Exemple #1
class BrokenPowerLawAuxSampler(AuxiliarySampler):
    _auxiliary_sampler_name = "BrokenPowerLawAuxSampler"

    xmin = AuxiliaryParameter(vmin=0)
    alpha = AuxiliaryParameter()
    xbreak = AuxiliaryParameter(vmin=0)
    beta = AuxiliaryParameter()
    xmax = AuxiliaryParameter(vmin=0)

    def __init__(self, name: str, observed: bool = True):
        A broken power law distribution sampler,
        where property ~ x^``alpha`` for x < ``xbreak``,
        and property ~ x^``beta`` for x > ``xbreak``.

        :param name: Name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param observed: `True` if the property is observed,
            `False` if it is latent. Defaults to `True`
        :type observed: bool
        :param xmin: Minimum value of the broken power law
        :type xmin: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param xmax: Maximum value of the broken power law
        :type xmax: :class:``AuxiliaryParameter
        :param sigma: Standard deviation of normal distribution
            from which observed values are sampled, if ``observed``
            is `True`
        :type sigma: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`

        super(BrokenPowerLawAuxSampler, self).__init__(name=name,

    def true_sampler(self, size: int):

        u = np.atleast_1d(np.random.uniform(size=size))

        self._true_values = bpl(u, self.xmin, self.xbreak, self.xmax,
                                self.alpha, self.beta)

    def observation_sampler(self, size: int):

        if self._is_observed:

            self._obs_values = stats.norm.rvs(loc=self._true_values,


            self._obs_values = self._true_values
class ViewingAngleSampler(NonObservedAuxSampler):
    _auxiliary_sampler_name = "ViewingAngleSampler"

    max_angle = AuxiliaryParameter(default=90, vmin=0, vmax=180)

    def __init__(self):
        A viewing angle sampler that samples
        from 0 to ``max_angle``. Unlike other samplers,
        it assumes that this is NOT an observed property

        :param max_angle: The maximum angle to which to
            sample in degrees
        :type max_angle: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`

        super(ViewingAngleSampler, self).__init__(name="va", )

    def true_sampler(self, size: int) -> None:
        Sample the viewing angle by inverse CDF

        :param size: Number of samples
        :type size: int

        theta_inverse = np.random.uniform(0.0,
                                          1 -

        self._true_values = np.arccos(1.0 - theta_inverse)
Exemple #3
class PowerLawAuxSampler(AuxiliarySampler):
    _auxiliary_sampler_name = "PowerLawAuxSampler"

    xmin = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)
    xmax = AuxiliaryParameter(default=2, vmin=0)
    alpha = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1)
    sigma = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)

    def __init__(self, name: str, observed: bool = True):
        A bounded power law distribution sampler,
        where property ~ x^``alpha``.

        :param name: Name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param observed: `True` if the property is observed,
            `False` if it is latent. Defaults to `True`
        :type observed: bool
        :param xmin: Minimum value of the power law
        :type xmin: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param xmax: Maximum value of the power law
        :type xmax: :class:``AuxiliaryParameter
        :param sigma: Standard deviation of normal distribution
            from which observed values are sampled, if ``observed``
            is `True`
        :type sigma: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`

        super(PowerLawAuxSampler, self).__init__(name=name, observed=observed)

    def true_sampler(self, size: int):

        self._true_values = _sample_power_law(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.alpha,

    def observation_sampler(self, size: int):

        if self._is_observed:

            self._obs_values = stats.norm.rvs(loc=self._true_values,


            self._obs_values = self._true_values
class NormalAuxSampler(AuxiliarySampler):
    _auxiliary_sampler_name = "NormalAuxSampler"

    mu = AuxiliaryParameter(default=0)
    tau = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)
    sigma = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)

    def __init__(self, name: str, observed: bool = True):
        A normal distribution sampler,
        where property ~ N(``mu``, ``sigma``).

        :param name: Name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param observed: `True` if the property is observed,
            `False` if it is latent. Defaults to `True`
        :type observed: bool
        :param mu: Mean of the normal
        :type mu: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param tau: Standard deviation of the normal
        :type tau: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param sigma: Standard deviation of normal distribution
            from which observed values are sampled, if ``observed``
            is `True`
        :type sigma: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`

        super(NormalAuxSampler, self).__init__(name=name, observed=observed)

    def true_sampler(self, size: int):

        self._true_values = stats.norm.rvs(loc=self.mu,

    def observation_sampler(self, size: int):

        if self._is_observed:

            self._obs_values = stats.norm.rvs(loc=self._true_values,


            self._obs_values = self._true_values
Exemple #5
class ParetoAuxSampler(AuxiliarySampler):
    _auxiliary_sampler_name = "ParetoAuxSampler"

    xmin = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)
    alpha = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)
    sigma = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)

    def __init__(self, name: str, observed: bool = True):
        A pareto distribution sampler,
        where property ~ 1 / x^(``alpha`` + 1).

        :param name: Name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param observed: `True` if the property is observed,
            `False` if it is latent. Defaults to `True`
        :type observed: bool
        :param xmin: Minimum value of the pareto
        :type xmin: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param alpha: Index of the pareto
        :type alpha: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param sigma: Standard deviation of normal distribution
            from which observed values are sampled, if ``observed``
            is `True`
        :type sigma: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`

        super(ParetoAuxSampler, self).__init__(name=name, observed=observed)

    def true_sampler(self, size: int):

        self._true_values = (np.random.pareto(self.alpha, size) +
                             1) * self.xmin

    def observation_sampler(self, size: int):

        if self._is_observed:

            self._obs_values = stats.norm.rvs(loc=self._true_values,


            self._obs_values = self._true_values
Exemple #6
class DeltaAuxSampler(AuxiliarySampler):
    _auxiliary_sampler_name = "DeltaAuxSampler"

    xp = AuxiliaryParameter(default=0)
    sigma = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)

    def __init__(self, name: str, observed: bool = True):
        A delta-function sampler for which the true value
        is fixed at ``xp``. Assumes property is observed by default,
        in which case the observed value is sampled from
        the true value with some normally-distributed error, ``sigma``.

        :param name: Name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param observed: `True` if the property is observed,
            `False` if it is latent. Defaults to `True`
        :type observed: bool
        :param xp: Value at which delta function is located
        :type xp: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param sigma: Standard deviation of normal distribution
            from which observed values are sampled, if ``observed``
            is `True`
        :type sigma: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`

        super(DeltaAuxSampler, self).__init__(name=name, observed=observed)

    def true_sampler(self, size: int):

        self._true_values = np.repeat(self.xp, repeats=size)

    def observation_sampler(self, size: int):

        if self._is_observed:

            self._obs_values = stats.norm.rvs(loc=self._true_values,


            self._obs_values = self._true_values
class TruncatedNormalAuxSampler(AuxiliarySampler):
    _auxiliary_sampler_name = "TruncatedNormalAuxSampler"

    mu = AuxiliaryParameter(default=0)
    tau = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)
    lower = AuxiliaryParameter()
    upper = AuxiliaryParameter()
    sigma = AuxiliaryParameter(default=1, vmin=0)

    def __init__(self, name: str, observed: bool = True):
        A truncated normal sampler,
        where property ~ N(``mu``, ``sigma``), between
        ``lower`` and ``upper``.

        :param name: Name of the property
        :type name: str
        :param observed: `True` if the property is observed,
            `False` if it is latent. Defaults to `True`
        :type observed: bool
        :param mu: Mean of the normal
        :type mu: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param tau: Standard deviation of the normal
        :type tau: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param lower: Lower bound of the truncation
        :type lower: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param upper: Upper bound of the truncation
        :type upper: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`
        :param sigma: Standard deviation of normal distribution
            from which observed values are sampled, if ``observed``
            is `True`
        :type sigma: :class:`AuxiliaryParameter`

        super(TruncatedNormalAuxSampler, self).__init__(name=name,

    def true_sampler(self, size):

        l = (self.lower - self.mu) / self.tau
        u = (self.upper - self.mu) / self.tau

        self._true_values = stats.truncnorm.rvs(

        assert np.alltrue(self._true_values >= self.lower)
        assert np.alltrue(self._true_values <= self.upper)

    def observation_sampler(self, size):

        if self._is_observed:

            self._obs_values = stats.norm.rvs(loc=self._true_values,


            self._obs_values = self._true_values