newtype if type=="": type="Not Specified" MagRec["sample_type"]=type if labdip!="": MagRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%labdip else: MagRec["sample_dip"]="" if "date" in OrRec.keys(): newdate=OrRec["date"] if newdate!="":date=newdate mmddyy=date.split('/') yy=int(mmddyy[2]) if yy>50: yy=1900+yy else: yy=2000+yy decimal_year=yy+float(mmddyy[0])/12 sample_date='%i:%s:%s'%(yy,mmddyy[0],mmddyy[1]) MagRec["sample_date"]=sample_date if labaz!="": MagRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) else: MagRec["sample_azimuth"]="" if "stratigraphic_height" in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec["stratigraphic_height"]!="": MagRec["sample_height"]=OrRec["stratigraphic_height"] stratpos=OrRec["stratigraphic_height"] elif OrRec["stratigraphic_height"]=='-1': MagRec["sample_height"]="" # make empty else: MagRec["sample_height"]=stratpos # keep last record if blank # if corr=="1" and MagRec['sample_azimuth']!="": # get magnetic declination (corrected with igrf value) x,y,z,f=pmag.doigrf(lon,lat,0,decimal_year) Dir=pmag.cart2dir( (x,y,z)) DecCorr=Dir[0] if "bedding_dip" in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec["bedding_dip"]!="": MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]=OrRec["bedding_dip"] bed_dip=OrRec["bedding_dip"] else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]=bed_dip else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]='0' if "bedding_dip_direction" in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec["bedding_dip_direction"]!="" and BedCorr==1: dd=float(OrRec["bedding_dip_direction"])+DecCorr if dd>360.:dd=dd-360. MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='%7.1f'%(dd) dip_dir=MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]=OrRec['bedding_dip_direction'] else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='0' if average_bedding!="0": BPs.append([float(MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]),float(MagRec["sample_bed_dip"])-90.,1.]) if MagRec['sample_azimuth']=="" and MagRec['sample_dip']=="": MagRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' methcodes=methcodes+':SO-NO' MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes MagRec['sample_description']=sample_description # # work on the site stuff too if 'site_name' in OrRec.keys(): site=OrRec['site_name'] else: site=pmag.parse_site(OrRec["sample_name"],samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name MagRec["er_site_name"]=site site_description="" # overwrite any prior description if 'site_description' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['site_description']!="": site_description=OrRec['site_description'].replace(",",";") if "image_name" in OrRec.keys(): images=OrRec["image_name"].split(":") if "image_look" in OrRec.keys(): looks=OrRec['image_look'].split(":") else: looks=[] if "image_photographer" in OrRec.keys(): photographers=OrRec['image_photographer'].split(":") else: photographers=[] for image in images: if image !="" and image not in imagelist: imagelist.append(image) ImageRec={} ImageRec['er_image_name']=image ImageRec['image_type']="outcrop" ImageRec['image_date']=sample_date ImageRec['er_citation_names']="This study" ImageRec['er_location_name']=location_name ImageRec['er_site_name']=MagRec['er_site_name'] k=images.index(image) if len(looks)>k: ImageRec['er_image_description']="Look direction: "+looks[k] elif len(looks)>=1: ImageRec['er_image_description']="Look direction: "+looks[-1] else: ImageRec['er_image_description']="Look direction: unknown" if len(photographers)>k: ImageRec['er_photographer_mail_names']=photographers[k] elif len(photographers)>=1: ImageRec['er_photographer_mail_names']=photographers[-1] else: ImageRec['er_photographer_mail_names']="unknown" ImageOuts.append(ImageRec) if site not in sitelist: sitelist.append(site) # collect unique site names SiteRec={} SiteRec["er_site_name"]=site SiteRec["site_definition"]="s" SiteRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SiteRec["site_lat"]=MagRec["sample_lat"] SiteRec["site_lon"]=MagRec["sample_lon"] SiteRec["site_height"]=MagRec["sample_height"] SiteRec["site_class"]=MagRec["sample_class"] SiteRec["site_lithology"]=MagRec["sample_lithology"] SiteRec["site_type"]=MagRec["sample_type"] SiteRec["site_description"]=site_description SiteOuts.append(SiteRec) if sample not in samplelist: samplelist.append(sample) if MagRec['sample_azimuth']!="": # assume magnetic compass only MagRec['magic_method_codes']=MagRec['magic_method_codes']+':SO-MAG' MagRec['magic_method_codes']=MagRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") SampOuts.append(MagRec) if MagRec['sample_azimuth']!="" and corr!='3': az=labaz+DecCorr if az>360.:az=az-360. CMDRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): CMDRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec CMDRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(az) CMDRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-CMD-NORTH' CMDRec["magic_method_codes"]=CMDRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(':') CMDRec["sample_declination_correction"]='%7.1f'%(DecCorr) if corr=='1': CMDRec['sample_description']=sample_description+':Declination correction calculated from IGRF' else: CMDRec['sample_description']=sample_description+':Declination correction supplied by user' CMDRec["sample_description"]=CMDRec['sample_description'].strip(':') SampOuts.append(CMDRec) if "mag_az_bs" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["mag_az_bs"] !="" and OrRec["mag_az_bs"]!=" ": SRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): SRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec labaz=float(OrRec["mag_az_bs"]) az=labaz+DecCorr if az>360.:az=az-360. SRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(az) SRec["sample_declination_correction"]='%7.1f'%(DecCorr) SRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-SIGHT-BACK:SO-CMD-NORTH' SampOuts.append(SRec) # # check for suncompass data # if "shadow_angle" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["shadow_angle"]!="": # there are sun compass data if delta_u=="": delta_u=raw_input("Enter hours to SUBTRACT from time for GMT: [0] ") if delta_u=="":delta_u="0" SunRec,sundata={},{} shad_az=float(OrRec["shadow_angle"]) sundata["date"]='%i:%s:%s:%s'%(yy,mmddyy[0],mmddyy[1],OrRec["hhmm"]) # if eval(delta_u)<0: # MagRec["sample_time_zone"]='GMT'+delta_u+' hours' # else: # MagRec["sample_time_zone"]='GMT+'+delta_u+' hours' sundata["delta_u"]=delta_u sundata["lon"]='%7.1f'%(lon) sundata["lat"]='%7.1f'%(lat) sundata["shadow_angle"]=OrRec["shadow_angle"] sundec=pmag.dosundec(sundata) for key in MagRec.keys(): SunRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec SunRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(sundec) SunRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' SunRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-SUN' SunRec["magic_method_codes"]=SunRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(':') SampOuts.append(SunRec) # # check for differential GPS data # if "prism_angle" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["prism_angle"]!="": # there are diff GPS data GPSRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): GPSRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec prism_angle=float(OrRec["prism_angle"]) laser_angle=float(OrRec["laser_angle"]) if OrRec["GPS_baseline"]!="": baseline=float(OrRec["GPS_baseline"]) # new baseline gps_dec=baseline+laser_angle+prism_angle-90. while gps_dec>360.: gps_dec=gps_dec-360. while gps_dec<0: gps_dec=gps_dec+360. for key in MagRec.keys(): GPSRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec GPSRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(gps_dec) GPSRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' GPSRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-GPS-DIFF' SampOuts.append(GPSRec) if "GPS_Az" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["GPS_Az"]!="": # there are differential GPS Azimuth data GPSRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): GPSRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec GPSRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(float(OrRec["GPS_Az"])) GPSRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' GPSRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-GPS-DIFF' SampOuts.append(GPSRec) if average_bedding!="0": fpars=pmag.fisher_mean(BPs) print 'over-writing all bedding with average ' Samps=[] for rec in SampOuts: if average_bedding!="0": rec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(fpars['dec']) rec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(fpars['inc']+90.) Samps.append(rec) else: Samps.append(rec) for rec in SampRecs: if rec['er_sample_name'] not in samplelist: # overwrite prior for this sample Samps.append(rec) for rec in SiteRecs: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: # overwrite prior for this sample SiteOuts.append(rec) for rec in ImageRecs: if rec['er_image_name'] not in imagelist: # overwrite prior for this sample ImageOuts.append(rec) print 'saving data...' SampsOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(Samps) Sites,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SiteOuts) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampsOut,"er_samples") pmag.magic_write(site_file,Sites,"er_sites") print "Data saved in ", samp_file,' and ',site_file if len(ImageOuts)>0: Images,keys=pmag.fillkeys(ImageOuts) pmag.magic_write(image_file,Images,"er_images") print "Image info saved in ",image_file
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts CIT and .sam format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .sam format input file, required -fsi SITEFILE : specify file with site names and locations [tab delimited magic file] -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file, default is er_samples.txt # LORI -n [gm,kg,cc,m3]: specify normalization -A: don't average replicate measurements -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SITEFILE or be a synthetic -mcd [FS-FD:SO-MAG,.....] colon delimited list for method codes applied to all specimens in .sam file -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) NOTES: Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [default] [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ # #initialize variables norm='cc' samp_con,Z='3',1 meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MeasRecs=[] specnum,units,locname=0,"1","unknown" citation="This study" dir_path='.' args=sys.argv if command_line: if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsi' in args: # LORI addition ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=args[ind+1] if '-loc' in args: ind=args.index("-loc") locname=args[ind+1] if '-mcd' in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") methods=args[ind+1] else: methods='SO-MAG' if '-spc' in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=-int(args[ind+1]) if '-n' in args: ind=args.index("-n") norm=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: avg=1 else: avg=0 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "naming convention option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] if '-ID' in args: ind = args.index('-ID') input_dir_path = args[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path # LJ # if you are running as a module: elif not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') user = kwargs.get('user', '') meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') # outfile spec_file = kwargs.get('spec_file', 'er_specimens.txt') # specimen outfile samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') # sample outfile site_file = kwargs.get('site_file', 'er_sites.txt') # site outfile locname = kwargs.get('locname', '') methods = kwargs.get('methods', ['SO-MAG']) specnum = -int(kwargs.get('specnum', 0)) norm = kwargs.get('norm', 'cc') avg = kwargs.get('avg', 0) # 0 means do average, 1 means don't samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '3') magfile = kwargs.get('magfile', '') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # done with module-specific stuff # formatting and checking variables if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "naming convention option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" magfile = os.path.join(input_dir_path, magfile) spec_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, spec_file) samp_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, samp_file) site_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, site_file) meas_file= os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) try: file_input=open(magfile,'r') except Exception as ex: print "bad sam file name: ", magfile return False, "bad sam file name" File = file_input.readlines() sids,ln,format=[],0,'CIT' formats=['CIT','2G','APP','JRA'] ErLocRec={} ErLocRec["er_location_name"]=locname ErLocRec["er_citation_names"]=citation comment=File[ln] if comment=='CIT': format=comment ln+=1 comment=File[ln] print comment ln+=1 specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] if format=='CIT': line=File[ln].split() site_lat=line[0] site_lon=line[1] ErLocRec["location_begin_lat"]=site_lat ErLocRec["location_begin_lon"]=site_lon ErLocRec["location_end_lat"]=site_lat ErLocRec["location_end_lon"]=site_lon ErLocs.append(ErLocRec) Cdec=float(line[2]) for k in range(ln+1,len(File)): line=File[k] rec=line.split() specimen=rec[0] specimens.append(specimen) for specimen in specimens: ErSpecRec,ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{},{} if specnum!=0: sample=specimen[:specnum] else: sample=specimen site=pmag.parse_site(sample,samp_con,Z) ErSpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen ErSpecRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSpecRec['er_site_name']=site ErSpecRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSpecRec['er_citation_names']=citation ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSampRec['er_site_name']=site ErSampRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSampRec['er_citation_names']=citation ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']=methods ErSampRec['sample_declination_correction']='%7.1f'%(Cdec) ErSiteRec['er_site_name']=site ErSiteRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSiteRec['er_citation_names']=citation ErSiteRec['site_lat']=site_lat ErSiteRec['site_lon']=site_lon f=open(input_dir_path+'/'+specimen,'rU') Lines=f.readlines() comment="" line=Lines[0].split() if len(line)>2: comment=line[2] info=Lines[1].split() vol=float(info[-1]) if vol!=1.0: if norm=='cc':units="1" if norm=='m3':units="2" ErSpecRec['specimen_weight']="" if units=="1" or "": ErSpecRec['specimen_volume']='%10.3e'%(vol*1e-6) else: ErSpecRec['specimen_volume']='%10.3e'%(vol) else: if norm=='cc':units="1" if norm=='m3':units="2" ErSpecRec['specimen_volume']="" if units=="1" or "": ErSpecRec['specimen_weight']='%10.3e'%(vol*1e-3) else: ErSpecRec['specimen_weight']='%10.3e'%(vol) dip=float(info[-2]) dip_direction=float(info[-3])+Cdec+90. sample_dip=-float(info[-4]) sample_azimuth=float(info[-5])+Cdec-90. if len(info)>5: ErSampRec['sample_height']=info[-6] else: ErSampRec['sample_height']='0' ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(sample_azimuth) ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(sample_dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(dip_direction) ErSampRec['sample_class']='' ErSampRec['sample_type']='' ErSampRec['sample_lithology']='' if Cdec!=0 or Cdec!="": ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-CMD-NORTH' else: ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-MAG' for line in Lines[2:len(Lines)]: #print 'line:', line MeasRec=ErSpecRec.copy() # Remove specimen_volume and specimen_weight as they do not exits in the magic_measurement table del MeasRec["specimen_volume"] del MeasRec["specimen_weight"] treat_type=line[0:3] treat=line[3:6] #print 'treat:', treat if treat_type.strip()=='NRM': MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-NO' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' elif treat_type.strip()=='AF': MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-AF-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' if treat == ' ': MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' else: MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='%10.3e'%(float(treat)*1e-3) elif treat_type.strip()=='TT': MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-T-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' if treat == ' ': MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' else: MeasRec['treatment_temp']='%7.1f'%(float(treat)+273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' elif treat_type.strip()=='LT' or treat_type.strip()=='LN2': MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-LT-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='77' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' else: print "trouble with your treatment steps" MeasRec['measurement_dec']=line[46:51] MeasRec['measurement_inc']=line[52:58] M='%8.2e'%(float(line[31:39])*vol*1e-3) # convert to Am2 MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment']=M MeasRec['measurement_sd_x']='%8.2e'%(float(line[58:67])*1e-8) #(convert e-5emu to Am2) MeasRec['measurement_sd_y']='%8.2e'%(float(line[67:76])*1e-8) MeasRec['measurement_sd_z']='%8.2e'%(float(line[76:85])*1e-8) MeasRec['measurement_csd']='%7.1f'%(eval(line[41:46])) MeasRec['magic_instrument_codes']=line[85:] MeasRec["measurement_positions"]='1' MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) ErSpecs.append(ErSpecRec) if sample not in samples: samples.append(sample) ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) site=pmag.parse_site(sample,samp_con,Z) if site not in sites: sites.append(site) ErSites.append(ErSiteRec) pmag.magic_write(spec_file,ErSpecs,'er_specimens') print 'specimens stored in ',spec_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,ErSamps,'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ',samp_file pmag.magic_write(site_file,ErSites,'er_sites') print 'sites stored in ', site_file Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MeasRecs,avg) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ',meas_file return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts LDGO format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .ldgo format input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE : specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsy: specify er_synthetics file, default is er_sythetics.txt -Fsa: specify output er_samples file, default is NONE (only for LDGO formatted files) -LP [colon delimited list of protocols, include all that apply] AF: af demag T: thermal including thellier but not trm acquisition S: Shaw method I: IRM (acquisition) N: NRM only TRM: trm acquisition ANI: anisotropy experiment D: double AF demag G: triple AF demag (GRM protocol) -V [1,2,3] units of IRM field in volts using ASC coil #1,2 or 3 -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -syn INST TYPE: sets these specimens as synthetics created at institution INST and of type TYPE -ins INST : specify which demag instrument was used (e.g, SIO-Suzy or SIO-Odette),default is "" -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] synthetic - has no site name INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in seperate .mag files (eg. af.mag, thermal.mag, etc.) Format of LDEO files: isaf2.fix LAT: .00 LON: .00 ID TREAT I CD J CDECL CINCL GDECL GINCL BDECL BINCL SUSC M/V ________________________________________________________________________________ is031c2 .0 SD 0 461.600 163.9 17.5 337.1 74.5 319.1 74.4 .0 .0 ID: specimen name TREAT: treatment step I: Instrument CD: Circular standard devation J: intensity. assumed to be total moment in 10^-4 (emu) CDECL: Declination in specimen coordinate system CINCL: Declination in specimen coordinate system GDECL: Declination in geographic coordinate system GINCL: Declination in geographic coordinate system BDECL: Declination in bedding adjusted coordinate system BINCL: Declination in bedding adjusted coordinate system SUSC: magnetic susceptibility (in micro SI)a M/V: mass or volume for nomalizing (0 won't normalize) """ # initialize some stuff noave = 0 methcode, inst = "LP-NO", "" phi, theta, peakfield, labfield = 0, 0, 0, 0 pTRM, MD, samp_con, Z = 0, 0, '1', 1 dec = [315, 225, 180, 135, 45, 90, 270, 270, 270, 90, 180, 180, 0, 0, 0] inc = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -45, -45, 0, 45, 45, 45, -45, -90, -45, 45] tdec = [0, 90, 0, 180, 270, 0, 0, 90, 0] tinc = [0, 0, 90, 0, 0, -90, 0, 0, 90] missing = 1 demag = "N" er_location_name = "" citation = 'This study' args = sys.argv fmt = 'old' syn = 0 synfile = 'er_synthetics.txt' samp_file, ErSamps = '', [] trm = 0 irm = 0 specnum = 0 coil = "" # # get command line arguments # meas_file = "magic_measurements.txt" user = "" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] if '-F' in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsy' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsy") synfile = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] try: open(samp_file, 'rU') ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file' except: print 'sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") magfile = args[ind + 1] try: input = open(magfile, 'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-dc" in args: ind = args.index("-dc") labfield = float(args[ind + 1]) * 1e-6 phi = float(args[ind + 2]) theta = float(args[ind + 3]) if "-ac" in args: ind = args.index("-ac") peakfield = float(args[ind + 1]) * 1e-3 if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(args[ind + 1]) if '-syn' in args: syn = 1 ind = args.index("-syn") institution = args[ind + 1] syntype = args[ind + 2] if '-fsy' in args: ind = args.index("-fsy") synfile = args[ind + 1] if "-ins" in args: ind = args.index("-ins") inst = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if '-LP' in args: ind = args.index("-LP") codelist = args[ind + 1] codes = codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag = 'AF' if '-dc' not in args: methcode = "LT-AF-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode = "LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag = "T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode = "LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode = "LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode = "LP-IRM" irmunits = "mT" if "S" in codes: demag = "S" methcode = "LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield = labfield ans = raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans == "": arm_labfield = 50e-6 else: arm_labfield = float(ans) * 1e-6 ans = raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans == "": trm_peakT = 600 + 273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT = float(ans) + 273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode = "LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode = "LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag = "T" trm = 1 if "-V" in args: methcode = "LP-IRM" ind = args.index("-V") irmunits = "V" coil = args[ind + 1] if coil not in ["1", "2", "3"]: print main.__doc__ print 'not a valid coil specification' sys.exit() if demag == "T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode = "LP-AN-TRM" if demag == "AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode = "LP-AN-ARM" if labfield == 0: labfield = 50e-6 if peakfield == 0: peakfield = .180 SynRecs, MagRecs = [], [] version_num = pmag.get_version() if 1: # ldgo file format # # find start of data: # Samps = [] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec = [] Data, k = input.readlines(), 0 for k in range(len(Data)): rec = Data[k].split() if rec[0][0] == "_" or rec[0][0:2] == "!_": break start = k + 1 for k in range(start, len(Data)): rec = Data[k].split() if len(rec) > 0: MagRec = {} MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273 ) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = '%8.3e' % ( 273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '0' meas_type = "LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"] = 'g' MagRec["measurement_standard"] = 'u' MagRec["measurement_number"] = '1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = rec[0] if specnum != 0: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0] site = pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'], samp_con, Z) MagRec["er_site_name"] = site MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["measurement_csd"] = rec[3] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = '%10.3e' % ( float(rec[4]) * 1e-7) # moment in Am^2 (from 10^-4 emu) # #if samp_file!="" and MagRec["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: # create er_samples.txt file with these data # cdec,cinc=float(rec[5]),float(rec[6]) # gdec,ginc=float(rec[7]),float(rec[8]) # az,pl=pmag.get_azpl(cdec,cinc,gdec,ginc) # bdec,binc=float(rec[9]),float(rec[10]) # if rec[7]!=rec[9] and rec[6]!=rec[8]: # dipdir,dip=pmag.get_tilt(gdec,ginc,bdec,binc) # else: # dipdir,dip=0,0 # ErSampRec={} # ErSampRec['er_location_name']=MagRec['er_location_name'] # ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=MagRec['er_sample_name'] # ErSampRec['er_site_name']=MagRec['er_site_name'] # ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(az) # ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(pl) # ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(dipdir) # ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) # ErSampRec['sample_description']='az,pl,dip_dir and dip recalculated from [c,g,b][dec,inc] in ldeo file' # ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-REC' # ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) # Samps.append(ErSampRec['er_sample_name']) MagRec["measurement_dec"] = rec[5] MagRec["measurement_inc"] = rec[6] MagRec["measurement_chi"] = '%10.3e' % ( float(rec[11]) * 1e-5 ) #convert to SI (assume Bartington, 10-5 SI) #MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=rec[2] #MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="" MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type if demag == "AF": if methcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( float(rec[1]) * 1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' else: # AARM experiment if treat[1][0] == '0': meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( peakfield) # peak field in tesla else: meas_type = "LT-AF-I" ipos = int(treat[0]) - 1 MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '%7.1f' % ( dec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '%7.1f' % ( inc[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '%8.3e' % (labfield) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( peakfield) # peak field in tesla elif demag == "T": if rec[1][0] == ".": rec[1] = "0" + rec[1] treat = rec[1].split('.') if len(treat) == 1: treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (float(rec[1]) + 273. ) # temp in kelvin meas_type = "LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0]) + 273.) # temp in kelvin if trm == 0: # demag=T and not trmaq if treat[1][0] == '0': meas_type = "LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( labfield ) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '%7.1f' % ( phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '%7.1f' % ( theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][0] == '1': meas_type = "LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][0] == '2': meas_type = "LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM = 1 if treat[1][0] == '3': MagRec[ "treatment_dc_field"] = '0' # this is a zero field step meas_type = "LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check else: meas_type = "LT-T-I" # trm acquisition experiment MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, 'magic_measurements') print "results put in ", meas_file if samp_file != "": pmag.magic_write(samp_file, ErSamps, 'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ", samp_file if len(SynRecs) > 0: pmag.magic_write(synfile, SynRecs, 'er_synthetics') print "synthetics put in ", synfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts files generated by SIO kly4S labview program to MagIC formated files for use with PmagPy plotting software SYNTAX -h [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits -i: allows interactive input of input/output filenames -f FILE: specify .ams input file name -fad AZDIP: specify AZDIP file with orientations, will create er_samples.txt file -fsa SFILE: specify existing er_samples.txt file with orientation information -fsp SPFILE: specify existing er_specimens.txt file for appending -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements output file -Fa AFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy output file -ocn ORCON: specify orientation convention: default is #3 below -only with AZDIP file -usr USER: specify who made the measurements -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument used -spc SPEC: specify number of characters to specify specimen from sample -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below DEFAULTS MFILE: magic_measurements.txt AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt SPFILE: create new er_specimen.txt file USER: "" LOC: "unknown" INST: "SIO-KLY4S" SPEC: 1 specimen name is same as sample (if SPEC is 1, sample is all but last character) NOTES: Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Orientation convention: [1] Lab arrow azimuth= azimuth; Lab arrow dip=-dip i.e., dip is degrees from vertical down - the hade [default] [2] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = -dip i.e., azimuth is strike and dip is hade [3] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth; Lab arrow dip = dip-90 e.g. dip is degrees from horizontal of drill direction [4] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth; Lab arrow dip = dip [5] Lab arrow azimuth = azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-dip [6] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ citation='This study' cont=0 ask=0 samp_con,Z="1",1 or_con="3" # see help message inst,specnum="SIO-KLY4S",0 AniRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,MeasRecs=[],[],[],[] user,locname,specfile="","unknown","er_specimens.txt" AppSpec=0 sampfile,measfile='','magic_measurements.txt' anisfile='rmag_anisotropy.txt' azdipfile="" dir_path='.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-usr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-usr') user=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ocn' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-ocn') or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 3-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') amsfile=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ print 'must specify ascii input file ' sys.exit() if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') measfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fa') anisfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fr') routput=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsa') sampfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsp') specfile=sys.argv[ind+1] AppSpec=1 if '-fad' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fad') azdipfile=dir_path+"/"+sys.argv[ind+1] azfile=open(azdipfile,'rU') AzDipDat=azfile.readlines() if '-loc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-loc') locname=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specnum=-(int(sys.argv[ind+1])) #if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum specfile=dir_path+'/'+specfile sampfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile measfile=dir_path+'/'+measfile anisfile=dir_path+'/'+anisfile amsfile=dir_path+'/'+amsfile try: input=open(amsfile,'rU') except: print 'Error opening file: ', amsfile sys.exit() SpecRecs,speclist=[],[] if AppSpec==1: try: SpecRecs,filetype=pmag.magic_read(specfile) # append new records to existing if len(SpecRecs)>0: for spec in SpecRecs: if spec['er_specimen_name'] not in speclist:speclist.append(spec['er_specimen_name']) except IOError: print 'trouble opening ',specfile Data=input.readlines() samps=[] if sampfile!=dir_path+'/': samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) SO_methods=[] for rec in samps: if "magic_method_codes" in rec.keys(): methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"].replace(" ","").split(":") for meth in methlist: if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth and "SO-GT5" not in meth and "SO-ASC" not in meth and "SO-BAD" not in meth: if meth not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth) # SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,ask) for line in Data: rec=line.split() if len(rec)>0: AniRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec,MeasRec={},{},{},{},{} specname=rec[0] if specnum!=0: sampname=specname[:specnum] else: sampname=specname site=pmag.parse_site(sampname,samp_con,Z) AniRec['er_location_name']=locname AniRec['er_citation_names']="This study" AniRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst method_codes=['LP-X','AE-H','LP-AN-MS'] AniRec['magic_experiment_name']=specname+":"+"LP-AN-MS" AniRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user AniRec['er_site_name']=site AniRec['er_sample_name']=sampname AniRec['er_specimen_name']=specname labaz,labdip,bed_dip_direction,bed_dip="","","","" if azdipfile!="": for key in AniRec.keys():SampRec[key]=AniRec[key] for oline in AzDipDat: # look for exact match first orec=oline.replace('\n','').split() if orec[0].upper() in specname.upper(): # we have a match labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(orec[1]),float(orec[2]),or_con) bed_dip_direction=float(orec[3])-90. # assume dip to right of strike bed_dip=float(orec[4]) break if labaz=="": # found no exact match - now look at sample level for oline in AzDipDat: orec=oline.split() if orec[0].upper() == sampname.upper(): # we have a match labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(orec[1]),float(orec[2]),or_con) bed_dip_direction=float(orec[3])-90. # assume dip to right of strike bed_dip=float(orec[4]) break if labaz=="": # found no exact match - now look at sample level print 'found no orientation data - will use specimen coordinates' raw_input("<return> to continue") else: for key in AniRec.keys():SampRec[key]=AniRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(labaz) SampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(bed_dip_direction) SampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(bed_dip) SampRecs.append(SampRec) elif sampfile!=dir_path+'/': redo,p=1,0 orient={} if len(SO_methods)==1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(AniRec["er_sample_name"],samps,az_type) if orient['sample_azimuth']!="": method_codes.append(az_type) else: print "no orientation data for ",AniRec["er_sample_name"],labaz orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip"]="" noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",AniRec["er_sample_name"],labaz orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"]="" orient["sample_bed_dip"]="" noorient=1 method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(AniRec["er_sample_name"],samps,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 noorient=0 p+=1 if orient['sample_azimuth']!="":labaz=float(orient['sample_azimuth']) if orient['sample_dip']!="":labdip=float(orient['sample_dip']) if "sample_bed_dip_direction" in orient.keys() and orient['sample_bed_dip_direction']!="": bed_dip_direction=float(orient['sample_bed_dip_direction']) if "sample_bed_dip" in orient.keys() and orient['sample_bed_dip']!="": sample_bed_dip=float(orient['sample_bed_dip']) for key in AniRec.keys():SpecRec[key]=AniRec[key] for key in AniRec.keys():MeasRec[key]=AniRec[key] AniRec['anisotropy_type']="AMS" AniRec['anisotropy_n']="192" AniRec['anisotropy_s1']=rec[1] AniRec['anisotropy_s2']=rec[2] AniRec['anisotropy_s3']=rec[3] AniRec['anisotropy_s4']=rec[4] AniRec['anisotropy_s5']=rec[5] AniRec['anisotropy_s6']=rec[6] AniRec['anisotropy_sigma']=rec[7] AniRec['anisotropy_tilt_correction']='-1' AniRec['anisotropy_unit']='Normalized by trace' SpecRec['specimen_volume']='%8.3e'%(1e-6*float(rec[12])) # volume from cc to m^3 MeasRec['measurement_flag']='g' # good MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' # unknown date=rec[14].split('/') if int(date[2])>80: date[2]='19'+date[2] else: date[2]='20'+date[2] datetime=date[2]+':'+date[0]+':'+date[1]+":" datetime=datetime+rec[15] MeasRec['measurement_number']='1' MeasRec['measurement_date']=datetime MeasRec['measurement_lab_field_ac']='%8.3e'%(4*math.pi*1e-7*float(rec[11])) # convert from A/m to T MeasRec['measurement_temp']="300" # assumed room T in kelvin MeasRec['measurement_chi_volume']=rec[8] MeasRec['measurement_description']='Bulk measurement' MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LP-X' if SpecRec['er_specimen_name'] not in speclist: # add to list speclist.append(SpecRec['er_specimen_name']) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) methods="" for meth in method_codes: methods=methods+meth+":" AniRec["magic_method_codes"]=methods[:-1] # get rid of annoying spaces in Anthony's export files AniRecs.append(AniRec) if labaz!="": # have orientation info AniRecG,AniRecT={},{} for key in AniRec.keys():AniRecG[key]=AniRec[key] for key in AniRec.keys():AniRecT[key]=AniRec[key] sbar=[] sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s1'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s2'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s3'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s4'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s5'])) sbar.append(float(AniRec['anisotropy_s6'])) sbarg=pmag.dosgeo(sbar,labaz,labdip) AniRecG["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[0]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[1]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[2]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[3]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[4]) AniRecG["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[5]) AniRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='0' AniRecs.append(AniRecG) if bed_dip!="" and bed_dip!=0: # have tilt correction sbart=pmag.dostilt(sbarg,bed_dip_direction,bed_dip) AniRecT["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[0]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[1]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[2]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[3]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[4]) AniRecT["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[5]) AniRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='100' AniRecs.append(AniRecT) pmag.magic_write(anisfile,AniRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') pmag.magic_write(measfile,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') pmag.magic_write(specfile,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') print 'anisotropy data saved in ',anisfile print 'measurement data saved in ',measfile if AppSpec==1: print 'new specimen information added to ',specfile else: print 'specimen information saved in new ',specfile if azdipfile!="": sampfile='er_samples.txt' pmag.magic_write(sampfile,SampRecs,'er_samples') print 'sample data saved in ',sampfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ascii files generated by SUSAR ver.4.0 to MagIC formated files for use with PmagPy plotting software SYNTAX -h [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits -f FILE: specify .asc input file name -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements output file -Fa AFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy output file -Fr RFILE: specify rmag_results output file -Fs SFILE: specify er_specimens output file with location, sample, site, etc. information -usr USER: specify who made the measurements -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument used -spc SPEC: specify number of characters to specify specimen from sample -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #2 below -k15 : specify static 15 position mode - default is spinning -new : replace all existing magic files DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt SFILE: default is to create new er_specimen.txt file USER: "" LOC: "" INST: "" SPEC: 0 sample name is same as site (if SPEC is 1, sample is all but last character) appends to 'er_specimens.txt, er_samples.txt, er_sites.txt' files Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ citation='This study' cont=0 samp_con,Z="1",1 AniRecSs,AniRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,SiteRecs,MeasRecs=[],[],[],[],[],[] user,locname,specfile="","unknown","er_specimens.txt" isspec,inst,specnum='0',"PGL-KLY3",0 spin,new=1,0 dir_path='.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] aoutput,routput,moutput=dir_path+'/rmag_anisotropy.txt',dir_path+'/rmag_results.txt',dir_path+'/magic_measurements.txt' if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-usr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-usr') user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if '-k15' in sys.argv:spin=0 if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') ascfile=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') moutput=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fa') aoutput=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fr') routput=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fs' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fs') specfile=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] isspec='1' elif '-loc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-loc') locname=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specnum=-(int(sys.argv[ind+1])) if isspec=="1": specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(specfile) specnames,sampnames,sitenames=[],[],[] if '-new' not in sys.argv: # see if there are already specimen,sample, site files lying around try: SpecRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/er_specimens.txt') for spec in SpecRecs: if spec['er_specimen_name'] not in specnames:specnames.append(samp['er_specimen_name']) except: SpecRecs,specs=[],[] try: SampRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/er_samples.txt') for samp in SampRecs: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in sampnames:sampnames.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except: sampnames,SampRecs=[],[] try: SiteRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(dir_path+'/er_sites.txt') for site in SiteRecs: if site['er_site_names'] not in sitenames:sitenames.append(site['er_site_name']) except: sitenames,SiteRecs=[],[] try: input=open(ascfile,'rU') except: print 'Error opening file: ', ascfile Data=input.readlines() k=0 while k<len(Data): line = Data[k] words=line.split() print words if "ANISOTROPY" in words: # first line of data for the spec MeasRec,AniRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec={},{},{},{},{} specname=words[0] AniRec['er_specimen_name']=specname if isspec=="1": for spec in specs: if spec['er_specimen_name']==specname: AniRec['er_sample_name']=spec['er_sample_name'] AniRec['er_site_name']=spec['er_site_name'] AniRec['er_location_name']=spec['er_location_name'] break elif isspec=="0": AniRec['er_sample_name']=specname[:specnum] SpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specname SpecRec['er_sample_name']=specname[:specnum] SampRec['er_sample_name']=specname[:specnum] SiteRec['er_sample_name']=specname[:specnum] SiteRec['site_description']='s' AniRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SpecRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SampRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SiteRec['er_site_name']=pmag.parse_site(AniRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) AniRec['er_location_name']=locname SpecRec['er_location_name']=locname SampRec['er_location_name']=locname SiteRec['er_location_name']=locname AniRec['er_citation_names']="This study" SpecRec['er_citation_names']="This study" SampRec['er_citation_names']="This study" SiteRec['er_citation_names']="This study" AniRec['er_citation_names']="This study" AniRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst AniRec['magic_method_codes']="LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS" AniRec['magic_experiment_names']=specname+":"+"LP-AN-MS" AniRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user for key in AniRec.keys():MeasRec[key]=AniRec[key] MeasRec['measurement_flag']='g' AniRec['anisotropy_flag']='g' MeasRec['measurement_standard']='u' MeasRec['measurement_description']='Bulk sucsecptibility measurement' AniRec['anisotropy_type']="AMS" AniRec['anisotropy_unit']="Normalized by trace - bulk in measurements table" AniRec['anisotropy_unit']='SI' if spin==1: AniRec['anisotropy_n']="192" else: AniRec['anisotropy_n']="15" if 'Azi' in words and isspec=='0': SampRec['sample_azimuth']=words[1] labaz=float(words[1]) if 'Dip' in words: SampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(-float(words[1])) SpecRec['specimen_vol']='%8.3e'%(float(words[10])*1e-6) # convert actual volume to m^3 from cm^3 labdip=float(words[1])-90. if 'T1' in words and 'F1' in words: k+=2 # read in fourth line down line=Data[k] rec=line.split() dd,dip_direction=0,0 if len(rec)>0: dd=rec[1].split('/') dip_direction=int(dd[0])+90 SampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%i'%(dip_direction) SampRec['sample_bed_dip']=dd[1] bed_dip=float(dd[1]) if "Mean" in words: k+=4 # read in fourth line down line=Data[k] rec=line.split() if len(rec)>0: MeasRec['measurement_chi_volume']=rec[1] sigma=.01*float(rec[2])/3. AniRec['anisotropy_sigma']='%7.4f'%(sigma) if "susceptibilities" in words: # first part of specimen data line=Data[k+2] rec=line.split() AniRec['anisotropy_s1']='%7.4f'%(float(rec[1])/3.) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec['anisotropy_s2']='%7.4f'%(float(rec[2])/3.) AniRec['anisotropy_s3']='%7.4f'%(float(rec[3])/3.) k+=2 line=Data[k] rec=line.split() AniRec['anisotropy_s4']='%7.4f'%(float(rec[0])/3.) # eigenvalues sum to unity - not 3 AniRec['anisotropy_s5']='%7.4f'%(float(rec[1])/3.) AniRec['anisotropy_s6']='%7.4f'%(float(rec[2])/3.) AniRec['anisotropy_tilt_correction']='-1' AniRecs.append(AniRec) MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) if SpecRec['er_specimen_name'] not in specnames: SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) specnames.append(SpecRec['er_specimen_name']) if SampRec['er_sample_name'] not in sampnames: SampRecs.append(SampRec) sampnames.append(SampRec['er_sample_name']) if SiteRec['er_site_name'] not in sitenames: SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) sitenames.append(SiteRec['er_site_name']) k+=1 # skip to next specimen pmag.magic_write(aoutput,AniRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') print "anisotropy tensors put in ",aoutput pmag.magic_write(moutput,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') print "bulk measurements put in ",moutput if isspec=="0": output=dir_path+"/er_specimens.txt" pmag.magic_write(output,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') print "specimen info put in ",output output=dir_path+"/er_samples.txt" pmag.magic_write(output,SampRecs,'er_samples') print "sample info put in ",output output=dir_path+"/er_sites.txt" pmag.magic_write(output,SiteRecs,'er_sites') print "site info put in ",output print """"
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts CalTech (CIT) .sam format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .sam format input file, required -fsi SITEFILE : specify file with site names and locations [tab delimited magic file] -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -n [gm,kg,cc,m3]: specify normalization -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SITEFILE or be a synthetic -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) NOTES: Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ # # norm='cc' samp_con,Z='3',1 meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MeasRecs=[] specnum,units,locname=0,"1","unknown" citation="This study" dir_path='.' args=sys.argv if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] if '-loc' in args: ind=args.index("-loc") locname=args[ind+1] if '-spc' in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=-int(args[ind+1]) if '-n' in args: ind=args.index("-n") norm=args[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] magfile=dir_path+'/'+magfile spec_file=dir_path+'/'+spec_file samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file site_file=dir_path+'/'+site_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file try: input=open(magfile,'r') except: print "bad sam file name" sys.exit() File=input.readlines() sids,ln,format=[],0,'CIT' formats=['CIT','2G','APP','JRA'] ErLocRec={} ErLocRec["er_location_name"]=locname ErLocRec["er_citation_name"]=citation comment=File[ln] if comment=='CIT': format=comment ln+=1 comment=File[ln] print comment ln+=1 specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] if format=='CIT': line=File[ln].split() site_lat=line[0] site_lon=line[1] ErLocRec["location_begin_lat"]=site_lat ErLocRec["location_begin_lon"]=site_lon ErLocRec["location_end_lat"]=site_lat ErLocRec["location_end_lon"]=site_lon ErLocs.append(ErLocRec) Cdec=float(line[2]) if len(line)>4: fa_az=line[3] fa_pl=line[4] if len(line)>6: bed_dip_dir='%7.1f'%(float(line[5]+90.)) bed_dip=line[6] for k in range(ln+1,len(File)): line=File[k] rec=line.split() specimen=rec[0] specimens.append(specimen) else: print 'file type not yet supported' sys.exit() for specimen in specimens: ErSpecRec,ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{},{} if specnum!=0: sample=specimen[:specnum] else: sample=specimen site=pmag.parse_site(sample,samp_con,Z) ErSpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen ErSpecRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSpecRec['er_site_name']=site ErSpecRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSpecRec['er_citation_name']=citation ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSampRec['er_site_name']=site ErSampRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSampRec['er_citation_name']=citation for k in range(ln+1,len(File)): line=File[k] rec=line.split() specimen=rec[0] specimens.append(specimen) for specimen in specimens: ErSpecRec,ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{},{} if specnum!=0: sample=specimen[:specnum] else: sample=specimen site=pmag.parse_site(sample,samp_con,Z) ErSpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen ErSpecRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSpecRec['er_site_name']=site ErSpecRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSpecRec['er_citation_name']=citation ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=sample ErSampRec['er_site_name']=site ErSampRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSampRec['er_citation_name']=citation ErSiteRec['er_site_name']=site ErSiteRec['er_location_name']=locname ErSiteRec['er_citation_name']=citation ErSiteRec['site_lat']=site_lat ErSiteRec['site_lon']=site_lon f=open(dir_path+'/'+specimen,'rU') Lines=f.readlines() comment=Lines[0][10:] if len(line)>2:comment=line[2] info=Lines[1].split() vol=float(info[-1]) if vol!=1.0: if norm=='cc':units="1" if norm=='m3':units="2" ErSampRec['specimen_weight']="" if units=="1" or "": ErSampRec['specimen_volume']='%10.3e'%(vol*1e-6) else: ErSampRec['specimen_volume']='%10.3e'%(vol) else: if norm=='cc':units="1" if norm=='m3':units="2" ErSampRec['specimen_volume']="" if units=="1" or "": ErSampRec['specimen_weight']='%10.3e'%(vol*1e-3) else: ErSampRec['specimen_weight']='%10.3e'%(vol) dip=float(info[-2]) dip_direction=float(info[-3])+Cdec+90. sample_dip=-float(info[-4]) sample_azimuth=float(info[-5])+Cdec-90. if len(info)>5: ErSampRec['sample_height']=info[-6] else: ErSampRec['sample_height']='0' ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(sample_azimuth) ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(sample_dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(dip_direction) ErSampRec['sample_class']='' ErSampRec['sample_type']='' ErSampRec['sample_lithology']='' if Cdec!=0 or Cdec!="": ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-CMD-NORTH' else: ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-MAG' for line in Lines[2:len(Lines)-1]: MeasRec=ErSpecRec.copy() treat_type=line[0:3] treat=line[3:6] if treat_type.strip()=='NRM' or treat==" ": MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-NO' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' elif treat_type.strip()=='AF': MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-AF-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='%10.3e'%(float(treat)*1e-3) elif treat_type.strip()=='TT': MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-T-Z' MeasRec['measurement_temp']='273' MeasRec['treatment_temp']='%7.1f'%(float(treat)+273) MeasRec['treatment_dc_field']='0' MeasRec['treatment_ac_field']='0' else: print "trouble with your treatment steps" MeasRec['measurement_dec']=line[46:51] MeasRec['measurement_inc']=line[52:58] int='%8.2e'%(float(line[31:39])*vol*1e-3) # convert to Am2 MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment']=int MeasRec['measurement_x_sd']='%8.2e'%(float(line[58:67])*1e-8) #(convert e-5emu to Am2) MeasRec['measurement_y_sd']='%8.2e'%(float(line[67:76])*1e-8) MeasRec['measurement_z_sd']='%8.2e'%(float(line[76:85])*1e-8) MeasRec['measurement_csd']='%7.1f'%(eval(line[41:46])) MeasRec['magic_instrument_codes']=line[85:] MeasRecs.append(MeasRec) ErSpecs.append(ErSpecRec) if sample not in samples: samples.append(sample) ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) site=pmag.parse_site(sample,samp_con,Z) if site not in sites: sites.append(site) ErSites.append(ErSiteRec) pmag.magic_write(spec_file,ErSpecs,'er_specimens') print 'specimens stored in ',spec_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,ErSamps,'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ',samp_file pmag.magic_write(site_file,ErSites,'er_sites') Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MeasRecs,0) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ',meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts SIO .mag format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .mag format input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE : specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsy: specify er_synthetics file, default is er_sythetics.txt -Fsa: specify output er_samples file, default is NONE (only for LDGO formatted files) -LP [colon delimited list of protocols, include all that apply] AF: af demag S: Shaw method T: thermal including thellier but not trm acquisition N: NRM only TRM: trm acquisition ANI: anisotropy experiment D: double AF demag G: triple AF demag (GRM protocol) -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -syn INST TYPE: sets these specimens as synthetics created at institution INST and of type TYPE -ins INST : specify which demag instrument was used (e.g, SIO-Suzy or SIO-Odette),default is "" -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -FT [SIO,LDGO] : file type. default is SIO (.mag file format) -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] synthetic - has no site name [9] ODP naming convention INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in seperate .mag files (eg. af.mag, thermal.mag, etc.) Format of SIO .mag files: Spec Treat CSD Intensity Declination Inclination [optional metadata string] Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX T in Centigrade XXX AF in mT for special experiments: Thellier: XXX.0 first zero field step XXX.1 first in field step [XXX.0 and XXX.1 can be done in any order] XXX.2 second in-field step at lower temperature (pTRM check) XXX.3 second zero-field step after infield (pTRM check step) XXX.3 MUST be done in this order [XXX.0, XXX.1 [optional XXX.2] XXX.3] AARM: X.00 baseline step (AF in zero bias field - high peak field) X.1 ARM step (in field step) where X is the step number in the 15 position scheme (see Appendix to Lecture 13 - Lectures in Paleomagnetism, 2007) TRM: XXX.YYY XXX is temperature step of total TRM YYY is dc field in microtesla Shaw: XXX.YY XXX is AF field YY=00 is AF of NRM YY=01 is AF of ARM1 YY=02 is AF of TRM YY=03 is AF of ARM2 specify temperature and field of Total TRM step on command line Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Optional metatdata string: mm/dd/yy;hh:mm;[dC,mT];xx.xx;UNITS;USER;INST;NMEAS hh in 24 hours. dC or mT units of treatment XXX (see Treat above) for thermal or AF respectively DC field UNITS of DC field (microT, mT) INST: instrument code, number of axes, number of positions (e.g., G34 is 2G, three axes, measured in four positions) NMEAS: number of measurements in a single position (1,3,200...) Format of LDGO files: SPEC TREAT INST CSD Intensity CDECL CINCL [GDECL GINCL BDECL BINCL SUSC ] """ # initialize some stuff infile_type="mag" noave=0 methcode,inst="","" phi,theta,peakfield,labfield=0,0,0,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 dec=[315,225,180,135,45,90,270,270,270,90,180,180,0,0,0] inc=[0,0,0,0,0,-45,-45,0,45,45,45,-45,-90,-45,45] missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv methcode="LP-NO" fmt='old' syn=0 synfile='er_synthetics.txt' samp_file,ErSamps='',[] trm=0 irm=0 specnum=0 # # get command line arguments # meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" user="" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsy' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsy") synfile=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] try: open(samp_file,'rU') ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file' except: print 'sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-dc" in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-6 phi=float(args[ind+2]) theta=float(args[ind+3]) if "-ac" in args: ind=args.index("-ac") peakfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-3 if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(args[ind+1]) if '-syn' in args: syn=1 ind=args.index("-syn") institution=args[ind+1] syntype=args[ind+2] if '-fsy' in args: ind=args.index("-fsy") synfile=args[ind+1] if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if '-FT' in args: ind=args.index("-FT") FT=args[ind+1] if FT=="LDGO":infile_type="ldgo" # default is "mag" if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" if "S" in codes: demag="S" methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield=labfield ans=raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans=="": arm_labfield=50e-6 else: arm_labfield=float(ans)*1e-6 ans=raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans=="": trm_peakT=600+273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT=float(ans)+273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" trm=1 if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=.180 SynRecs,MagRecs=[],[] version_num=pmag.get_version() if infile_type=="mag": for line in input.readlines(): instcode="" if len(line)>2: SynRec={} MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" rec=line.split() if len(rec)>6: code1=rec[6].split(';') # break e.g., 10/15/02;7:45 indo date and time if len(code1)==2: # old format with AM/PM missing=0 code2=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year code3=rec[7].split(';') # break e.g., AM;C34;200 into time;instr/axes/measuring pos;number of measurements yy=int(code2[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(code2[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(code2[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if code3[0]=="PM":hh=hh+12 if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='SAN' if inst=="": if code3[1][0]=='C':instcode='SIO-bubba' if code3[1][0]=='G':instcode='SIO-flo' else: instcode='' MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code3[1][2] elif len(code1)>2: # newest format (cryo7 or later) labfield=0 fmt='new' date=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year yy=int(date[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(date[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(date[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='SAN' if inst=="": if code1[6][0]=='C':instcode='SIO-bubba' if code1[6][0]=='G':instcode='SIO-flo' else: instcode='' if len(code1)>1: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[6][2] else: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[7] # takes care of awkward format with bubba and flo being different if user=="":user=code1[5] if code1[2][-1]=='C': demag="T" if code1[2]=='mT': if methcode=="LP-IRM": labfield=float(code1[3])*1e-3 if rec[1][0]!="-": phi,theta=0.,90. else: phi,theta=0.,-90. meas_type="LT-IRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) else: demag="AF" labfield=float(code1[3])*1e-6 if code1[4]=='microT' and labfield!=0.: phi,theta=0.,90. if demag=="T": meas_type="LT-T-I" if demag=="AF": meas_type="LT-AF-I" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) if code1[4]=='' or labfield==0.: if demag=='T':meas_type="LT-T-Z" if demag=="AF":meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' if syn==0: MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]="" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if "-fsa" in args: for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == MagRec["er_sample_name"]: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] else: if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_site_name"]="" MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]=MagRec["er_specimen_name"] SynRec["er_synthetic_name"]=MagRec["er_specimen_name"] site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SynRec["synthetic_parent_sample"]=site SynRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SynRec["synthetic_institution"]=institution SynRec["synthetic_type"]=syntype SynRecs.append(SynRec) if rec[1]==".00":rec[1]="0.00" treat=rec[1].split('.') if float(rec[1])==0: pass elif demag=="AF": if methcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(rec[1])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' else: # AARM experiment if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) if labfield!=0: print "Warning - inconsistency in mag file with lab field - overriding file with 0" else: meas_type="LT-AF-I" ipos=int(treat[0])-1 MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(dec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (inc[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla elif demag=="S": # Shaw experiment if treat[1][1]=='0': if int(treat[0])!=0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" # first AF else: meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' elif treat[1][1]=='1': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(arm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) meas_type="LT-AF-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif treat[1][1]=='2': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(trm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (trm_peakT) meas_type="LT-T-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif treat[1][1]=='3': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(arm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) meas_type="LT-AF-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" else: if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if trm==0: # demag=T and not trmaq if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][0]=='1':meas_type="LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][0]=='2': meas_type="LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM=1 if treat[1][0]=='3': MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' # this is a zero field step meas_type="LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check else: labfield=float(treat[1])*1e-6 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta meas_type="LT-T-I:LP-TRM" # trm acquisition experiment MagRec["measurement_csd"]=rec[2] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[3])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[4] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[5] MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if 'std' in rec[0]: MagRec["measurement_standard"]='s' else: MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"],meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) elif infile_type=="ldgo": # # find start of data: # Samps=[] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec=[] Data,k=input.readlines(),0 for k in range(len(Data)): rec=Data[k].split() if rec[0][0]=="_" or rec[0][0:2]=="!_": break start=k+1 for k in range(start,len(Data)): rec=Data[k].split() if len(rec)>0: MagRec={} MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site MagRec["er_site_name"]=MagRec['er_sample_name'][0:-2] MagRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name MagRec["measurement_csd"]=rec[3] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[4])*1e-7) # moment in Am^2 (from 10^-4 emu) # if samp_file!="" and MagRec["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: # create er_samples.txt file with these data cdec,cinc=float(rec[5]),float(rec[6]) gdec,ginc=float(rec[7]),float(rec[8]) az,pl=pmag.get_azpl(cdec,cinc,gdec,ginc) bdec,binc=float(rec[9]),float(rec[10]) if rec[7]!=rec[9] and rec[6]!=rec[8]: dipdir,dip=pmag.get_tilt(gdec,ginc,bdec,binc) else: dipdir,dip=0,0 ErSampRec={} ErSampRec['er_location_name']=MagRec['er_location_name'] ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=MagRec['er_sample_name'] ErSampRec['er_site_name']=MagRec['er_site_name'] ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(az) ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(pl) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(dipdir) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) ErSampRec['sample_description']='az,pl,dip_dir and dip recalculated from [c,g,b][dec,inc] in ldeo file' ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-REC' ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) Samps.append(ErSampRec['er_sample_name']) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[5] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[6] MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=rec[2] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="" MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type if demag=="AF": if methcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(rec[1])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' else: # AARM experiment if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla else: meas_type="LT-AF-I" ipos=int(treat[0])-1 MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(dec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (inc[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla elif demag=="T": if rec[1][0]==".":rec[1]="0"+rec[1] treat=rec[1].split('.') if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(rec[1])+273.) # temp in kelvin meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if trm==0: # demag=T and not trmaq if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][0]=='1':meas_type="LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][0]=='2': meas_type="LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM=1 if treat[1][0]=='3': MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' # this is a zero field step meas_type="LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check else: meas_type="LT-T-I" # trm acquisition experiment MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file if samp_file!="": pmag.magic_write(samp_file,ErSamps,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file if len(SynRecs)>0: pmag.magic_write(synfile,SynRecs,'er_synthetics') print "synthetics put in ",synfile