Exemple #1
def getSysStablePos(nDims: int,
                    deg: int,
    import polynomial as poly
    import trajectories as traj

    repr = poly.polynomialRepr(nDims, deg)

    # Get the dynamical system
    pSys = getSys(repr, P, G, f0=f0, randomize=randomize)

    # Get the trajectory
    xTraj = lambda t: nzeros((nDims, 1), dtype=nfloat)
    dxTraj = xTraj

    # Compute necessary input (here 0.)
    uRefTmp = pSys.getUopt(xTraj(0.), dxTraj(0.), respectCstr=False)
    uTraj = lambda t: uRefTmp.copy()

    # def __int__(self, fX: Callable, fU: Callable, nx: int, nu: int, fXd: Callable = None, tMin: float = 0., tMax: float = 1.):
    refTraj = traj.analyticTrajectory(xTraj, uTraj, nDims, 1, dxTraj)

    # Get the input constraints along the refTraj
    pSys.ctrlInput = boxInputCstrLFBG(repr, refTraj, pSys.nu, *getUlims())

    return pSys
Exemple #2
def getSysUnstablePos(deg: int):
    from coreUtils import np
    import polynomial as poly
    import trajectories as traj

    repr = poly.polynomialRepr(2, deg)

    # Get the dynamical system
    pendSys = getSys(repr)

    # Get the trajectory
    xTraj = lambda t: narray([[np.pi], [0.]], dtype=nfloat)
    dxTraj = lambda t: narray([[0.], [0.]], dtype=nfloat)

    # Compute necessary input (here 0.)
    uRefTmp = pendSys.getUopt(xTraj(0, ),
    uTraj = lambda t: uRefTmp.copy()

    # def __int__(self, fX: Callable, fU: Callable, nx: int, nu: int, fXd: Callable = None, tMin: float = 0., tMax: float = 1.):
    refTraj = traj.analyticTrajectory(xTraj, uTraj, 2, 1, dxTraj)

    # Get the input constraints along the refTraj
    pendSys.ctrlInput = boxInputCstrLFBG(repr, refTraj, 1, *getUlims())

    return pendSys
Exemple #3
import Lyapunov as lyap
import relaxations as relax

import plotting as plot
from plotting import plt

from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import plotting as plot
    from plotting import plt

    # Get the polynomial representation which also decides on the maximal relaxation
    # Let use full here
    thisRepr = poly.polynomialRepr(
        2, 6, digits=1)  #Todo debug digits. there is an error somewhere

    #Get the dynamical system
    pendSys = getSys(thisRepr, fileName=None)  #"~/tmp/pendulumDict.pickle")

    #Get the trajectory
    xTraj = lambda t: narray([[np.pi], [0.]], dtype=nfloat)
    dxTraj = lambda t: narray([[0.], [0.]], dtype=nfloat)

    #Compute necessary input (here 0.)
    uRefTmp = pendSys.getUopt(xTraj(0, ),
    uTraj = lambda t: uRefTmp.copy()
Exemple #4
def testSol(sol, ctrlDict:dict):

    nDim, maxDeg = sol['probDict']['dimsNDeg']

    # Set up helpers
    thisRepr = poly.polynomialRepr(nDim, maxDeg)
    thisPoly = poly.polynomial(thisRepr)

    # Test if solution(s) is(are) valid
    ySol = sol['ySol']
    print(f"Minimizers are:\n{ySol}")
    zySol = thisRepr.evalAllMonoms(ySol)
        PG0n = ctrlDict['PG0']/(norm(ctrlDict['PG0'], axis=0, keepdims=True)+floatEps)
    except KeyError:

    # Loop over constraint polynomials
    for k, acstr in enumerate(sol['origProb']['cstr']):
        thisPoly.coeffs = acstr
        for i in range(zySol.shape[1]):
            if not thisPoly.eval2(zySol[:,[i]])>=0.:
                thisRelax = relax.lasserreRelax(thisRepr)
                print(f"Failed on cstr {k} with {thisPoly.eval2(thisPoly.eval2(zySol[:,[i]]))} for point {i}")
                thisCstr = relax.lasserreConstraint(thisRelax, thisPoly)
                print(f"Original sol with {sol['sol']['x_np']} is valid : {thisCstr.isValid(sol['sol']['x_np'].T, simpleEval=False)}")
                print(f"Reconstructed sol with {ySol} is valid : {thisCstr.isValid(ySol, simpleEval=False)}")
                if nany(thisCstr.isValid(sol['sol']['x_np'].T, simpleEval=False) != thisCstr.isValid(ySol, simpleEval=False)):
                    raise RuntimeError

    # Check if minimizer is compatible with control law definition
    if 'PG0' in ctrlDict.keys():
        dist2Planes = ndot(PG0n.T, ySol)
        signPlanes = np.sign(dist2Planes).astype(nint)
        signPlanes[signPlanes==0] = 1
        for i,type in enumerate(sol['probDict']['u'].squeeze()):
            if (nany(signPlanes[0,:] != signPlanes[0,0])) and not type==2:
                print(f"Attention: minimizers are on different signs of the plane. Check wich separation is used")
            if not type in list(-signPlanes[i,:])+[2]:
                print(f"Failed on input {i} with dist {dist2Planes[i]} and ctrl {type}")
                raise RuntimeError

    # Check if minimal value corresponds to ctrlDict value
    thisPoly.coeffs = -ctrlDict[-1][0]
    optsVals = thisPoly.eval2(zySol).reshape((-1,))

    for i,type in enumerate(sol['probDict']['u'].squeeze()):
        thisPoly.coeffs = -ctrlDict[i][type]
        for k in range(zySol.shape[1]):
            thisVal = thisPoly.eval2(zySol[:,[k]])
            optsVals[k] += thisVal
            if thisVal <= 0.:
                print(f"The control type {type} for input {i} failed on minimizer {k}")

    print(f"global minimum was \n{sol['sol']['primal objective']}\n, computed values from ctrlDict are \n{optsVals}")

Exemple #5
from polynomial import polynomialRepr
from systems import acrobot

import sys


import acrobot as acroOld

polyRepr = polynomialRepr(4, 4)
acroNew = acrobot.getSys(polyRepr)

Exemple #6
from dynamicalSystems import *
from polynomial import polynomialRepr
from systems.acrobot import getSys

if __name__ == '__main__':
    thisRepr = polynomialRepr(2, 4)
    thisAcro = getSys(thisRepr)

    x = np.frombuffer(b'p\x0823\xd4=\xc6\xbf$\xaen\x1c\xc2\xf3\xd4\xbf@\x8fn\xe6\xa4\xa2\xb4\xbfP\x9f\x13\x92)\xec\xd8\xbf\xd4\x7fu\x96\xa4\xe3\xd3\xbfHv\x1c\x13\x16:\xca\xbf8\xe6\xef\xb0\xf5\xc4\xee\xbfT\x01;M\t\r\xd4\xbf\x08A\xc7\xa6\xdc2\xee?.\x0e\xec\x90(\x15\xe3\xbf\x00\xad\x0b\xd0\x96\xa8\x95?\xf02Mz\xfc+\xd0\xbf\xe4\x94\xe4D\x9f\x11\xe6?\xdeHR\xbb\x85B\xe7?\xc0p1\x0e\xbc\x95\xcb\xbf\xdc\x98\xb0{\xf8\x7f\xea\xbf\xe4b"1\xf2\t\xe2\xbf\x00\x87\x1c\x89\xf8\x97\xcd\xbfD\xe2S\x8c\x06\xe8\xda?\x02.>T\x9b^\xe3\xbf')
    x = x.reshape((4,-1))
    for k in range(x.shape[1]):
        taylorAll = thisAcro.getTaylorApprox(x[:,k])
        print("string fTaylor")
        print("string GTaylor")