def getPCFileDetails(absPath, srid=None): """ Get the details (count numPoints and extent) of a LAS/LAZ file (using LAStools, hence it is fast)""" count = None (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ) = (None, None, None, None, None, None) (scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ) = (None, None, None) (offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) = (None, None, None) if srid == None: srid = getSRID(absPath) command = "lasinfo " + absPath + " -nc -nv -nco" for line in utils.shellExecute(command).split("\n"): if line.count("min x y z:"): [minX, minY, minZ] = line.split(":")[-1].strip().split(" ") minX = float(minX) minY = float(minY) minZ = float(minZ) elif line.count("max x y z:"): [maxX, maxY, maxZ] = line.split(":")[-1].strip().split(" ") maxX = float(maxX) maxY = float(maxY) maxZ = float(maxZ) elif line.count("number of point records:"): count = int(line.split(":")[-1].strip()) elif line.count("scale factor x y z:"): [scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ] = line.split(":")[-1].strip().split(" ") scaleX = float(scaleX) scaleY = float(scaleY) scaleZ = float(scaleZ) elif line.count("offset x y z:"): [offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ] = line.split(":")[-1].strip().split(" ") offsetX = float(offsetX) offsetY = float(offsetY) offsetZ = float(offsetZ) return (srid, count, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ)
def executeSQLFileCount(connectionString, sqlFileAbsPath): command = 'psql ' + connectionString + ' < ' + sqlFileAbsPath + ' | wc -l' result = utils.shellExecute(command).replace('\n','') try: result = int(result) - 4 except: result = None return result
def executeSQLFileCount(connectionString, sqlFileAbsPath): command = 'sqlplus -s ' + connectionString + ' < ' + sqlFileAbsPath + ' | wc -l' result = utils.shellExecute(command).replace('\n','') try: result = int(result) except: result = -1 return result
def executePDALCount(xmlFile): c = 'pdal pipeline ' + xmlFile + ' | wc -l' logging.debug(c) result = utils.shellExecute(c).replace('\n', '') # remove the XML file #os.system('rm ' + xmlFile) try: result = int(result) - 1 except: result = -1 return result
def executePDALCount(xmlFile): c = 'pdal pipeline ' + xmlFile + ' | wc -l' logging.debug(c) result = utils.shellExecute(c).replace('\n','') # remove the XML file #os.system('rm ' + xmlFile) try: result = int(result) - 1 except: result = -1 return result
def getPCFileDetails(absPath, srid=None): """ Get the details (count numPoints and extent) of a LAS/LAZ file (using LAStools, hence it is fast)""" count = None (minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ) = (None, None, None, None, None, None) (scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ) = (None, None, None) (offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) = (None, None, None) if srid == None: srid = getSRID(absPath) command = 'lasinfo ' + absPath + ' -nc -nv -nco' for line in utils.shellExecute(command).split('\n'): if line.count('min x y z:'): [minX, minY, minZ] = line.split(':')[-1].strip().split(' ') minX = float(minX) minY = float(minY) minZ = float(minZ) elif line.count('max x y z:'): [maxX, maxY, maxZ] = line.split(':')[-1].strip().split(' ') maxX = float(maxX) maxY = float(maxY) maxZ = float(maxZ) elif line.count('number of point records:'): count = int(line.split(':')[-1].strip()) elif line.count('scale factor x y z:'): [scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ] = line.split(':')[-1].strip().split(' ') scaleX = float(scaleX) scaleY = float(scaleY) scaleZ = float(scaleZ) elif line.count('offset x y z:'): [offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ] = line.split(':')[-1].strip().split(' ') offsetX = float(offsetX) offsetY = float(offsetY) offsetZ = float(offsetZ) return (srid, count, minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ)
#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # Created by Oscar Martinez # # [email protected] # ################################################################################ import matplotlib, sys, numpy, os matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pointcloud import utils inputFile = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) command = 'cat ' + inputFile + ' | grep "Read "' lines = utils.shellExecute(command).split('\n') nums = [] reads = [] sorts = [] writes = [] for line in lines: if line != '': fields = line.split() try: num = float(fields[1].replace(',','')) / 1000000. read = float(fields[3].replace(',','')) sort = float(fields[6].replace(',','')) write = float(fields[9].replace(',','')) nums.append(num) reads.append(read) sorts.append(sort) writes.append(write) except:
################################################################################ # Created by Oscar Martinez # # [email protected] # ################################################################################ import os, sys, multiprocessing from pointcloud import utils from osgeo import osr import liblas # # This module contains methods that use LAStools, GDAL, lasLib to interact # with LAS/LAZ in the most efficient manner depending on the exact operation # # Check the LAStools is installed and that it is in PATH before libLAS if utils.shellExecute("lasinfo -version").count("LAStools") == 0: raise Exception("LAStools is not found!. Please check that it is in PATH and that it is before libLAS") def getSRID(absPath): """ Gets the SRID of a LAS/LAZ file (using liblas and GDAL, hence it is not fast)""" lasHeader = liblas.file.File(absPath, mode="r").header osrs = osr.SpatialReference() osrs.SetFromUserInput(lasHeader.get_srs().get_wkt()) # osrs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() return osrs.GetAttrValue("AUTHORITY", 1) def getNumPoints(absPath): """ Get the number of points of a LAS/LAZ (using LAStools, hence it is fast)""" return getPCFileDetails(absPath)[1]
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) queryIndex = int(queryId) self.qp = queriesParameters.getQueryParameters('psql', queryId) logging.debug(self.qp.queryKey) zquery = '' if (self.qp.minz != None) or (self.qp.maxz != None): zconds = [] if self.qp.minz != None: zconds.append(' -drop_z_below ' + str(self.qp.minz) + ' ') if self.qp.maxz != None: zconds.append(' -drop_z_above ' + str(self.qp.maxz) + ' ') zquery = ' '.join(zconds) shapeFile = 'query' + str(queryIndex) + '.shp' if iterationId == 0: # We insert the polygon in the DB (to be used by lasclip ot by the DB index query) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO " + utils.QUERY_TABLE + " VALUES (%s,ST_GeomFromEWKT(%s))", [queryIndex, 'SRID='+str(self.srid)+';'+self.qp.wkt]) connection.commit() connection.close() if self.qp.queryType == 'generic': # We generate a ShapeFile for lasclip in case of not rectangle or circle query = "select ST_SetSRID(geom, " + str(self.srid) + ") from " + utils.QUERY_TABLE + " where id = " + str(queryIndex) + ";" connString = ' '.join(('-h',self.dbHost,'-p',self.dbPort,'-u',self.userName,'-P',self.password,self.dbName)) precommand = 'pgsql2shp -f ' + shapeFile + ' ' + connString + ' "' + query + '"' os.system(precommand) if self.qp.queryType not in ('rectangle', 'circle', 'generic'): return (eTime, result) t0 = time.time() if self.dbIndex: inputList = 'input' + str(queryIndex) + '.list' connString = self.getConnectionString(False, True) query = 'SELECT filepath FROM ' + self.lasIndexTableName + ',' + utils.QUERY_TABLE + ' where ST_Intersects( ' + utils.QUERY_TABLE + '.geom, ' + self.lasIndexTableName + '.geom ) and ' + utils.QUERY_TABLE + '.id = ' + str(queryIndex) prec = 'psql ' + connString + ' -t -A -c "' + query + '" > ' + inputList os.system(prec) else: inputList = DEFAULT_INPUT_FILE_LIST_FILE_NAME if self.qp.queryType == 'rectangle': command = 'lasmerge -lof ' + inputList + ' -inside ' + str(self.qp.minx) + ' ' + str(self.qp.miny) + ' ' + str(self.qp.maxx) + ' ' + str(self.qp.maxy) + zquery elif self.qp.queryType == 'circle': command = 'lasmerge -lof ' + inputList + ' -inside_circle ' + str( + ' ' + str( + ' ' + str(self.qp.rad) + zquery elif self.qp.queryType == 'generic': command = 'lasclip.exe -lof ' + inputList + ' -poly ' + shapeFile + ' ' + zquery if not self.isSingle : command += ' -merged' if self.qp.queryMethod == 'disk': outputFile = 'output' + str(queryIndex) + '.' + self.outputExtension command += ' -o ' + outputFile logging.debug(command) os.system(command) eTime = time.time() - t0 npointscommand = "lasinfo " + outputFile+ " -nc -nv -nco 2>&1 | grep 'number of point records:'" try: result = int(utils.shellExecute(npointscommand).split()[-1]) except: result = None elif self.qp.queryMethod == 'stream': cols = [] for c in self.qp.columns: cols.append(self.DM_LASTOOLS[c]) command += ' -stdout -otxt -oparse ' + ''.join(cols) + ' | wc -l' logging.debug(command) result = utils.shellExecute(command).replace('\n','') eTime = time.time() - t0 try: result = int(result) except: result = None else: # Statistical query try: outputFile = 'output' + str(queryIndex) + '.' + self.outputExtension command += ' -o ' + outputFile logging.debug(command) os.system(command) options = ' -nv -nmm ' for i in range(len(self.qp.statistics)): if self.qp.statistics[i] == 'avg': options += ' -histo ' + self.qp.columns[i] + " 10000000 " statcommand = "lasinfo -i " + outputFile + options + " | grep 'min \|max\|average'" lines = utils.shellExecute(statcommand).split('\n') results= [] colIs = {'x':4, 'y':5, 'z':6} for i in range(len(self.qp.statistics)): for line in lines: if line.count(self.qp.statistics[i]) and line.count(self.qp.columns[i]): if self.qp.statistics[i] == 'avg': results.append(line.split()[-1]) else: results.append(line.split()[colIs[self.qp.columns[i]]]) result = ','.join(results) except Exception, err: print traceback.format_exc() result = None eTime = time.time() - t0
#!/usr/bin/env python ################################################################################ # Created by Oscar Martinez # # [email protected] # ################################################################################ import matplotlib, sys, numpy, os matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pointcloud import utils inputFile = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1]) command = 'cat ' + inputFile + ' | grep "Read "' lines = utils.shellExecute(command).split('\n') nums = [] reads = [] sorts = [] writes = [] for line in lines: if line != '': fields = line.split() try: num = float(fields[1].replace(',', '')) / 1000000. read = float(fields[3].replace(',', '')) sort = float(fields[6].replace(',', '')) write = float(fields[9].replace(',', '')) nums.append(num) reads.append(read) sorts.append(sort) writes.append(write) except:
################################################################################ # Created by Oscar Martinez # # [email protected] # ################################################################################ import os, sys, multiprocessing from pointcloud import utils from osgeo import osr import liblas # # This module contains methods that use LAStools, GDAL, lasLib to interact # with LAS/LAZ in the most efficient manner depending on the exact operation # # Check the LAStools is installed and that it is in PATH before libLAS if utils.shellExecute('lasinfo -version').count('LAStools') == 0: raise Exception( "LAStools is not found!. Please check that it is in PATH and that it is before libLAS" ) def getSRID(absPath): """ Gets the SRID of a LAS/LAZ file (using liblas and GDAL, hence it is not fast)""" lasHeader = liblas.file.File(absPath, mode='r').header osrs = osr.SpatialReference() osrs.SetFromUserInput(lasHeader.get_srs().get_wkt()) #osrs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() return osrs.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY', 1) def getNumPoints(absPath):