Exemple #1
def hohmann(k, rv, r_f):
    r"""Calculate the Hohmann maneuver velocities and the duration of the maneuver.

    By defining the relationship between orbit radius:

    .. math::
        a_{trans} = \frac{r_{i} + r_{f}}{2}

    The Hohmann maneuver velocities can be expressed as:

    .. math::
            \Delta v_{a} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{i}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans}}} - v_{i}\\
            \Delta v_{b} &= \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{r_{f}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{f}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans}}}

    The time that takes to complete the maneuver can be computed as:

    .. math::
        \tau_{trans} = \pi \sqrt{\frac{(a_{trans})^{3}}{\mu}}

    k : float
        Standard Gravitational parameter
    rv : numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
        Position and velocity vectors
    r_f : float
        Final orbital radius

    _, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu = rv2coe(k, *rv)
    h_i = norm(cross(*rv))
    p_i = h_i**2 / k

    r_i, v_i = rv_pqw(k, p_i, ecc, nu)

    r_i = norm(r_i)
    v_i = norm(v_i)
    a_trans = (r_i + r_f) / 2

    dv_a = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_i - k / a_trans) - v_i
    dv_b = np.sqrt(k / r_f) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_f - k / a_trans)

    dv_a = np.array([0, dv_a, 0])
    dv_b = np.array([0, -dv_b, 0])

    rot_matrix = coe_rotation_matrix(inc, raan, argp)

    dv_a = rot_matrix @ dv_a
    dv_b = rot_matrix @ dv_b

    t_trans = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans**3 / k)

    return dv_a, dv_b, t_trans
Exemple #2
    def hohmann(cls, orbit_i, r_f):
        r"""Compute a Hohmann transfer between two circular orbits.

        By defining the relationship between orbit radius:

        .. math::
            a_{trans} = \frac{r_{i} + r_{f}}{2}

        The Hohmann maneuver velocities can be expressed as:

        .. math::
                \Delta v_{a} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{i}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans}}} - v_{i}\\
                \Delta v_{b} &= \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{r_{f}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{f}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans}}}

        The time that takes to complete the maneuver can be computed as:

        .. math::
            \tau_{trans} = \pi \sqrt{\frac{(a_{trans})^{3}}{\mu}}

        orbit_i: poliastro.twobody.orbit.Orbit
            Initial orbit
        r_f: astropy.unit.Quantity
            Final altitude of the orbit

        if orbit_i.nu is not 0 * u.deg:
            orbit_i = orbit_i.propagate_to_anomaly(0 * u.deg)

        # Initial orbit data
        k = orbit_i.attractor.k
        r_i = orbit_i.r
        v_i = orbit_i.v
        h_i = norm(cross(r_i.to(u.m).value, v_i.to(u.m / u.s).value) * u.m ** 2 / u.s)
        p_i = h_i ** 2 / k.to(u.m ** 3 / u.s ** 2)

        # Hohmann is defined always from the PQW frame, since it is the
        # natural plane of the orbit
        r_i, v_i = rv_pqw(
            k.to(u.m ** 3 / u.s ** 2).value,

        # Now, we apply Hohmman maneuver
        r_i = norm(r_i * u.m)
        v_i = norm(v_i * u.m / u.s)
        a_trans = (r_i + r_f) / 2

        # This is the modulus of the velocities
        dv_a = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_i - k / a_trans) - v_i
        dv_b = np.sqrt(k / r_f) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_f - k / a_trans)

        # Write them in PQW frame
        dv_a = np.array([0, dv_a.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])
        dv_b = np.array([0, -dv_b.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])

        # Transform to IJK frame
        rot_matrix = coe_rotation_matrix(

        dv_a = (rot_matrix @ dv_a) * u.m / u.s
        dv_b = (rot_matrix @ dv_b) * u.m / u.s

        t_trans = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans ** 3 / k)

        return cls((0 * u.s, dv_a), (t_trans, dv_b))
Exemple #3
    def bielliptic(cls, orbit_i, r_b, r_f):
        r"""Compute a bielliptic transfer between two circular orbits.

        The bielliptic maneuver employs two Hohmann transfers, therefore two
        intermediate orbits are established. We define the different radius
        relationships as follows:

        .. math::
                a_{trans1} &= \frac{r_{i} + r_{b}}{2}\\
                a_{trans2} &= \frac{r_{b} + r_{f}}{2}\\

        The increments in the velocity are:

        .. math::
                \Delta v_{a} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{i}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans1}}} - v_{i}\\
                \Delta v_{b} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{b}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans2}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{b}} - \frac{\mu}{a_trans{1}}}\\
                \Delta v_{c} &= \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{r_{f}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{f}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans2}}}\\

        The time of flight for this maneuver is the addition of the time needed for both transition orbits, following the same formula as

        .. math::
                \tau_{trans1} &= \pi \sqrt{\frac{a_{trans1}^{3}}{\mu}}\\
                \tau_{trans2} &= \pi \sqrt{\frac{a_{trans2}^{3}}{\mu}}\\

        orbit_i: poliastro.twobody.orbit.Orbit
            Initial orbit
        r_b: astropy.unit.Quantity
            Altitude of the intermediate orbit
        r_f: astropy.unit.Quantity
            Final altitude of the orbit
        if orbit_i.nu is not 0 * u.deg:
            orbit_i = orbit_i.propagate_to_anomaly(0 * u.deg)

        # Initial orbit data
        k = orbit_i.attractor.k
        r_i = orbit_i.r
        v_i = orbit_i.v
        h_i = norm(cross(r_i.to(u.m).value, v_i.to(u.m / u.s).value) * u.m ** 2 / u.s)
        p_i = h_i ** 2 / k.to(u.m ** 3 / u.s ** 2)

        # Bielliptic is defined always from the PQW frame, since it is the
        # natural plane of the orbit
        r_i, v_i = rv_pqw(
            k.to(u.m ** 3 / u.s ** 2).value,

        # Define the transfer radius
        r_i = norm(r_i * u.m)
        v_i = norm(v_i * u.m / u.s)
        a_trans1 = (r_i + r_b) / 2
        a_trans2 = (r_b + r_f) / 2

        # Compute impulses
        dv_a = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_i - k / a_trans1) - v_i
        dv_b = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_b - k / a_trans2) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_b - k / a_trans1)
        dv_c = np.sqrt(k / r_f) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_f - k / a_trans2)

        # Write impulses in PQW frame
        dv_a = np.array([0, dv_a.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])
        dv_b = np.array([0, -dv_b.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])
        dv_c = np.array([0, dv_c.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])

        rot_matrix = coe_rotation_matrix(

        # Transform to IJK frame
        dv_a = (rot_matrix @ dv_a) * u.m / u.s
        dv_b = (rot_matrix @ dv_b) * u.m / u.s
        dv_c = (rot_matrix @ dv_c) * u.m / u.s

        # Compute time for maneuver
        t_trans1 = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans1 ** 3 / k)
        t_trans2 = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans2 ** 3 / k)

        return cls((0 * u.s, dv_a), (t_trans1, dv_b), (t_trans2, dv_c))
Exemple #4
    def hohmann(cls, orbit_i, r_f):
        r"""Compute a Hohmann transfer between two circular orbits.

        By defining the relationship between orbit radius:

        .. math::
            a_{trans} = \frac{r_{i} + r_{f}}{2}

        The Hohmann maneuver velocities can be expressed as:

        .. math::
                \Delta v_{a} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{i}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans}}} - v_{i}\\
                \Delta v_{b} &= \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{r_{f}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{f}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans}}}

        The time that takes to complete the maneuver can be computed as:

        .. math::
            \tau_{trans} = \pi \sqrt{\frac{(a_{trans})^{3}}{\mu}}

        orbit_i: poliastro.twobody.orbit.Orbit
            Initial orbit
        r_f: astropy.unit.Quantity
            Final altitude of the orbit

        if orbit_i.nu is not 0 * u.deg:
            orbit_i = orbit_i.propagate_to_anomaly(0 * u.deg)

        # Initial orbit data
        k = orbit_i.attractor.k
        r_i = orbit_i.r
        v_i = orbit_i.v
        h_i = norm(
                  v_i.to(u.m / u.s).value) * u.m**2 / u.s)
        p_i = h_i**2 / k.to(u.m**3 / u.s**2)

        # Hohmann is defined always from the PQW frame, since it is the
        # natural plane of the orbit
        r_i, v_i = rv_pqw(
            k.to(u.m**3 / u.s**2).value,

        # Now, we apply Hohmman maneuver
        r_i = norm(r_i * u.m)
        v_i = norm(v_i * u.m / u.s)
        a_trans = (r_i + r_f) / 2

        # This is the modulus of the velocities
        dv_a = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_i - k / a_trans) - v_i
        dv_b = np.sqrt(k / r_f) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_f - k / a_trans)

        # Write them in PQW frame
        dv_a = np.array([0, dv_a.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])
        dv_b = np.array([0, -dv_b.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])

        # Transform to IJK frame
        rot_matrix = coe_rotation_matrix(

        dv_a = (rot_matrix @ dv_a) * u.m / u.s
        dv_b = (rot_matrix @ dv_b) * u.m / u.s

        t_trans = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans**3 / k)

        return cls((0 * u.s, dv_a), (t_trans, dv_b))
Exemple #5
    def bielliptic(cls, orbit_i, r_b, r_f):
        r"""Compute a bielliptic transfer between two circular orbits.

        The bielliptic maneuver employs two Hohmann transfers, therefore two
        intermediate orbits are established. We define the different radius
        relationships as follows:

        .. math::
                a_{trans1} &= \frac{r_{i} + r_{b}}{2}\\
                a_{trans2} &= \frac{r_{b} + r_{f}}{2}\\

        The increments in the velocity are:

        .. math::
                \Delta v_{a} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{i}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans1}}} - v_{i}\\
                \Delta v_{b} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{b}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans2}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{b}} - \frac{\mu}{a_trans{1}}}\\
                \Delta v_{c} &= \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{r_{f}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{f}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans2}}}\\

        The time of flight for this maneuver is the addition of the time needed for both transition orbits, following the same formula as

        .. math::
                \tau_{trans1} &= \pi \sqrt{\frac{a_{trans1}^{3}}{\mu}}\\
                \tau_{trans2} &= \pi \sqrt{\frac{a_{trans2}^{3}}{\mu}}\\

        orbit_i: poliastro.twobody.orbit.Orbit
            Initial orbit
        r_b: astropy.unit.Quantity
            Altitude of the intermediate orbit
        r_f: astropy.unit.Quantity
            Final altitude of the orbit
        if orbit_i.nu is not 0 * u.deg:
            orbit_i = orbit_i.propagate_to_anomaly(0 * u.deg)

        # Initial orbit data
        k = orbit_i.attractor.k
        r_i = orbit_i.r
        v_i = orbit_i.v
        h_i = norm(
                  v_i.to(u.m / u.s).value) * u.m**2 / u.s)
        p_i = h_i**2 / k.to(u.m**3 / u.s**2)

        # Bielliptic is defined always from the PQW frame, since it is the
        # natural plane of the orbit
        r_i, v_i = rv_pqw(
            k.to(u.m**3 / u.s**2).value,

        # Define the transfer radius
        r_i = norm(r_i * u.m)
        v_i = norm(v_i * u.m / u.s)
        a_trans1 = (r_i + r_b) / 2
        a_trans2 = (r_b + r_f) / 2

        # Compute impulses
        dv_a = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_i - k / a_trans1) - v_i
        dv_b = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_b - k / a_trans2) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_b -
                                                             k / a_trans1)
        dv_c = np.sqrt(k / r_f) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_f - k / a_trans2)

        # Write impulses in PQW frame
        dv_a = np.array([0, dv_a.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])
        dv_b = np.array([0, -dv_b.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])
        dv_c = np.array([0, dv_c.to(u.m / u.s).value, 0])

        rot_matrix = coe_rotation_matrix(

        # Transform to IJK frame
        dv_a = (rot_matrix @ dv_a) * u.m / u.s
        dv_b = (rot_matrix @ dv_b) * u.m / u.s
        dv_c = (rot_matrix @ dv_c) * u.m / u.s

        # Compute time for maneuver
        t_trans1 = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans1**3 / k)
        t_trans2 = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans2**3 / k)

        return cls((0 * u.s, dv_a), (t_trans1, dv_b), (t_trans2, dv_c))
Exemple #6
def bielliptic(k, r_b, r_f, rv):
    r"""Calculate the increments in the velocities and the time of flight of the maneuver

    The bielliptic maneuver employs two Hohmann transfers, therefore two
    intermediate orbits are established. We define the different radius
    relationships as follows:

    .. math::
            a_{trans1} &= \frac{r_{i} + r_{b}}{2}\\
            a_{trans2} &= \frac{r_{b} + r_{f}}{2}\\

    The increments in the velocity are:

    .. math::
            \Delta v_{a} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{i}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans1}}} - v_{i}\\
            \Delta v_{b} &= \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{b}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans2}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{b}} - \frac{\mu}{a_trans{1}}}\\
            \Delta v_{c} &= \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{r_{f}}} - \sqrt{\frac{2\mu}{r_{f}} - \frac{\mu}{a_{trans2}}}\\

    The time of flight for this maneuver is the addition of the time needed for both transition orbits, following the same formula as

    .. math::
            \tau_{trans1} &= \pi \sqrt{\frac{a_{trans1}^{3}}{\mu}}\\
            \tau_{trans2} &= \pi \sqrt{\frac{a_{trans2}^{3}}{\mu}}\\

    k : float
        Standard Gravitational parameter
    r_b : float
        Altitude of the intermediate orbit
    r_f : float
        Final orbital radius
    rv : numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
        Position and velocity vectors

    _, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu = rv2coe(k, *rv)
    h_i = norm(cross(*rv))
    p_i = h_i**2 / k

    r_i, v_i = rv_pqw(k, p_i, ecc, nu)

    r_i = norm(r_i)
    v_i = norm(v_i)
    a_trans1 = (r_i + r_b) / 2
    a_trans2 = (r_b + r_f) / 2

    dv_a = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_i - k / a_trans1) - v_i
    dv_b = np.sqrt(2 * k / r_b - k / a_trans2) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_b -
                                                         k / a_trans1)
    dv_c = np.sqrt(k / r_f) - np.sqrt(2 * k / r_f - k / a_trans2)

    dv_a = np.array([0, dv_a, 0])
    dv_b = np.array([0, -dv_b, 0])
    dv_c = np.array([0, dv_c, 0])

    rot_matrix = coe_rotation_matrix(inc, raan, argp)

    dv_a = rot_matrix @ dv_a
    dv_b = rot_matrix @ dv_b
    dv_c = rot_matrix @ dv_c

    t_trans1 = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans1**3 / k)
    t_trans2 = np.pi * np.sqrt(a_trans2**3 / k)

    return dv_a, dv_b, dv_c, t_trans1, t_trans2