def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots intensity decay curves for demagnetization experiments SYNTAX dmag_magic -h [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -LT [AF,T,M]: specify lab treatment type, default AF -XLP [PI]: exclude specific lab protocols (for example, method codes like LP-PI) -N do not normalize by NRM magnetization -sav save plots silently and quit -fmt [svg,jpg,png,pdf] set figure format [default is svg] NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ FIG={} # plot dictionary FIG['demag']=1 # demag is figure 1 in_file,plot_key,LT='magic_measurements.txt','er_location_name',"LT-AF-Z" XLP="" norm=1 LT='LT-AF-Z' units,dmag_key='T','treatment_ac_field' plot=0 fmt='svg' if len(sys.argv)>1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-N' in sys.argv: norm=0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot=1 if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-obj' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-obj') plot_by=sys.argv[ind+1] if plot_by=='sit':plot_key='er_site_name' if plot_by=='sam':plot_key='er_sample_name' if plot_by=='spc':plot_key='er_specimen_name' if '-XLP' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-XLP") XLP=sys.argv[ind+1] # get lab protocol for excluding if '-LT' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-LT") LT='LT-'+sys.argv[ind+1]+'-Z' # get lab treatment for plotting if LT=='LT-T-Z': units,dmag_key='K','treatment_temp' elif LT=='LT-AF-Z': units,dmag_key='T','treatment_ac_field' elif LT=='LT-M-Z': units,dmag_key='J','treatment_mw_energy' else: units='U' data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(in_file) sids=pmag.get_specs(data) pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['demag'],5,5) print len(data),' records read from ',in_file # # # find desired intensity data # # plotlist,intlist=[],['measurement_magnitude','measurement_magn_moment','measurement_magn_volume','measurement_magn_mass'] IntMeths=[] FixData=[] for rec in data: meths=[] methcodes=rec['magic_method_codes'].split(':') for meth in methcodes:meths.append(meth.strip()) for key in rec.keys(): if key in intlist and rec[key]!="": if key not in IntMeths:IntMeths.append(key) if rec[plot_key] not in plotlist and LT in meths: plotlist.append(rec[plot_key]) if 'measurement_flag' not in rec.keys():rec['measurement_flag']='g' FixData.append(rec) plotlist.sort() if len(IntMeths)==0: print 'No intensity information found' sys.exit() data=FixData int_key=IntMeths[0] # plot first intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - doesn't matter which used for plt in plotlist: if plot==0: print plt,'plotting by: ',plot_key PLTblock=pmag.get_dictitem(data,plot_key,plt,'T') # fish out all the data for this type of plot PLTblock=pmag.get_dictitem(PLTblock,'magic_method_codes',LT,'has') # fish out all the dmag for this experiment type PLTblock=pmag.get_dictitem(PLTblock,int_key,'','F') # get all with this intensity key non-blank if XLP!="":PLTblock=pmag.get_dictitem(PLTblock,'magic_method_codes',XLP,'not') # reject data with XLP in method_code if len(PLTblock)>2: title=PLTblock[0][plot_key] spcs=[] for rec in PLTblock: if rec['er_specimen_name'] not in spcs:spcs.append(rec['er_specimen_name']) for spc in spcs: SPCblock=pmag.get_dictitem(PLTblock,'er_specimen_name',spc,'T') # plot specimen by specimen INTblock=[] for rec in SPCblock: INTblock.append([float(rec[dmag_key]),0,0,float(rec[int_key]),1,rec['measurement_flag']]) if len(INTblock)>2: pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['demag'],INTblock,title,0,units,norm) if plot==1: files={} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key]=title+'_'+LT+'.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) sys.exit() else: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans=='q':sys.exit() if ans=="a": files={} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key]=title+'_'+LT+'.svg' pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['demag'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots intensity decay curves for demagnetization experiments SYNTAX dmag_magic -h [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -LT [AF,T,M]: specify lab treatment type, default AF -XLP [PI]: exclude specific lab protocols, (for example, method codes like LP-PI) -N do not normalize by NRM magnetization -sav save plots silently and quit -fmt [svg,jpg,png,pdf] set figure format [default is svg] NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() # initialize variables from command line + defaults FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['demag'] = 1 # demag is figure 1 in_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", default_val="measurements.txt") plot_by = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-obj", default_val="loc") name_dict = { 'loc': 'location', 'sit': 'site', 'sam': 'sample', 'spc': 'specimen' } plot_key = name_dict[plot_by] LT = "LT-" + pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-LT", "AF") + "-Z" if LT == "LT-T-Z": units, dmag_key = 'K', 'treat_temp' elif LT == "LT-AF-Z": units, dmag_key = 'T', 'treat_ac_field' elif LT == 'LT-M-Z': units, dmag_key = 'J', 'treat_mw_energy' else: units = 'U' no_norm = pmag.get_flag_arg_from_sys("-N") norm = 0 if no_norm else 1 no_plot = pmag.get_flag_arg_from_sys("-sav") plot = 0 if no_plot else 1 fmt = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fmt", "svg") XLP = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-XLP", "") dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-WD", os.getcwd()) spec_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsp", default_val="specimens.txt") samp_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsa", default_val="samples.txt") site_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsi", default_val="sites.txt") # create contribution and add required headers fnames = {"specimens": spec_file, "samples": samp_file, 'sites': site_file} contribution = nb.Contribution(dir_path, single_file=in_file, custom_filenames=fnames) file_type = list(contribution.tables.keys())[0] print(len(contribution.tables['measurements'].df), ' records read from ', in_file) # add plot_key into measurements table if plot_key not in contribution.tables['measurements'].df.columns: #contribution.propagate_name_down(plot_key, 'measurements') contribution.propagate_location_to_measurements() data_container = contribution.tables[file_type] # pare down to only records with useful data # grab records that have the requested code data_slice = data_container.get_records_for_code(LT) # and don't have the offending code data = data_container.get_records_for_code(XLP, incl=False, use_slice=True, sli=data_slice, strict_match=False) # make sure quality is in the dataframe if 'quality' not in data.columns: data['quality'] = 'g' # get intensity key and make sure intensity data is not blank intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass'] IntMeths = [col_name for col_name in data.columns if col_name in intlist] # get rid of any entirely blank intensity columns for col_name in IntMeths: if not data[col_name].any(): data.drop(col_name, axis=1, inplace=True) IntMeths = [col_name for col_name in data.columns if col_name in intlist] if len(IntMeths) == 0: print('No intensity headers found') sys.exit() int_key = IntMeths[ 0] # plot first intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - doesn't matter which used data = data[data[int_key].notnull()] # make list of individual plots # by default, will be by location_name plotlist = data[plot_key].unique() plotlist.sort() pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['demag'], 5, 5) # iterate through and plot the data for plt in plotlist: plot_data = data[data[plot_key] == plt].copy() if plot: print(plt, 'plotting by: ', plot_key) if len(plot_data) > 2: title = plt spcs = [] spcs = plot_data['specimen'].unique() for spc in spcs: INTblock = [] spec_data = plot_data[plot_data['specimen'] == spc] for ind, rec in spec_data.iterrows(): INTblock.append([ float(rec[dmag_key]), 0, 0, float(rec[int_key]), 1, rec['quality'] ]) if len(INTblock) > 2: pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['demag'], INTblock, title, 0, units, norm) if not plot: files = {} for key in list(FIG.keys()): files[key] = title + '_' + LT + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) #sys.exit() else: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) prompt = " S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: " ans = input(prompt) if ans == 'q': sys.exit() if ans == "a": files = {} for key in list(FIG.keys()): files[key] = title + '_' + LT + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['demag'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots intensity decay curves for demagnetization experiments SYNTAX dmag_magic -h [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -LT [AF,T,M]: specify lab treatment type, default AF -XLP [PI]: exclude specific lab protocols (for example, method codes like LP-PI) -N do not normalize by NRM magnetization -sav save plots silently and quit -fmt [svg,jpg,png,pdf] set figure format [default is svg] NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['demag'] = 1 # demag is figure 1 in_file, plot_key, LT = 'magic_measurements.txt', 'er_location_name', "LT-AF-Z" XLP = "" norm = 1 LT = 'LT-AF-Z' units, dmag_key = 'T', 'treatment_ac_field' plot = 0 fmt = 'svg' if len(sys.argv) > 1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-N' in sys.argv: norm = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-obj' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-obj') plot_by = sys.argv[ind + 1] if plot_by == 'sit': plot_key = 'er_site_name' if plot_by == 'sam': plot_key = 'er_sample_name' if plot_by == 'spc': plot_key = 'er_specimen_name' if '-XLP' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-XLP") XLP = sys.argv[ind + 1] # get lab protocol for excluding if '-LT' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-LT") LT = 'LT-' + sys.argv[ind + 1] + '-Z' # get lab treatment for plotting if LT == 'LT-T-Z': units, dmag_key = 'K', 'treatment_temp' elif LT == 'LT-AF-Z': units, dmag_key = 'T', 'treatment_ac_field' elif LT == 'LT-M-Z': units, dmag_key = 'J', 'treatment_mw_energy' else: units = 'U' data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) sids = pmag.get_specs(data) pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['demag'], 5, 5) print(len(data), ' records read from ', in_file) # # # find desired intensity data # # plotlist, intlist = [], [ 'measurement_magnitude', 'measurement_magn_moment', 'measurement_magn_volume', 'measurement_magn_mass' ] IntMeths = [] FixData = [] for rec in data: meths = [] methcodes = rec['magic_method_codes'].split(':') for meth in methcodes: meths.append(meth.strip()) for key in rec.keys(): if key in intlist and rec[key] != "": if key not in IntMeths: IntMeths.append(key) if rec[plot_key] not in plotlist and LT in meths: plotlist.append(rec[plot_key]) if 'measurement_flag' not in rec.keys(): rec['measurement_flag'] = 'g' FixData.append(rec) plotlist.sort() if len(IntMeths) == 0: print('No intensity information found') sys.exit() data = FixData int_key = IntMeths[ 0] # plot first intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - doesn't matter which used for plt in plotlist: if plot == 0: print(plt, 'plotting by: ', plot_key) PLTblock = pmag.get_dictitem( data, plot_key, plt, 'T') # fish out all the data for this type of plot PLTblock = pmag.get_dictitem( PLTblock, 'magic_method_codes', LT, 'has') # fish out all the dmag for this experiment type PLTblock = pmag.get_dictitem( PLTblock, int_key, '', 'F') # get all with this intensity key non-blank if XLP != "": PLTblock = pmag.get_dictitem( PLTblock, 'magic_method_codes', XLP, 'not') # reject data with XLP in method_code if len(PLTblock) > 2: title = PLTblock[0][plot_key] spcs = [] for rec in PLTblock: if rec['er_specimen_name'] not in spcs: spcs.append(rec['er_specimen_name']) for spc in spcs: SPCblock = pmag.get_dictitem(PLTblock, 'er_specimen_name', spc, 'T') # plot specimen by specimen INTblock = [] for rec in SPCblock: INTblock.append([ float(rec[dmag_key]), 0, 0, float(rec[int_key]), 1, rec['measurement_flag'] ]) if len(INTblock) > 2: pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['demag'], INTblock, title, 0, units, norm) if plot == 1: files = {} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key] = title + '_' + LT + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) sys.exit() else: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans = raw_input( " S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans == 'q': sys.exit() if ans == "a": files = {} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key] = title + '_' + LT + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['demag'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots IRM acquisition curves from magic_measurements file SYNTAX irmaq_magic [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -N ; do not normalize by last point - use original units -fmt [png,jpg,eps,pdf] set plot file format [default is svg] -sav save plot[s] and quit NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['exp'] = 1 # exp is figure 1 dir_path = './' plot, fmt = 0, 'svg' units, dmag_key = 'T', 'treatment_dc_field' XLP = [] norm = 1 in_file, plot_key, LP = 'magic_measurements.txt', 'er_location_name', "LP-IRM" if len(sys.argv) > 1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-N' in sys.argv: norm = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-f") in_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] in_file = dir_path + '/' + in_file if '-obj' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-obj') plot_by = sys.argv[ind + 1] if plot_by == 'sit': plot_key = 'er_site_name' if plot_by == 'sam': plot_key = 'er_sample_name' if plot_by == 'spc': plot_key = 'er_specimen_name' data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) sids = pmag.get_specs(data) pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['exp'], 6, 6) # # # find desired intensity data # # get plotlist # plotlist, intlist = [], [ 'measurement_magnitude', 'measurement_magn_moment', 'measurement_magn_volume', 'measurement_magn_mass' ] IntMeths = [] data = pmag.get_dictitem( data, 'magic_method_codes', LP, 'has') # get all the records with this lab protocol Ints = {} NoInts, int_key = 1, "" for key in intlist: Ints[key] = pmag.get_dictitem( data, key, '', 'F') # get all non-blank data for intensity type if len(Ints[key]) > 0: NoInts = 0 if int_key == "": int_key = key if NoInts == 1: print 'No intensity information found' sys.exit() for rec in Ints[int_key]: if rec[plot_key] not in plotlist: plotlist.append(rec[plot_key]) plotlist.sort() for plt in plotlist: print plt INTblock = [] data = pmag.get_dictitem( Ints[int_key], plot_key, plt, 'T' ) # get data with right intensity info whose plot_key matches plot sids = pmag.get_specs( data) # get a list of specimens with appropriate data if len(sids) > 0: title = data[0][plot_key] for s in sids: INTblock = [] sdata = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'er_specimen_name', s, 'T') # get data for each specimen for rec in sdata: INTblock.append( [float(rec[dmag_key]), 0, 0, float(rec[int_key]), 1, 'g']) pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['exp'], INTblock, title, 0, units, norm) files = {} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key] = title + '_' + LP + '.' + fmt if plot == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans = raw_input( " S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans == 'q': sys.exit() if ans == "a": pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) else: pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['exp'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots IRM acquisition curves from magic_measurements file SYNTAX irmaq_magic [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -N ; do not normalize by last point - use original units -fmt [png,jpg,eps,pdf] set plot file format [default is svg] -sav save plot[s] and quit NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ FIG={} # plot dictionary FIG['exp']=1 # exp is figure 1 dir_path='./' plot,fmt=0,'svg' units,dmag_key='T','treatment_dc_field' XLP=[] norm=1 in_file,plot_key,LP='magic_measurements.txt','er_location_name',"LP-IRM" if len(sys.argv)>1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-N' in sys.argv:norm=0 if '-sav' in sys.argv:plot=1 if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-f") in_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] in_file=dir_path+'/'+in_file if '-obj' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-obj') plot_by=sys.argv[ind+1] if plot_by=='sit':plot_key='er_site_name' if plot_by=='sam':plot_key='er_sample_name' if plot_by=='spc':plot_key='er_specimen_name' data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(in_file) sids=pmag.get_specs(data) pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['exp'],6,6) # # # find desired intensity data # # get plotlist # plotlist,intlist=[],['measurement_magnitude','measurement_magn_moment','measurement_magn_volume','measurement_magn_mass'] IntMeths=[] data=pmag.get_dictitem(data,'magic_method_codes',LP,'has') # get all the records with this lab protocol Ints={} NoInts,int_key=1,"" for key in intlist: Ints[key]=pmag.get_dictitem(data,key,'','F') # get all non-blank data for intensity type if len(Ints[key])>0: NoInts=0 if int_key=="":int_key=key if NoInts==1: print 'No intensity information found' sys.exit() for rec in Ints[int_key]: if rec[plot_key] not in plotlist: plotlist.append(rec[plot_key]) plotlist.sort() for plt in plotlist: print plt INTblock=[] data=pmag.get_dictitem(Ints[int_key],plot_key,plt,'T') # get data with right intensity info whose plot_key matches plot sids=pmag.get_specs(data) # get a list of specimens with appropriate data if len(sids)>0: title=data[0][plot_key] for s in sids: INTblock=[] sdata=pmag.get_dictitem(data,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # get data for each specimen for rec in sdata: INTblock.append([float(rec[dmag_key]),0,0,float(rec[int_key]),1,'g']) pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['exp'],INTblock,title,0,units,norm) files={} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key]=title+'_'+LP+'.'+fmt if plot==0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans=='q':sys.exit() if ans=="a": pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) else: pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG,files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['exp'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots intensity decay curves for demagnetization experiments SYNTAX dmag_magic -h [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -LT [AF,T,M]: specify lab treatment type, default AF -XLP [PI]: exclude specific lab protocols, (for example, method codes like LP-PI) -N do not normalize by NRM magnetization -sav save plots silently and quit -fmt [svg,jpg,png,pdf] set figure format [default is svg] NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() # initialize variables from command line + defaults FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['demag'] = 1 # demag is figure 1 in_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", default_val="measurements.txt") plot_by = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-obj", default_val="loc") name_dict = {'loc': 'location', 'sit': 'site', 'sam': 'sample', 'spc': 'specimen'} plot_key = name_dict[plot_by] LT = "LT-" + pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-LT", "AF") + "-Z" if LT == "LT-T-Z": units, dmag_key = 'K', 'treat_temp' elif LT == "LT-AF-Z": units, dmag_key = 'T', 'treat_ac_field' elif LT == 'LT-M-Z': units, dmag_key = 'J', 'treat_mw_energy' else: units = 'U' no_norm = pmag.get_flag_arg_from_sys("-N") norm = 0 if no_norm else 1 no_plot = pmag.get_flag_arg_from_sys("-sav") plot = 0 if no_plot else 1 fmt = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fmt", "svg") XLP = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-XLP", "") dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-WD", os.getcwd()) spec_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsp", default_val="specimens.txt") samp_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsa", default_val="samples.txt") site_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsi", default_val="sites.txt") # create contribution and add required headers fnames = {"specimens": spec_file, "samples": samp_file, 'sites': site_file} contribution = nb.Contribution(dir_path, single_file=in_file, custom_filenames=fnames) file_type = contribution.tables.keys()[0] print len(contribution.tables['measurements'].df), ' records read from ', in_file # add plot_key into measurements table if plot_key not in contribution.tables['measurements'].df.columns: contribution.propagate_name_down(plot_key, 'measurements') data_container = contribution.tables[file_type] # pare down to only records with useful data # grab records that have the requested code data_slice = data_container.get_records_for_code(LT) # and don't have the offending code data = data_container.get_records_for_code(XLP, incl=False, use_slice=True, sli=data_slice, strict_match=False) # make sure quality is in the dataframe if 'quality' not in data.columns: data['quality'] = 'g' # get intensity key and make sure intensity data is not blank intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass'] IntMeths = [col_name for col_name in data.columns if col_name in intlist] # get rid of any entirely blank intensity columns for col_name in IntMeths: if not data[col_name].any(): data.drop(col_name, axis=1, inplace=True) IntMeths = [col_name for col_name in data.columns if col_name in intlist] if len(IntMeths) == 0: print 'No intensity headers found' sys.exit() int_key = IntMeths[0] # plot first intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - doesn't matter which used data = data[data[int_key].notnull()] # make list of individual plots # by default, will be by location_name plotlist = data[plot_key].unique() plotlist.sort() pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['demag'], 5, 5) # iterate through and plot the data for plt in plotlist: plot_data = data[data[plot_key] == plt].copy() if plot: print plt, 'plotting by: ', plot_key if len(plot_data) > 2: title = plt spcs = [] spcs = plot_data['specimen'].unique() for spc in spcs: INTblock = [] spec_data = plot_data[plot_data['specimen'] == spc] for ind, rec in spec_data.iterrows(): INTblock.append([float(rec[dmag_key]), 0, 0, float(rec[int_key]), 1, rec['quality']]) if len(INTblock) > 2: pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['demag'], INTblock, title, 0, units, norm) if not plot: files = {} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key] = title + '_' + LT + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) #sys.exit() else: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) prompt = " S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: " ans = raw_input(prompt) if ans == 'q': sys.exit() if ans == "a": files = {} for key in FIG.keys(): files[key] = title + '_' + LT + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['demag'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots IRM acquisition curves from measurements file SYNTAX irmaq_magic [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt/measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -N ; do not normalize by last point - use original units -fmt [png,jpg,eps,pdf] set plot file format [default is svg] -sav save plot[s] and quit -DM MagIC data model number, default is 3 NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['exp'] = 1 # exp is figure 1 dir_path = './' plot, fmt = 0, 'svg' units = 'T', XLP = [] norm = 1 LP = "LP-IRM" if len(sys.argv) > 1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() data_model = int(pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-DM", 3)) if '-N' in sys.argv: norm = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if data_model == 3: in_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", 'measurements.txt') else: in_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", 'magic_measurements.txt') if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] dir_path = os.path.realpath(dir_path) in_file = pmag.resolve_file_name(in_file, dir_path) if '-WD' not in sys.argv: dir_path = os.path.split(in_file)[0] plot_by = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-obj", "loc") if data_model == 3: plot_key = 'location' if plot_by == 'sit': plot_key = 'site' if plot_by == 'sam': plot_key = 'sample' if plot_by == 'spc': plot_key = 'specimen' else: plot_key = 'er_location_name' if plot_by == 'sit': plot_key = 'er_site_name' if plot_by == 'sam': plot_key = 'er_sample_name' if plot_by == 'spc': plot_key = 'er_specimen_name' # set defaults and get more information if needed if data_model == 3: dmag_key = 'treat_dc_field' else: dmag_key = 'treatment_dc_field' # if data_model == 3 and plot_key != 'specimen': # gonna need to read in more files print('-W- You are trying to plot measurements by {}'.format(plot_key)) print(' By default, this information is not available in your measurement file.') print(' Trying to acquire this information from {}'.format(dir_path)) con = nb.Contribution(dir_path) meas_df = con.propagate_location_to_measurements() if plot_key not in meas_df.columns: print('-W- Could not find required data.') print(' Try a different plot key.') return else: print('-I- Found {} information, continuing with plotting'.format(plot_key)) con.write_table_to_file('measurements') # read in data data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) sids = pmag.get_specs(data) pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['exp'], 6, 6) # # # find desired intensity data # # get plotlist # plotlist = [] if data_model == 3: intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass', 'magnitude'] else: intlist = ['measurement_magnitude', 'measurement_magn_moment', 'measurement_magn_volume', 'measurement_magn_mass'] IntMeths = [] # get all the records with this lab protocol #print('data', len(data)) #print('data[0]', data[0]) if data_model == 3: data = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'method_codes', LP, 'has') else: data = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'magic_method_codes', LP, 'has') Ints = {} NoInts, int_key = 1, "" for key in intlist: # get all non-blank data for intensity type Ints[key] = pmag.get_dictitem(data, key, '', 'F') if len(Ints[key]) > 0: NoInts = 0 if int_key == "": int_key = key if NoInts == 1: print('No intensity information found') sys.exit() for rec in Ints[int_key]: if rec[plot_key] not in plotlist: plotlist.append(rec[plot_key]) plotlist.sort() for plt in plotlist: print(plt) INTblock = [] # get data with right intensity info whose plot_key matches plot data = pmag.get_dictitem(Ints[int_key], plot_key, plt, 'T') # get a list of specimens with appropriate data sids = pmag.get_specs(data) if len(sids) > 0: title = data[0][plot_key] for s in sids: INTblock = [] # get data for each specimen if data_model == 3: sdata = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'specimen', s, 'T') else: sdata = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'er_specimen_name', s, 'T') for rec in sdata: INTblock.append([float(rec[dmag_key]), 0, 0, float(rec[int_key]), 1, 'g']) pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['exp'], INTblock, title, 0, units, norm) files = {} for key in list(FIG.keys()): files[key] = title + '_' + LP + '.' + fmt if plot == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans = input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans == 'q': sys.exit() if ans == "a": pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) else: pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['exp'])
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots IRM acquisition curves from measurements file SYNTAX irmaq_magic [command line options] INPUT takes magic formatted magic_measurements.txt files OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input file, default is: magic_measurements.txt/measurements.txt -obj OBJ: specify object [loc, sit, sam, spc] for plot, default is by location -N ; do not normalize by last point - use original units -fmt [png,jpg,eps,pdf] set plot file format [default is svg] -sav save plot[s] and quit -DM MagIC data model number, default is 3 NOTE loc: location (study); sit: site; sam: sample; spc: specimen """ FIG = {} # plot dictionary FIG['exp'] = 1 # exp is figure 1 dir_path = './' plot, fmt = 0, 'svg' units = 'T', XLP = [] norm = 1 LP = "LP-IRM" if len(sys.argv) > 1: if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() data_model = int(pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-DM", 3)) if '-N' in sys.argv: norm = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plot = 1 if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-fmt") fmt = sys.argv[ind + 1] if data_model == 3: in_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", 'measurements.txt') else: in_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", 'magic_measurements.txt') if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] dir_path = os.path.realpath(dir_path) in_file = pmag.resolve_file_name(in_file, dir_path) if '-WD' not in sys.argv: dir_path = os.path.split(in_file)[0] plot_by = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-obj", "loc") if data_model == 3: plot_key = 'location' if plot_by == 'sit': plot_key = 'site' if plot_by == 'sam': plot_key = 'sample' if plot_by == 'spc': plot_key = 'specimen' else: plot_key = 'er_location_name' if plot_by == 'sit': plot_key = 'er_site_name' if plot_by == 'sam': plot_key = 'er_sample_name' if plot_by == 'spc': plot_key = 'er_specimen_name' # set defaults and get more information if needed if data_model == 3: dmag_key = 'treat_dc_field' else: dmag_key = 'treatment_dc_field' # if data_model == 3 and plot_key != 'specimen': # gonna need to read in more files print('-W- You are trying to plot measurements by {}'.format(plot_key)) print( ' By default, this information is not available in your measurement file.' ) print( ' Trying to acquire this information from {}'.format(dir_path)) con = nb.Contribution(dir_path) meas_df = con.propagate_location_to_measurements() if plot_key not in meas_df.columns: print('-W- Could not find required data.') print(' Try a different plot key.') return else: print('-I- Found {} information, continuing with plotting'.format( plot_key)) con.write_table_to_file('measurements') # read in data data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(in_file) sids = pmag.get_specs(data) pmagplotlib.plot_init(FIG['exp'], 6, 6) # # # find desired intensity data # # get plotlist # plotlist = [] if data_model == 3: intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass', 'magnitude'] else: intlist = [ 'measurement_magnitude', 'measurement_magn_moment', 'measurement_magn_volume', 'measurement_magn_mass' ] IntMeths = [] # get all the records with this lab protocol #print('data', len(data)) #print('data[0]', data[0]) if data_model == 3: data = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'method_codes', LP, 'has') else: data = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'magic_method_codes', LP, 'has') Ints = {} NoInts, int_key = 1, "" for key in intlist: # get all non-blank data for intensity type Ints[key] = pmag.get_dictitem(data, key, '', 'F') if len(Ints[key]) > 0: NoInts = 0 if int_key == "": int_key = key if NoInts == 1: print('No intensity information found') sys.exit() for rec in Ints[int_key]: if rec[plot_key] not in plotlist: plotlist.append(rec[plot_key]) plotlist.sort() for plt in plotlist: print(plt) INTblock = [] # get data with right intensity info whose plot_key matches plot data = pmag.get_dictitem(Ints[int_key], plot_key, plt, 'T') # get a list of specimens with appropriate data sids = pmag.get_specs(data) if len(sids) > 0: title = data[0][plot_key] for s in sids: INTblock = [] # get data for each specimen if data_model == 3: sdata = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'specimen', s, 'T') else: sdata = pmag.get_dictitem(data, 'er_specimen_name', s, 'T') for rec in sdata: INTblock.append( [float(rec[dmag_key]), 0, 0, float(rec[int_key]), 1, 'g']) pmagplotlib.plotMT(FIG['exp'], INTblock, title, 0, units, norm) files = {} for key in list(FIG.keys()): files[key] = title + '_' + LP + '.' + fmt if plot == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(FIG) ans = input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit, Return to continue: ") if ans == 'q': sys.exit() if ans == "a": pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) else: pmagplotlib.saveP(FIG, files) pmagplotlib.clearFIG(FIG['exp'])