Exemple #1
def create_model(batch_size):
    """ Create an ONNX protobuf description of a simple linear model.
        This function uses the popart library builder functions to create the
        ONNX description directly. An alternative would be to load an
        exported ONNX protobuf from a file.
    builder = popart.Builder()

    np.random.seed(0)  # For predictable weight initialization

    input_shape = popart.TensorInfo("FLOAT", [batch_size, ROWS * COLS])
    x = builder.addInputTensor(input_shape)

    init_weights = np.random.normal(0, 1, [ROWS * COLS, 10]).astype(np.float32)
    W = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)

    y = builder.aiOnnx.matmul([x, W])

    init_biases = np.random.normal(0, 1, [10]).astype(np.float32)
    b = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_biases)

    output = builder.aiOnnx.add([y, b], "output")
    probs = builder.aiOnnx.softmax([output])

    label_shape = popart.TensorInfo("INT32", [batch_size])
    label = builder.addInputTensor(label_shape)

    loss = popart.NllLoss(probs, label, "nllLossVal")

    proto = builder.getModelProto()

    return proto, x, label, output, loss
Exemple #2
 def loss(prob, label):
     if model.config.task == "SQUAD":
         vGraph = model.squad_scope.virtualGraph
         pStage = model.squad_scope.pipelineStage
         nllloss = popart.NllLoss(prob, label, f"{label}/loss")
     elif 'nsp' in label:
         vGraph = model.nsp_scope.virtualGraph
         pStage = model.nsp_scope.pipelineStage
         nllloss = popart.NllLoss(prob, label, f"{label}/loss", ignore_index=2)
         vGraph = model.mlm_scope.virtualGraph
         pStage = model.mlm_scope.pipelineStage
         nllloss = popart.NllLoss(prob, label, f"{label}/loss", ignore_index=0)
     logger.debug(f"Placing NllLoss for {label} on ipu {vGraph} stage {pStage}")
     return nllloss
Exemple #3
def create_pipelined_model(num_features, num_classes, batch_size):

    builder = popart.Builder()

    # Init
    def init_weights(input_size, output_size):
        return np.random.normal(0, 1,
                                [input_size, output_size]).astype(np.float32)

    def init_biases(size):
        return np.random.normal(0, 1, [size]).astype(np.float32)

    # Labels
    labels_shape = [batch_size]
    labels = builder.addInputTensor(popart.TensorInfo("INT32", labels_shape))

    #  Input
    input_shape = [batch_size, num_features]
    x0 = builder.addInputTensor(popart.TensorInfo("FLOAT", input_shape))

    #  Dense 1
    W0 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights(num_features, 512))
    b0 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_biases(512))

    with builder.virtualGraph(0):
        x1 = builder.aiOnnx.gemm([x0, W0, b0], debugPrefix="gemm_x1")
        x2 = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x1], debugPrefix="relu_x2")

    #  Dense 2
    W1 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights(512, num_classes))
    b1 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_biases(num_classes))

    with builder.virtualGraph(1):
        x3 = builder.aiOnnx.gemm([x2, W1, b1], debugPrefix="gemm_x3")
        x4 = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x3], debugPrefix="relu_x4")

    # Outputs
    with builder.virtualGraph(1):
        output_probs = builder.aiOnnx.softmax([x4],


    # Loss
    loss = popart.NllLoss(output_probs, labels, "loss")

    # Anchors
    art = popart.AnchorReturnType("ALL")
    anchor_map = {"loss": art}
    anchor_map[popart.reservedGradientPrefix() + x0] = art

    # Protobuffer
    model_proto = builder.getModelProto()

    return x0, labels, model_proto, anchor_map, loss
Exemple #4
def eval_builder(opts):
    builder, data, outputs, __, __ = infer_builder(opts)

    probs = builder.aiOnnx.softmax([list(outputs)[0]])
    label_shape = [opts.timesteps, opts.batch_size]
    label = builder.addInputTensor(popart.TensorInfo("INT32", label_shape))

    loss = popart.NllLoss(probs, label, "nllLossVal")
    if opts.use_zero_values:
        label_data = np.zeros(label_shape, np.int32)
        label_data = np.random.uniform(0, 2, label_shape).astype(np.int32)

    return [
        builder, {
            **data, label: label_data
        }, {
            loss.output(0): popart.AnchorReturnType("ALL")
        }, [loss], None
def convert_model(batch_size: int, protobuf_file: str, output_name: str) -> Tuple[bytes, str, popart.NllLoss]:
    """Create popart builder and loss for model.

        batch_size : Batch size per inference.
        protobuf_file : ONNX binary protobuf filename.
        output_name: Name of the output Tensor using which loss must be computed.

        Modelproto, label and loss.

    # Create builder from onnx protobuf file
    builder = popart.Builder(protobuf_file)

    # Set up label Tensor
    label_shape = popart.TensorInfo("INT32", [batch_size])
    label = builder.addInputTensor(label_shape)
    proto = builder.getModelProto()

    # Add loss
    loss = popart.NllLoss(output_name, label, "nllLossVal")
    return proto, label, loss
Exemple #6
def create_model(builder, opts, image, label):

    resnet = ResNet(opts, builder)
    resnet.train = True

    logits = resnet(image)

    probs = resnet.builder.aiOnnx.softmax([logits])

    argmax = resnet.builder.aiOnnx.argmax([probs], axis=1, keepdims=0)

    loss = popart.NllLoss(probs,

    outputs = {
        argmax: popart.AnchorReturnType("ALL"),
        "loss": popart.AnchorReturnType("ALL")

    proto = resnet.builder.getModelProto()

    return proto, loss, argmax, outputs
Exemple #7
def create_model(batch_size):
    """ Create an ONNX protobuf description of a simple model.
        This function uses the popart library builder functions to create the
        ONNX description directly. An alternative would be to load an
        exported ONNX protobuf from a file.
    builder = popart.Builder()

    input_shape = popart.TensorInfo('FLOAT', [batch_size, 1, ROWS, COLS])
    input_t = builder.addInputTensor(input_shape)
    x = input_t

    init_weights = kaiming_init([20, 1, 5, 5], 1 * 5 * 5)
    W1 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)
    init_weights = kaiming_init([20], 1 * 5 * 5, 1, 1)
    b1 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)

    x = builder.aiOnnx.conv([x, W1, b1],
                            dilations=[1, 1],
                            kernel_shape=[5, 5],
                            strides=[1, 1],
                            pads=[0, 0, 0, 0])

    x = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x])
    (x, ) = builder.aiOnnx.maxpool([x],
                                   kernel_shape=[2, 2],
                                   pads=[0, 0, 0, 0],
                                   strides=[2, 2])

    init_weights = kaiming_init([50, 20, 5, 5], 20 * 5 * 5)
    W2 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)
    init_weights = kaiming_init([50], 20 * 5 * 5, 1, 1)
    b2 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)

    x = builder.aiOnnx.conv([x, W2, b2],
                            dilations=[1, 1],
                            kernel_shape=[5, 5],
                            strides=[1, 1],
                            pads=[0, 0, 0, 0])

    x = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x])
    (x, ) = builder.aiOnnx.maxpool([x],
                                   kernel_shape=[2, 2],
                                   pads=[0, 0, 0, 0],
                                   strides=[2, 2])

    shape = builder.aiOnnx.constant(np.asarray([batch_size, 50 * 4**2]))
    x = builder.aiOnnx.reshape([x, shape])

    init_weights = kaiming_init([50 * 4**2, 500], 50 * 4**2)
    W3 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)
    init_weights = kaiming_init([500], 50 * 4**2, 1, 1)
    b3 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)

    x = builder.aiOnnx.matmul([x, W3])
    x = builder.aiOnnx.add([x, b3])
    x = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x])

    init_weights = kaiming_init([500, 10], 500)
    W4 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)
    init_weights = kaiming_init([10], 500, 1, 1)
    b4 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights)

    x = builder.aiOnnx.matmul([x, W4])
    output_t = builder.aiOnnx.add([x, b4])

    probs = builder.aiOnnx.softmax([output_t])

    label_shape = popart.TensorInfo('INT32', [batch_size])
    label = builder.addInputTensor(label_shape)

    loss = popart.NllLoss(probs, label, 'nllLossVal')

    proto = builder.getModelProto()

    return proto, input_t, label, output_t, loss
def create_model(num_features, num_classes, batch_size, force_recompute=False):

    builder = popart.Builder()

    # Init
    def init_weights(input_size, output_size):
        return np.random.normal(0, 1,
                                [input_size, output_size]).astype(np.float32)

    def init_biases(size):
        return np.random.normal(0, 1, [size]).astype(np.float32)

    # Labels
    labels_shape = [batch_size]
    labels = builder.addInputTensor(popart.TensorInfo("INT32", labels_shape))

    #  Input
    input_shape = [batch_size, num_features]
    x0 = builder.addInputTensor(popart.TensorInfo("FLOAT", input_shape))

    #  Dense 1
    W0 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights(num_features, 512))
    b0 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_biases(512))
    x = builder.aiOnnx.gemm([x0, W0, b0], debugPrefix="gemm_1")
    if force_recompute:
    x = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x], debugPrefix="relu_1")
    if force_recompute:

    #  Dense 2
    W1 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights(512, 512))
    b1 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_biases(512))
    x = builder.aiOnnx.gemm([x, W1, b1], debugPrefix="gemm_2")
    if force_recompute:
    x = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x], debugPrefix="relu_2")
    if force_recompute:

    #  Dense 3
    W2 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights(512, 512))
    b2 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_biases(512))
    x = builder.aiOnnx.gemm([x, W2, b2], debugPrefix="gemm_3")
    if force_recompute:
    x = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x], debugPrefix="relu_3")
    if force_recompute:

    #  Dense 4
    W3 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_weights(512, num_classes))
    b3 = builder.addInitializedInputTensor(init_biases(num_classes))
    x = builder.aiOnnx.gemm([x, W3, b3], debugPrefix="gemm_4")
    if force_recompute:
    out = builder.aiOnnx.relu([x], debugPrefix="relu_4")
    if force_recompute:

    # Outputs
    output_probs = builder.aiOnnx.softmax([out],


    # Loss
    loss = popart.NllLoss(output_probs, labels, "loss")

    # Anchors
    art = popart.AnchorReturnType("ALL")
    anchor_map = {"loss": art}
    anchor_map[popart.reservedGradientPrefix() + x0] = art

    # Protobuffer
    model_proto = builder.getModelProto()

    return x0, labels, model_proto, anchor_map, loss
Exemple #9

dataFlow = popart.DataFlow(batchesPerStep, anchors)
inputShapeInfo = popart.InputShapeInfo()
                   popart.TensorInfo("FLOAT", [batchSize, nInChans, 32, 32]))
                   popart.TensorInfo("FLOAT", [batchSize, nInChans, 32, 32]))
inputShapeInfo.add("label", popart.TensorInfo("INT32", [batchSize]))

inNames = ["image0", "image1"]
cifarInIndices = {"image0": 0, "image1": 0, "label": 1}
outNames = ["imageSum", "postConv0", "preProbSquared", "probs"]

losses = [
    popart.NllLoss("probs", "label", "nllLossVal"),
    popart.L1Loss("preProbSquared", "l1LossVal", 0.01)

willowOptPatterns = popart.Patterns(popart.PatternsLevel.All)

class Module0(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.conv1 = torchwriter.conv3x3(nInChans, nOutChans)
        self.conv2 = torchwriter.conv3x3(nOutChans, nOutChans)
        self.sin = torch.sin
        self.pad = torch.nn.functional.pad
        # for softmax dim -1 is correct for [sample][class],
        # gives class probabilities for each sample.