Exemple #1
 def compare_lists(self, base, length, lst):
     # Compare a pre-defined list with the result of multinary_permutations
     # Define a generator, and check that all values produced are contained within lst
     # Also count the number of iterations
     iter_cnt = 0
     for a in permutations.multinary_permutations(base, length):
         found = False
         for b in lst:
             if np.array_equal(np.array(a), np.array(b)):
                 found = True
         assert found
         iter_cnt += 1
     assert iter_cnt == len(lst)
Exemple #2
def determine_coarse_dimensions(target, fine_size):
    For a logically Cartesian grid determine a coarse partitioning based on a
    target number of coarse cells.

    The target size in general will not be a product of the possible grid
    dimensions (it may be a prime, or it may be outside the bounds [1,
    fine_size]. For concreteness, we seek to have roughly the same number of
    cells in each directions (given by the Nd-root of the target). If this
    requires more coarse cells in a dimension than there are fine cells there,
    the coarse size is set equal to the fine, and the remaining cells are
    distributed to the other dimensions.

        target (int): Target number of coarse cells.
        fine_size (np.ndarray): Number of fine-scale cell in each dimension

        np.ndarray: Coarse dimension sizes.

        ValueError if the while-loop runs more iterations than the number of
            dimensions. This should not happen, in practice it means there is


    # The algorithm may be unstable for values outside the relevant bounds
    target = np.maximum(1, np.minimum(target, fine_size.prod()))

    nd = fine_size.size

    # Array to store optimal values. Set the default value to one, this avoids
    # interfering with target_now below.
    optimum = np.ones(nd)
    found = np.zeros(nd, dtype=np.bool)

    # Counter for number of iterations. Should be unnecessary, remove when the
    # code is trusted.
    it_counter = 0

    # Loop until all dimensions have been assigned a number of cells.
    while not np.all(found) and it_counter <= nd:

        it_counter += 1

        # Remaining cells to deal with
        target_now = target / optimum.prod()

        # The simplest option is to take the Nd-root of the target number. This
        # will generally not give integers, and we will therefore settle for the
        # combination of rounding up and down which brings us closest to the
        # target.
        # There should be at least one coarse cell in each dimension, and at
        # maximum as many cells as on the fine scale.
        s_num = np.power(target_now, 1 / (nd - found.sum()))
        s_low = np.maximum(np.ones(nd), np.floor(s_num))
        s_high = np.minimum(fine_size, np.ceil(s_num))

        # Find dimensions where we have hit the ceiling
        hit_ceil = np.squeeze(
            np.argwhere(np.logical_and(s_high == fine_size, ~found)))
        # These have a bound, and will have their leeway removed
        optimum[hit_ceil] = s_high[hit_ceil]
        found[hit_ceil] = True

        # If the ceiling was hit in some dimension, we have to start over
        # again.
        if np.any(hit_ceil):

        # There is no room for variations in found cells
        s_low[found] = optimum[found]
        s_high[found] = optimum[found]

        # Array for storing the combinations.
        coarse_size = np.vstack((s_low, s_high))
        # The closest we've been to hit the target size. Set this to an
        # unrealistically high number
        dist = fine_size.prod()

        # Loop over all combinations of rounding up and down, and test if we
        # are closer to the target number.
        for perm in permutations.multinary_permutations(2, nd):
            size_now = np.zeros(nd)
            for i, bit in enumerate(perm):
                size_now[i] = coarse_size[bit, i]
            if np.abs(target - size_now.prod()) < dist:
                dist = target - size_now.prod()
                optimum = size_now

        # All dimensions that may hit the ceiling have been found, and we have
        # the optimum solution. Declare victory and return home.
        found[:] = True

    if it_counter > nd:
        raise ValueError('Maximum number of iterations exceeded. There is a \
                         bug somewhere.')

    return optimum.astype('int')