Exemple #1
 def check_for_multiple_molecule_entries(self):
     tp = Topology('topol.top', assign_types = False)
     mol_dic = OrderedDict()
     for m in tp.molecules:
         if mol_dic.has_key(m[0]):
             mol_dic[m[0]] = m[1]
     tp.molecules = []
     for key, val in mol_dic.items():
         tp.molecules.append( [key, val] )
def main(argv):
    options = [
        Option( "-split", "bool", False, "Write splitted topologies for vdw and q morphes"),
        Option( "-scale_mass", "bool", True, "scale_mass"),
    files = [
        FileOption("-p", "r",["top"],"topol.top", "Input Topology File"),
        FileOption("-itp", "r",["itp"],"topol.itp", "Optional Input ITP  File"),
        FileOption("-o", "w",["top","itp"],"newtop.top", "Topology or ITP output file "),
        FileOption("-ff", "dir",["ff"],"amber99sbmut", "Mutation force field "),
        FileOption("-log", "w",["log"],"bstate.log", "Log file"),
    help_text = ('This script adds a B state to an .itp or .top file for a hybrid residue.',
		'Hybrid residues in the topology file are recognized automatically.',
		'-scale_mass flag sets dummy masses to 1.0, this option is set to True by default.',
		'Currently available force fields:',
		'    - amber99sbmut (Hornak et al, 2006)',
		'    - amber99sb-star-ildn-mut (Best & Hummer, 2009; Lindorff-Larsen et al, 2010)',
		'    - charmm22starmut.ff (Piana et al, 2011)',
		'    - charmm36mut (Best et al, 2012)',
		'    - oplsaamut (Jorgensen et al, 1996; Kaminski et al, 2001)',
                'Please cite:',
                'Vytautas Gapsys, Servaas Michielssens, Daniel Seeliger and Bert L. de Groot.',
                'Automated Protein Structure and Topology Generation for Alchemical Perturbations.',
		'J. Comput. Chem. 2015, 36, 348-354. DOI: 10.1002/jcc.23804',
		'Old pmx (pymacs) version:',
                'Daniel Seeliger and Bert L. de Groot. Protein Thermostability Calculations Using',
                'Alchemical Free Energy Simulations, Biophysical Journal, 98(10):2309-2316 (2010)',

    cmdl = Commandline( argv, options = options,
                        fileoptions = files,
                        program_desc = help_text,
                        check_for_existing_files = False )

    do_scale_mass = cmdl['-scale_mass']
    top_file = cmdl['-p']
    out_file = cmdl['-o']
    log_file = cmdl['-log']
    mtp_file = os.path.join( get_ff_path(cmdl['-ff']), 'mutres.mtp')
    ffbonded_file = os.path.join( get_ff_path(cmdl['-ff']), 'ffbonded.itp')
    do_split = cmdl['-split']
    if cmdl.opt['-itp'].is_set:
        input_itp = cmdl['-itp']
        input_itp = None
    if input_itp and out_file.split('.')[-1] != 'itp':
        out_file = change_outfile_format(out_file, 'itp')
        print 'log_> Setting outfile name to %s' % out_file

    if input_itp:
        print 'log_> Reading input files "%s" and "%s"' % (top_file, input_itp)
        topol = Topology( input_itp,  topfile = top_file, version = 'new', ff = cmdl['-ff'] )
        print 'log_> Reading input file "%s"' % (top_file)
        topol = Topology( top_file, version = 'new', ff = cmdl['-ff'] )

#    for i in topol.dihedrals:
#        print  i[0].id,i[1].id,i[2].id,i[3].id

    m = Model( atoms = topol.atoms )     # create model with residue list
    topol.residues = m.residues          # use model residue list
    rlist, rdic = get_hybrid_residues( m, mtp_file, version = 'new')
    topol.assign_fftypes()               # correct b-states
#    for atom in m.atoms:
#        print atom.type
#	if atom.atomtypeB is not None:
#	    print "typeB"
#	    print atom.typeB
    for r in rlist:
        print 'log_> Hybrid Residue -> %d | %s ' % (r.id, r.resname )

    find_bonded_entries( topol )
    find_angle_entries( topol )

    dih_predef_default = []
    find_predefined_dihedrals(topol,rlist,rdic,ffbonded_file,dih_predef_default, cmdl['-ff'])
    find_dihedral_entries( topol, rlist, rdic, dih_predef_default )

    __add_extra_DNA_impropers(topol, rlist,   1, [180,40,2],[180,40,2])
    qA, qB = sum_charge_of_states( rlist )
    qA_mem = copy.deepcopy( qA )
    qB_mem = copy.deepcopy( qB )
    print 'log_> Total charge of state A = ', topol.get_qA()
    print 'log_> Total charge of state B = ', topol.get_qB()

    topol.write( out_file, scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = qB )

#    topol.check_special_dihedrals( )
    # done normal topology for full switch

    if cmdl['-split']: # write splitted topology
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)
        out_file_qoff = root+'_qoff'+ext
        out_file_vdw = root+'_vdw'+ext
        out_file_qon = root+'_qon'+ext

        print '------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'log_> Creating splitted topologies............'
        print 'log_> Making "qoff" topology : "%s"' % out_file_qoff
        contQ = copy.deepcopy(qA_mem)
        topol.write( out_file_qoff, stateQ = 'AB', stateTypes = 'AA', dummy_qB='off',
                         scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = qA, stateBonded = 'AA', full_morphe = False )
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB

        print '------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'log_> Making "vdw" topology : "%s"' % out_file_vdw
        contQ = copy.deepcopy(qA_mem)
        topol.write( out_file_vdw, stateQ = 'BB', stateTypes = 'AB', dummy_qA='off', dummy_qB = 'off',
                         scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = contQ, stateBonded = 'AB' , full_morphe = False)
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB
        print '------------------------------------------------------'

        print 'log_> Making "qon" topology : "%s"' % out_file_qon
        topol.write( out_file_qon, stateQ = 'BB', stateTypes = 'BB', dummy_qA='off', dummy_qB = 'on',
                         scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = qB_mem,  stateBonded = 'BB' , full_morphe = False)
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB
        print '------------------------------------------------------'

    print 'making b-states done...........'
def main(argv):

    options = [
        Option("-split", "bool", False,
               "Write splitted topologies for vdw and q morphes"),
        Option("-scale_mass", "bool", True, "scale_mass"),
        Option("-dna", "bool", False,
               "generate hybrid residue for the DNA nucleotides"),
        Option("-rna", "bool", False,
               "generate hybrid residue for the RNA nucleotides"),

    files = [
        FileOption("-p", "r", ["top"], "topol.top", "Input Topology File"),
        FileOption("-itp", "r", ["itp"], "topol.itp",
                   "Optional Input ITP  File"),
        FileOption("-o", "w", ["top", "itp"], "newtop.top",
                   "Topology or ITP output file "),
        FileOption("-ff", "dir", ["ff"], "amber99sbmut",
                   "Mutation force field "),
        FileOption("-log", "w", ["log"], "bstate.log", "Log file"),

    help_text = (
        'This script adds a B state to an .itp or .top file for a hybrid residue.',
        'Hybrid residues in the topology file are recognized automatically.',
        '-scale_mass flag sets dummy masses to 1.0, this option is set to True by default.',
        'Currently available force fields:',
        '    - amber99sbmut (Hornak et al, 2006)',
        '    - amber99sb-star-ildn-mut (Best & Hummer, 2009; Lindorff-Larsen et al, 2010)',
        '    - charmm22starmut.ff (Piana et al, 2011)',
        '    - charmm36mut (Best et al, 2012)',
        '    - oplsaamut (Jorgensen et al, 1996; Kaminski et al, 2001)',
        'Please cite:',
        'Vytautas Gapsys, Servaas Michielssens, Daniel Seeliger and Bert L. de Groot.',
        'Automated Protein Structure and Topology Generation for Alchemical Perturbations.',
        'J. Comput. Chem. 2015, 36, 348-354. DOI: 10.1002/jcc.23804',
        'Old pmx (pymacs) version:',
        'Daniel Seeliger and Bert L. de Groot. Protein Thermostability Calculations Using',
        'Alchemical Free Energy Simulations, Biophysical Journal, 98(10):2309-2316 (2010)',

    cmdl = Commandline(argv,

    do_scale_mass = cmdl['-scale_mass']
    top_file = cmdl['-p']
    out_file = cmdl['-o']
    log_file = cmdl['-log']
    bDNA = cmdl['-dna']
    bRNA = cmdl['-rna']
    if bDNA:
        mtp_file = os.path.join(get_ff_path(cmdl['-ff']), 'mutres_dna.mtp')
    elif bRNA:
        mtp_file = os.path.join(get_ff_path(cmdl['-ff']), 'mutres_rna.mtp')
        mtp_file = os.path.join(get_ff_path(cmdl['-ff']), 'mutres.mtp')
    ffbonded_file = os.path.join(get_ff_path(cmdl['-ff']), 'ffbonded.itp')
    do_split = cmdl['-split']
    if cmdl.opt['-itp'].is_set:
        input_itp = cmdl['-itp']
        input_itp = None
    if input_itp and out_file.split('.')[-1] != 'itp':
        out_file = change_outfile_format(out_file, 'itp')
        print 'log_> Setting outfile name to %s' % out_file

    if input_itp:
        #        print 'log_> Reading input files "%s" and "%s"' % (top_file, input_itp)
        #        topol = Topology( input_itp,  topfile = top_file, version = 'new', ff = cmdl['-ff'] )
        print 'log_> Reading input .itp file "%s""' % (input_itp)
        topol = Topology(input_itp,
        print 'log_> Reading input .top file "%s"' % (top_file)
        topol = Topology(top_file,

#    for i in topol.dihedrals:
#        print  i[0].id,i[1].id,i[2].id,i[3].id

    m = Model(atoms=topol.atoms)  # create model with residue list

    topol.residues = m.residues  # use model residue list
    rlist, rdic = get_hybrid_residues(m, mtp_file, version='new')
    topol.assign_fftypes()  # correct b-states
    #    for atom in m.atoms:
    #        print atom.type
    #	if atom.atomtypeB is not None:
    #	    print "typeB"
    #	    print atom.typeB
    for r in rlist:
        print 'log_> Hybrid Residue -> %d | %s ' % (r.id, r.resname)


    dih_predef_default = []
    find_predefined_dihedrals(topol, rlist, rdic, ffbonded_file,
                              dih_predef_default, cmdl['-ff'])
    find_dihedral_entries(topol, rlist, rdic, dih_predef_default)

    __add_extra_DNA_RNA_impropers(topol, rlist, 1, [180, 40, 2], [180, 40, 2])
    qA, qB = sum_charge_of_states(rlist)
    qA_mem = copy.deepcopy(qA)
    qB_mem = copy.deepcopy(qB)

    print 'log_> Total charge of state A = ', topol.get_qA()
    print 'log_> Total charge of state B = ', topol.get_qB()

    topol.write(out_file, scale_mass=do_scale_mass, target_qB=qB)

    #    topol.check_special_dihedrals( )
    # done normal topology for full switch

    if cmdl['-split']:  # write splitted topology
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)
        out_file_qoff = root + '_qoff' + ext
        out_file_vdw = root + '_vdw' + ext
        out_file_qon = root + '_qon' + ext

        print '------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'log_> Creating splitted topologies............'
        print 'log_> Making "qoff" topology : "%s"' % out_file_qoff
        contQ = copy.deepcopy(qA_mem)
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB

        print '------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'log_> Making "vdw" topology : "%s"' % out_file_vdw
        contQ = copy.deepcopy(qA_mem)
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB
        print '------------------------------------------------------'

        print 'log_> Making "qon" topology : "%s"' % out_file_qon
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB
        print '------------------------------------------------------'

    print 'making b-states done...........'
Exemple #4
def main(argv):
    options = [
        Option( "-split", "bool", False, "Write splitted topologies for vdw and q morphes"),
        Option( "-scale_mass", "bool", True, "scale_mass"),
    files = [
        FileOption("-p", "r",["top"],"topol.top", "Input Topology File"),
        FileOption("-itp", "r",["itp"],"topol.top", "Optional Input ITP  File"),
        FileOption("-o", "w",["top","itp"],"newtop.top", "Topology or ITP output file "),
        FileOption("-log", "w",["log"],"bstate.log", "Log file"),
    help_text = ['']
    cmdl = Commandline( argv, options = options,
                        fileoptions = files,
                        program_desc = help_text,
                        check_for_existing_files = False )

    do_scale_mass = cmdl['-scale_mass']
    top_file = cmdl['-p']
    out_file = cmdl['-o']
    log_file = cmdl['-log']
    do_split = cmdl['-split']
    if cmdl.opt['-itp'].is_set:
        input_itp = cmdl['-itp']
        input_itp = None
    if input_itp and out_file.split('.')[-1] != 'itp':
        out_file = change_outfile_format(out_file, 'itp')
        print 'log_> Setting outfile name to %s' % out_file

    if input_itp:
        print 'log_> Reading input files "%s" and "%s"' % (top_file, input_itp)
        topol = Topology( input_itp,  topfile = top_file)
        print 'log_> Reading input file "%s"' % (top_file)
        topol = Topology( top_file )

    m = Model( atoms = topol.atoms )     # create model with residue list
    topol.residues = m.residues          # use model residue list
    rlist, rdic = get_hybrid_residues( m, 'ffamber99sb.mtp')
    topol.assign_fftypes()               # correct b-states
    for r in rlist:
        print 'log_> Hybrid Residue -> %d | %s ' % (r.id, r.resname )

    find_bonded_entries( topol )
    find_angle_entries( topol )
    find_dihedral_entries( topol )
    __add_extra_DNA_impropers(topol, rlist,   1, [180,40,2],[180,40,2])
    qA, qB = sum_charge_of_states( rlist )
    qA_mem = copy.deepcopy( qA )
    qB_mem = copy.deepcopy( qB )
    print 'log_> Total charge of state A = ', topol.get_qA()
    print 'log_> Total charge of state B = ', topol.get_qB()

    topol.write( out_file, scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = qB )

#    topol.check_special_dihedrals( )
    # done normal topology for full switch

    if cmdl['-split']: # write splitted topology
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(out_file)
        out_file_qoff = root+'_qoff'+ext
        out_file_vdw = root+'_vdw'+ext
        out_file_qon = root+'_qon'+ext

        print '------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'log_> Creating splitted topologies............'
        print 'log_> Making "qoff" topology : "%s"' % out_file_qoff
        contQ = copy.deepcopy(qA_mem)
        topol.write( out_file_qoff, stateQ = 'AB', stateTypes = 'AA', dummy_qB='off',
                         scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = qA, stateBonded = 'AA', full_morphe = False )
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB

        print '------------------------------------------------------'
        print 'log_> Making "vdw" topology : "%s"' % out_file_vdw
        contQ = copy.deepcopy(qA_mem)
        topol.write( out_file_vdw, stateQ = 'BB', stateTypes = 'AB', dummy_qA='off', dummy_qB = 'off',
                         scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = contQ, stateBonded = 'AB' , full_morphe = False)
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB
        print '------------------------------------------------------'

        print 'log_> Making "qon" topology : "%s"' % out_file_qon
        topol.write( out_file_qon, stateQ = 'BB', stateTypes = 'BB', dummy_qA='off', dummy_qB = 'on',
                         scale_mass = do_scale_mass, target_qB = qB_mem,  stateBonded = 'BB' , full_morphe = False)
        print 'log_> Charge of state A: %g' % topol.qA
        print 'log_> Charge of state B: %g' % topol.qB
        print '------------------------------------------------------'