Exemple #1
def draw_discards(cards, ranklist):
    """ Calculates the approprate card to discard for any draw-type hands. """

    if len(cards) != 5:
        raise ValueError('Card list needs to be 5 cards for a valid discard.')
    suit = ev.dominant_suit(cards)
    suit_count = ev.count_suit(cards, suit)

    # Check 4 card draws first
    # Flush draws
    if suit_count == 4:
        return ev.strip_suits(cards, suit)

    # Test for open-ended straight draw(s)
    OESD = ev.chk_straight_draw(cards, 4, 0)
    if OESD is not None:
        return extract_discards(cards, OESD)

    # Test for gutshot straight draw(s)
    GSSD = ev.chk_straight_draw(cards, 4, 1)
    if GSSD is not None:
        return extract_discards(cards, GSSD)

    # Draw to high cards (J+)
    if card.RANKS[ranklist[2].rank] > 10:
        highcards = ''.join([ranklist[i].rank for i in range(3)])
        return ev.strip_ranks(cards, highcards)
    elif card.RANKS[ranklist[1].rank] > 10:
        highcards = ''.join([ranklist[i].rank for i in range(2)])
        return ev.strip_ranks(cards, highcards)

    # Draw to an Ace
    # We'll generally draw to an Ace over any backdoor draws.
    if ranklist[0].rank == 'A':
        return ev.strip_ranks(cards, 'A')

    if suit_count == 3:  # Backdoor flush draw
        return ev.strip_suits(cards, suit)

    # Backdoor straight draws are pretty desparate
    BDSD = ev.chk_straight_draw(cards, 3, 0)
    if BDSD is not None:
        return extract_discards(cards, BDSD)

    # 1-gap Backdoor straight draws are truly desparate!
    BDSD = ev.chk_straight_draw(cards, 3, 1)
    if BDSD is not None:
        return extract_discards(cards, BDSD)

    # Last ditch effort - just draw to the best 2.
    highcards = ''.join([ranklist[i].rank for i in range(2)])
    return ev.strip_ranks(cards, highcards)
Exemple #2
 def test_dominantsuit_4diffranks_returnshigherrank(self):
     cards = tools.convert_to_cards(['Kc', 'As', 'Jd', 'Qh'])
     expected = 's'
     result = evaluator.dominant_suit(cards)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
Exemple #3
 def test_dominantsuit_HigherSpades_returnsSpades(self):
     cards = tools.convert_to_cards(['Ac', 'Ks', 'As', 'Qc'])
     expected = 's'
     result = evaluator.dominant_suit(cards)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
Exemple #4
 def test_dominantsuit_1card_returnssuit(self):
     cards = [card.Card('A', 's')]
     expected = 's'
     result = evaluator.dominant_suit(cards)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)