def __init__(self, class_id=0, track_id=0, polygon=Polygon(), bbox=Bbox(), keypoints=Keypoints()): self.class_id = class_id self.track_id = track_id self.polygon = polygon self.bbox = bbox self.keypoints = keypoints
def detect_single_image(self, image_path, crop_area=None): img ='RGB') W, H = img.size # Cropping if crop_area is None: crop_area = (0, 0, W, H) x_crop, y_crop, w_crop, h_crop = crop_area margin = 0.03 * max(W, H) # 3% margin detections = [] # Number of repeated cropping areas to span the entire image n_left = math.ceil(x_crop / w_crop) n_right = math.ceil((W - (x_crop + w_crop)) / w_crop) n_top = math.ceil(y_crop / h_crop) n_bottom = math.ceil((H - (y_crop + h_crop)) / h_crop) for i in range(-n_top, 1 + n_bottom): for j in range(-n_left, 1 + n_right): crop_area = (x_crop + j * w_crop - margin, y_crop + i * h_crop - margin, x_crop + j * w_crop + w_crop + margin, y_crop + i * h_crop + h_crop + margin) print(i, j, crop_area) img_crop = img.crop(crop_area) sized = letterbox_image(img_crop, self.model.width, self.model.height) start = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): boxes = do_detect(self.model, sized, 0.5, 0.4, self.use_cuda) self.correct_yolo_boxes(boxes, W, H, self.model.width, self.model.height, crop_area) finish = time.time() print('%s: Predicted in %f seconds.' % (image_path, (finish - start))) detections.extend([ Detection(class_id=self.yolo_to_coco_class(b[6].item()), track_id=i, bbox=Bbox((b[0] - b[2] / 2).item() * W, (b[1] - b[3] / 2).item() * H, b[2].item() * W, b[3].item() * H)) for i, b in enumerate(boxes) ]) return detections
def track(self, img): self.state = siamese_track(self.state, img, mask_enable=False, refine_enable=False, use_cuda=self.use_cuda, preprocessed=True) bbox = Bbox.from_center_size(self.state['target_pos'], self.state['target_sz']) polygon = Polygon(self.state['ploygon'].flatten() ) if self.state['ploygon'] else Polygon() return bbox, polygon
def keypoints_to_bbox(kps): x, y, v = kps[0::3], kps[1::3], kps[2::3] x, y = x[v > 0], y[v > 0] x1, y1, x2, y2 = np.min(x), np.min(y), np.max(x), np.max(y) return Bbox(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
def receive_bbox(self): data = self.request.recv(1024) bbox = pickle.loads(data) return Bbox(*bbox)
def from_df(row): bbox = Bbox(row.x, row.y, row.w, row.h) return Detection(row.class_id, row.track_id, Polygon.from_str(row.polygon), bbox, Keypoints.from_str(
def from_json(data): return Detection(data["class_id"], data["track_id"], Polygon(data["polygon"]), Bbox(*data["bbox"]), Keypoints(data["keypoints"]))