Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        """This is a very simple player that demonstrates the API and is a good
        template for getting started
        # my name
        self.name = "theBostonDerby"

        # game state variables -- these are updated by the engine which
        # own internal representation. so if you modify them, they'll just
        # be reset. we recommend leaving their init as is
        self.hand = None
        self.stack = None
        self.pip = None
        self.button = None
        self.opponent = None
        self.bb = None
        self.sb = None
        self.hands_played = None
        self.last_hand = 0
        self.board = None
        self.legal = None
        self.actions = None
        self.last = None
        self.pot = None
        self.ev_calc = PokerEval()
        self.ev = 0
        self.bound = 0
        self.bot = BaseBot()
        self.LOW = .02
        self.MID = .08
        self.HIGH = .15
Exemple #2
class TheBostonDerbyOld:
    def __init__(self):
        """This is a very simple player that demonstrates the API and is a good
        template for getting started
        # my name
        self.name = "theBostonDerby"

        # game state variables -- these are updated by the engine which
        # own internal representation. so if you modify them, they'll just
        # be reset. we recommend leaving their init as is
        self.hand = None
        self.stack = None
        self.pip = None
        self.button = None
        self.opponent = None
        self.bb = None
        self.sb = None
        self.hands_played = None
        self.last_hand = 0
        self.board = None
        self.legal = None
        self.actions = None
        self.last = None
        self.pot = None
        self.ev_calc = PokerEval()
        self.ev = 0
        self.bound = 0
        self.bot = BaseBot()
        self.LOW = .02
        self.MID = .08
        self.HIGH = .15

    def reset(self, won, last_hand):
        """Reset accepts a boolean indicating whether you won a match and
        provides the last hand if you want to update any statistics from it
        self.my_stats = {   'hands':0,
                            'VPIP':[0,0,0,0],  # amount voluntarily placed in pot
                            'INCR':[0,0,0,0],   # frequency of raises
                            'AF':0,    # aggression frequency = (bets + raises)/(checks + calls)
                            #pre flop
                            'ST':0,    # steals = how often he raises when has first action
                            'LMP':0,  # how often opponent calls
                            'FBB':0,    # how often, after small blind raises, big blind folds
                            '3B':0,    # how often, after small blind raises, big blind raises
                            'F3B':0,   # how often, after small blind raises and then big blind raises, small blind folds
                            '4B':0,    # how often, the small bind raises in above circumstances
                            'F4B':0,    #how often big blind folds to 4B
                            'COB':0,    # continuation bet = how often betting after betting/raising on preflop
                            'FCOB':0,   # how often opp folds to a continuation bet
                            '2COB':0,   # how often opp cb twice, once on flop and once on turn
                            'F2COB':0,  # how often opp folds to 2nd continuation bet.
                            'CHBR':[0,0,0,0],    # how often opp check raises
        self.opp_stats = self.my_stats.copy()
        self.opp_stats['^VPIP'] = [0,0,0,0]
        self.opp_stats['VPIP'] = [0,0,0,0]
        self.opp_stats['^INCR'] = [0,0,0,0]
        self.opp_stats['INCR'] = [0,0,0,0]
        self.opp_stats['_CHBR'] = [0,0,0,0]
        self.opp_stats['^CHBR'] = [0,0,0,0]
        self.opp_stats['CHBR'] = [0,0,0,0]
        self.last = None
        self.opp_hand = 100.0
        self.cory_stats = {'A':0, 'W':0, 'C':0}

    def card2str(self, c):
        return c.__str__()

    def calculate_ev(self):
        #print self.board
        if not self.board.flop():
            suited = self.hand[0].suit != self.hand[1].suit #0 means suited, 1 means not
            if self.hand[0].rank > self.hand[1].rank:
                card_2,card_1 = self.hand
                card_1,card_2 = self.hand
            #print "looking up (%d,%d,%d)" % (card_1.rank-2,card_2.rank-card_1.rank,suited)
            ev = 100.0 - lookuphand[card_1.rank-2][card_2.rank-card_1.rank][suited]
            board = [self.card2str(c) for c in self.board.flop()]
            my_hand = [self.card2str(c) for c in self.hand]
            dead = my_hand
            if self.board.river():
                board += [self.card2str(self.board.turn()), self.card2str(self.board.river())]
                dead += board[:]
            elif self.board.turn():
                board += [self.card2str(self.board.turn()), '__']
                dead += board[:-1]
                board += ['__','__']
                dead += board[:-2]
            if self.opp_hand == 100.0:
                ev = self.ev_calc.poker_eval(game="holdem",pockets=[[self.card2str(c) for c in self.hand],['__','__']],dead=[],board=board,iterations=1000)
                ev = ev['eval'][0]['ev']/10.0
                hands = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, lookupvalue[:int(self.opp_hand*10)])
                wins = 0
                iters = 30
                num_hands = 0
                for hand in hands:
                    if hand[0] in dead or hand[1] in dead: continue
                    ev = self.ev_calc.poker_eval(game="holdem",pockets=[my_hand,list(hand)],dead=[],board=board,iterations=iters)
                    wins += ev['eval'][0]['winhi']+ev['eval'][0]['tiehi']/2.0
                    num_hands += 1
                ev = wins/float(num_hands*iters)
        self.ev = ev/100.0
    def hand_confidence(self):
        stack_size = self.stack + self.pip
        self.bound = stack_size
        if not self.board.flop():
            if stack_size < 30*self.bb:
                if self.ev < .7: #if small stack, and not one of best hands
                    self.bound = 0 # fold
                    self.bound = -1
                if self.ev > .9:# or (self.stats['pfhb'] > 0.25 and self.hands_played > 12):
                    self.bound = stack_size
                elif self.ev > .8:
                    self.bound = int(.1 * stack_size)
                elif self.ev > .5:
                    self.bound = 2 * self.bb
                    self.bound = self.bb
            if self.ev < .33:
                self.bound = min(int(max(self.pot*self.ev/(1-3*self.ev),0)),stack_size)

    def classify(self, act):
        action = None
        if isinstance(act, Post):
            action = POST
        elif isinstance(act, Check): 
            action = CHECK
        elif isinstance(act, Bet):
            action = BET
        elif isinstance(act, Raise): 
            action = RAISE
        elif isinstance(act, Fold): 
            action = FOLD
        elif isinstance(act, Call): 
            action = CALL
        elif isinstance(act, Show):
            action = SHOW
        elif isinstance(act, Deal): 
            action = DEAL
        elif isinstance(act, Won): 
            action = WON
        else :
            print "umm, unknown action taken!", act
        return action
    def calculate_stats(self,last):
        #parse all actions in previous hand into useful information
        if DEBUG: print "calculating stats for hand: ", last
        tallies = {'raises':0, 'bets':0, 'folds':0, 'calls':0, 'checks':0}
        my_actions = dict(zip(range(4),[tallies.copy() for x in range(4)]))
        opp_actions = dict(zip(range(4),[tallies.copy() for x in range(4)]))
        hand = deque(last[:])
        act = hand.popleft() #first action is always sb posting their blind
        my_actions['position'] = act[0] == self.name #position = 1 means sb, 0 means BB
        opp_actions['position'] = not my_actions['position'] #if i'm not small blind, opp must be
        act = hand.pop()
        my_actions['won'] = act[0] == self.name
        opp_actions['won'] = not my_actions['won']
        this_hand = {self.name:my_actions, self.opponent['name']:opp_actions, 'steal':False, 'limp':False}
        hand.popleft() # second action is always bb posting, and is useless

        street = 0 #0 is preflop, 1 is flop, 2 is turn and 3 is river 
        first = True
        while len(hand) > 0 :
            act = hand.popleft()
            if act[0] == 'Dealer': #then this action corresponds to changing street
                street += 1
            action = self.classify(act[1])
            if first:   
                first = False
                if action == RAISE:
                    this_hand['steal'] = True
                elif action == CALL:
                    this_hand['limp'] = True

            if act[0] in [self.name, self.opponent['name']]:
                if action == RAISE:
                    this_hand[act[0]][street]['raises'] += 1
                elif action == CHECK:
                    this_hand[act[0]][street]['checks'] += 1
                elif action == CALL:
                    this_hand[act[0]][street]['calls'] += 1
                elif action == FOLD:
                    this_hand[act[0]][street]['folds'] += 1
                elif action == BET:
                    this_hand[act[0]][street]['bets'] += 1
                print "unknown player: ",act[0]

        self.my_stats['hands'] += 1
        self.opp_stats['hands'] += 1

        self.update_stats(self.opp_stats, my_actions, opp_actions, this_hand['steal'], this_hand['limp'])
        self.update_stats(self.my_stats, opp_actions, my_actions, this_hand['steal'], this_hand['limp'])
        self.calc_cory(self.cory_stats, my_actions, opp_actions, this_hand['steal'], this_hand['limp'])
        if opp_actions['won']:
            hand = last[:]
            act = hand.pop()
            while act[0] != self.opponent['name']:
                act= hand.pop()
            action = self.classify(act[1])
            if action == RAISE:
                self.cory_stats['A'] += 20
            elif action == BET or action == CALL:
                if action.amount == self.opponent['stack']+self.opponent['pip']:
                    self.cory_stats['A'] += 10
                    self.cory_stats['C'] += 20
    def calc_cory(self, stats, me, opp, steal, limp):
        stats['A'] += 5*sum([opp[x][y] for x in range(4) for y in ['bets', 'raises']])
        stats['A'] += 10*sum([opp[x]['raises']-1 for x in range(4)])
        stats['C'] += 5*sum([opp[x][y] for x in range(4) for y in ['bets', 'raises', 'calls']])
        stats['C'] += 10*sum([opp[x]['calls']>0 for x in range(4) if opp[x]['raises']>0])
        stats['W'] += 5*(limp and opp['position'])
        stats['W'] += 3*(opp[PREFLOP]['folds']>0)
        stats['W'] += 5*(sum([opp[x]['folds'] for x in [FLOP,TURN,RIVER]])>0)
        stats['A'] += 20*sum([1 for x in [FLOP,TURN,RIVER] if opp[x]['checks']>0 and me[x]['bets'] >0 and opp[x]['raises']>0])

    def update_stats(self,stats,me,opp,steal,limp):
        this_hand = {}
        for street in range(4):
            if opp[street]['raises'] or opp[street]['bets'] or opp[street]['calls']:
                stats['^VPIP'][street] += 1
            if opp[street]['raises']:
                stats['^INCR'][street] += 1
            stats['VPIP'][street] = stats['^VPIP'][street]/float(stats['hands'])
            stats['INCR'][street] = stats['^INCR'][street]/float(stats['hands'])
        this_hand['^AF'] = sum([opp[x]['raises'] + opp[x]['bets'] for x in [FLOP, TURN, RIVER]])
        this_hand['_AF'] = sum([opp[x]['calls'] for x in [FLOP, TURN, RIVER]])
        this_hand['^ST'] = steal and opp['position']
        this_hand['^LMP']= limp and opp['position']
        this_hand['_3B'] = steal and not opp['position']
        this_hand['^FBB']= this_hand['_3B'] and opp[0]['folds'] and opp[0]['raises'] == 0
        this_hand['^3B'] = this_hand['_3B'] and opp[0]['raises'] > 0
        this_hand['_4B'] = this_hand['^ST'] and me[0]['raises'] > 0
        this_hand['^F3B']= this_hand['_4B'] and opp[0]['folds'] and opp[0]['raises'] == 1
        this_hand['^4B'] = this_hand['_4B'] and opp[0]['raises'] >= 2
        this_hand['_F4B']= this_hand['^3B'] and me[0]['raises'] >= 2
        this_hand['^F4B']= this_hand['_F4B']and opp[0]['folds'] and opp[0]['raises'] == 1
        this_hand['_COB'] = opp['position'] and opp[0]['raises'] > 0 and me[0]['calls']>0 and me[1]['checks']>0
        this_hand['^COB'] = this_hand['_COB'] and opp[1]['bets'] > 0
        this_hand['_FCOB']= not opp['position'] and me[0]['raises']>0 and opp[0]['calls']>0 and opp[1]['checks']>0 and me[1]['bets']>0
        this_hand['^FCOB']= this_hand['_FCOB'] and opp[1]['folds']>0

        this_hand['_2COB'] = this_hand['^COB'] and me[2]['checks']>0
        this_hand['^2COB'] = this_hand['_2COB'] and opp[2]['bets']>0
        this_hand['_F2COB']= this_hand['_FCOB'] and me[2]['bets']>0
        this_hand['^F2COB']= this_hand['_F2COB'] and opp[2]['folds']>0
        this_hand['_CHBR'] = [0,0,0,0]
        this_hand['^CHBR'] = [0,0,0,0]
        for street in [FLOP, TURN, RIVER]:
            this_hand['_CHBR'][street] = opp[street]['checks']>0 and me[street]['bets'] >0
            this_hand['^CHBR'][street] = this_hand['_CHBR'][street] and opp[street]['raises']>0
        for stat in stats.keys():
            if this_hand.has_key(stat) and isinstance(this_hand[stat],int):
                stats[stat] += this_hand[stat]
        stats['AF'] = stats['^AF']/float(stats['_AF']) if stats['_AF'] else None
        stats['ST'] = stats['^ST']/float(stats['hands'])
        stats['LMP'] = stats['^LMP']/float(stats['hands'])
        stats['FBB'] = stats['^FBB']/float(stats['_3B']) if stats['_3B'] else None
        stats['3B'] = stats['^3B']/float(stats['_3B']) if stats['_3B'] else None
        stats['F3B'] = stats['^F3B']/float(stats['_4B']) if stats['_4B'] else None
        stats['4B'] = stats['^4B']/float(stats['_4B']) if stats['_4B'] else None
        stats['F4B'] = stats['^F4B']/float(stats['_F4B']) if stats['_F4B'] else None
        stats['COB'] = stats['^COB']/float(stats['_COB']) if stats['_COB'] else None
        stats['FCOB'] = stats['^FCOB']/float(stats['_FCOB']) if stats['_FCOB'] else None
        stats['2COB'] = stats['^2COB']/float(stats['_2COB']) if stats['_2COB'] else None
        stats['F2COB'] = stats['^F2COB']/float(stats['_F2COB']) if stats['_F2COB'] else None
        for street in [FLOP, TURN, RIVER]:
            stats['_CHBR'][street] += this_hand['_CHBR'][street]
            stats['^CHBR'][street] += this_hand['^CHBR'][street]
            stats['CHBR'][street] = stats['^CHBR'][street]/float(stats['_CHBR'][street]) if stats['_CHBR'][street] else None

    def respond(self):
        if DEBUG: print self.name
        if DEBUG: print self.hands_played, self.last_hand, self.hand, self.board
        if DEBUG: print self.actions, self.opponent
        if DEBUG: print "ev=%d, pot=%d, bound=%d" % (self.ev*100, self.pot, self.bound)
        if self.hands_played != self.last_hand and self.hands_played:
            if self.hands_played == self.last_hand + 2: #if we missed one
            self.last_hand = self.hands_played
            self.bot.new_hand() #notify our bot of new hand
            if DEBUG: print self.opp_stats
            if DEBUG: raw_input()
        if self.board.flop():
            last_act = self.actions[-1]
            last_action = self.classify(last_act[1])
            if last_action == BET:
                if last_act[1].amount < .5*self.pot:
                    self.cory_stats['W'] += 5
                elif last_act[1].amount > self.pot:
                    self.cory_stats['A'] += 10
                if self.button: #he's BB
                    self.cory_stats['A'] += 5
        action = self.bot.respond(self)
        return action