Exemple #1
def test_multi_dim():
    with pm.Node(name="elem4") as graph:
        m = pm.parameter(name="m")
        n = pm.parameter(name="n")
        x = pm.input("x", shape=(m, n))
        w = pm.state("w", shape=(m, n))
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        j = pm.index(0, n - 1, name="j")
        w[i, j] = (w[i, j] * x[i, j])
    m_ = 3
    n_ = 4
    x_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_ * n_).reshape((m_, n_))
    w_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_ * n_).reshape((m_, n_))
    coarse_eval = graph("w", x=x_, w=w_)
    np_result = x_ * w_
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval, np_result)
    shape_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": m_, "n": n_})
    graph_shapes = shape_pass(graph)
    shape_res = graph_shapes("w", x=x_, w=w_)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(shape_res, np_result)
    lower_pass = Lower({})
    lowered_graph = lower_pass(graph_shapes)
    input_info = {}
    for i in range(m_):
        for j in range(n_):
            input_info[f"w/w({i}, {j})"] = w_[i, j]
            input_info[f"x/x({i}, {j})"] = x_[i, j]

    fine_grained_eval = lowered_graph("w/w(2, 3)", input_info)
    assert fine_grained_eval == np_result[2, 3]
Exemple #2
def test_flatten_result_length():
    with pm.Node(name="linear_reg") as graph:
        m = pm.placeholder("m", type_modifier="param")
        x = pm.placeholder("x", shape=(m), type_modifier="input")
        y = pm.placeholder("y", type_modifier="input")
        w = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(m), type_modifier="state")
        mu = pm.placeholder("mu", default_val=1.0, type_modifier="param")
        i = pm.index(0, (m - 1).set_name("m-1")).set_name("i")
        h = pm.sum([i], (x[i] * w[i]).set_name("x*w"), name="h")
        d = (h - y).set_name("h-y")
        g = (d * x[i]).set_name("d*x")
        w_ = (w[i] - (mu * g[i]).set_name("mu*g")).set_name(("w_out"))

    shape_val_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": 3})
    count_pass = CountNodes()
    flatten_pass = Lower({})

    new_graph = shape_val_pass(graph)

    flattened_g = flatten_pass(new_graph)
    x = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10)
    y = np.random.randint(0, 10, 1)[0]
    w = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10)

    orig_graph = count_pass(flattened_g)
Exemple #3
def test_single_dim_op_slice():
    with pm.Node(name="elem3") as graph:
        m = pm.parameter(name="m")
        x = pm.input("x", shape=m)
        w = pm.state("w", shape=m)
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        out = (w[i] * x[i])
        w[i] = (out[i] - w[i])

    m_ = 3
    x_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_)
    w_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_)

    coarse_eval = graph("w", x=x_, w=w_)
    np_result = x_ * w_ - w_
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval, np_result)

    shape_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": 3})
    graph_shapes = shape_pass(graph)
    shape_res = graph_shapes("w", x=x_, w=w_)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(shape_res, np_result)
    lower_pass = Lower({})
    lowered_graph = lower_pass(graph_shapes)
    input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))}
    input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))})
    fine_grained_eval = lowered_graph("w/w(2,)", input_info)
    assert fine_grained_eval == np_result[2]
Exemple #4
def test_single_dim_norm():
    with pm.Node(name="elem1") as graph:
        m = pm.parameter("m")
        x = pm.input("x", shape=m)
        w = pm.state("w", shape=m)
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        w[i] = (w[i] * x[i])
    x_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, 3)
    w_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, 3)
    coarse_eval = graph("w", x=x_, w=w_)

    np_result = x_ * w_
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval, np_result)
    shape_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": 3})
    graph_shapes = shape_pass(graph)

    shape_res = graph_shapes("w", x=x_, w=w_)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(shape_res, np_result)
    lower_pass = Lower({})
    lowered_graph = lower_pass(graph_shapes)
    input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))}
    input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))})
    fine_grained_eval = lowered_graph("w/w(1,)", input_info)

    assert fine_grained_eval == np_result[1]

    pb_path = f"{OUTPATH}/{graph.name}.srdfg"
    pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, OUTPATH)
    loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path)
    input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))}
    input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))})
    fine_grained_eval = loaded_node("w/w(1,)", input_info)
    assert fine_grained_eval == np_result[1]
Exemple #5
def test_multi_dim_op_slice():
    with pm.Node(name="elem2") as graph:
        m = pm.parameter(name="m")
        n = pm.parameter(name="n")
        mu = pm.parameter(name="mu", default=2.0)
        x = pm.input(name="x", shape=(m, n))
        w = pm.state(name="w", shape=(m, n))
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        j = pm.index(0, n - 1, name="j")
        out = (x[i, j] * w[i, j]).set_name("w_out")
        w[i, j] = (mu * (out[i, j] - w[i, j]))
    m_ = 3
    n_ = 2
    x_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_ * n_).reshape((m_, n_))
    w_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_ * n_).reshape((m_, n_))
    coarse_eval = graph("w", x=x_, w=w_)
    np_result = (x_ * w_ - w_) * 2.0
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval, np_result)
    shape_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": m_, "n": n_})
    graph_shapes = shape_pass(graph)
    shape_res = graph_shapes("w", x=x_, w=w_)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(shape_res, np_result)
    lower_pass = Lower({})
    lowered_graph = lower_pass(graph_shapes)
    input_info = {}
    for i in range(m_):
        for j in range(n_):
            input_info[f"w/w({i}, {j})"] = w_[i, j]
            input_info[f"x/x({i}, {j})"] = x_[i, j]
    fine_grained_eval = lowered_graph("w/w(2, 1)", input_info)
    assert fine_grained_eval == np_result[2, 1]
def test_linear_reg():
    m_ = 3
    graph, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=True)
    coarse_eval = graph(keys, input_info)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval, out_info["w"])

    fgraph, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=False)
    lower_pass = Lower({})
    lowered_graph = lower_pass(fgraph, {})
    all_vals = lowered_graph(keys, input_info)
    out = np.asarray(all_vals).reshape(out_info["w"].shape)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(out, out_info["w"])
    cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent
    base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples"
    full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs"
    pb_path = f"{full_path}/{graph.name}.srdfg"

    pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, full_path)

    loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path)
    _, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=False)

    loaded_res = loaded_node(keys, input_info)
    out = np.asarray(loaded_res).reshape(out_info["w"].shape)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(out, out_info["w"])
Exemple #7
def test_shape_eval():

    graph = linear_reg_graph_mg()

    shape_val_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": 3})
    flatten_pass = Lower({})
    new_graph = shape_val_pass(graph)
    count_pass = CountNodes()
    orig_graph = count_pass(new_graph)
    assert new_graph["x"].shape == (3, )
Exemple #8
def test_lower_group_op():
    with pm.Node(name="linear_reg1") as graph:
        m = pm.parameter(name="m")
        x = pm.input("x", shape=(m))
        y = pm.input("y")
        w = pm.state("w", shape=(m))
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        h = pm.sum([i], w[i] * x[i], name="h")
    m_ = 3
    n_ = 3
    x_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_)
    w_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, (m_))
    np_result = np.sum(x_ * w_)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(graph("h", {"w": w_, "x": x_}), np_result)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(graph("h", w=w_, x=x_), np_result)
    shape_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": m_, "n": n_})
    graph_shapes = shape_pass(graph)
    shape_res = graph_shapes("h", x=x_, w=w_)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(shape_res, np_result)

    lower_pass = Lower({})
    lowered_graph = lower_pass(graph_shapes)
    input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))}
    input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))})
    fine_grained_eval = lowered_graph("h/h(4,)", input_info)
    assert fine_grained_eval == np_result

    pb_path = f"{OUTPATH}/linear_reg1.srdfg"

    pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, OUTPATH)
    loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path)  #
    input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))}
    input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))})

    loaded_res = loaded_node("h/h(4,)", input_info)

    assert loaded_node.func_hash() == lowered_graph.func_hash()
    assert loaded_res == np_result
def test_reco():
    m_ = 3
    n_ = 3
    k_ = 2
    shape_dict = {"m": n_, "k": k_, "n": n_}
    graph, input_info, out_info, keys = reco(coarse=True, **shape_dict)
    coarse_eval = graph(keys, input_info)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval[0], out_info["w1"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval[1], out_info["w2"])

    fgraph, input_info, out_info, keys = reco(coarse=False, **shape_dict)
    lower_pass = Lower({})
    lowered_graph = lower_pass(fgraph, {})
    all_vals = lowered_graph(keys, input_info)
    w1_elems = np.prod(out_info["w1"].shape)
    w2_elems = np.prod(out_info["w2"].shape)
    out1 = np.asarray(list(all_vals[0:w1_elems])).reshape(out_info["w1"].shape)
    out2 = np.asarray(list(all_vals[w1_elems:])).reshape(out_info["w2"].shape)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(out1, out_info["w1"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(out2, out_info["w2"])
    cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent
    base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples"
    full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs"
    pb_path = f"{full_path}/{graph.name}.srdfg"

    pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, full_path)

    loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path)
    _, input_info, out_info, keys = reco(coarse=False, **shape_dict)

    loaded_res = loaded_node(keys, input_info)
    lres1 = np.asarray(list(loaded_res[0:w1_elems])).reshape(out_info["w1"].shape)
    lres2 = np.asarray(list(loaded_res[w1_elems:])).reshape(out_info["w2"].shape)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(lres1, out_info["w1"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(lres2, out_info["w2"])
Exemple #10
def test_flatten_reco():
    with pm.Node(name="recommender") as graph:
        m = pm.parameter("m")
        n = pm.parameter("n")
        k = pm.parameter("k")
        x1 = pm.input("x1", shape=(k, ))
        x2 = pm.input("x2", shape=(k, ))

        r1 = pm.input("r1", shape=(m, ))
        y1 = pm.input("y1", shape=(m, ))

        r2 = pm.input("r2", shape=(n, ))
        y2 = pm.input("y2", shape=(n, ))

        w1 = pm.state("w1", shape=(m, k))
        w2 = pm.state("w2", shape=(n, k))
        i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i")
        j = pm.index(0, n - 1, name="j")
        l = pm.index(0, k - 1, name="l")
        h1_sum = pm.sum([l], (w1[i, l] *
        h1 = (h1_sum[i] * r1[i]).set_name("h1")
        h2_sum = pm.sum([l], (w2[j, l] *
        h2 = (h2_sum[j] * r2[j]).set_name("h2")

        d1 = (h1[i] - y1[i]).set_name("d1")
        d2 = (h2[j] - y2[j]).set_name("d2")
        g1 = (d1[i] * x2[l]).set_name("g1")
        g2 = (d2[j] * x1[l]).set_name("g2")
        w1[i, l] = (w1[i, l] - g1[i, l])
        w2[j, l] = (w2[j, l] - g2[j, l])
    m_ = 3
    n_ = 3
    k_ = 2
    input_info = {}
    input_info["m"] = m_
    input_info["n"] = n_
    input_info["k"] = k_
    input_info["w1"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, m_ * k_).reshape(m_, k_)
    input_info["w2"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, n_ * k_).reshape(n_, k_)
    input_info["x1"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, k_)
    input_info["x2"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, k_)

    input_info["r1"] = np.random.randint(0, 2, m_)
    input_info["y1"] = np.random.randint(0, 6, m_)
    input_info["r2"] = np.random.randint(0, 2, n_)
    input_info["y2"] = np.random.randint(0, 6, n_)
    out_info = numpy_reco(input_info)
    shape_val_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": m_, "n": n_, "k": k_})
    flatten_pass = Lower({})

    new_graph = shape_val_pass(graph)
    test_res = new_graph(["w1", "w2"], input_info)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(test_res[0], out_info["w1"])
    np.testing.assert_allclose(test_res[1], out_info["w2"])
    flattened_g = flatten_pass(new_graph)
    input_info = {}
    input_info["m"] = m_
    input_info["n"] = n_
    input_info["k"] = k_
    input_info["w1"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, m_ * k_).reshape(m_, k_)
    input_info["w2"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, n_ * k_).reshape(n_, k_)
    input_info["x1"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, k_)
    input_info["x2"] = np.random.randint(1, 6, k_)

    input_info["r1"] = np.random.randint(0, 2, m_)
    input_info["y1"] = np.random.randint(0, 6, m_)
    input_info["r2"] = np.random.randint(0, 2, n_)
    input_info["y2"] = np.random.randint(0, 6, n_)
    new_out_info = numpy_reco(input_info)

    pairs_w1 = list(
        product(*tuple([np.arange(i) for i in input_info["w1"].shape])))
    pairs_w2 = list(
        product(*tuple([np.arange(i) for i in input_info["w2"].shape])))
    w1_init = input_info["w1"]
    for p in pairs_w1:
        input_info[f"w1/w1({p[0]}, {p[1]})"] = input_info["w1"][p]
    w2_init = input_info["w2"]

    for p in pairs_w2:
        input_info[f"w2/w2({p[0]}, {p[1]})"] = input_info["w2"][p]

    for p in range(k_):
        input_info[f"x1/x1({p},)"] = input_info["x1"][p]
        input_info[f"x2/x2({p},)"] = input_info["x2"][p]

    for p in range(m_):
        input_info[f"r1/r1({p},)"] = input_info["r1"][p]
        input_info[f"y1/y1({p},)"] = input_info["y1"][p]

    for p in range(n_):
        input_info[f"r2/r2({p},)"] = input_info["r2"][p]
        input_info[f"y2/y2({p},)"] = input_info["y2"][p]

    w1_keys = [f"w1/w1({p[0]}, {p[1]})" for p in pairs_w1]
    w2_keys = [f"w2/w2({p[0]}, {p[1]})" for p in pairs_w2]

    all_vals = flattened_g(w1_keys + w2_keys, input_info)
    out1 = np.asarray(list(all_vals[0:6])).reshape(new_out_info["w2"].shape)
    out2 = np.asarray(list(all_vals[6:])).reshape(new_out_info["w2"].shape)