Exemple #1
    async def get(self):
            description: Supplies autocompleted permissions for the ace code editor.
                    description: Returns a list of the matching permissions.

        if config.get("policy_editor.disallow_contractors",
                      True) and self.contractor:
            if self.user not in config.get(
                    "groups.can_bypass_contractor_restrictions", []):
                raise MustBeFte("Only FTEs are authorized to view this page.")

        only_filter_services = False

        if (self.request.arguments.get("only_filter_services")
                and self.request.arguments.get(
                    "only_filter_services")[0].decode("utf-8") == "true"):
            only_filter_services = True

        prefix = self.request.arguments.get("prefix")[0].decode("utf-8") + "*"
        results = _expand_wildcard_action(prefix)
        if only_filter_services:
            # We return known matching services in a format that the frontend expects to see them. We omit the wildcard
            # character returned by policyuniverse.
            services = sorted(
                list({r.split(":")[0].replace("*", "")
                      for r in results}))
            results = [{"title": service} for service in services]
            results = [dict(permission=r) for r in results]
        await self.finish()
Exemple #2
def pass_condition(b, test, a):
    Generic test function used by Scout
    :param b:                           Value to be tested against
    :param test:                        Name of the test case to run
    :param a:                           Value to be tested

    :return:                            True of condition is met, False otherwise

    # Return false by default
    result = False

    # Equality tests
    if test == 'equal':
        a = str(a)
        b = str(b)
        result = (a == b)
    elif test == 'notEqual':
        result = (not pass_condition(b, 'equal', a))

    # More/Less tests
    elif test == 'lessThan':
        result = (int(b) < int(a))
    elif test == 'lessOrEqual':
        result = (int(b) <= int(a))
    elif test == 'moreThan':
        result = (int(b) > int(a))
    elif test == 'moreOrEqual':
        result = (int(b) >= int(a))

    # Empty tests
    elif test == 'empty':
        result = ((type(b) == dict and b == {})
                  or (type(b) == list and b == [])
                  or (type(b) == list and b == [None]))
    elif test == 'notEmpty':
        result = (not pass_condition(b, 'empty', 'a'))
    elif test == 'null':
        result = ((b is None) or (type(b) == str and b == 'None'))
    elif test == 'notNull':
        result = (not pass_condition(b, 'null', a))

    # Boolean tests
    elif test == 'true':
        result = (str(b).lower() == 'true')
    elif test == 'notTrue' or test == 'false':
        result = (str(b).lower() == 'false')

    # Object length tests
    elif test == 'lengthLessThan':
        result = (len(b) < int(a))
    elif test == 'lengthMoreThan':
        result = (len(b) > int(a))
    elif test == 'lengthEqual':
        result = (len(b) == int(a))

    # Dictionary keys tests
    elif test == 'withKey':
        result = (a in b)
    elif test == 'withoutKey':
        result = a not in b

    # String test
    elif test == 'containString':
        if not type(b) == str:
            b = str(b)
        if not type(a) == str:
            a = str(a)
        result = a in b
    elif test == 'notContainString':
        if not type(b) == str:
            b = str(b)
        if not type(a) == str:
            a = str(a)
        result = a not in b

    # List tests
    elif test == 'containAtLeastOneOf':
        result = False
        if not type(b) == list:
            b = [b]
        if not type(a) == list:
            a = [a]
        for c in b:
            if type(c) != dict:
                c = str(c)
            if c in a:
                result = True
    elif test == 'containAtLeastOneDifferentFrom':
        result = False
        if not type(b) == list:
            b = [b]
        if not type(a) == list:
            a = [a]
        for c in b:
            if c and c != '' and c not in a:
                result = True
    elif test == 'containNoneOf':
        result = True
        if not type(b) == list:
            b = [b]
        if not type(a) == list:
            a = [a]
        for c in b:
            if c in a:
                result = False
    elif test == 'containAtLeastOneMatching':
        result = False
        for item in b:
            if re.match(a, item):
                result = True

    # Regex tests
    elif test == 'match':
        if type(a) != list:
            a = [a]
        b = str(b)
        for c in a:
            if re.match(c, b):
                result = True
    elif test == 'notMatch':
        result = (not pass_condition(b, 'match', a))

    # Date tests
    elif test == 'priorToDate':
        b = dateutil.parser.parse(str(b)).replace(tzinfo=None)
        a = dateutil.parser.parse(str(a)).replace(tzinfo=None)
        result = (b < a)
    elif test == 'olderThan':
        age, threshold = __prepare_age_test(a, b)
        result = (age > threshold)
    elif test == 'newerThan':
        age, threshold = __prepare_age_test(a, b)
        result = (age < threshold)

    # CIDR tests
    elif test == 'inSubnets':
        result = False
        grant = netaddr.IPNetwork(b)
        if type(a) != list:
            a = [a]
        for c in a:
            known_subnet = netaddr.IPNetwork(c)
            if grant in known_subnet:
                result = True
    elif test == 'notInSubnets':
        result = (not pass_condition(b, 'inSubnets', a))

    # Policy statement tests
    elif test == 'containAction':
        result = False
        if type(b) != dict:
            b = json.loads(b)
        statement_actions = get_actions_from_statement(b)
        rule_actions = _expand_wildcard_action(a)
        for action in rule_actions:
            if action.lower() in statement_actions:
                result = True
    elif test == 'notContainAction':
        result = (not pass_condition(b, 'containAction', a))
    elif test == 'containAtLeastOneAction':
        result = False
        if type(b) != dict:
            b = json.loads(b)
        if type(a) != list:
            a = [a]
        actions = get_actions_from_statement(b)
        for c in a:
            if c.lower() in actions:
                result = True

    # Policy principal tests
    elif test == 'isCrossAccount':
        result = False
        if type(b) != list:
            b = [b]
        for c in b:
            if type(c) == dict and 'AWS' in c:
                c = c['AWS']
            if c != a and not re.match(r'arn:aws:iam:.*?:%s:.*' % a, c):
                result = True
    elif test == 'isSameAccount':
        result = False
        if type(b) != list:
            b = [b]
        for c in b:
            if c == a or re.match(r'arn:aws:iam:.*?:%s:.*' % a, c):
                result = True

    # Unknown test case
        print_error('Error: unknown test case %s' % test)
        raise Exception

    return result
 def test_expand_wildcard_action_2(self):
     result = _expand_wildcard_action('thistechdoesntexist:*')
     self.assertEqual(result, ['thistechdoesntexist:*'])
 def test_expand_wildcard_action_3(self):
     result = _expand_wildcard_action('ec2:DescribeInstances')
     self.assertEqual(result, ['ec2:describeinstances'])
 def test_expand_wildcard_action(self):
     result = _expand_wildcard_action(['autoscaling:*'])
     self.assertEqual(sorted(result), AUTOSCALING_PERMISSIONS)