Exemple #1
lu.setinputs(P, vals, cols, inpline)

# Construct table lists for displaying, funky typing required for pmcgi code
st = ['liquid', 'vapor']  #1 is liq, 2 is vap
T = [float(T1), float(T1)]
p = [float(p1), float(p1)]
v = [float(vf), float(vg)]
e = [float(ef), float(eg)]
h = [float(hf), float(hg)]
s = [float(sf), float(sg)]

# build label and unit lists
labels = ['Phase', 'T', 'p', 'v', 'u', 'h', 's']
units = [
    '', uT, up, uV + '/' + uM, uE + '/' + uM, uE + '/' + uM, uE + '/' + uM + uT

P.insert('<h3>Saturation Properties</h3><center>' + pmcgi.html_column_table(
    labels, units, (st, T, p, v, e, h, s), thousands=',') + '</center>',
         (resline, 0),

# Insert the cgi call to build the image
    '<img class="figure" src="/cgi-bin/live/satdata_plot.py?id={:s}&T1={:f}&up={:s}&uT={:s}&uE={:s}&uM={:s}&uV={:s}">'
    .format(species, float(T1), up, uT, uE, uM, uV), (chartline, 0))

#Perform the write operation
Exemple #2
    Tc, pc, dc = F.critical(density=True)
    if (p1 > pc and T1 > Tc):
        x = ['supercritical']
    elif (d1 < dc):
        x = ['vapor']
        x = ['liquid']

# build label and unit lists
labels = ['T', 'p', 'v', 'u', 'h', 's', 'x']
units = [
    uT, up, uV + '/' + uM, uE + '/' + uM, uE + '/' + uM, uE + '/' + uM + uT,

P.insert('<h3>State Properties</h3><center>' + pmcgi.html_column_table(
    labels, units, (T, p, v, e, h, s, x), thousands=',') + '</center>',
         (resline, 0),

# Insert the cgi call to build the image
# """<canvas id="myCanvas"  style="cursor:crosshair;background: url('/cgi-bin/live/pointdata_plot.py?id={:s}&p1={:f}&s1={:f}&up={:s}&uT={:s}&uE={:s}&uM={:s}&uV={:s}')" width="640" height="480"></canvas>""".format(
#        species, float(p1), float(s1), up, uT, uE, uM, uV)
    .format(species, float(p1), float(s1), up, uT, uE, uM,
            uV), (chartline, 63))

#insert the chartcoordinates

def getChartCoords():
Exemple #3
    lu.perror(P, 'Python error: ' + str(e), errline)

# Put the input values back into the input boxes
vals = [str(Tval), str(hval)]
cols = [76, 82]
lu.setinputs(P, vals, cols, inpline)

# # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Display Output Values #
# # # # # # # # # # # # #

# Construct table lists for displaying, funky typing required for pmcgi code
T = [float(T1)]
h = [float(h1)]
cv = [float(cv1)]
cp = [float(cp1)]
gamma = [float(gamma1)]

# build label and unit lists
labels = ['T', 'h', 'cv', 'cp', 'gamma']
units = [uT, uE + '/' + uM, uE + '/' + uM + uT, uE + '/' + uM + uT, '-']

P.insert('<h3>State Properties</h3><center>' + pmcgi.html_column_table(
    labels, units, (T, h, cv, cp, gamma), thousands=',') + '</center>',
         (resline, 0),

#Perform the write operation
Exemple #4
# Construct table lists for displaying
# This inspires some future code to automatically collapse the arrays
# to make the float() conversions unnecessary
st = [1,2,3,4]
T = [float(T1), float(T2), float(T3), float(T4)]
p = [float(p1), float(p2), float(p3), float(p4)]
v = [float(v1), float(v2), float(v3), float(v4)]
h = [float(h1), float(h2), float(h3), float(h4)]
s = [float(s1), float(s2), float(s3), float(s4)]
x = ['0', 'liquid', 'vapor', float(x4)]
# build label and unit lists
labels = ['','T', 'p', 'v', 'h', 's', 'x']
units = ['', uT, up, uV+'/'+uM, uE+'/'+uM, uE+'/'+uM+uT,'']

P.insert('<h3>Cycle States</h3><center>' + 
        pmcgi.html_column_table(labels, units, (st,T,p,v,h,s,x), thousands=',')\
        + '</center>', (resline,0), wait=True)

Qhi = Qhi[0]
Qlo = Qlo[0]
Wp = Wp[0]
Wt = Wt[0]
Wnet = Wnet[0]
eff = eff[0]
LifeFuelCost = LifeFuelCost[0]
LifeCosts = LifeCosts[0]
LifeSavings = LifeSavings[0]

P.insert("""<h3>Performance per unit Mass</h3>
Exemple #5

# Build the plot
P.insert('<div class="figure"><img src="rankine_plot.py' + pmcgi.buildget() + '"></div>',
        (line+1,0), wait=True)

# build label and unit lists
labels = ['','T', 'p', '&rho;', 'x', 'h', 's']
units = ['', uT, up, uM+'/'+uV, '-', uE+'/'+uM, uE+'/'+uM+uT]

st = [1,2,3,4]

P.insert('<h3>Cycle States</h3><center>' + 
        pmcgi.html_column_table(labels, units, (st,RC.T,RC.p,RC.d, RC.x, RC.h,RC.s), thousands=',')\
        + '</center>', (line+2,0), wait=True)

<tr><td>Pump Work</td><td>W<sub>1-2</sub></td><td>{5:f}</td><td>{2:s}/{3:s}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Boiler Heat</td><td>Q<sub>2-3</sub></td><td>{6:f}</td><td>{2:s}/{3:s}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Work Out</td><td>W<sub>3-4</sub></td><td>{7:f}</td><td>{2:s}/{3:s}</td></tr>
<tr><td>Condenser Heat</td><td>Q<sub>4-1</sub></td><td>{8:f}</td><td>{2:s}/{3:s}</td></tr>
        up, uT, uE, uM, uV, float(RC.w[0]), float(RC.q[1]), 
        float(RC.w[2]), float(RC.q[3]), 100*float(RC.meta['eta'])), 
        (line+3,0), wait=True)