Exemple #1
def snapUVPNG(exposure, gain,filename):
    snaps an image and saves the 14bit image as an 8 bit greyscale PNG
    by shifting out 6 bits
    global img_array
    global img_array_float
    global frames
    global beadpos_xcol
    global beadpos_yrow
    global num_beads
    for i in range(frames): 
        PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, exposure,gain,'spare')
        img_array_float += img_array.astype(np.float)   # sum accumulator
    # end for
    img_array_out = (img_array_float/frames).astype(np.uint16) 
    img_array_float *= 0 # reset accumulator
    image_8bit = (img_array_out >> 6).astype(np.uint8)
    im = Image.fromarray(image_8bit.reshape((1000,1000)),'L')
    PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    im.save(filename + ".png", "png")
Exemple #2
def snapPicPNG(exposure, gain, color, filename):
    snaps an image and saves the 14bit image as an 8 bit greyscale PNG
    by shifting out 6 bits
    global img_array
    global img_array_float
    global frames
    global beadpos_xcol
    global beadpos_yrow
    global num_beads
    global my_color
    for i in range(frames): 
        PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, exposure,gain,color)
        img_array_float += img_array.astype(np.float)   # sum accumulator
    # end for
    img_array_out = (img_array_float/frames).astype(np.uint16) 
    img_array_float *= 0 # reset accumulator
    image_8bit = (img_array_out >> 6).astype(np.uint8)
    im = Image.fromarray(image_8bit.reshape((1000,1000)),'L')
    PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    im.save(filename + ".png", "png")
    if num_beads != 0 and my_color == color:
        print("value at 1st point: %d" % \
        print("value at 2nd point: %d" % \
        print("value at 3rd point: %d" % \
    # end if    
    del img_array_out
    del image_8bit
    del im
Exemple #3
img_array = np.empty(data_size, dtype=np.uint16)
img_array2 = np.empty(data_size, dtype=np.uint16)
beadpos_xcol = np.empty(MAX_BEADS_PERFRAME, dtype=np.uint16)
beadpos_yrow = np.empty(MAX_BEADS_PERFRAME, dtype=np.uint16)
segmask_image =  np.empty(data_size, dtype=np.uint16)



PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, .35,80,my_color)
#invert for images where beads are lighter than background
img_array = 16383 - img_array # invert the 14 bit image
num_beads = FO.find_objects(1000, 1000, \
                            img_array, \
                            beadpos_xcol, beadpos_yrow, \
print("The number of beads found: %d" % num_beads)
MapFunc.convertPicPNG2(segmask_image*65535, 0,2)
#MapFunc.convertPicPNG(segmask_image*65535+img_array, 0,3)

print("phase ONE complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
Exemple #4
def find():
    This function:
    1) Takes all images, saves with labels "_before" for all
    2) Then finds all the objects of one color "mycolor", 
        a) takes the images averaging over "frames" images
        a) finds all objects
        b) prints out a bunch of bead position values found in the image
    3) creates an overlay image putting the "mycolor" object centroids on top 
        of the raw images of the composite of all colors and saves a png
        of 'colorsnap-'+'find_overlay_' + my_color +'_before' + ".png
    # declare all globals for function
    global img_array
    global img_array_float
    global img_array_flat

    global beadpos_xcol
    global beadpos_yrow
    global segmask_image
    global exposures
    global gains
    global colors
    global frames
    global num_beads
    global my_color
    global my_color_ind
    global MapFunc
    global MaestroF
    num_beads = 0
    DO NOT Home the filter wheel!!! In between sequencing and releasing 
    This destroys the mapping, since the filter whell cannot reapeatedly home
    To the same postion
    snapAllPics(exposures, gains, "_before")
    for i in range(frames): 
        PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, \
                        exposures[my_color_ind], \
                        gains[my_color_ind] , \
        img_array_float += img_array.astype(np.float)
    # end for
    img_array_out = (img_array_float/frames).astype(np.uint16) 
    img_array_float *= 0 # reset accumulator
    #invert for images where beads are lighter than background
    IT.flatten_image(1000, 1000, img_array_out, img_array_flat,1)
    img_array_flat = 16383 - img_array_flat # invert the 14 bit image
    num_beads = FO.find_objects(1000, 1000, \
                                img_array_flat, \
                                beadpos_xcol, beadpos_yrow, \
    print("The number of beads found: %d" % num_beads)
    MapFunc.convertPicPNG2(segmask_image*65535, 0,2)
    print("phase ONE complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
    print("value at 1st point: %d at point %d, %d" % \
           (img_array_out[beadpos_xcol[0]+1000*beadpos_yrow[0]], \
            beadpos_xcol[0], beadpos_yrow[0]))
    print("value at 2nd point: %d at point %d, %d" % \ 
            (img_array_out[beadpos_xcol[1]+1000*beadpos_yrow[1]], \
             beadpos_xcol[1], beadpos_yrow[1]))
    print("value at 3rd point: %d at point %d, %d" % \
            (img_array_out[beadpos_xcol[2]+1000*beadpos_yrow[2]], \
            beadpos_xcol[2], beadpos_yrow[2]))
    #PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    imG = Image.open("map_0_1" +".png") # just beads
    imB = Image.open("map_0_2" +".png") # the found beads
    im = Image.new('RGB', (1000,1000))
    pix = im.load()
    pixG = imG.load()
    pixB = imB.load()

    for i in range(1000):
        for j in range(1000):
            pix[i,j] = (0,pixG[i,j],pixB[i,j]) #px = -238501 
        # end for
    # end for
    im.save("color_overlay_orig" +".png", "png")
    saves the pretaken raw 14bit image as an 8 bit greyscale PNG
    by shifting out 6 bits
    shape = (1000, 1000)
    img_1D_list = []
    for c in colors:
        img_file = open('colorsnap-'+c+'_before' +'.raw', 'rb')
        # load a 1000000 length array
        img_array_1D = np.fromfile(file=img_file, dtype=np.uint16)
        del img_array_1D
    # end for
    # R = cy5, G = cy3, B = txRed
    # yellow = fam ==> RGB:255,255,0
    img_total = (img_1D_list[1] + \
                img_1D_list[2] + \
    img_3D = np.dstack([img_total, \
                        16383*segmask_image.reshape(shape), \
    img_8bit = (img_3D >> 6).astype(np.uint8)
    #im = Image.fromarray(img_8bit.reshape(-1,1000*3),'RGB')
    im = Image.fromarray(img_8bit,'RGB')
    im.save('colorsnap-'+'find_overlay_' + my_color +'_before' + ".png", "png")
    # clean house
    del img_array_out
    del img_total
    del img_3D
    del img_8bit
    del im
    del shape
    del img_1D_list
Exemple #5
    def mapGen(self, test_me = False):
        This function generates the mapping it:
        1)  loads the points to illuminate
        2)  generates a image for the DMD based on said coordinates
        3)  illuminates the image
        4) takes a picture
        5) copies the picture from the frame buffer
        6) finds the illuminated points in the camera coordinates
        7) generates a mapping to the DMD using a pseudoinverse
        8) writes the mapping to class memory
        9) writes the mapping to file
        Polonator_IlluminateFunctions is SWIGed as follows
        Illuminate and Hardware coordinates are mapped using the SWIG 
        This allows you to access an array of Coordinates in C and python
        as follows once the IlluminateCoords_type struct is also interfaced
        in SWIG :

        new_coordArray(int size) -- creates an array of size
        delete_coordArray(IlluminateCoords_type * arry) -- deletes and array
        coordArray_get_x(IlluminateCoords_type *c_xy, int i)  -- gets an value
        coordArray_set_x(IlluminateCoords_type *c_xy, int i, signed short
        int val) -- sets a value
        ptr_coordArray(IlluminateCoords_type *c_xy, int i)  returns a
        pointer to an index
        get points for bitmap and load them SWIG style
        mapping_basis is just a list of points to to illuminate to
        generate a good and sufficient mapping basis coordinates are given
        as a range from -1 to 1 with 0,0 being the image center
        MF = self.MF
        print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: opening frame buffer\n")
        mapping_basis = open(MF.config_dir +'/mapping_basis.coordinates')
        print(  "STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: getting list of points \
                to illuminate from file\n")
        idx = -1
        num_points = 0
        for line in mapping_basis:
            if line[0] != '#':   
                # '#' is reserved for comments on a separate line
                basis_coordinate = line.split()  # tab delimited fields
                if basis_coordinate[0] == 'number':  
                    # this is the number of basis points we need to illuminate
                    num_points = int(basis_coordinate[1])
                    idx = num_points 
                    # this creates the array of coordinates to illuminate
                    points_to_illum_x = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    # this is the array containing the found points on the CCD
                    points_found_x = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    points_to_illum_y = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    points_found_y = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    # write coordinates in reverse
                    idx = idx - 1
                    print("number of Points to Illuminate: " + str(num_points))
                elif (basis_coordinate[0] == 'XY') and (idx > -1):
                # make sure its tagged as a coordinate and the index is positive
                    # scale to dimensions of the DMD
                    bc_x = int( float(MF.IlluminateWidth)/2 \
                                *float(basis_coordinate[1]) ) \
                                + (float(MF.IlluminateWidth)-1)/2
                    bc_y = int( float(MF.IlluminateHeight)/2 \
                                *float(basis_coordinate[2]) ) \
                                + (float(MF.IlluminateHeight)-1)/2
                    print("read(%d,%d)\n" % (bc_x, bc_y))
                    points_to_illum_x[idx] = bc_x
                    points_to_illum_y[idx] = bc_y  
                    idx = idx - 1
                #end if
            #end if
        #end for

            Set up imaging
        MaestroF = MF.MaestroF
            set up release hardware

        num_sub = 0 # keeps track of not found points
        data_size = 1000000
        img_array = numpy.empty(data_size, dtype=numpy.uint16)
        #img_array_out = numpy.empty(data_size, dtype=numpy.uint16)
        img_array_float = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=numpy.float)
        for idx in range(num_points):
            # generate bitmap
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: clearing frame buffer\n")
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: creating mask\n")
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: generating one image of with ' + \
                    'one pixel\n")
            PI.py_illuminate_point( int(points_to_illum_x[idx]),\
            # illuminate just ONE spot
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: illuminating one point\n")
            print("illuminating (%d,%d)\n" % \
                    (int(points_to_illum_x[idx]), int(points_to_illum_y[idx])))
            PI.py_illuminate_expose()    # turn on the frame buffer

            # analyze image for centroid
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: taking picture \
                    of one illuminated point\n")

            # take a picture and get a pointer to the picture
            frames = 5
            for i in range(frames): 
                PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, MF.expose,MF.gain,"spare")
                # sum accumulator
                img_array_float += img_array.astype(numpy.float) 
            # end for
            # average over frames
            img_array_out = (img_array_float/frames).astype(numpy.uint16) 
            img_array_float *= 0 # reset accumulator
            self.convertPicPNG(img_array_out, \
                                points_to_illum_x[idx], points_to_illum_y[idx])
            # read in the config file.  must be formated correctly
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: find illuminated point\n")

            # SWIGged function for finding the centroid
            # doing array[x:x+1] returns a pointer to an index x in an array 
            # essentially in numpy
            a = points_found_x[idx:idx+1]
            b = points_found_y[idx:idx+1]
            max_val = PI.py_illuminate_spot_find(img_array_out,a,b)
            if max_val < 100:
                print("point not found")
                num_sub += 1
            # end if
                print("found(%d,%d)" % \ 
                        (points_found_x[idx],points_found_y[idx]) )
            # end else
            # free up memory
            #PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
        #end for
        num_points -= num_sub
        # perform mapping operation
        print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: generating mapping\n")
        PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
        self.generateMapping(points_found_x, points_found_y, \
            points_to_illum_x, points_to_illum_y, num_points)
        for i in range(num_points):
            print("illuminated(%d,%d)" % \
                    (points_to_illum_x[i],points_to_illum_y[i]) )
            print("found(%d,%d)" % (points_found_x[i],points_found_y[i]) )
            print(" ")
        # end for
        print("Finished map generation\n")