Exemple #1
	def _async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Override _async_waitpid_cb to perform cleanup that is
		not necessarily idempotent.
		ForkProcess._async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs)
		if self.returncode == portage.const.RETURNCODE_POSTINST_FAILURE:
			self.postinst_failure = True
			self.returncode = os.EX_OK
Exemple #2
    def _async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Override _async_waitpid_cb to perform cleanup that is
		not necessarily idempotent.
        ForkProcess._async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs)
        if self.returncode == portage.const.RETURNCODE_POSTINST_FAILURE:
            self.postinst_failure = True
            self.returncode = os.EX_OK
Exemple #3
	def _async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Override _async_waitpid_cb to perform cleanup that is
		not necessarily idempotent.
		ForkProcess._async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs)
		# Collect elog messages that might have been
		# created by the pkg_nofetch phase.
		# Skip elog messages for prefetch, in order to avoid duplicates.
		if not self.prefetch and self.returncode != os.EX_OK:
			msg_lines = []
			msg = "Fetch failed for '%s'" % (self.pkg.cpv,)
			if self.logfile is not None:
				msg += ", Log file:"
			if self.logfile is not None:
				msg_lines.append(" '%s'" % (self.logfile,))
Exemple #4
	def _async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs):
		Override _async_waitpid_cb to perform cleanup that is
		not necessarily idempotent.
		ForkProcess._async_waitpid_cb(self, *args, **kwargs)
		# Collect elog messages that might have been
		# created by the pkg_nofetch phase.
		# Skip elog messages for prefetch, in order to avoid duplicates.
		if not self.prefetch and self.returncode != os.EX_OK:
			msg_lines = []
			msg = "Fetch failed for '%s'" % (self.pkg.cpv,)
			if self.logfile is not None:
				msg += ", Log file:"
			if self.logfile is not None:
				msg_lines.append(" '%s'" % (self.logfile,))