Exemple #1
    def create_sample_from_json_machex(self, machex_json, level):
            Creation from machex string data.
            jdata = json.loads(machex_json)
            mhash_sha256 = jdata["sha256"]
            mhash_sha1 = jdata["sha1"]
            mhash_md5 = jdata["md5"]
            mtype = jdata["type"]
        except Exception as e:
            app.logger.error("Machex import failed : %s" % (e))
            return None

        qresult = Sample.query.filter_by(sha256=mhash_sha256)
        exists = False
        if qresult.count() != 0:
            sample = qresult.first()
            return None
        sample = Sample()
        sample.md5 = mhash_md5
        sample.sha1 = mhash_sha1
        sample.sha256 = mhash_sha256
        sample.mime_type = mtype
        sample.TLP_sensibility = level
        sample.analysis_status = AnalysisStatus.TOSTART
        if "full_mime_type" in jdata:
            sample.full_mime_type = jdata["full_mime_type"]
        if "size" in jdata:
            sample.size = jdata["size"]
        if "file_date" in jdata:
            sample.file_date = jdata["file_date"]
        if "file_metadata" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["file_metadata"]:
                    sample, SampleMetadataType.fromstring(
                        i['type']), i['value'])
        if "filenames" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["filenames"]:
                self.add_filename(sample, i)
        if "functions" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["functions"]:
                address = i["address"]
                if isinstance(address, str):
                    address = int(address, 16)
                name = ""
                machoc_hash = -1
                if "machoc" in i:
                    machoc_hash = i["machoc"]
                    if isinstance(machoc_hash, str):
                        machoc_hash = int(machoc_hash, 16)
                if "name" in i:
                    name = i["name"]
                self.add_function(sample, address, machoc_hash, name)
        if "strings" in jdata and len(jdata["strings"]) > 0:
            for i in jdata["strings"]:
                typ = i["type"]
                val = i["value"]
                if not exists:
                    self.add_string(sample, typ, val)
        if "abstract" in jdata:
            sample.abstract = jdata["abstract"]
        if "analyses" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["analyses"]:
                self.create_analysis(sample, i["data"], i["title"])
        return sample
Exemple #2
    def create_sample_from_json_machex(self, machex_json, level):
            Creation from machex string data.
            jdata = json.loads(machex_json)
            mhash_sha256 = jdata["sha256"]
            mhash_sha1 = jdata["sha1"]
            mhash_md5 = jdata["md5"]
            mtype = jdata["type"]
        except Exception as e:
            app.logger.error("Machex import failed : %s" % (e))
            return None

        qresult = Sample.query.filter_by(sha256=mhash_sha256)
        exists = False
        if qresult.count() != 0:
            sample = qresult.first()
            return None
        sample = Sample()
        sample.md5 = mhash_md5
        sample.sha1 = mhash_sha1
        sample.sha256 = mhash_sha256
        sample.mime_type = mtype
        sample.TLP_sensibility = level
        sample.analysis_status = AnalysisStatus.TOSTART
        if "full_mime_type" in jdata:
            sample.full_mime_type = jdata["full_mime_type"]
        if "size" in jdata:
            sample.size = jdata["size"]
        if "file_date" in jdata:
            sample.file_date = jdata["file_date"]
        if "file_metadata" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["file_metadata"]:
        if "filenames" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["filenames"]:
                self.add_filename(sample, i)
        if "functions" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["functions"]:
                address = i["address"]
                if isinstance(address, str):
                    address = int(address, 16)
                name = ""
                machoc_hash = -1
                if "machoc" in i:
                    machoc_hash = i["machoc"]
                    if isinstance(machoc_hash, str):
                        machoc_hash = int(machoc_hash, 16)
                if "name" in i:
                    name = i["name"]
                self.add_function(sample, address, machoc_hash, name)
        if "strings" in jdata and len(jdata["strings"]) > 0:
            for i in jdata["strings"]:
                typ = i["type"]
                val = i["value"]
                if not exists:
                    self.add_string(sample, typ, val)
        if "abstract" in jdata:
            sample.abstract = jdata["abstract"]
        if "analyses" in jdata:
            for i in jdata["analyses"]:
                self.create_analysis(sample, i["data"], i["title"])
        return sample
Exemple #3
    def create_sample_from_file(self, file_data, orig_filename="", user=None,
            Creates a sample from file data. Updates metadata, etc.
        if TLPLevel.tostring(tlp_level) == "":
            return None
        sha_256 = sha256(file_data).hexdigest()
        sample = None
        # check if we already had the file or not
        # If not, we will just update some information
        if Sample.query.filter_by(sha256=sha_256).count() != 0:
            sample = Sample.query.filter_by(sha256=sha_256).first()
            if sample.storage_file is not None and sample.storage_file != "" and os.path.exists(
                return sample

        # Create if needed
        if sample is None:
            sample = Sample()
            sample.TLP_sensibility = tlp_level
            sample.family_id = None
            sample.file_date = datetime.datetime.now()
        elif sample.file_date is None:
            sample.file_date = datetime.datetime.now()

        # Drop file to disk
        filename = sha_256 + ".bin"
        file_path = os.path.join(app.config['STORAGE_PATH'], filename)
        with open(file_path, 'wb') as myfile:

        # Generic data
        sample.analysis_status = AnalysisStatus.TOSTART
        sample.storage_file = file_path
        mime_type = self.do_sample_type_detect(file_path)
        sample.mime_type = mime_type[0]
        sample.full_mime_type = mime_type[1]
        sample.md5 = md5(file_data).hexdigest()
        sample.sha1 = sha1(file_data).hexdigest()
        sample.sha256 = sha_256
        sample.size = len(file_data)
        # Specific metadata, resulting from Tasks
        sample.import_hash = ""
        sample.machoc_hash = ""


        if orig_filename != "":
            self.add_filename(sample, orig_filename)
        if user is not None:
            self.add_user(user, sample)
        return sample
Exemple #4
    def create_sample_from_file(self,
            Creates a sample from file data. Updates metadata, etc.
        sha_256 = sha256(file_data).hexdigest()
        sample = None
        # check if we already had the file or not
        # If not, we will just update some information
        if Sample.query.filter_by(sha256=sha_256).count() != 0:
            sample = Sample.query.filter_by(sha256=sha_256).first()
            if sample.storage_file is not None and sample.storage_file != "" and os.path.exists(
                return sample

        # Create if needed
        if sample is None:
            sample = Sample()
            sample.TLP_sensibility = tlp_level
            sample.family_id = None
            sample.file_date = datetime.datetime.now()
        elif sample.file_date is None:
            sample.file_date = datetime.datetime.now()

        # Drop file to disk
        filename = sha_256 + ".bin"
        file_path = os.path.join(app.config['STORAGE_PATH'], filename)
        with open(file_path, 'wb') as myfile:

        # Generic data
        sample.analysis_status = AnalysisStatus.TOSTART
        sample.storage_file = file_path
        mime_type = self.do_sample_type_detect(file_path)
        sample.mime_type = mime_type[0]
        sample.full_mime_type = mime_type[1]
        sample.md5 = md5(file_data).hexdigest()
        sample.sha1 = sha1(file_data).hexdigest()
        sample.sha256 = sha_256
        sample.size = len(file_data)
        # Specific metadata, resulting from Tasks
        sample.import_hash = ""
        sample.machoc_hash = ""


        if orig_filename != "":
            self.add_filename(sample, orig_filename)
        if user is not None:
            self.add_user(user, sample)
        return sample