def _setupDockerRepo(self):'Setup Docker repository host: %s' % self.k8s_docker_repo_host) self._setSystemProperty('kubernetes_docker_repository_host', self.k8s_docker_repo_host) command = self._K8S.get_image_pull_secrets_patch_cmd() uUtil.readCmd(command)
def _get_master_location(self): command = [ 'kubectl', 'config', 'view', '--minify=true', '--output=json' ] url = json.loads(uUtil.readCmd(command)).get('clusters', [{}])[0].get( 'cluster', {}).get('server', '') return urlparse(url).hostname or ''
def _loadsLatestCharts(self, repoName): command = '%s search %s/' % (self._getHelmCommand(), repoName)'Loads latest charts: %s' % command) charts = list( csv.reader(StringIO(uUtil.readCmd(command)), delimiter='\t')) charts = [list(map(str.strip, x)) for x in charts] charts[0] = list(map(lambda x: x.title().replace(' ', ''), charts[0])) return list(map(lambda x: dict(zip(charts[0], x)), charts[1:]))
def _upgradeHelmPackage(self, pkg, reuse_values_file_path): command = '%s upgrade %s %s --wait' % (self._getHelmCommand(),, pkg.chart) if and ( == HelmGroup.FOUNDATION or == HelmGroup.REQUIRED): command = '%s --install' % command if pkg.version and pkg.version != 'latest': command = '%s --version %s' % (command, pkg.version) command = '%s -f %s' % (command, reuse_values_file_path) dockerRepo = self._getKubernetesDockerRepositoryHost() if dockerRepo: command = '%s --set dockerrepo=%s' % (command, dockerRepo) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as values_file: command = '%s -f %s' % (command, self._fillHelmPackageValuesFile(pkg, values_file)'Upgrade Helm package: %s (%s)' % (command, pkg.script)) uUtil.readCmd(command) return command
def _updateHelmRepo(self): command = ' %s repo update' % self._getHelmCommand()'Update Helm repository: %s' % command) uUtil.readCmd(command)
def _loadsDeployedReleases(self): command = '%s list --output json' % self._getHelmCommand()'Loads deployed releases: %s' % command) output = uUtil.readCmd(command) if not output: output = '{}' return json.loads(output).get('Releases', [])
def _isHelmUpgradeServerRequired(self): command = '%s version --server --template {{.Server.SemVer}}' % self._getHelmCommand( ) version = uUtil.readCmd(command) return uBuild.compare_versions(self.getTargetHelmVersion(), version) > 0
def _setupK8sApiToken(self): token = uUtil.readCmd( "kubectl get secret -n kube-system $(kubectl get secrets -n kube-system | grep tiller | cut -f1 -d ' ') -o jsonpath={.data.token} | base64 -d" ) self._setSystemProperty('kubernetes_token', token)
def _setupK8sApiUrl(self): api_url = uUtil.readCmd( 'kubectl config view -o jsonpath="{.clusters[*].cluster.server}"')'Setup Kubernetes API URL: %s' % api_url) self._setSystemProperty('kubernetes_api', api_url)
def getChartDeployments(chart_name): output = uUtil.readCmd( "kubectl get deployment --no-headers -l release=%s -o json" % chart_name) if not output: output = '{}' return json.loads(output)
def _setupHelmRepo(self, version): repo = uK8s.Repo(prefix=self.k8s_repo_url) repo_url = repo.custom_url(version)'Setup Helm repository: %s' % repo_url) command = self._K8S.get_custom_helm_repo_add_cmd(repo, version) uUtil.readCmd(command)
def _upgradeHelmRepo(self, version):'Upgrade Helm repository to version: %s' % version) repo = self._K8S.get_helm_repo() if not repo.is_upgradable_url(): return command = self._K8S.get_custom_helm_repo_add_cmd(repo, version) uUtil.readCmd(command)
def getReadyNodes(): return uUtil.readCmd( "kubectl get node --no-headers | grep Ready | awk '{print $1}'")
def _dumpPackageValues(self, pkg, reuse_values_file_path): command = '%s get values --all %s > %s' % ( self._getHelmCommand(),, reuse_values_file_path) uUtil.readCmd(command, valid_codes=[0, 1]) return command
def get_nodes_capacity(): return uUtil.readCmd( "kubectl describe node | grep Capacity: -A 7 | grep -P 'cpu|memory' | awk '{print $2}'" ).splitlines()
def get_nodes_allocated_resources(): return uUtil.readCmd( "kubectl describe node | grep Allocated -A 5 | grep -P 'cpu|memory' | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'" ).splitlines()
def getPendingPods(): return uUtil.readCmd( "kubectl get pod | grep Pending | awk '{print $1}'")
def getChartStatefulSet(chart_name): output = uUtil.readCmd( "kubectl get StatefulSet --no-headers -l release=%s -o json" % chart_name) if not output: output = '{}' return json.loads(output)