Exemple #1
    def _build_main_request(self, subrequests, platforms, player_position=None):
        self.log.debug('Generating main RPC request...')

        request = RequestEnvelope()
        request.status_code = 2
        request.request_id = self.get_rpc_id()
        request.accuracy = random.choice((5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 30, 30, 50, 65, random.uniform(66,80)))

        if player_position:
            request.latitude, request.longitude, altitude = player_position

        # generate sub requests before Signature generation
        request = self._build_sub_requests(request, subrequests)
        request = self._build_platform_requests(request, platforms)

        ticket = self._auth_provider.get_ticket()
        if ticket:
            self.log.debug('Found Session Ticket - using this instead of oauth token')
            request.auth_ticket.expire_timestamp_ms, request.auth_ticket.start, request.auth_ticket.end = ticket
            ticket_serialized = request.auth_ticket.SerializeToString()

            self.log.debug('No Session Ticket found - using OAUTH Access Token')
            request.auth_info.provider = self._auth_provider.get_name()
            request.auth_info.token.contents = self._auth_provider.get_access_token()
            request.auth_info.token.unknown2 = self.token2
            ticket_serialized = request.auth_info.SerializeToString()  #Sig uses this when no auth_ticket available

        sig = Signature()

        sig.session_hash = self.session_hash
        sig.timestamp = get_time(ms=True)
        sig.timestamp_since_start = get_time(ms=True) - RpcApi.START_TIME
        if sig.timestamp_since_start < 5000:
            sig.timestamp_since_start = random.randint(5000, 8000)

        self._hash_engine.hash(sig.timestamp, request.latitude, request.longitude, request.accuracy, ticket_serialized, sig.session_hash, request.requests)
        sig.location_hash1 = self._hash_engine.get_location_auth_hash()
        sig.location_hash2 = self._hash_engine.get_location_hash()
        for req_hash in self._hash_engine.get_request_hashes():

        loc = sig.location_fix.add()
        sen = sig.sensor_info.add()

        sen.timestamp_snapshot = random.randint(sig.timestamp_since_start - 5000, sig.timestamp_since_start - 100)
        loc.timestamp_snapshot = random.randint(sig.timestamp_since_start - 5000, sig.timestamp_since_start - 1000)

        loc.provider = random.choice(('network', 'network', 'network', 'network', 'fused'))
        loc.latitude = request.latitude
        loc.longitude = request.longitude

        loc.altitude = altitude or random.triangular(300, 400, 350)

        if random.random() > .95:
            # no reading for roughly 1 in 20 updates
            loc.course = -1
            loc.speed = -1
            self.course = random.triangular(0, 360, self.course)
            loc.course = self.course
            loc.speed = random.triangular(0.2, 4.25, 1)

        loc.provider_status = 3
        loc.location_type = 1
        if request.accuracy >= 65:
            loc.vertical_accuracy = random.triangular(35, 100, 65)
            loc.horizontal_accuracy = random.choice((request.accuracy, 65, 65, random.uniform(66,80), 200))
            if request.accuracy > 10:
                loc.vertical_accuracy = random.choice((24, 32, 48, 48, 64, 64, 96, 128))
                loc.vertical_accuracy = random.choice((3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 12, 24))
            loc.horizontal_accuracy = request.accuracy

        sen.linear_acceleration_x = random.triangular(-3, 1, 0)
        sen.linear_acceleration_y = random.triangular(-2, 3, 0)
        sen.linear_acceleration_z = random.triangular(-4, 2, 0)
        sen.magnetic_field_x = random.triangular(-50, 50, 0)
        sen.magnetic_field_y = random.triangular(-60, 50, -5)
        sen.magnetic_field_z = random.triangular(-60, 40, -30)
        sen.magnetic_field_accuracy = random.choice((-1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2))
        sen.attitude_pitch = random.triangular(-1.5, 1.5, 0.2)
        sen.attitude_yaw = random.uniform(-3, 3)
        sen.attitude_roll = random.triangular(-2.8, 2.5, 0.25)
        sen.rotation_rate_x = random.triangular(-6, 4, 0)
        sen.rotation_rate_y = random.triangular(-5.5, 5, 0)
        sen.rotation_rate_z = random.triangular(-5, 3, 0)
        sen.gravity_x = random.triangular(-1, 1, 0.15)
        sen.gravity_y = random.triangular(-1, 1, -.2)
        sen.gravity_z = random.triangular(-1, .7, -0.8)
        sen.status = 3

        sig.unknown25 = 4500779412463383546

        if self.device_info:
            for key in self.device_info:
                setattr(sig.device_info, key, self.device_info[key])
            if self.device_info['device_brand'] == 'Apple':
                sig.activity_status.stationary = True
            sig.activity_status.stationary = True

        signature_proto = sig.SerializeToString()

        if self._needsPtr8(subrequests):
            plat_eight = UnknownPtr8Request()
            plat_eight.message = '15c79df0558009a4242518d2ab65de2a59e09499'
            plat8 = request.platform_requests.add()
            plat8.type = 8
            plat8.request_message = plat_eight.SerializeToString()
        sig_request = SendEncryptedSignatureRequest()
        sig_request.encrypted_signature = pycrypt(signature_proto, sig.timestamp_since_start)
        plat = request.platform_requests.add()
        plat.type = 6
        plat.request_message = sig_request.SerializeToString()

        request.ms_since_last_locationfix = int(random.triangular(300, 30000, 10000))

        self.log.debug('Generated protobuf request: \n\r%s', request)

        return request
Exemple #2
    def _build_main_request(self,
        self.log.debug('Generating main RPC request...')

        request = RequestEnvelope()
        request.status_code = 2
        request.request_id = self.request_id
        # 5: 43%, 10: 30%, 30: 5%, 50: 4%, 65: 10%, 200: 1%, float: 7%
        request.accuracy = weighted_choice([(5, 43), (10, 30), (30, 5),
                                            (50, 4), (65, 10), (200, 1),
                                            (random.uniform(65, 200), 7)])

        if player_position:
            request.latitude, request.longitude, altitude = player_position

        # generate sub requests before Signature generation
        request = self._build_sub_requests(request, subrequests)
        request = self._build_platform_requests(request, platforms)

        ticket = self._auth_provider.get_ticket()
        if ticket:
                'Found Session Ticket - using this instead of oauth token')
            request.auth_ticket.expire_timestamp_ms, request.auth_ticket.start, request.auth_ticket.end = ticket
            ticket_serialized = request.auth_ticket.SerializeToString()

                'No Session Ticket found - using OAUTH Access Token')
            auth_provider = self._auth_provider
            request.auth_info.provider = auth_provider.get_name()
            request.auth_info.token.contents = auth_provider.get_access_token()
            request.auth_info.token.unknown2 = self.token2
            # Sig uses this when no auth_ticket available.
            ticket_serialized = request.auth_info.SerializeToString()

        sig = Signature()

        sig.session_hash = self.state.session_hash
        sig.timestamp = get_time(ms=True)
        sig.timestamp_since_start = get_time(ms=True) - self.start_time

        self._hash_engine.hash(sig.timestamp, request.latitude,
                               request.longitude, request.accuracy,
                               ticket_serialized, sig.session_hash,
        sig.location_hash1 = self._hash_engine.get_location_auth_hash()
        sig.location_hash2 = self._hash_engine.get_location_hash()
        for req_hash in self._hash_engine.get_request_hashes():

        loc = sig.location_fix.add()
        sen = sig.sensor_info.add()

        sen.timestamp_snapshot = sig.timestamp_since_start - int(
            random.triangular(93, 4900, 3000))
        loc.timestamp_snapshot = sig.timestamp_since_start - int(
            random.triangular(320, 3000, 1000))

        loc.provider = 'fused'
        loc.latitude = request.latitude
        loc.longitude = request.longitude

        loc.altitude = altitude or random.uniform(150, 250)

        if random.random() > .85:
            # no reading for roughly 1 in 7 updates
            loc.course = -1
            loc.speed = -1
            loc.course = self.state.course
            loc.speed = random.triangular(0.25, 9.7, 8.2)

        loc.provider_status = 3
        loc.location_type = 1
        if isinstance(request.accuracy, float):
            loc.horizontal_accuracy = weighted_choice([(request.accuracy, 50),
                                                       (65, 40), (200, 10)])
            loc.vertical_accuracy = weighted_choice([(random.uniform(10,
                                                                     96), 50),
                                                     (10, 34), (12, 5),
                                                     (16, 3), (24, 4), (32, 2),
                                                     (48, 1), (96, 1)])
            loc.horizontal_accuracy = request.accuracy
            if request.accuracy >= 10:
                loc.vertical_accuracy = weighted_choice([(6, 4), (8, 34),
                                                         (10, 35), (12, 11),
                                                         (16, 4), (24, 8),
                                                         (32, 3), (48, 1)])
                loc.vertical_accuracy = weighted_choice([(3, 15), (4, 39),
                                                         (6, 14), (8, 13),
                                                         (10, 14), (12, 5)])

        sen.magnetic_field_accuracy = weighted_choice([(-1, 8), (0, 2),
                                                       (1, 42), (2, 48)])
        if sen.magnetic_field_accuracy == -1:
            sen.magnetic_field_x = 0
            sen.magnetic_field_y = 0
            sen.magnetic_field_z = 0
            sen.magnetic_field_x = self.state.magnetic_field_x
            sen.magnetic_field_y = self.state.magnetic_field_y
            sen.magnetic_field_z = self.state.magnetic_field_z

        sen.linear_acceleration_x = random.triangular(-1.5, 2.5, 0)
        sen.linear_acceleration_y = random.triangular(-1.2, 1.4, 0)
        sen.linear_acceleration_z = random.triangular(-1.4, .9, 0)
        sen.attitude_pitch = random.triangular(-1.56, 1.57, 0.475)
        sen.attitude_yaw = random.triangular(-1.56, 3.14, .1)
        sen.attitude_roll = random.triangular(-3.14, 3.14, 0)
        sen.rotation_rate_x = random.triangular(-3.2, 3.52, 0)
        sen.rotation_rate_y = random.triangular(-3.1, 4.88, 0)
        sen.rotation_rate_z = random.triangular(-6, 3.7, 0)
        sen.gravity_x = random.triangular(-1, 1, 0.01)
        sen.gravity_y = random.triangular(-1, 1, -.4)
        sen.gravity_z = random.triangular(-1, 1, -.4)
        sen.status = 3

        sig.unknown25 = 0x4AE22D4661C83701

        if self.device_info:
            for key in self.device_info:
                setattr(sig.device_info, key, self.device_info[key])
            if self.device_info['device_brand'] == 'Apple':
                sig.activity_status.stationary = True
            sig.activity_status.stationary = True

        signature_proto = sig.SerializeToString()

        if self._needsPtr8(subrequests):
            plat_eight = UnknownPtr8Request()
            plat_eight.message = '15c79df0558009a4242518d2ab65de2a59e09499'
            plat8 = request.platform_requests.add()
            plat8.type = 8
            plat8.request_message = plat_eight.SerializeToString()

        sig_request = SendEncryptedSignatureRequest()
        sig_request.encrypted_signature = pycrypt(signature_proto,
        plat = request.platform_requests.add()
        plat.type = 6
        plat.request_message = sig_request.SerializeToString()

        request.ms_since_last_locationfix = sig.timestamp_since_start - loc.timestamp_snapshot

        self.log.debug('Generated protobuf request: \n\r%s', request)

        return request