Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, link="./simulation/", box=None):
        # Initialize
        self._link = link if link[-1] == "/" else link+"/"
        self._config = self._link+"/"+"config.yml"

        # Create simulation folder if not existent

        # Create simulation config file if not existent
        if not os.path.isfile(self._config):
            # Get package directory
            package_dir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]+"/"

            # Job file
            file_in = package_dir+"templates/config.yml"
            file_out = self._config
            shutil.copy(file_in, file_out)

        # Load simulation config file
        with open(self._config, "r") as stream:
            self._sim_dict = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

            # Create box objects
            boxes = {}
            for i in self._sim_dict["box"]:
                temp = Box()
                boxes[i] = temp
            self._sim_dict["box"] = boxes

        # Add boxes to simulation dictionary
        if box is not None:
            boxes = box if isinstance(box, list) else [box]
            self._sim_dict["box"] = {i:boxes[i] for i in range(len(boxes))}
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, link, param):
        # Initialize
        self._link = link + "_mdp/"
        self._param = param

        # Create folder
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, link, topol):
        # Initialize
        self._link = link+"_top/"
        self._topol = topol

        # Create folder
Exemple #4
    def extract_mol(self, step):
        """This function extracts molecules of a type from a trajectory for
        further analysis using MolDyn.

        step : string
            Step to analyze (**nvt**, **npt**, **run**)
        # Set folder names
        folder_step = "../" + step + "/"

        # Set file names
        file_trr = step + ".trr"
        file_tpr = step + ".tpr"

        # Open file
        utils.mkdirp(self._box_path + "ana")
        with open(self._box_path + "ana/ana.sh", "w") as file_out:
            # Check if backup folder is given
            file_out.write("# Set Todos\n")
            file_out.write("echo \"Load gromacs ...\"; exit;\n")
            file_out.write("echo \"Set MOLECULEINDEX ...\"; exit;\n")

            # Extract molecule
            file_out.write("# Extract molecules from trajectory\n")
            file_out.write("declare -A mols\n\n")

            file_out.write("mols[]=" "\n\n")

            file_out.write("for key in \"${!mols[@]}\"; do\n")

            out_string = "gmx_mpi trjconv "
            out_string += "-f " + folder_step + file_trr + " "
            out_string += "-s " + folder_step + file_tpr + " "
            out_string += "-o traj${mols[$key]}.xtc "
            out_string += "-pbc mol "
            out_string += "<<EOF\n"
            out_string += "$key\n"
            out_string += "EOF\n\n"

            file_out.write("echo \"System " + self._box_link +
                           " - Finished Extraction ...\"\n\n")

Exemple #5
    def generate(self):
        """Generate simulation folder.
        # Run through boxes
        for box_id in self._sim_dict["box"]:
            box = self._sim_dict["box"][box_id]
            box_link = self._link+box.get_name()+"/" if len(self._sim_dict["box"])>1 else self._link

            # Create folder if multiple boxes exist

            # Create parameter files
            params = self._sim_dict["param"] if box.get_param() is None else box.get_param()
            param = Parameter(box_link, params)

            # Create topology files
            topol = Topology(box_link, box.get_topol())

            # Create structure files and shells
            construct = Construct(self._link, box_link, box.get_mols(), box.get_struct())

            # Create simulation shells
            job = self._sim_dict["job"] if box.get_job() is None else box.get_job()
            actuate = Actuate(self._link, box_link, self._sim_dict["cluster"], job, box.get_label(), box.get_struct())

            # Create analysis shell file for automated filling
            for mol in box.get_mols():
                if box.get_mols()[mol][0]=="fill":
                    analyze = Analyze(self._link, box_link)
                    # Copy automated filling
                    if box.get_mols()[mol][2] is not None:
                        utils.copy(os.path.split(__file__)[0]+"/templates/auto_dens.py", box_link+"ana/ana.py")
                        utils.replace(box_link+"ana/ana.py", "MOLSHORT", mol)
                        utils.replace(box_link+"ana/ana.py", "MOLLINK", "../_gro/"+box.get_struct()[mol].split("/")[-1])
                        utils.replace(box_link+"ana/ana.py", "TARGETDENS", str(box.get_mols()[mol][2]))
                        utils.replace(box_link+"ana/ana.py", "SUBMITCOMMAND", self._sim_dict["cluster"]["queuing"]["submit"]+" min.job")

            # End message
            print("Finished simulation folder - "+box.get_label()+" ...")
Exemple #6
    def generate_files(self):
        """Generate structure files and shells.
        # Create construction shell file

        # Create structure folder
        utils.mkdirp(self._box_path + "_gro")

        # Copy structure files
        for mol in self._struct:
            file_link = self._struct[mol]
            if mol == "BOX":
                utils.copy(file_link, self._box_path + "_gro/" + "box.gro")
            elif mol == "GENERATE":
                utils.copy(file_link, self._box_path + "_gro/" + "generate.sh")
            elif mol == "PLUMED":
                utils.copy(file_link, self._box_path + "_gro/" + "plumed.dat")
                           self._box_path + "_gro/" + file_link.split("/")[-1])

        # Pore simulation that needs to be filled
        if "fill" in [self._mols[mol][0] for mol in self._mols]:
            # Create filling backup folder
            utils.mkdirp(self._box_path + "_fill")

            # Create shell files

            # Create fill backup for automatic filling
            if not all(x is None
                       for x in [self._mols[mol][2] for mol in self._mols]):
                utils.copy(self._box_path + "_fill/fill.sh",
                           self._box_path + "_fill/fillBackup.sh")

            # Copy empty script
                os.path.split(__file__)[0] + "/templates/empty_grid.py",
                self._box_path + "_fill/" + "empty_grid.py")
                os.path.split(__file__)[0] + "/templates/sort.py",
                self._box_path + "_fill/" + "sort.py")
Exemple #7
    def _equilibration(self):
        """Create equilibration simulation shells for

        * **min** for energy minimization
        * **nvt** for temperature equilibration
        * **npt** for pressure equilibration
        # Set simulation folder descriptors
        sim_min = "min"
        sim_nvt = "nvt"
        sim_npt = "npt"
        sim_all = {sim_min: sim_min, sim_nvt: sim_nvt, sim_npt: sim_npt}

        # Set folder names
        folder_gro = "../_gro/"
        folder_top = "../_top/"
        folder_mdp = "../_mdp/"

        # Set file names
        file_box = "box.gro"
        file_top = "topol.top"
        file_ndx = "index.ndx"

        # Get simulation properties
        np = {step: str(self._job[step]["np"]) for step in self._job}
        ntomp = {
            step: str(self._job[step]["ntomp"])
            if "ntomp" in self._job[step] else "0"
            for step in self._job
        nodes = {step: str(self._job[step]["nodes"]) for step in self._job}
        gpu = {
            step: self._job[step]["gpu"] if "gpu" in self._job[step] else False
            for step in self._job
        wall = {step: self._job[step]["wall"] for step in self._job}

        # Set step dependent files
        conf = {
            "min": folder_gro + file_box,
            "nvt": "../" + sim_min + "/" + sim_min + ".gro",
            "npt": "../" + sim_nvt + "/" + sim_nvt + ".gro"
        check = {
            "min": "",
            "nvt": "",
            "npt": "-t ../" + sim_nvt + "/" + sim_nvt + ".cpt "
        forward = {"min": sim_nvt, "nvt": sim_npt, "npt": ""}

        if "npt" not in self._job:
            forward["nvt"] = ""

        # Create job shells
        for step in self._job:
            if not step == "run":
                link_shell = self._link + step + "/" + step + ".job"

                utils.mkdirp(self._link + step)
                utils.copy(self._job[step]["file"], link_shell)

                # Simulation options
                utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONNODES", nodes[step])
                utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONPROCS", np[step])
                utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONGPU",
                              ":gpus=1:exclusive_process" if gpu[step] else "")
                utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONTIME", wall[step])
                utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONLABEL",
                              self._label + "_" + step)
                utils.replace(link_shell, "COMMANDCHANGEDIR",
                              "cd " + self._clr_link + step)

                # Grompp
                gro_string = ""
                gro_string += "gmx_mpi grompp "
                gro_string += "-f " + folder_mdp + sim_all[step] + ".mdp "
                gro_string += "-c " + conf[step] + " "
                gro_string += check[step]
                gro_string += "-p " + folder_top + file_top + " "
                gro_string += "-n " + folder_gro + file_ndx + " " if self._is_pore else ""
                gro_string += "-po " + sim_all[step] + " "
                gro_string += "-o " + sim_all[step]
                gro_string += " -maxwarn 1" if self._is_pore else ""
                gro_string += "\n"

                # Mdrun
                gro_string += self._cluster["queuing"]["mpi"] + " "
                gro_string += str(
                    int(np[step]) * int(nodes[step])
                ) + " " if self._cluster["queuing"]["add_np"] else ""
                gro_string += "gmx_mpi mdrun "
                gro_string += "-s " + sim_all[step] + ".tpr "
                gro_string += "-ntomp " + ntomp[step] + " " if not ntomp[
                    step] == "0" else ""
                gro_string += "-plumed ../_gro/plumed.dat " if self._is_plm else ""
                gro_string += "-deffnm " + sim_all[step] + " "
                gro_string += "-dlb no -c -e -g -o -cpo"

                # Insert into file
                utils.replace(link_shell, "COMMANDGROMACS", gro_string)

                # Add forward queuing
                with open(link_shell, "a") as file_out:
                    if not forward[step] == "":
                        file_out.write("sleep 20\n")
                        file_out.write("rm *#\n")
                        file_out.write("cd ../" + forward[step] + "/\n")
                        file_out.write(self._cluster["queuing"]["submit"] +
                                       " " + forward[step] + ".job" + "\n")

        # Add to master shell
        with open(self._sim_link + "equilibrate.sh", "a") as file_out:
            file_out.write("cd " + self._box_link + sim_min + "/\n")
            file_out.write(self._cluster["queuing"]["submit"] + " " + sim_min +
            back = "" if self._box_link == "./" else "../"
            file_out.write("cd " + back + "../\n")
Exemple #8
    def _simulation(self):
        """Create simulation job files. For the first run - for creating the tpr
        file - run0.job is used. For further simulations, job script run.job is

        Note that the latter automatically extends the current simulation.
        The breakpoint can be set using the *sim_num* variable in the shell
        # Set simulation folder descriptor
        sim_nvt = "nvt"
        sim_npt = "npt"
        sim_run = "run"

        # Set folder names
        folder_gro = "../_gro/"
        folder_top = "../_top/"
        folder_mdp = "../_mdp/"

        # Set file names
        file_top = "topol.top"
        file_ndx = "index.ndx"

        # Get last step
        last = "../" + sim_npt + "/" + sim_npt if "npt" in self._job else "../" + sim_nvt + "/" + sim_nvt

        # Get simulation properties
        np = str(self._job["run"]["np"])
        nodes = str(self._job["run"]["nodes"])
        ntomp = str(
            self._job["run"]["ntomp"]) if "ntomp" in self._job["run"] else "0"
        gpu = self._job["run"]["gpu"] if "gpu" in self._job["run"] else False
        wall = self._job["run"]["wall"]

        # Create job shells
        for i in range(2):
            # Initialize
            is_first = i == 0
            shell_num = "0" if is_first else ""
            sim_num = i + 1

            # Create shell
            link_shell = self._link + sim_run + "/" + sim_run + shell_num + ".job"

            utils.mkdirp(self._link + sim_run)
            utils.copy(self._job["run"]["file"], link_shell)

            # Change variables
            utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONNODES", nodes)
            utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONPROCS", np)
            utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONGPU",
                          ":gpus=1:exclusive_process" if gpu else "")
            utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONTIME", wall)
            utils.replace(link_shell, "SIMULATIONLABEL",
                          self._label + "_" + str(sim_num))
            utils.replace(link_shell, "COMMANDCHANGEDIR",
                          "cd " + self._clr_link + sim_run)

            # Grompp
            gro_string = ""
            if is_first:
                gro_string += "gmx_mpi grompp "
                gro_string += "-f " + folder_mdp + sim_run + ".mdp "
                gro_string += "-c " + last + ".gro "
                gro_string += "-t " + last + ".cpt "
                gro_string += "-p " + folder_top + file_top + " "
                gro_string += "-n " + folder_gro + file_ndx + " " if self._is_pore else ""
                gro_string += "-po " + sim_run + " "
                gro_string += "-o " + sim_run + " "
                gro_string += " -maxwarn 1" if self._is_pore else ""
                gro_string += "\n"

            # Mdrun
            gro_string += self._cluster["queuing"]["mpi"] + " "
            gro_string += str(
                int(np) *
                int(nodes)) + " " if self._cluster["queuing"]["add_np"] else ""
            gro_string += "gmx_mpi mdrun "
            gro_string += "-s " + sim_run + ".tpr "
            gro_string += "-ntomp " + ntomp + " " if not ntomp == "0" else ""
            gro_string += "-plumed ../_gro/plumed.dat " if self._is_plm else ""
            gro_string += "-cpi " + sim_run + ".cpt " if not is_first else ""
            gro_string += "-deffnm " + sim_run + " "
            gro_string += "-maxh " + str(
                ["maxh"]) + " " if "maxh" in self._job["run"] else ""
            gro_string += "-dlb no -c -e -g -o -cpo"
            gro_string += " -append" if not is_first else ""

            # Insert into file
            utils.replace(link_shell, "COMMANDGROMACS", gro_string)

            # Add forward queuing
            with open(link_shell, "a") as file_out:
                file_out.write("sim_num=" + str(sim_num) + "\n")

                if not is_first:
                    file_out.write("cp " + sim_run + ".job temp.job\n")
                        "sed -i \"s/sim_num=$sim_num/sim_num=$((sim_num+1))/\" temp.job\n"
                    file_out.write("sed -i \"s/" + self._label + "_$sim_num/" +
                                   self._label +
                                   "_$((sim_num+1))/\" temp.job\n")
                    file_out.write("mv temp.job " + sim_run + ".job\n")

                file_out.write("sleep 20\n")
                out_string = "if "
                out_string += "[ -f " + sim_run + ".cpt ] && "
                out_string += "[ $sim_num -lt " + str(
                    self._job["run"]["runs"]) + " ]; "
                out_string += "then " + self._cluster["queuing"][
                    "submit"] + " " + sim_run + ".job;"
                out_string += "fi\n"

        # Add to master shell
        with open(self._sim_link + "simulate.sh", "a") as file_out:
            file_out.write("cd " + self._box_link + sim_run + "/\n")
            file_out.write(self._cluster["queuing"]["submit"] + " " + sim_run +
            back = "" if self._box_link == "./" else "../"
            file_out.write("cd " + back + "../\n")
Exemple #9
    def generate(self):
        """Generate simulation folder.
        # Set parameter dictionary
        params = self._sim_dict["param"]
        params["nvt"]["param"]["NUMBEROFSTEPS"] = 1000
        if "npt" in params:
            params["npt"]["param"]["NUMBEROFSTEPS"] = 1000
        if "run" in params:
            del params["run"]

        # Remove run from job dictionary
        if "run" in self._sim_dict["job"]:
            del self._sim_dict["job"]["run"]

        # Set box specifications

        # Create parameter files
        box_link = self._link + self._box.get_name() + "/"

        # Create folder if multiple boxes exist

        # Create parameter files
        param = Parameter(box_link, self._box.get_param())

        # Create topology files
        topol = Topology(box_link, self._box.get_topol())

        # Create structure files and shells
        construct = Construct(self._link, box_link, self._box.get_mols(),

        # Create simulation shells
        actuate = Actuate(self._link, box_link, self._sim_dict["cluster"],
                          self._sim_dict["job"], self._box.get_label(),

        # Process iterator input
        if self._iterator == "nodes":
            iterator = self._nodes
        elif self._iterator == "np":
            iterator = self._np

        # Create copy shell after minimization
        with open(self._link + "benchmark.sh", "a") as file_out:
            # Create subfolders for different simulations
            job = self._sim_dict["job"]
            for it in iterator:
                # Set nodes and np
                n = it if iterator == self._np else self._np[0]
                node = it if iterator == self._nodes else self._nodes[0]

                # Set job dictionary
                job["min"]["np"] = n
                job["min"]["nodes"] = node
                job["min"]["wall"] = "00:30:00"

                job["nvt"]["np"] = n
                job["nvt"]["nodes"] = node
                job["nvt"]["wall"] = "00:30:00"

                if "npt" in params:
                    job["npt"]["np"] = n
                    job["npt"]["nodes"] = node
                    job["npt"]["wall"] = "00:30:00"

                # Set subfolder
                self._sim_dict["job"] = job
                self._box.set_label("b_" + str(it).zfill(2))
                box_link = self._link + self._box.get_name() + "/"

                # Create parameter files
                param = Parameter(box_link, self._box.get_param())

                # Create simulation shells
                actuate = Actuate(self._link, box_link,
                                  self._sim_dict["job"], self._box.get_label(),

                # Write copy to shell
                file_out.write("cp -r X/_gro " + self._box.get_name() +
                file_out.write("cp -r X/_top " + self._box.get_name() +
                file_out.write("cp X/min/* " + self._box.get_name() +

        # Set equilibration master shell to nvt
        utils.replace(self._link + "equilibrate.sh", "min", "nvt")