Exemple #1
    def handleBuild(self, action):
        Build the thing

        # validate all groups.
        errors = extractError(self)
        if errors:
            self.status = _(u"Unable to build exposure due to input error; "
                "please review the form and make the appropriate changes, "
                "update each subsection using the provided button, and try "

        wh = zope.component.getAdapter(self.context, IExposureWizard)

            moldExposure(self.context, self.request, wh.structure)
        except ProcessingError, e:
            # XXX almost certainly a bad idea but this fixes
            # tracker item 3610.
            import transaction
            self._doomed = True
            status = IStatusMessage(self.request)
            status.addStatusMessage(_(str(e)), 'error')
            # maybe the subscriber to this can do the rollback?
            raise ActionExecutionError(e)
Exemple #2
    def mold(self, target):
        Creates the new exposure at target, using what is produced by
        the export method.

        exported = self.export()
        return moldExposure(target, self.request, exported)