Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self.pfd_filename = filename
     infile = open(filename, "rb")
     # See if the .bestprof file is around
         self.bestprof = bestprof(filename+".bestprof")
     except IOError:
         self.bestprof = 0
     swapchar = '<' # this is little-endian
     data = infile.read(5*4)
     testswap = struct.unpack(swapchar+"i"*5, data)
     # This is a hack to try and test the endianness of the data.
     # None of the 5 values should be a large positive number.
     if (Num.fabs(Num.asarray(testswap))).max() > 100000:
         swapchar = '>' # this is big-endian
     (self.numdms, self.numperiods, self.numpdots, self.nsub, self.npart) = \
                   struct.unpack(swapchar+"i"*5, data)
     (self.proflen, self.numchan, self.pstep, self.pdstep, self.dmstep, \
      self.ndmfact, self.npfact) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"i"*7, infile.read(7*4))
     self.filenm = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     self.candnm = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     self.telescope = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     self.pgdev = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     test = infile.read(16)
     if not test[:8]=="Unknown":
         self.rastr = test[:test.find('\0')]
         test = infile.read(16)
         self.decstr = test[:test.find('\0')]
         self.rastr = "Unknown"
         self.decstr = "Unknown"
     (self.dt, self.startT) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"dd", infile.read(2*8))
     (self.endT, self.tepoch, self.bepoch, self.avgvoverc, self.lofreq, \
      self.chan_wid, self.bestdm) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*7, infile.read(7*8))
     # The following "fixes" (we think) the observing frequency of the Spigot
     # based on tests done by Ingrid on 0737 (comparing it to GASP)
     # The same sorts of corrections should be made to WAPP data as well...
     # The tepoch corrections are empirically determined timing corrections
     # Note that epoch is only double precision and so the floating
     # point accuracy is ~1 us!
     if self.telescope=='GBT':
         if (Num.fabs(Num.fmod(self.dt, 8.192e-05) < 1e-12) and \
             ("spigot" in filename.lower() or "guppi" not in filename.lower()) and \
             (self.tepoch < 54832.0)):
             sys.stderr.write("Assuming SPIGOT data...\n")
             if self.chan_wid==800.0/1024: # Spigot 800 MHz mode 2
                 self.lofreq -= 0.5 * self.chan_wid
                 # original values
                 #if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039334/86400.0
                 #if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039334/86400.0
                 # values measured with 1713+0747 wrt BCPM2 on 13 Sept 2007
                 if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039365/86400.0
                 if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039365/86400.0
             elif self.chan_wid==800.0/2048:
                 self.lofreq -= 0.5 * self.chan_wid
                 if self.tepoch < 53700.0:  # Spigot 800 MHz mode 16 (downsampled)
                     if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039352/86400.0
                     if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039352/86400.0
                 else:  # Spigot 800 MHz mode 14
                     # values measured with 1713+0747 wrt BCPM2 on 13 Sept 2007
                     if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039365/86400.0
                     if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039365/86400.0
             elif self.chan_wid==50.0/1024 or self.chan_wid==50.0/2048: # Spigot 50 MHz modes
                 self.lofreq += 0.5 * self.chan_wid
                 # Note: the offset has _not_ been measured for the 2048-lag mode
                 if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039450/86400.0
                 if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039450/86400.0
     (self.topo_pow, tmp) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"f"*2, infile.read(2*4))
     (self.topo_p1, self.topo_p2, self.topo_p3) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*3, \
     (self.bary_pow, tmp) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"f"*2, infile.read(2*4))
     (self.bary_p1, self.bary_p2, self.bary_p3) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*3, \
     (self.fold_pow, tmp) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"f"*2, infile.read(2*4))
     (self.fold_p1, self.fold_p2, self.fold_p3) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*3, \
     # Save current p, pd, pdd
     # NOTE: Fold values are actually frequencies!
     self.curr_p1, self.curr_p2, self.curr_p3 = \
             psr_utils.p_to_f(self.fold_p1, self.fold_p2, self.fold_p3)
     self.pdelays_bins = Num.zeros(self.npart, dtype='d')
     (self.orb_p, self.orb_e, self.orb_x, self.orb_w, self.orb_t, self.orb_pd, \
      self.orb_wd) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*7, infile.read(7*8))
     self.dms = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numdms, \
     if self.numdms==1:
         self.dms = self.dms[0]
     self.periods = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numperiods, \
     self.pdots = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numpdots, \
     self.numprofs = self.nsub*self.npart
     if (swapchar=='<'):  # little endian
         self.profs = Num.zeros((self.npart, self.nsub, self.proflen), dtype='d')
         for ii in range(self.npart):
             for jj in range(self.nsub):
                 self.profs[ii,jj,:] = Num.fromfile(infile, Num.float64, self.proflen)
         self.profs = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numprofs*self.proflen, \
         self.profs = Num.reshape(self.profs, (self.npart, self.nsub, self.proflen))
     if (self.numchan==1):
             idata = infodata.infodata(self.filenm[:self.filenm.rfind('.')]+".inf")
                 if idata.waveband=="Radio":
                     self.bestdm = idata.DM
                     self.numchan = idata.numchan
                     self.bestdm = 0.0
                     self.numchan = 1
         except IOError:
             print "Warning!  Can't open the .inf file for "+filename+"!"
     self.binspersec = self.fold_p1*self.proflen
     self.chanpersub = self.numchan/self.nsub
     self.subdeltafreq = self.chan_wid*self.chanpersub
     self.hifreq = self.lofreq + (self.numchan-1)*self.chan_wid
     self.losubfreq = self.lofreq + self.subdeltafreq - self.chan_wid
     self.subfreqs = Num.arange(self.nsub, dtype='d')*self.subdeltafreq + \
     self.subdelays_bins = Num.zeros(self.nsub, dtype='d')
     # Save current DM
     self.currdm = 0
     self.killed_subbands = []
     self.killed_intervals = []
     self.pts_per_fold = []
     # Note: a foldstats struct is read in as a group of 7 doubles
     # the correspond to, in order:
     #    numdata, data_avg, data_var, numprof, prof_avg, prof_var, redchi
     self.stats = Num.zeros((self.npart, self.nsub, 7), dtype='d')
     for ii in range(self.npart):
         currentstats = self.stats[ii]
         for jj in range(self.nsub):
             if (swapchar=='<'):  # little endian
                 currentstats[jj] = Num.fromfile(infile, Num.float64, 7)
                 currentstats[jj] = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*7, \
         self.pts_per_fold.append(self.stats[ii][0][0])  # numdata from foldstats
     self.start_secs = Num.add.accumulate([0]+self.pts_per_fold[:-1])*self.dt
     self.pts_per_fold = Num.asarray(self.pts_per_fold)
     self.mid_secs = self.start_secs + 0.5*self.dt*self.pts_per_fold
     if (not self.tepoch==0.0):
         self.start_topo_MJDs = self.start_secs/86400.0 + self.tepoch
         self.mid_topo_MJDs = self.mid_secs/86400.0 + self.tepoch
     if (not self.bepoch==0.0):
         self.start_bary_MJDs = self.start_secs/86400.0 + self.bepoch
         self.mid_bary_MJDs = self.mid_secs/86400.0 + self.bepoch
     self.Nfolded = Num.add.reduce(self.pts_per_fold)
     self.T = self.Nfolded*self.dt
     self.avgprof = (self.profs/self.proflen).sum()
     self.varprof = self.calc_varprof()
     # nominal number of degrees of freedom for reduced chi^2 calculation
     self.DOFnom = float(self.proflen) - 1.0
     # corrected number of degrees of freedom due to inter-bin correlations
     self.dt_per_bin = self.curr_p1 / self.proflen / self.dt
     self.DOFcor = self.DOFnom * self.DOF_corr()
     self.barysubfreqs = None
     if self.avgvoverc==0:
         if self.candnm.startswith("PSR_"):
             # If this doesn't work, we should try to use the barycentering calcs
             # in the presto module.
                 self.polycos = polycos.polycos(self.candnm[4:],
                 midMJD = self.tepoch + 0.5*self.T/86400.0
                 self.avgvoverc = self.polycos.get_voverc(int(midMJD), midMJD-int(midMJD))
                 #sys.stderr.write("Approximate Doppler velocity (in c) is:  %.4g\n"%self.avgvoverc)
                 # Make the Doppler correction
                 self.barysubfreqs = self.subfreqs*(1.0+self.avgvoverc)
             except IOError:
                 self.polycos = 0
     if self.barysubfreqs is None:
         self.barysubfreqs = self.subfreqs
Exemple #2
    # Determine the Telescope used
    if (not fold.topo):
        obs = '@'  # Solarsystem Barycenter
        try: obs = scopes[fold_pfd.telescope.split()[0]]
        except KeyError:  print "Unknown telescope!!!"

    # Read the polyco file (if required)
    if (fold.psr and fold.topo):
        if (fold_pfd.__dict__.has_key("polycos") and
            not fold_pfd.polycos==0):
            pcs = fold_pfd.polycos
            pcs = polycos(fold.psr, sys.argv[-1]+".polycos")
        (fold.phs0, fold.f0) = pcs.get_phs_and_freq(fold.epochi, fold.epochf)
        fold.f1 = fold.f2 = 0.0
        pcs = None
        fold.phs0 = 0.0
        (fold.f0, fold.f1, fold.f2) = psr_utils.p_to_f(fold.p0, fold.p1, fold.p2)

    # Calculate the TOAs

    for ii in range(numtoas):

        # The .pfd file was generated using -nosearch and a specified
        # folding period, p-dot, and p-dotdot (or f, f-dot, and f-dotdot).
Exemple #3
            if t2format:
                obs = scopes2[fold_pfd.telescope.split()[0]]
                obs = scopes[fold_pfd.telescope.split()[0]]
        except KeyError:
            sys.stderr.write("Unknown telescope!!! : " + fold_pfd.telescope)

    # Read the polyco file (if required)
    if (fold.psr and fold.topo):
        if (fold_pfd.__dict__.has_key("polycos")
                and not fold_pfd.polycos == 0):
            pcs = fold_pfd.polycos
            pcs = polycos(fold.psr, sys.argv[-1] + ".polycos")
        (fold.phs0, fold.f0) = pcs.get_phs_and_freq(fold.epochi, fold.epochf)
        fold.f1 = fold.f2 = 0.0
        pcs = None
        fold.phs0 = 0.0
        (fold.f0, fold.f1, fold.f2) = psr_utils.p_to_f(fold.p0, fold.p1,

    # Calculate the TOAs

    if t2format:
        print "FORMAT 1"
Exemple #4
 def __init__(self, filename):
     self.pfd_filename = filename
     infile = open(filename, "rb")
     # See if the .bestprof file is around
         self.bestprof = bestprof(filename+".bestprof")
     except IOError:
         self.bestprof = 0
     swapchar = '<' # this is little-endian
     data = infile.read(5*4)
     testswap = struct.unpack(swapchar+"i"*5, data)
     # This is a hack to try and test the endianness of the data.
     # None of the 5 values should be a large positive number.
     if (Num.fabs(Num.asarray(testswap))).max() > 100000:
         swapchar = '>' # this is big-endian
     (self.numdms, self.numperiods, self.numpdots, self.nsub, self.npart) = \
                   struct.unpack(swapchar+"i"*5, data)
     (self.proflen, self.numchan, self.pstep, self.pdstep, self.dmstep, \
      self.ndmfact, self.npfact) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"i"*7, infile.read(7*4))
     self.filenm = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     self.candnm = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     self.telescope = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     self.pgdev = infile.read(struct.unpack(swapchar+"i", infile.read(4))[0])
     test = infile.read(16)
     has_posn = 1
     for ii in range(16):
         if test[ii] not in '0123456789:.-\0':
             has_posn = 0
     if has_posn:
         self.rastr = test[:test.find('\0')]
         test = infile.read(16)
         self.decstr = test[:test.find('\0')]
         (self.dt, self.startT) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"dd", infile.read(2*8))
         self.rastr = "Unknown"
         self.decstr = "Unknown"
         (self.dt, self.startT) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"dd", test)
     (self.endT, self.tepoch, self.bepoch, self.avgvoverc, self.lofreq, \
      self.chan_wid, self.bestdm) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*7, infile.read(7*8))
     # The following "fixes" (we think) the observing frequency of the Spigot
     # based on tests done by Ingrid on 0737 (comparing it to GASP)
     # The same sorts of corrections should be made to WAPP data as well...
     # The tepoch corrections are empirically determined timing corrections
     # Note that epoch is only double precision and so the floating
     # point accuracy is ~1 us!
     if self.telescope=='GBT':
         if (Num.fabs(Num.fmod(self.dt, 8.192e-05) < 1e-12) and \
             ("spigot" in filename.lower() or "guppi" not in filename.lower()) and \
             (self.tepoch < 54832.0)):
             sys.stderr.write("Assuming SPIGOT data...\n")
             if self.chan_wid==800.0/1024: # Spigot 800 MHz mode 2
                 self.lofreq -= 0.5 * self.chan_wid
                 # original values
                 #if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039334/86400.0
                 #if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039334/86400.0
                 # values measured with 1713+0747 wrt BCPM2 on 13 Sept 2007
                 if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039365/86400.0
                 if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039365/86400.0
             elif self.chan_wid==800.0/2048:
                 self.lofreq -= 0.5 * self.chan_wid 
                 if self.tepoch < 53700.0:  # Spigot 800 MHz mode 16 (downsampled)
                     if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039352/86400.0
                     if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039352/86400.0
                 else:  # Spigot 800 MHz mode 14 
                     # values measured with 1713+0747 wrt BCPM2 on 13 Sept 2007
                     if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039365/86400.0
                     if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039365/86400.0
             elif self.chan_wid==50.0/1024 or self.chan_wid==50.0/2048: # Spigot 50 MHz modes
                 self.lofreq += 0.5 * self.chan_wid
                 # Note: the offset has _not_ been measured for the 2048-lag mode
                 if self.tepoch > 0.0: self.tepoch += 0.039450/86400.0
                 if self.bestprof: self.bestprof.epochf += 0.039450/86400.0
     (self.topo_pow, tmp) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"f"*2, infile.read(2*4))
     (self.topo_p1, self.topo_p2, self.topo_p3) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*3, \
     (self.bary_pow, tmp) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"f"*2, infile.read(2*4))
     (self.bary_p1, self.bary_p2, self.bary_p3) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*3, \
     (self.fold_pow, tmp) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"f"*2, infile.read(2*4))
     (self.fold_p1, self.fold_p2, self.fold_p3) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*3, \
     # Save current p, pd, pdd
     # NOTE: Fold values are actually frequencies!
     self.curr_p1, self.curr_p2, self.curr_p3 = \
             psr_utils.p_to_f(self.fold_p1, self.fold_p2, self.fold_p3)
     self.pdelays_bins = Num.zeros(self.npart, dtype='d')
     (self.orb_p, self.orb_e, self.orb_x, self.orb_w, self.orb_t, self.orb_pd, \
      self.orb_wd) = struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*7, infile.read(7*8))
     self.dms = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numdms, \
     if self.numdms==1:
         self.dms = self.dms[0]
     self.periods = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numperiods, \
     self.pdots = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numpdots, \
     self.numprofs = self.nsub*self.npart
     if (swapchar=='<'):  # little endian
         self.profs = Num.zeros((self.npart, self.nsub, self.proflen), dtype='d')
         for ii in range(self.npart):
             for jj in range(self.nsub):
                 self.profs[ii,jj,:] = Num.fromfile(infile, Num.float64, self.proflen)
         self.profs = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*self.numprofs*self.proflen, \
         self.profs = Num.reshape(self.profs, (self.npart, self.nsub, self.proflen))
     if (self.numchan==1):
             idata = infodata.infodata(self.filenm[:self.filenm.rfind('.')]+".inf")
             if idata.waveband=="Radio":
                 self.bestdm = idata.DM
                 self.numchan = idata.numchan
             else: # i.e. for events
                 self.bestdm = 0.0
                 self.numchan = 1
         except IOError:
             print "Warning!  Can't open the .inf file for "+filename+"!"
     self.binspersec = self.fold_p1*self.proflen
     self.chanpersub = self.numchan/self.nsub
     self.subdeltafreq = self.chan_wid*self.chanpersub
     self.hifreq = self.lofreq + (self.numchan-1)*self.chan_wid
     self.losubfreq = self.lofreq + self.subdeltafreq - self.chan_wid
     self.subfreqs = Num.arange(self.nsub, dtype='d')*self.subdeltafreq + \
     self.subdelays_bins = Num.zeros(self.nsub, dtype='d')
     # Save current DM
     self.currdm = 0
     self.killed_subbands = []
     self.killed_intervals = []
     self.pts_per_fold = []
     # Note: a foldstats struct is read in as a group of 7 doubles
     # the correspond to, in order: 
     #    numdata, data_avg, data_var, numprof, prof_avg, prof_var, redchi
     self.stats = Num.zeros((self.npart, self.nsub, 7), dtype='d')
     for ii in range(self.npart):
         currentstats = self.stats[ii]
         for jj in range(self.nsub):
             if (swapchar=='<'):  # little endian
                 currentstats[jj] = Num.fromfile(infile, Num.float64, 7)
                 currentstats[jj] = Num.asarray(struct.unpack(swapchar+"d"*7, \
         self.pts_per_fold.append(self.stats[ii][0][0])  # numdata from foldstats
     self.start_secs = Num.add.accumulate([0]+self.pts_per_fold[:-1])*self.dt
     self.pts_per_fold = Num.asarray(self.pts_per_fold)
     self.mid_secs = self.start_secs + 0.5*self.dt*self.pts_per_fold
     if (not self.tepoch==0.0):
         self.start_topo_MJDs = self.start_secs/86400.0 + self.tepoch
         self.mid_topo_MJDs = self.mid_secs/86400.0 + self.tepoch
     if (not self.bepoch==0.0):
         self.start_bary_MJDs = self.start_secs/86400.0 + self.bepoch
         self.mid_bary_MJDs = self.mid_secs/86400.0 + self.bepoch
     self.Nfolded = Num.add.reduce(self.pts_per_fold)
     self.T = self.Nfolded*self.dt
     self.avgprof = (self.profs/self.proflen).sum()
     self.varprof = self.calc_varprof()
     self.barysubfreqs = None
     if self.avgvoverc==0:
         if self.candnm.startswith("PSR_"):
             # If this doesn't work, we should try to use the barycentering calcs
             # in the presto module.
                 self.polycos = polycos.polycos(self.candnm[4:],
                 midMJD = self.tepoch + 0.5*self.T/86400.0
                 self.avgvoverc = self.polycos.get_voverc(int(midMJD), midMJD-int(midMJD))
                 #sys.stderr.write("Approximate Doppler velocity (in c) is:  %.4g\n"%self.avgvoverc)
                 # Make the Doppler correction
                 self.barysubfreqs = self.subfreqs*(1.0+self.avgvoverc)
             except IOError:
                 self.polycos = 0
     if self.barysubfreqs is None:
         self.barysubfreqs = self.subfreqs
Exemple #5
	cfreq = id.lofreq
	totbw = id.BW
	chanbw = id.chan_width
	freq = cfreq + totbw - chanbw     # central freq of the highest channel
                                          # prepdata is dedispersing to higher freq (the highest freq channel gets zero delay)

	# reading .singlepulse file
	dm, sigma, secs = np.loadtxt(spfile, usecols=(0,1,2), comments='#', dtype=float, unpack=True)
	offset, downfact = np.loadtxt(spfile, usecols=(3,4), comments='#', dtype=int, unpack=True)
	if is_col6:
		col6 = np.loadtxt(spfile, usecols=(5,5), comments='#', dtype=str, unpack=True)[0]
	toa = ["%.13f" % (startmjd + (offset[i] * tres)/86400.,) for i in np.arange(np.size(offset))]

	# calculating the phases of pulses 
	if is_phase == True:
		pid=poly.polycos(source, polycofile)
		phase=[pid.get_phs_and_freq(float(t.split(".")[0]), float("0." + t.split(".")[1]))[0] for t in toa]

	# writing the tim-file
	# Princeton format (+ additional extra field is for sigma)
	timfile=inffile.split(".inf")[0] + ".tim"
	if is_tempo2:  # output tim-file is in Tempo2 format
		if is_phase == True:
			if extra != "" or is_col6:
				if not is_col6:
					lines=["%s,%d,%f,%s   %8.3f   %s   %s   %s" % (str(sigma[i]), downfact[i], phase[i], extra, freq, str(toa[i]), str(unc), obscode) for i in np.arange(np.size(offset))]
					if extra == "":
						lines=["%s,%d,%f,%s   %8.3f   %s   %s   %s" % (str(sigma[i]), downfact[i], phase[i], col6[i], freq, str(toa[i]), str(unc), obscode) for i in np.arange(np.size(offset))]
						lines=["%s,%d,%f,%s,%s   %8.3f   %s   %s   %s" % (str(sigma[i]), downfact[i], phase[i], col6[i], extra, freq, str(toa[i]), str(unc), obscode) for i in np.arange(np.size(offset))]
Exemple #6
			infile = open(datfile, "rb")
			print("Error: Can't read the dat-file '%s'!" % (datfile,))
		dataptr = ar.array('f')  # 'f' - for float
		infile.seek(headersize + 4 * start_sample)  # position to the first byte to read; '4' - is the size of float 
		data = events / 86400.  # converting events to days
		data += startmjd        # converting to MJD
		events -= events[0]     # converting events' time relative to the start of observation

	# Folding the profile
	if not opts.is_timeseries:
		if opts.period == -1:   # Period is not given in the cmdline, so will use polyco file
                	pid=poly.polycos(source, opts.polycofile)
				if not opts.is_events:
                			fold_period = get_period (pid, startmjd)
                			fold_period = get_period (pid, data[0])
				print("Check the name of the pulsar in polyco file '%s' and inf-file '%s'!" % (opts.polycofile, inffile))
				print("If different, try --pulsar option to set the name of pulsar the same as in polyco file.")
			is_update_period = True
			if fold_period <= 0:
				print("Computed fold period is bad: %f. Check your polyco and/or MJD!" % (float(fold_period)))
		else: # period is given
			fold_period = opts.period / 1000.