Exemple #1
    def __setup_build_options(self):

        bog = optparse.OptionGroup(self.oparser, "Build options")
        add_option = bog.add_option

        add_option("-w", "--workdir",
            help="Specify working dir to output results [%default]"

        choices = [step.name for step in self.env.steps]
        help = "Target step you want to go to: %s [%%default]" % choices
        add_option("", "--stepto", choices=choices, help=help)
        add_option("", "--upto", dest="stepto", choices=choices,
            help="Same as --stepto option (kept for backward compatibility)."

        collectors = Collectors.map()  # {collector_type: collector_class}
        choices = collectors.keys()
        help = "Input type: %s [%%default]" % ", ".join(choices)
        add_option("-I", "--input-type", choices=choices, help=help)

        drivers = Backends.map()  # {backend_type: backend_class}
        choices = drivers.keys()
        help = "Packaging driver: %s [%%default]" % ", ".join(choices)
        add_option("", "--driver", choices=choices, help=help)
        add_option("", "--backend", dest="driver", choices=choices,
            help="Same as --driver option"

        add_option("", "--destdir", help=DESTDIR_OPTION_HELP)
        add_option("-P", "--template-path", **setup_template_path_option())

Exemple #2
def main(argv=sys.argv):
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)-7s %(message)s",
                        datefmt="%H:%M:%S",  # or "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",

    o = O.Options()
    (opts, args) = o.parse_args(argv[1:])

    listfile = args[0] if args else opts.config

    ccls = Collectors.map().get(opts.input_type)
    collector = ccls(listfile, opts)

    fs = collector.collect()

    if not fs:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to collect files from " + listfile)

    pkgdata = P.PkgData(opts, fs)

    bcls = Backends.map().get(opts.driver)
    backend = bcls(pkgdata)
    rc = backend.run()

    return rc
Exemple #3
def init_pkgdata(args):
    Initialize PkgData instance passed to backend classes.

    see also pmaker/app.py
    o = O.Options()
    (opts, args) = o.parse_args(shlex.split(args))

    listfile = args[0] if args else opts.config

    ccls = Collectors.map().get(opts.input_type)
    collector = ccls(listfile, opts)

    fs = collector.collect()
    assert fs, "Failed to collect files from " + listfile

    pkgdata = P.PkgData(opts, fs)

    return pkgdata