Exemple #1
def representative_elementary_volume(im, npoints=1000):
    Calculates the porosity of the image as a function subdomain size.  This
    function extracts a specified number of subdomains of random size, then
    finds their porosity.

    im : ND-array
        The image of the porous material

    npoints : int
        The number of randomly located and sized boxes to sample.  The default
        is 1000.

    A tuple containing the ND-arrays: The subdomain *volume* and its
    *porosity*.  Each of these arrays is ``npoints`` long.  They can be
    conveniently plotted by passing the tuple to matplotlib's ``plot`` function
    using the \* notation: ``plt.plot(*the_tuple, 'b.')``.  The resulting plot
    is similar to the sketch given by Bachmat and Bear [1]

    This function is frustratingly slow.  Profiling indicates that all the time
    is spent on scipy's ``sum`` function which is needed to sum the number of
    void voxels (1's) in each subdomain.

    Also, this function is primed for parallelization since the ``npoints`` are
    calculated independenlty.

    [1] Bachmat and Bear. On the Concept and Size of a Representative
    Elementary Volume (Rev), Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media

    im_temp = sp.zeros_like(im)
    crds = sp.array(sp.rand(npoints, im.ndim) * im.shape, dtype=int)
    pads = sp.array(sp.rand(npoints) * sp.amin(im.shape) / 2 + 10, dtype=int)
    im_temp[tuple(crds.T)] = True
    labels, N = spim.label(input=im_temp)
    slices = spim.find_objects(input=labels)
    porosity = sp.zeros(shape=(N, ), dtype=float)
    volume = sp.zeros(shape=(N, ), dtype=int)
    for i in tqdm(sp.arange(0, N)):
        s = slices[i]
        p = pads[i]
        new_s = extend_slice(s, shape=im.shape, pad=p)
        temp = im[new_s]
        Vp = sp.sum(temp)
        Vt = sp.size(temp)
        porosity[i] = Vp / Vt
        volume[i] = Vt
    profile = namedtuple('profile', ('volume', 'porosity'))
    profile.volume = volume
    profile.porosity = porosity
    return profile
Exemple #2
def trim_saddle_points(peaks, dt, max_iters=10):
    Removes peaks that were mistakenly identified because they lied on a
    saddle or ridge in the distance transform that was not actually a true
    local peak.

    peaks : ND-array
        A boolean image containing True values to mark peaks in the distance
        transform (``dt``)

    dt : ND-array
        The distance transform of the pore space for which the true peaks are

    max_iters : int
        The maximum number of iterations to run while eroding the saddle
        points.  The default is 10, which is usually not reached; however,
        a warning is issued if the loop ends prior to removing all saddle

    image : ND-array
        An image with fewer peaks than the input image
    peaks = sp.copy(peaks)
    if dt.ndim == 2:
        from skimage.morphology import square as cube
        from skimage.morphology import cube
    labels, N = spim.label(peaks)
    slices = spim.find_objects(labels)
    for i in range(N):
        s = extend_slice(s=slices[i], shape=peaks.shape, pad=10)
        peaks_i = labels[s] == i + 1
        dt_i = dt[s]
        im_i = dt_i > 0
        iters = 0
        peaks_dil = sp.copy(peaks_i)
        while iters < max_iters:
            iters += 1
            peaks_dil = spim.binary_dilation(input=peaks_dil,
            peaks_max = peaks_dil * sp.amax(dt_i * peaks_dil)
            peaks_extended = (peaks_max == dt_i) * im_i
            if sp.all(peaks_extended == peaks_i):
                break  # Found a true peak
            elif sp.sum(peaks_extended * peaks_i) == 0:
                peaks_i = False
                break  # Found a saddle point
        peaks[s] = peaks_i
        if iters >= max_iters:
            print('Maximum number of iterations reached, consider' +
                  'running again with a larger value of max_iters')
    return peaks
Exemple #3
def region_surface_areas(regions, voxel_size=1, strel=None):
    Extracts the surface area of each region in a labeled image.

    Optionally, it can also find the the interfacial area between all
    adjoining regions.

    regions : ND-array
        An image of the pore space partitioned into individual pore regions.
        Note that zeros in the image will not be considered for area
    voxel_size : scalar
        The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a
        voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed.  The
        default is 1.
    strel : array_like
        The structuring element used to blur the region.  If not provided,
        then a spherical element (or disk) with radius 1 is used.  See the
        docstring for ``mesh_region`` for more details, as this argument is
        passed to there.

    result : list
        A list containing the surface area of each region, offset by 1, such
        that the surface area of region 1 is stored in element 0 of the list.

    print('-' * 60)
    print('Finding surface area of each region')
    im = regions.copy()
    # Get 'slices' into im for each pore region
    slices = spim.find_objects(im)
    # Initialize arrays
    Ps = np.arange(1, np.amax(im) + 1)
    sa = np.zeros_like(Ps, dtype=float)
    # Start extracting marching cube area from im
    for i in tqdm(Ps):
        reg = i - 1
        if slices[reg] is not None:
            s = extend_slice(slices[reg], im.shape)
            sub_im = im[s]
            mask_im = sub_im == i
            mesh = mesh_region(region=mask_im, strel=strel)
            sa[reg] = mesh_surface_area(mesh)
    result = sa * voxel_size**2
    return result
Exemple #4
def region_interface_areas(regions, areas, voxel_size=1, strel=None):
    Calculates the interfacial area between all pairs of adjecent regions

    regions : ND-array
        An image of the pore space partitioned into individual pore regions.
        Note that zeros in the image will not be considered for area
    areas : array_like
        A list containing the areas of each regions, as determined by
        ``region_surface_area``.  Note that the region number and list index
        are offset by 1, such that the area for region 1 is stored in
    voxel_size : scalar
        The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a
        voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed.  The
        default is 1.
    strel : array_like
        The structuring element used to blur the region.  If not provided,
        then a spherical element (or disk) with radius 1 is used.  See the
        docstring for ``mesh_region`` for more details, as this argument is
        passed to there.

    result : named_tuple
        A named-tuple containing 2 arrays. ``conns`` holds the connectivity
        information and ``area`` holds the result for each pair.  ``conns`` is
        a N-regions by 2 array with each row containing the region number of an
        adjacent pair of regions.  For instance, if ``conns[0, 0]`` is 0 and
        ``conns[0, 1]`` is 5, then row 0 of ``area`` contains the interfacial
        area shared by regions 0 and 5.

    print('-' * 60)
    print('Finding interfacial areas between each region')
    from skimage.morphology import disk, ball
    im = regions.copy()
    if im.ndim != im.squeeze().ndim:
        warnings.warn('Input image conains a singleton axis:' + str(im.shape) +
                      ' Reduce dimensionality with np.squeeze(im) to avoid' +
                      ' unexpected behavior.')
    # cube_elem = square if im.ndim == 2 else cube
    ball_elem = disk if im.ndim == 2 else ball
    # Get 'slices' into im for each region
    slices = spim.find_objects(im)
    # Initialize arrays
    Ps = np.arange(1, np.amax(im) + 1)
    sa = np.zeros_like(Ps, dtype=float)
    sa_combined = []  # Difficult to preallocate since number of conns unknown
    cn = []
    # Start extracting area from im
    for i in tqdm(Ps):
        reg = i - 1
        if slices[reg] is not None:
            s = extend_slice(slices[reg], im.shape)
            sub_im = im[s]
            mask_im = sub_im == i
            sa[reg] = areas[reg]
            im_w_throats = spim.binary_dilation(input=mask_im,
            im_w_throats = im_w_throats * sub_im
            Pn = np.unique(im_w_throats)[1:] - 1
            for j in Pn:
                if j > reg:
                    cn.append([reg, j])
                    merged_region = im[(
                        min(slices[reg][0].start, slices[j][0].start)
                    ):max(slices[reg][0].stop, slices[j][0].stop), (
                        min(slices[reg][1].start, slices[j][1].start)
                    ):max(slices[reg][1].stop, slices[j][1].stop)]
                    merged_region = ((merged_region == reg + 1) +
                                     (merged_region == j + 1))
                    mesh = mesh_region(region=merged_region, strel=strel)
    # Interfacial area calculation
    cn = np.array(cn)
    ia = 0.5 * (sa[cn[:, 0]] + sa[cn[:, 1]] - sa_combined)
    ia[ia <= 0] = 1
    result = namedtuple('interfacial_areas', ('conns', 'area'))
    result.conns = cn
    result.area = ia * voxel_size**2
    return result
Exemple #5
def regions_to_network(im, dt=None, voxel_size=1):
    Analyzes an image that has been partitioned into pore regions and extracts
    the pore and throat geometry as well as network connectivity.

    im : ND-array
        An image of the pore space partitioned into individual pore regions.
        Note that this image must have zeros indicating the solid phase.

    dt : ND-array
        The distance transform of the pore space.  If not given it will be
        calculated, but it can save time to provide one if available.

    voxel_size : scalar
        The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a
        voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed.  The
        default is 1, which is useful when overlaying the PNM on the original
        image since the scale of the image is alway 1 unit lenth per voxel.

    A dictionary containing all the pore and throat size data, as well as the
    network topological information.  The dictionary names use the OpenPNM
    convention (i.e. 'pore.coords', 'throat.conns') so it may be converted
    directly to an OpenPNM network object using the ``update`` command.
    print('_' * 60)
    print('Extracting pore and throat information from image')
    from skimage.morphology import disk, square, ball, cube
    if im.ndim == 2:
        cube = square
        ball = disk

#    if ~sp.any(im == 0):
#        raise Exception('The received image has no solid phase (0\'s)')

    if dt is None:
        dt = spim.distance_transform_edt(im > 0)
        dt = spim.gaussian_filter(input=dt, sigma=0.5)

    # Get 'slices' into im for each pore region
    slices = spim.find_objects(im)

    # Initialize arrays
    Ps = sp.arange(1, sp.amax(im) + 1)
    Np = sp.size(Ps)
    p_coords = sp.zeros((Np, im.ndim), dtype=float)
    p_volume = sp.zeros((Np, ), dtype=float)
    p_dia_local = sp.zeros((Np, ), dtype=float)
    p_dia_global = sp.zeros((Np, ), dtype=float)
    p_label = sp.zeros((Np, ), dtype=int)
    p_area_surf = sp.zeros((Np, ), dtype=int)
    mc_sa = sp.zeros((Np, ), dtype=int)
    t_area_mc = []
    t_conns = []
    t_dia_inscribed = []
    t_area = []
    t_perimeter = []
    t_coords = []

    # Start extracting size information for pores and throats
    for i in tqdm(Ps):
        pore = i - 1
        #        if slices[pore] is None:
        #            continue
        s = extend_slice(slices[pore], im.shape)
        sub_im = im[s]
        sub_dt = dt[s]
        pore_im = sub_im == i
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        padded_mask = sp.pad(pore_im, pad_width=1, mode='constant')
        pore_dt = spim.distance_transform_edt(padded_mask)
        if padded_mask.ndim == 3:
            filter_mask = spim.convolve(padded_mask * 1.0,
                                        weights=ball(1)) / sp.sum(ball(1))
            verts, faces, norm, val = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(
            padded_mask1 = sp.reshape(pore_im, (1, ) + pore_im.shape)
            padded_mask1 = sp.pad(padded_mask1, pad_width=1, mode='constant')
            verts, faces, norm, val = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(
        mc_sa[pore] = measure.mesh_surface_area(verts, faces)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        s_offset = sp.array([i.start for i in s])
        p_label[pore] = i
        p_coords[pore, :] = spim.center_of_mass(pore_im) + s_offset
        p_volume[pore] = sp.sum(pore_im)
        p_dia_local[pore] = 2 * sp.amax(pore_dt)
        p_dia_global[pore] = 2 * sp.amax(sub_dt)
        p_area_surf[pore] = sp.sum(pore_dt == 1)
        im_w_throats = spim.binary_dilation(input=pore_im, structure=ball(1))
        im_w_throats = im_w_throats * sub_im
        Pn = sp.unique(im_w_throats)[1:] - 1
        for j in Pn:
            if j > pore:
                t_conns.append([pore, j])
                vx = sp.where(im_w_throats == (j + 1))
                t_dia_inscribed.append(2 * sp.amax(sub_dt[vx]))
                t_perimeter.append(sp.sum(sub_dt[vx] < 2))
                # -------------------------------------------------------------
                merged_region = im[(
                    min(slices[pore][0].start, slices[j][0].start)
                ):max(slices[pore][0].stop, slices[j][0].stop), (
                    min(slices[pore][1].start, slices[j][1].start)
                ):max(slices[pore][1].stop, slices[j][1].stop)]
                merged_region = ((merged_region == pore + 1) +
                                 (merged_region == j + 1))
                if im.ndim == 3:
                    merged_region = sp.pad(merged_region,
                    mfilter = spim.convolve(merged_region * 1.0,
                                            weights=ball(1)) / sp.sum(ball(1))
                    j_mask = im[slices[j]] == j + 1
                    j_mask = sp.pad(j_mask * 1.0,
                    jfilter = spim.convolve(j_mask, weights=ball(1)) / sp.sum(
                    merged_region = sp.reshape(merged_region,
                                               (1, ) + merged_region.shape)
                    mfilter = sp.pad(merged_region,
                    j_mask = im[slices[j]] == j + 1
                    j_mask = sp.reshape(j_mask, (1, ) + j_mask.shape)
                    jfilter = sp.pad(j_mask * 1.0,
                verts1, face1, n1, v1 = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(mfilter)
                mc_sa_combined = measure.mesh_surface_area(verts1, face1)
                verts2, face2, n2, v2 = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(jfilter)
                mc_sa_j = measure.mesh_surface_area(verts2, face2)
                mc_area = 0.5 * (mc_sa_j + mc_sa[pore] - mc_sa_combined)

                if mc_area < 0:
                    mc_area = 1.0
                # -------------------------------------------------------------
                t_inds = tuple([i + j for i, j in zip(vx, s_offset)])
                temp = sp.where(dt[t_inds] == sp.amax(dt[t_inds]))[0][0]
                if im.ndim == 2:
                    t_coords.append(tuple((t_inds[0][temp], t_inds[1][temp])))
                        tuple((t_inds[0][temp], t_inds[1][temp],
    # Clean up values
    Nt = len(t_dia_inscribed)  # Get number of throats
    if im.ndim == 2:  # If 2D, add 0's in 3rd dimension
        p_coords = sp.vstack((p_coords.T, sp.zeros((Np, )))).T
        t_coords = sp.vstack((sp.array(t_coords).T, sp.zeros((Nt, )))).T

    net = {}
    net['pore.all'] = sp.ones((Np, ), dtype=bool)
    net['throat.all'] = sp.ones((Nt, ), dtype=bool)
    net['pore.coords'] = sp.copy(p_coords) * voxel_size
    net['pore.centroid'] = sp.copy(p_coords) * voxel_size
    net['throat.centroid'] = sp.array(t_coords) * voxel_size
    net['throat.conns'] = sp.array(t_conns)
    net['pore.label'] = sp.array(p_label)
    net['pore.volume'] = sp.copy(p_volume) * (voxel_size**3)
    net['throat.volume'] = sp.zeros((Nt, ), dtype=float)
    net['pore.diameter'] = sp.copy(p_dia_local) * voxel_size
    net['pore.inscribed_diameter'] = sp.copy(p_dia_local) * voxel_size
    net['pore.equivalent_diameter'] = 2 * (
        (3 / 4 * net['pore.volume'] / sp.pi)**(1 / 3))
    net['pore.extended_diameter'] = sp.copy(p_dia_global) * voxel_size
    net['pore.surface_area'] = sp.copy(p_area_surf) * (voxel_size)**2
    net['pore.surface_area_mc'] = sp.copy(mc_sa) * (voxel_size)**2
    net['throat.area_mc'] = sp.array(t_area_mc) * (voxel_size**2)
    net['throat.diameter'] = sp.array(t_dia_inscribed) * voxel_size
    net['throat.inscribed_diameter'] = sp.array(t_dia_inscribed) * voxel_size
    net['throat.area'] = sp.array(t_area) * (voxel_size**2)
    net['throat.perimeter'] = sp.array(t_perimeter) * voxel_size
    net['throat.equivalent_diameter'] = ((sp.array(t_area) *
    P12 = net['throat.conns']
    PT1 = (sp.sqrt(
        sp.sum(((p_coords[P12[:, 0]] - t_coords) * voxel_size)**2, axis=1)))
    PT2 = (sp.sqrt(
        sp.sum(((p_coords[P12[:, 1]] - t_coords) * voxel_size)**2, axis=1)))
    net['throat.total_length'] = PT1 + PT2
    PT1 = PT1 - p_dia_local[P12[:, 0]] / 2 * voxel_size
    PT2 = PT2 - p_dia_local[P12[:, 1]] / 2 * voxel_size
    net['throat.length'] = PT1 + PT2
    dist = (p_coords[P12[:, 0]] - p_coords[P12[:, 1]]) * voxel_size
    net['throat.direct_length'] = sp.sqrt(sp.sum(dist**2, axis=1))

    return net
Exemple #6
def regions_to_network(im, dt=None, voxel_size=1):
    Analyzes an image that has been partitioned into pore regions and extracts
    the pore and throat geometry as well as network connectivity.

    im : ND-array
        An image of the pore space partitioned into individual pore regions.
        Note that this image must have zeros indicating the solid phase.

    dt : ND-array
        The distance transform of the pore space.  If not given it will be
        calculated, but it can save time to provide one if available.

    voxel_size : scalar
        The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a
        voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed.  The
        default is 1, which is useful when overlaying the PNM on the original
        image since the scale of the image is alway 1 unit lenth per voxel.

    A dictionary containing all the pore and throat size data, as well as the
    network topological information.  The dictionary names use the OpenPNM
    convention (i.e. 'pore.coords', 'throat.conns') so it may be converted
    directly to an OpenPNM network object using the ``update`` command.

    print('-' * 60)
    print('Extracting pore and throat information from image')
    from skimage.morphology import disk, ball
    struc_elem = disk if im.ndim == 2 else ball

    # if ~np.any(im == 0):
    #     raise Exception('The received image has no solid phase (0\'s)')

    if dt is None:
        dt = spim.distance_transform_edt(im > 0)
        dt = spim.gaussian_filter(input=dt, sigma=0.5)

    # Get 'slices' into im for each pore region
    slices = spim.find_objects(im)

    # Initialize arrays
    Ps = np.arange(1, np.amax(im) + 1)
    Np = np.size(Ps)
    p_coords = np.zeros((Np, im.ndim), dtype=float)
    p_volume = np.zeros((Np, ), dtype=float)
    p_dia_local = np.zeros((Np, ), dtype=float)
    p_dia_global = np.zeros((Np, ), dtype=float)
    p_label = np.zeros((Np, ), dtype=int)
    p_area_surf = np.zeros((Np, ), dtype=int)
    t_conns = []
    t_dia_inscribed = []
    t_area = []
    t_perimeter = []
    t_coords = []
    # dt_shape = np.array(dt.shape)

    # Start extracting size information for pores and throats
    for i in tqdm(Ps, file=sys.stdout):
        pore = i - 1
        if slices[pore] is None:
        s = extend_slice(slices[pore], im.shape)
        sub_im = im[s]
        sub_dt = dt[s]
        pore_im = sub_im == i
        padded_mask = np.pad(pore_im, pad_width=1, mode='constant')
        pore_dt = spim.distance_transform_edt(padded_mask)
        s_offset = np.array([i.start for i in s])
        p_label[pore] = i
        p_coords[pore, :] = spim.center_of_mass(pore_im) + s_offset
        p_volume[pore] = np.sum(pore_im)
        p_dia_local[pore] = (2 * np.amax(pore_dt)) - np.sqrt(3)
        p_dia_global[pore] = 2 * np.amax(sub_dt)
        p_area_surf[pore] = np.sum(pore_dt == 1)
        im_w_throats = spim.binary_dilation(input=pore_im,
        im_w_throats = im_w_throats * sub_im
        Pn = np.unique(im_w_throats)[1:] - 1
        for j in Pn:
            if j > pore:
                t_conns.append([pore, j])
                vx = np.where(im_w_throats == (j + 1))
                t_dia_inscribed.append(2 * np.amax(sub_dt[vx]))
                t_perimeter.append(np.sum(sub_dt[vx] < 2))
                t_inds = tuple([i + j for i, j in zip(vx, s_offset)])
                temp = np.where(dt[t_inds] == np.amax(dt[t_inds]))[0][0]
                if im.ndim == 2:
                    t_coords.append(tuple((t_inds[0][temp], t_inds[1][temp])))
                        tuple((t_inds[0][temp], t_inds[1][temp],
    # Clean up values
    Nt = len(t_dia_inscribed)  # Get number of throats
    if im.ndim == 2:  # If 2D, add 0's in 3rd dimension
        p_coords = np.vstack((p_coords.T, np.zeros((Np, )))).T
        t_coords = np.vstack((np.array(t_coords).T, np.zeros((Nt, )))).T

    net = {}
    net['pore.all'] = np.ones((Np, ), dtype=bool)
    net['throat.all'] = np.ones((Nt, ), dtype=bool)
    net['pore.coords'] = np.copy(p_coords) * voxel_size
    net['pore.centroid'] = np.copy(p_coords) * voxel_size
    net['throat.centroid'] = np.array(t_coords) * voxel_size
    net['throat.conns'] = np.array(t_conns)
    net['pore.label'] = np.array(p_label)
    net['pore.volume'] = np.copy(p_volume) * (voxel_size**3)
    net['throat.volume'] = np.zeros((Nt, ), dtype=float)
    net['pore.diameter'] = np.copy(p_dia_local) * voxel_size
    net['pore.inscribed_diameter'] = np.copy(p_dia_local) * voxel_size
    net['pore.equivalent_diameter'] = 2 * (
        (3 / 4 * net['pore.volume'] / np.pi)**(1 / 3))
    net['pore.extended_diameter'] = np.copy(p_dia_global) * voxel_size
    net['pore.surface_area'] = np.copy(p_area_surf) * (voxel_size)**2
    net['throat.diameter'] = np.array(t_dia_inscribed) * voxel_size
    net['throat.inscribed_diameter'] = np.array(t_dia_inscribed) * voxel_size
    net['throat.area'] = np.array(t_area) * (voxel_size**2)
    net['throat.perimeter'] = np.array(t_perimeter) * voxel_size
    net['throat.equivalent_diameter'] = (np.array(t_area) *
    P12 = net['throat.conns']
    PT1 = np.sqrt(
        np.sum(((p_coords[P12[:, 0]] - t_coords) * voxel_size)**2, axis=1))
    PT2 = np.sqrt(
        np.sum(((p_coords[P12[:, 1]] - t_coords) * voxel_size)**2, axis=1))
    net['throat.total_length'] = PT1 + PT2
    PT1 = PT1 - p_dia_local[P12[:, 0]] / 2 * voxel_size
    PT2 = PT2 - p_dia_local[P12[:, 1]] / 2 * voxel_size
    net['throat.length'] = PT1 + PT2
    dist = (p_coords[P12[:, 0]] - p_coords[P12[:, 1]]) * voxel_size
    net['throat.direct_length'] = np.sqrt(np.sum(dist**2, axis=1))
    # Make a dummy openpnm network to get the conduit lengths
    pn = op.network.GenericNetwork()
    pn.add_model(propname='pore.area', model=op_gm.pore_area.sphere)
    net['throat.endpoints.head'] = pn['throat.endpoints.head']
    net['throat.endpoints.tail'] = pn['throat.endpoints.tail']
    net['throat.conduit_lengths.pore1'] = pn['throat.conduit_lengths.pore1']
    net['throat.conduit_lengths.pore2'] = pn['throat.conduit_lengths.pore2']
    net['throat.conduit_lengths.throat'] = pn['throat.conduit_lengths.throat']
    net['pore.area'] = pn['pore.area']
    prj = pn.project
    wrk = op.Workspace()

    return net