Exemple #1
    def read_uid(self):
        PN532_HSU = Pn532Hsu(
        )  #Creo interfaz. El argumento indica el puerto serial al que esta conectado el PN532
        lector = Pn532(
        )  #Creo el objeto encargado de interpretar la información recibida


        if (
                not lector.getFirmwareVersion()
        ):  #Este método se usa exclusivamente para verificar si la RPI detecta el dispositivo

                "ERROR. Compruebe la conexión del dispositivo a la RPI. Vuelva a intentarlo"
            )  # Solo entra en esta condición si no se reconoce PN532

        leido, uid = lector.readPassiveTargetID(

        while (not leido):

            leido, uid = lector.readPassiveTargetID(

        uid = binascii.hexlify(uid).decode('utf-8').upper()
        return uid
    def read_uid(self):
        PN532_HSU = Pn532Hsu(Pn532Hsu.RPI_MINI_UART)
        nfc = Pn532(PN532_HSU)

        print("Esperando tarjeta...")

        success, uid = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(

        while (not success):
            success, uid = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(

        id = uid.hex()
        print("Detectado\nUID en hexadecimal: ")
        return id
from pn532pi import Pn532
from pn532pi import Pn532I2c
from pn532pi import Pn532Spi
from pn532pi import Pn532Hsu

# Set the desired interface to True
SPI = False
I2C = False
HSU = True

if SPI:
    PN532_SPI = Pn532Spi(Pn532Spi.SS0_GPIO8)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_SPI)
elif HSU:
    PN532_HSU = Pn532Hsu(0)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_HSU)

elif I2C:
    PN532_I2C = Pn532I2c(1)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_I2C)

_prevIDm = bytearray(b'\x00' * 8)
_prevTime = 0

def millis():
    return int(round(time.time() * 1000))

def setup():
Exemple #4
from pn532pi import Pn532, pn532
from pn532pi import Pn532Hsu
from pn532pi import Pn532I2c
from pn532pi import Pn532Spi

SPI = False
I2C = False
HSU = True

if SPI:
    PN532_SPI = Pn532Spi(Pn532Spi.SS0_GPIO8)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_SPI)
# When the number after #elif set as 1, it will be switch to HSU Mode
elif HSU:
    PN532_HSU = Pn532Hsu(Pn532Hsu.RPI_MINI_UART)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_HSU)

# When the number after #if & #elif set as 0, it will be switch to I2C Mode
elif I2C:
    PN532_I2C = Pn532I2c(1)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_I2C)

# We can encode many different kinds of pointers to the card,
# from a URL, to an Email address, to a phone number, and many more
# check the library header .h file to see the large # of supported
# prefixes!

# For a http:#www. url:
url = "google.com"
Exemple #5
from pn532pi import Pn532, pn532
from pn532pi import Pn532I2c
from pn532pi import Pn532Spi
from pn532pi import Pn532Hsu

# Set the desired interface to True
SPI = False
I2C = False
HSU = True

if SPI:
    PN532_SPI = Pn532Spi(Pn532Spi.SS0_GPIO8)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_SPI)
# When the number after #elif set as 1, it will be switch to HSU Mode
elif HSU:
    PN532_HSU = Pn532Hsu('/dev/ttyUSB0')
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_HSU)

# When the number after #if & #elif set as 0, it will be switch to I2C Mode
elif I2C:
    PN532_I2C = Pn532I2c(1)
    nfc = Pn532(PN532_I2C)

def setup():

    versiondata = nfc.getFirmwareVersion()
    if (not versiondata):
        print("Didn't find PN53x board")
        raise RuntimeError("Didn't find PN53x board")  # halt