def poiFlagEmail(f):
    """ given an email file f,
        return a trio of booleans for whether that email is to, from, or cc'ing a poi """

    to_emails, from_emails, cc_emails = getToFromStrings(f)

    ### poi_emails.poiEmails() returns a list of all POIs' email addresses.
    poi_email_list = poi_emails.poiEmails()

    to_poi = False
    from_poi = False
    cc_poi = False

    if to_emails:
        ctr = 0
        while not to_poi and ctr < len(to_emails):
            if to_emails[ctr] in poi_email_list:
                to_poi = True
            ctr += 1

    if cc_emails:
        ctr = 0
        while not cc_poi and ctr < len(cc_emails):
            if cc_emails[ctr] in poi_email_list:
                cc_poi = True
            ctr += 1

    if from_emails:
        ctr = 0
        while not from_poi and ctr < len(from_emails):
            if from_emails[ctr] in poi_email_list:
                from_poi = True
            ctr += 1

    return to_poi, from_poi, cc_poi
def poiFlagEmail(f):
    """ given an email file f,
        return a trio of booleans for whether that email is
        to, from, or cc'ing a poi """

    to_emails, from_emails, cc_emails = getToFromStrings(f)

    ### poi_emails.poiEmails() returns a list of all POIs' email addresses.
    poi_email_list = poi_emails.poiEmails()

    to_poi = False
    from_poi = False
    cc_poi   = False

    ### to_poi and cc_poi are boolean variables which flag whether the email
    ### under inspection is addressed to a POI, or if a POI is in cc,
    ### respectively. You don't have to change this code at all.

    ### There can be many "to" emails, but only one "from", so the
    ### "to" processing needs to be a little more complicated
    if to_emails:
        ctr = 0
        while not to_poi and ctr < len(to_emails):
            if to_emails[ctr] in poi_email_list:
                to_poi = True
            ctr += 1
    if cc_emails:
        ctr = 0
        while not cc_poi and ctr < len(cc_emails):
            if cc_emails[ctr] in poi_email_list:
                cc_poi = True
            ctr += 1

    ######## your code below ########
    ### set from_poi to True if #####
    ### the email is from a POI #####
    if from_emails:
        ctr = 0
        while not from_poi and ctr < len(from_emails):
            if from_emails[ctr] in poi_email_list:
                from_poi = True
            ctr += 1
    # print to_poi, from_poi, cc_poi   # used a print statement to test the code
    return to_poi, from_poi, cc_poi
import os
import sys
import zipfile
from poi_flag_email import poiFlagEmail, getToFromStrings

data_dict = {}

with zipfile.ZipFile('', "r") as z:

for email_message in os.listdir("emails"):
    if email_message == ".DS_Store":
    message = open(os.getcwd() + "/emails/" + email_message, "r")

    to_addresses, from_addresses, cc_addresses = getToFromStrings(message)
    to_poi, from_poi, cc_poi = poiFlagEmail(message)

    for recipient in to_addresses:
        # initialize counter
        if recipient not in data_dict:
            data_dict[recipient] = {"from_poi_to_this_person": 0}
        # add to count
        if from_poi:
            data_dict[recipient]["from_poi_to_this_person"] += 1


for item in data_dict:
    print item, data_dict[item]
import os
import sys
import zipfile
from poi_flag_email import poiFlagEmail, getToFromStrings

data_dict = {}

with zipfile.ZipFile('', r) as z

for email_message in os.listdir(emails)
    if email_message == .DS_Store
    message = open(os.getcwd()+emails+email_message, r)
    to_addresses, from_addresses, cc_addresses = getToFromStrings(message) 
    to_poi, from_poi, cc_poi = poiFlagEmail(message)
    for recipient in to_addresses
        if recipient not in data_dict
            data_dict[recipient] = {from_poi_to_this_person0}
            if from_poi
                data_dict[recipient][from_poi_to_this_person] += 1


for item in data_dict
    print item, data_dict[item]