def _getCycleInfo(cycleType): """ 获取循环的周期信息 :param cycleType: :return: """ assert (cycleType in (CYCLE_TYPE_DAY, CYCLE_TYPE_WEEK, CYCLE_TYPE_MONTH, CYCLE_TYPE_MONTH_REMAIN_TIME)) if cycleType == CYCLE_TYPE_DAY: curCycle = timestamp.formatTimeDayInt() expire = 86400 # 1天后自动过期 cycleName = 'day' elif cycleType == CYCLE_TYPE_WEEK: curCycle = timestamp.formatTimeWeekInt() expire = 604800 # 86400 * 7 7天后自动过期 cycleName = 'week' elif cycleType == CYCLE_TYPE_MONTH: curCycle = timestamp.formatTimeMonthInt() expire = 2678400 # 86400 * 31 31天后自动过期 cycleName = 'month' elif cycleType == CYCLE_TYPE_MONTH_REMAIN_TIME: curCycle = timestamp.formatTimeMonthInt() now_t = cur_year = now_t.year cur_month = now_t.month cur_day = cur_hour = now_t.hour cur_minute = now_t.minute total_days = calendar.monthrange(cur_year, cur_month)[1] remain_days = total_days - cur_day expire = remain_days * 86400 + (24 - cur_hour) * 3600 + ( 60 - cur_minute) * 60 # 计算本月剩余时间,精确到分 cycleName = 'month_remain_time' return cycleName, curCycle, expire
def isFirstWin(self, isWin): if not isWin: return False import poker.util.timestamp as pktimestamp today = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() isFirstWin = self._datas.get('firstWin', {}).get(str(today), 0) if not isFirstWin: return True return False
def incrShareCount(self, ct=None): if ct == None: ct = # 不是同一天,则清零当天分享次数 cday = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt(ct) if self.shareDay != cday: self.shareDay = cday self.shareCounter = 0 self.shareCounter += 1
def _getCycleInfo(cycleType): assert (cycleType in (CYCLE_TYPE_DAY, CYCLE_TYPE_WEEK, CYCLE_TYPE_MONTH)) if cycleType == CYCLE_TYPE_DAY: curCycle = timestamp.formatTimeDayInt() expire = 86400 # 1天后自动过期 cycleName = 'day' elif cycleType == CYCLE_TYPE_WEEK: curCycle = timestamp.formatTimeWeekInt() expire = 604800 # 86400 * 7 7天后自动过期 cycleName = 'week' elif cycleType == CYCLE_TYPE_MONTH: curCycle = timestamp.formatTimeMonthInt() expire = 2678400 # 86400 * 31 31天后自动过期 cycleName = 'month' return cycleName, curCycle, expire
def sendWinloseRes(self, result): details = self.buildResultDetails(result) mp = self.buildWinloseRes(result, details, 1) # 免费场开关 freeFeeSwitch ='freeFeeSwitch', 0) mp.setResult('free', freeFeeSwitch) from import TGDizhu from import ActiveEvent crossPlayCount = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'wx.cross', {}).get('crossPlayCount', 10) crossDelaySeconds = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'wx.cross', {}).get( 'crossDelaySeconds', 10) authPlayCount = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'authorization', {}).get('authPlayCount', 5) rewards = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'authorization', {}).get('rewards', {}) for index, seat in enumerate(self.table.seats): isKickOutCoin = 0 # 每次进来需要重新初始化 realSeats = [] seatIndexes = [] for i, seatDetails in enumerate(details.get('seatDetails', [])): copyDetail = copy.copy(seatDetails) realSeats.append(copyDetail) seatIndexes.append(i) mp.setResult('seat%s' % (i + 1), copyDetail) seatIndexes.remove(index) if'zeroSumFlag', 0) == 1: currentBaseScore = result.gameRound.baseScores[index] for seatIndex in seatIndexes: otherBaseScore = result.gameRound.baseScores[seatIndex] realSeats[seatIndex][0] = int( float(currentBaseScore) / otherBaseScore * realSeats[seatIndex][0]) realSeats[seatIndex][1] = int( float(currentBaseScore) / otherBaseScore * realSeats[seatIndex][1]) else: # 显示以当前seat为基准做假数据 dizhuIndex = mp.getResult('stat').get('dizhu') currentSeat = realSeats[index] windoubles = mp.getResult('windoubles') currentBaseScore = self.table.gameRound.baseScores[index] currentIsDizhu = dizhuIndex == index + 1 dizhuwin = mp.getResult('dizhuwin') realDeltas = [realSeat[0] for realSeat in realSeats] if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug( 'DizhuTableProtoMix.sendWinloseRes realDeltas=', realDeltas, 'userId=', seat.player.userId, 'mixId=', seat.player.mixConf.get('mixId'), 'index=', index) if len(realDeltas) == 2: for index2, realSeat in enumerate(realSeats): if index != index2: realSeat[0] = abs(currentSeat[0]) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: if realDeltas.count(0) == 0: for index2, realSeat in enumerate(realSeats): if index != index2: if currentIsDizhu: realSeat[0] = abs(currentSeat[0] / 2) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: if dizhuIndex == index2 + 1: realSeat[0] = abs( currentSeat[0] * 2) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: realSeat[0] = abs(currentSeat[0]) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) elif realDeltas.count(0) == 1: # 一个人托管 for index2, realSeat in enumerate(realSeats): if index != index2: if currentIsDizhu: # 地主肯定有值 if realSeat[0] != 0: if dizhuwin: realSeat[0] = abs( currentSeat[0]) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: realSeat[0] = abs( currentSeat[0] / 2) * (realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: if currentSeat[0] == 0: if dizhuIndex == index2 + 1: realSeat[0] = abs( windoubles * 2 * currentBaseScore) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: if dizhuwin: realSeat[0] = abs( windoubles * 2 * currentBaseScore) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: realSeat[0] = abs( windoubles * currentBaseScore) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: if dizhuIndex == index2 + 1: if dizhuwin: realSeat[0] = abs( currentSeat[0]) * 1 * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: realSeat[0] = abs( currentSeat[0]) * 2 * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) else: for index2, realSeat in enumerate(realSeats): if realSeat[0]: realSeat[0] = abs( windoubles * 2 * currentBaseScore) * ( realSeat[0] / abs(realSeat[0])) if ftlog.is_debug(): fakeDeltas = [] for i, seatDetails in enumerate( details.get('seatDetails', [])): fakeDeltas.append(mp.getResult('seat%s' % (i + 1))[0]) ftlog.debug( 'DizhuTableProtoMix.sendWinloseRes fakeDeltas=', fakeDeltas, 'userId=', seat.player.userId, 'mixId=', seat.player.mixConf.get('mixId'), 'index=', index) if seat.player and not seat.isGiveup: ssts = result.seatStatements # 是否达到踢出值 isLowerKickOutCoin = True if ssts[ index].final < seat.player.mixConf.get('kickOutCoin', 0) else False # 不踢出 if isLowerKickOutCoin and seat.player.chip < seat.player.mixConf.get( 'buyinchip', 0): isKickOutCoin = 1 mp.setResult('kickOutCoinTip', '') if isLowerKickOutCoin and seat.player.chip >= seat.player.mixConf.get( 'buyinchip', 0): mp.setResult( 'kickOutCoinTip', '点击继续,将自动将您\n桌面金币补充至%s。\n继续努力吧!' % seat.player.mixConf.get('buyinchip')) # 是否达到踢出值 mp.setResult('isKickOutCoin', isKickOutCoin) # 破产埋点Id kickOutBurialId = seat.player.mixConf.get('kickOutBurialId') mp.setResult('kickOutBurialId', kickOutBurialId) # 首败分享埋点 mp.rmResult('firstLoseBurialId') if seat.player.isFirstLose(ssts[index].isWin): firstLoseBurialId = 'firstLoseBurialId') mp.setResult('firstLoseBurialId', firstLoseBurialId) # 是否展示交叉导流 dailyPlayCount = new_table_remote.doGetUserDailyPlayCount( seat.userId, DIZHU_GAMEID) mp.setResult('dailyPlay', dailyPlayCount) mp.rmResult('showCross') mp.setResult('showCross', dailyPlayCount > crossPlayCount) mp.setResult('crossDelaySeconds', crossDelaySeconds) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('sendWinloseRes userId=', seat.userId, 'dailyPlayCount=', dailyPlayCount, 'showCross=', dailyPlayCount > crossPlayCount, 'crossDelaySeconds=', crossDelaySeconds) if dailyPlayCount == 3: TGDizhu.getEventBus().publishEvent( ActiveEvent(6, seat.userId, 'playTimes3')) mp.rmResult('auth') if dailyPlayCount == authPlayCount: mp.setResult('auth', {'auth': 1, 'rewards': rewards}) # 服务费字段 mp.setResult('room_fee', ssts[index].fee + ssts[index].fixedFee) # 每日首胜 if seat.player.isFirstWin(ssts[index].isWin): from import TGDizhu from import ActiveEvent import poker.util.timestamp as pktimestamp TGDizhu.getEventBus().publishEvent( ActiveEvent(6, seat.userId, 'dailyFirstWin')) today = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() firstWin = {str(today): 1} gamedata.setGameAttrs(seat.userId, DIZHU_GAMEID, ['firstWin'], [strutil.dumps(firstWin)]) router.sendToUser(mp, seat.userId)
def _getFriendGameInfo(userId, gameIds, for_level_info, for_winchip, for_online_info=1): uid = int(userId) datas = {} gid, rid, tid, sid = 0, 0, 0, 0 state = daoconst.OFFLINE if for_online_info: loclist = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(uid) state = onlinedata.getOnlineState(uid) if len(loclist) > 0: _rid, _tid, _sid = loclist[0] # gid表示用户在哪个游戏中 gid = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(_rid) # 检查是否可加入游戏 if TYGame(gid).canJoinGame(userId, _rid, _tid, _sid): # rid/tid/sid表示用户所在的游戏是否可加入游戏 # 分享出来的都是可以加入游戏的牌桌信息 rid = _rid tid = _tid sid = _sid if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('getFriendGameInfo userId:', userId, ' gameId:', gid, ' roomId:', _rid, ' tableId:', _tid, ' seatId:', _sid, ' can not join game....') if state == daoconst.OFFLINE: offline_time = gamedata.getGameAttr(uid, HALL_GAMEID, 'offlineTime') if not offline_time: # 取不到离线时间,取上线时间 offline_time = userdata.getAttr(uid, 'authorTime') if offline_time: offline_time = pktimestamp.parseTimeMs(offline_time) delta = - offline_time delta = delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds / 60 # 分钟数 else: # 异常情况 delta = 24 * 60 datas['offline_time'] = delta if delta > 0 else 1 if rid > 0: try: room = gdata.roomIdDefineMap().get(rid, None) if room: datas['room_name'] = room.configure['name'] except: ftlog.error() # 构造回传给SDK的游戏数据 datas.update({'uid': uid, 'gid': gid, 'rid': rid, 'tid': tid, 'sid': sid, 'state': state}) if for_level_info: datas['level_game_id'] = 0 datas['level'] = 0 datas['level_pic'] = '' try: for gameId in gameIds: if gameId not in continue dashifen_info =[gameId].getDaShiFen(uid, '') if dashifen_info: level = dashifen_info['level'] if level > 0 and level > datas['level']: datas['level_game_id'] = gameId datas['level'] = level level_pic = dashifen_info.get('picbig') datas['level_pic'] = level_pic if level_pic else dashifen_info.get('pic') except: ftlog.error() if for_winchip: datas['winchip'] = 0 datas['winchips'] = 0 try: for gameId in gameIds: winchips, todaychips = gamedata.getGameAttrs(userId, gameId, ['winchips', 'todaychips'], False) winchips = strutil.parseInts(winchips) yest_winchip = 0 todaychips = strutil.loads(todaychips, ignoreException=True) if todaychips and 'today' in todaychips and 'chips' in todaychips and 'last' in todaychips: if pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['last'] elif pktimestamp.formatTimeYesterDayInt() == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['chips'] datas['winchip'] += yest_winchip datas['winchips'] += winchips except: ftlog.error() return datas
def sendWinloseRes(self, result): details = self.buildResultDetails(result) mp = self.buildWinloseRes(result, details, 1) # 免费场开关 freeFeeSwitch ='freeFeeSwitch', 0) mp.setResult('free', freeFeeSwitch) from import TGDizhu from import ActiveEvent crossPlayCount = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'wx.cross', {}).get('crossPlayCount', 10) crossDelaySeconds = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'wx.cross', {}).get('crossDelaySeconds', 10) authPlayCount = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'authorization', {}).get('authPlayCount', 5) rewards = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'authorization', {}).get('rewards', {}) for index, seat in enumerate(self.table.seats): isKickOutCoin = 0 if seat.player and not seat.isGiveup: if'isAI') and seat.player.isAI: continue ssts = result.seatStatements # 是否达到踢出值 isLowerKickOutCoin = True if ssts[index].final <'kickOutCoin', 0) else False # 不踢出 if isLowerKickOutCoin and seat.player.chip <['buyinchip']: isKickOutCoin = 1 # 点击继续的提醒 mp.rmResult('kickOutCoinTip') if isLowerKickOutCoin and seat.player.chip >=['buyinchip']: mp.setResult('kickOutCoinTip', details.get('kickOutCoinTip')) # 是否达到踢出值 mp.setResult('isKickOutCoin', isKickOutCoin) # 破产埋点Id kickOutBurialId ='kickOutBurialId') mp.setResult('kickOutBurialId', kickOutBurialId) # 首败分享埋点 mp.rmResult('firstLoseBurialId') if seat.player.isFirstLose(ssts[index].isWin): firstLoseBurialId ='firstLoseBurialId') mp.setResult('firstLoseBurialId', firstLoseBurialId) # 是否展示交叉导流 dailyPlayCount = new_table_remote.doGetUserDailyPlayCount(seat.userId, DIZHU_GAMEID) mp.setResult('dailyPlay', dailyPlayCount) mp.rmResult('showCross') mp.setResult('showCross', dailyPlayCount > crossPlayCount) mp.setResult('crossDelaySeconds', crossDelaySeconds) if dailyPlayCount == 3: TGDizhu.getEventBus().publishEvent(ActiveEvent(6, seat.userId, 'playTimes3')) mp.rmResult('auth') if dailyPlayCount == authPlayCount: mp.setResult('auth', {'auth': 1, 'rewards': rewards}) # 服务费字段 mp.setResult('room_fee', ssts[index].fee + ssts[index].fixedFee) # 每日首胜 if seat.player.isFirstWin(ssts[index].isWin): from import TGDizhu from import ActiveEvent import poker.util.timestamp as pktimestamp TGDizhu.getEventBus().publishEvent(ActiveEvent(6, seat.userId, 'dailyFirstWin')) today = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() firstWin = {str(today): 1} gamedata.setGameAttrs(seat.userId, DIZHU_GAMEID, ['firstWin'], [strutil.dumps(firstWin)]) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('sendWinloseRes userId=', seat.userId, 'dailyPlayCount=', dailyPlayCount, 'showCross=', dailyPlayCount > crossPlayCount, 'crossDelaySeconds=', crossDelaySeconds, 'msg=', mp) router.sendToUser(mp, seat.userId)
def sendWinloseRes(self, result): details = self.buildResultDetails(result) mp = self.buildWinloseRes(result, details, 1) from import TGDizhu from import ActiveEvent crossPlayCount = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'wx.cross', {}).get('crossPlayCount', 10) crossDelaySeconds = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'wx.cross', {}).get('crossDelaySeconds', 10) authPlayCount = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'authorization', {}).get('authPlayCount', 5) rewards = configure.getGameJson(DIZHU_GAMEID, 'authorization', {}).get('rewards', {}) for index, seat in enumerate(self.table.seats): if seat.player and not seat.isGiveup: ssts = result.seatStatements # 分享时的二维码等信息 mp.setResult('share', commconf.getNewShareInfoByCondiction(self.gameId, seat.player.clientId, 'winstreak')) # 是否达到踢出值 mp.setResult('isKickOutCoin', 0) # 服务费字段 mp.setResult('room_fee', ssts[index].fee + ssts[index].fixedFee) mp.rmResult('segmentInfo') mp.setResult('segmentInfo', details['segmentInfos'][index]) mp.rmResult('gameWinReward') if details['rewardInfos'][index]: mp.setResult('gameWinReward', details['rewardInfos'][index]) # 判断复活条件 mp.rmResult('recover') recover = details['recoverInfos'][index] if recover: mp.setResult('recover', recover) # 连胜任务信息 mp.rmResult('winStreakInfo') mp.setResult('winStreakInfo', details['winStreakRewardInfos'][index]) # 连胜宝箱 mp.rmResult('treasureChestInfo') mp.setResult('treasureChestInfo', details['treasureChestInfos'][index]) # 是否展示交叉导流 dailyPlayCount = new_table_remote.doGetUserDailyPlayCount(seat.userId, DIZHU_GAMEID) mp.setResult('dailyPlay', dailyPlayCount) mp.rmResult('showCross') mp.setResult('showCross', dailyPlayCount > crossPlayCount) mp.setResult('crossDelaySeconds', crossDelaySeconds) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('sendWinloseRes userId=', seat.userId, 'dailyPlayCount=', dailyPlayCount, 'showCross=', dailyPlayCount > crossPlayCount, 'crossDelaySeconds=', crossDelaySeconds) if dailyPlayCount == 3: TGDizhu.getEventBus().publishEvent(ActiveEvent(6, seat.userId, 'playTimes3')) mp.rmResult('auth') if dailyPlayCount == authPlayCount: mp.setResult('auth', {'auth': 1, 'rewards': rewards}) # 每日首胜 if seat.player.isFirstWin(ssts[index].isWin): from import TGDizhu from import ActiveEvent import poker.util.timestamp as pktimestamp TGDizhu.getEventBus().publishEvent(ActiveEvent(6, seat.userId, 'dailyFirstWin')) today = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() firstWin = {str(today): 1} gamedata.setGameAttrs(seat.userId, DIZHU_GAMEID, ['firstWin'], [strutil.dumps(firstWin)]) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('DizhuTableProtoSegment.sendWinloseRes userId=', seat.userId, 'mp=', mp._ht) router.sendToUser(mp, seat.userId)
def _getFriendGameInfo(userId, gameIds, for_level_info, for_winchip, for_online_info=1): uid = int(userId) datas = {} gid, rid, tid, sid = 0, 0, 0, 0 state = daoconst.OFFLINE if for_online_info: loclist = onlinedata.getOnlineLocList(uid) state = onlinedata.getOnlineState(uid) if len(loclist) > 0: _rid, _tid, _sid = loclist[0] # gid表示用户在哪个游戏中 gid = strutil.getGameIdFromInstanceRoomId(_rid) # 检查是否可加入游戏 if TYGame(gid).canJoinGame(userId, _rid, _tid, _sid): # rid/tid/sid表示用户所在的游戏是否可加入游戏 # 分享出来的都是可以加入游戏的牌桌信息 rid = _rid tid = _tid sid = _sid if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('getFriendGameInfo userId:', userId, ' gameId:', gid, ' roomId:', _rid, ' tableId:', _tid, ' seatId:', _sid, ' can not join game....') if state == daoconst.OFFLINE: offline_time = gamedata.getGameAttr(uid, HALL_GAMEID, 'offlineTime') if not offline_time: # 取不到离线时间,取上线时间 offline_time = userdata.getAttr(uid, 'authorTime') if offline_time: offline_time = pktimestamp.parseTimeMs(offline_time) delta = - offline_time delta = delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds / 60 # 分钟数 else: # 异常情况 delta = 24 * 60 datas['offline_time'] = delta if delta > 0 else 1 if rid > 0: try: room = gdata.roomIdDefineMap().get(rid, None) if room: datas['room_name'] = room.configure['name'] except: ftlog.error() # 构造回传给SDK的游戏数据 datas.update({ 'uid': uid, 'gid': gid, 'rid': rid, 'tid': tid, 'sid': sid, 'state': state }) if for_level_info: datas['level_game_id'] = 0 datas['level'] = 0 datas['level_pic'] = '' try: for gameId in gameIds: if gameId not in continue dashifen_info =[gameId].getDaShiFen(uid, '') if dashifen_info: level = dashifen_info['level'] if level > 0 and level > datas['level']: datas['level_game_id'] = gameId datas['level'] = level level_pic = dashifen_info.get('picbig') datas[ 'level_pic'] = level_pic if level_pic else dashifen_info.get( 'pic') except: ftlog.error() if for_winchip: datas['winchip'] = 0 datas['winchips'] = 0 try: for gameId in gameIds: winchips, todaychips = gamedata.getGameAttrs( userId, gameId, ['winchips', 'todaychips'], False) winchips = strutil.parseInts(winchips) yest_winchip = 0 todaychips = strutil.loads(todaychips, ignoreException=True) if todaychips and 'today' in todaychips and 'chips' in todaychips and 'last' in todaychips: if pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['last'] elif pktimestamp.formatTimeYesterDayInt( ) == todaychips['today']: yest_winchip = todaychips['chips'] datas['winchip'] += yest_winchip datas['winchips'] += winchips except: ftlog.error() return datas
def _calRankInfoData(userId, seatDeltaChip, winslam, windoubles): ftlog.debug('calRankInfoData->', userId, seatDeltaChip, winslam, windoubles) # 每周,城市赢金榜 if seatDeltaChip > 0 and dizhuconf.isUseTuyouRanking(): # 陌陌使用自己的排行榜 city_code = sessiondata.getCityZip(userId) city_index = city_locator.ZIP_CODE_INDEX.get(city_code, 1) rankingId = 110006100 + city_index hallranking.rankingSystem.setUserScore(str(rankingId), userId, seatDeltaChip) # 更新gamedata中的各种max和累积值 winchips, losechips, maxwinchip, weekchips, winrate, maxweekdoubles, slams, todaychips = gamedata.getGameAttrs( userId, DIZHU_GAMEID, [ 'winchips', 'losechips', 'maxwinchip', 'weekchips', 'winrate', 'maxweekdoubles', 'slams', 'todaychips' ], False) ftlog.debug('calRankInfoData->', winchips, losechips, maxwinchip, weekchips, winrate, maxweekdoubles, slams) winchips, losechips, maxwinchip, maxweekdoubles, slams = strutil.parseInts( winchips, losechips, maxwinchip, maxweekdoubles, slams) updatekeys = [] updatevalues = [] # 计算累计的输赢金币 if seatDeltaChip > 0: winchips = winchips + seatDeltaChip updatekeys.append('winchips') updatevalues.append(winchips) else: losechips = losechips + seatDeltaChip updatekeys.append('losechips') updatevalues.append(losechips) # 计算增加最大的赢取金币数 if seatDeltaChip > maxwinchip: updatekeys.append('maxwinchip') updatevalues.append(seatDeltaChip) # 计算增加每星期的累计赢取、输掉的金币数 weekchips = strutil.loads(weekchips, ignoreException=True) if weekchips == None or len(weekchips) != 2 or ( not 'week' in weekchips) or (not 'chips' in weekchips): weekchips = {'week': -1, 'chips': 0} weekOfYear = pktimestamp.formatTimeWeekInt() if weekOfYear != weekchips['week']: weekchips = {'week': weekOfYear, 'chips': seatDeltaChip} else: weekchips['chips'] = weekchips['chips'] + seatDeltaChip updatekeys.append('weekchips') updatevalues.append(strutil.dumps(weekchips)) # 计算增加每星期的累计赢取的金币数 if seatDeltaChip > 0: todaychips = strutil.loads(todaychips, ignoreException=True) if todaychips == None or len(todaychips) != 3 \ or (not 'today' in todaychips) or (not 'chips' in todaychips) or (not 'last' in todaychips) : todaychips = {'today': -1, 'chips': 0, 'last': 0} today = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt() if today != todaychips['today']: yesterdaychips = 0 if todaychips['today'] == pktimestamp.formatTimeYesterDayInt(): yesterdaychips = todaychips['chips'] todaychips = { 'today': today, 'chips': seatDeltaChip, 'last': yesterdaychips } else: todaychips['chips'] = todaychips['chips'] + seatDeltaChip updatekeys.append('todaychips') updatevalues.append(strutil.dumps(todaychips)) # 计算marsscore winchipsDelta = int(winchips) - int(losechips) winrate = strutil.loads(winrate, ignoreException=True, execptionValue={'wt': 0}) wintimes = int(winrate.get('wt', 0)) marsscore = winchipsDelta * 0.6 + wintimes * 200 * 0.4 if marsscore > 0: updatekeys.append('marsscore') updatevalues.append(marsscore) # 计算slams和maxweekdoubles if seatDeltaChip > 0: if winslam: updatekeys.append('slams') updatevalues.append(slams + 1) if maxweekdoubles < windoubles: updatekeys.append('maxweekdoubles') updatevalues.append(windoubles) if len(updatekeys) > 0: gamedata.setGameAttrs(userId, DIZHU_GAMEID, updatekeys, updatevalues) return 1
def getTodaySharedCount(self): ''' 今天分享的次数 ''' cday = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt(None) if self.shareDay == cday: return self.shareCounter if self.shareCounter > 0 else 0 return 0
def hasTodayShared(self): ''' 今天是否已经分享过 ''' cday = pktimestamp.formatTimeDayInt(None) return (self.shareDay == cday) and (self.shareCounter > 0)