Exemple #1
    def _validate_query(self, cfg, query):
        validator = cfg.get("query_validator")
        if validator is None:
            return True

        filters = app.config.get("QUERY_FILTERS", {})
        validator_path = filters.get(validator)
        fn = plugin.load_function(validator_path)
        if fn is None:
            msg = "Unable to load query validator for {x}".format(x=validator)
            raise exceptions.ConfigurationException(msg)

        return fn(query)
Exemple #2
    def _post_filter_search_results(self, cfg, res, unpacked=False):
        filters = app.config.get("QUERY_FILTERS", {})
        result_filter_names = cfg.get("result_filters", [])
        for result_filter_name in result_filter_names:
            fn = plugin.load_function(filters.get(result_filter_name))
            if fn is None:
                msg = "Unable to load result filter for {x}".format(
                raise exceptions.ConfigurationException(msg)

            # apply the result filter
            res = fn(res, unpacked=unpacked)

        return res
Exemple #3
    def _pre_filter_search_query(self, cfg, query):
        # now run the query through the filters
        filters = app.config.get("QUERY_FILTERS", {})
        filter_names = cfg.get("query_filters", [])
        for filter_name in filter_names:
            # because of back-compat, we have to do a few tricky things here...
            # filter may be the name of a filter in the list of query filters
            fn = plugin.load_function(filters.get(filter_name))
            if fn is None:
                msg = "Unable to load query filter for {x}".format(
                raise exceptions.ConfigurationException(msg)

            # run the filter

        return query