def get_legs_pose2d_in_map(self): m_a_T = self.pose_2d_in_map_frame if self.type == "legs": leg_radius = self.leg_radius # [m] leg_side_offset = 0.1 # [m] leg_side_amplitude = 0.1 # [m] half amplitude leg_front_amplitude = 0.3 # [m] # get position of each leg w.r.t agent (x is 'forward') # travel is a sine function relative to how fast the agent is moving in x y front_travel = leg_front_amplitude * np.cos( self.state[0] * 2. / leg_front_amplitude # assuming dx = 2 dphi / A + self.state[2] # adds a little movement when rotating ) side_travel = leg_side_amplitude * np.cos( self.state[1] * 2. / leg_side_amplitude + self.state[2] ) right_leg_pose2d_in_agent_frame = np.array([ front_travel, side_travel + leg_side_offset, 0]) left_leg_pose2d_in_agent_frame = -right_leg_pose2d_in_agent_frame left_leg_pose2d_in_map_frame = pose2d.apply_tf_to_pose( left_leg_pose2d_in_agent_frame, m_a_T) right_leg_pose2d_in_map_frame = pose2d.apply_tf_to_pose( right_leg_pose2d_in_agent_frame, m_a_T) return left_leg_pose2d_in_map_frame, right_leg_pose2d_in_map_frame else: raise NotImplementedError
def _convert_obs(self): robot = self.soadrl_sim.robot # lidar obs lidar_pos = np.array([robot.px,, robot.theta], dtype=np.float32) ranges = np.ones((self.n_angles,), dtype=np.float32) * 25. angles = np.linspace(self.kLidarMergedMinAngle, self.kLidarMergedMaxAngle-self.kLidarAngleIncrement, self.n_angles) + lidar_pos[2] render_contours_in_lidar(ranges, angles, self.flat_contours, lidar_pos[:2]) # agents other_agents = [] for i, human in enumerate(self.soadrl_sim.humans): pos = np.array([human.px,, human.theta], dtype=np.float32) dist = self.distances_travelled_in_base_frame[i].astype(np.float32) vel = np.array([human.vx, human.vy], dtype=np.float32) if self.lidar_legs: agent = CSimAgent(pos, dist, vel) else: agent = CSimAgent(pos, dist, vel, type_="trunk", radius=human.radius) other_agents.append(agent) # apply through converter map (res 1., origin 0,0 -> i,j == x,y) self.converter_cmap2d.render_agents_in_lidar(ranges, angles, other_agents, lidar_pos[:2]) self.lidar_scan = ranges self.lidar_angles = angles # robotstate obs # shape (n_agents, 5 [grx, gry, vx, vy, vtheta]) - all in base frame baselink_in_world = np.array([robot.px,, robot.theta]) world_in_baselink = inverse_pose2d(baselink_in_world) robotvel_in_world = np.array([robot.vx, robot.vy, 0]) # TODO: actual robot rot vel? robotvel_in_baselink = apply_tf_to_vel(robotvel_in_world, world_in_baselink) goal_in_world = np.array([robot.gx,, 0]) goal_in_baselink = apply_tf_to_pose(goal_in_world, world_in_baselink) robotstate_obs = np.hstack([goal_in_baselink[:2], robotvel_in_baselink]) obs = (self.lidar_scan, robotstate_obs) return obs
def visuals_loop(self): while True: xx, yy, clusters, is_legs, cogs, radii = self.clusters_data # past positions tf_past_in_rob = [] if self.tf_pastrobs_in_fix: tf_rob_in_fix = self.tf_pastrobs_in_fix[-1] for i, tf_a in enumerate(self.tf_pastrobs_in_fix[::-1]): tf_b = apply_tf_to_pose( Pose2D(tf_a), inverse_pose2d(Pose2D(tf_rob_in_fix))) tf_past_in_rob.append(tf_b) # Plotting plt.figure("clusters") plt.cla() plt.scatter(xx, yy, zorder=1, facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 1), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1), color='k', marker='.') # for x, y in zip(xx, yy): # plt.plot([0, x], [0, y], linewidth=0.01, color='red' , zorder=2) plt.scatter([0], [0], marker='+', color='k', s=1000) for c in clusters: plt.plot(xx[c], yy[c], zorder=2) for l, cog, r in zip(is_legs, cogs, radii): if l: patch = patches.Circle(cog, r, facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1), linewidth=3) else: patch = patches.Circle(cog, r, facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0, 1), linestyle='--') plt.gca().add_artist(patch) if tf_past_in_rob: xy_past = np.array(tf_past_in_rob) plt.plot(xy_past[:, 0], xy_past[:, 1], color='red') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') LIM = 10 plt.ylim([-LIM, LIM]) plt.xlim([-LIM, LIM]) # pause plt.pause(0.1) rospy.timer.sleep(0.01)
def scan_callback(self, msg): atic = timer() # edge case: first callback if self.msg_prev is None: self.msg_prev = msg return if self.odom is None: print("odom not received yet") return if self.tf_rob_in_fix is None: print("tf_rob_in_fix not found yet") return if self.tf_goal_in_fix is None: self.tf_goal_in_fix = self.tf_rob_in_fix print("goal set") # TODO check that odom and tf are not old # measure rotation TODO s = np.array(msg.ranges) # prediction dt = (msg.header.stamp - self.msg_prev.header.stamp).to_sec() s_prev = np.array(self.msg_prev.ranges) ds = (s - s_prev) max_ds = self.kMaxObstacleVel_ms * dt ds_capped = ds ds_capped[np.abs(ds) > max_ds] = 0 s_next = np.maximum(0, s + ds_capped).astype(np.float32) # cluster EUCLIDEAN_CLUSTERING_THRESH_M = 0.05 angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, s_next.shape[0] + 1, dtype=np.float32)[:-1] clusters, x, y = clustering.euclidean_clustering( s_next, angles, EUCLIDEAN_CLUSTERING_THRESH_M) cluster_sizes = clustering.cluster_sizes(len(s_next), clusters) s_next[cluster_sizes <= 3] = 25 # dwa # Get state # goal in robot frame goal_in_robot_frame = apply_tf_to_pose( Pose2D(self.tf_goal_in_fix), inverse_pose2d(Pose2D(self.tf_rob_in_fix))) gx = goal_in_robot_frame[0] gy = goal_in_robot_frame[1] # robot speed in robot frame u = self.odom.twist.twist.linear.x v = self.odom.twist.twist.linear.y w = self.odom.twist.twist.angular.z DWA_DT = 0.5 COMFORT_RADIUS_M = self.kRobotComfortRadius_m MAX_XY_VEL = 0.5 tic = timer() best_u, best_v, best_score = dynamic_window.linear_dwa( s_next, angles, u, v, gx, gy, DWA_DT, DV=0.05, UMIN=0 if self.args.forward_only else -MAX_XY_VEL, UMAX=MAX_XY_VEL, VMIN=-MAX_XY_VEL, VMAX=MAX_XY_VEL, AMAX=10., COMFORT_RADIUS_M=COMFORT_RADIUS_M, ) toc = timer() # print(best_u * DWA_DT, best_v * DWA_DT, best_score) # print("DWA: {:.2f} Hz".format(1/(toc-tic))) # Slow turn towards goal # TODO best_w = 0 WMAX = 0.5 angle_to_goal = np.arctan2(gy, gx) # [-pi, pi] if np.sqrt(gx * gx + gy * gy) > 0.5: # turn only if goal is far away if np.abs(angle_to_goal) > (np.pi / 4 / 10): # deadzone best_w = np.clip(angle_to_goal, -WMAX, WMAX) # linear ramp if not self.STOP: # publish cmd_vel cmd_vel_msg = Twist() SIDEWAYS_FACTOR = 0.3 if self.args.forward_only else 1. cmd_vel_msg.linear.x = np.clip(best_u * 0.5, -0.3, 0.3) cmd_vel_msg.linear.y = np.clip(best_v * 0.5 * SIDEWAYS_FACTOR, -0.3, 0.3) cmd_vel_msg.angular.z = best_w self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel_msg) # publish cmd_vel vis pub = rospy.Publisher("/dwa_cmd_vel", Marker, queue_size=1) mk = Marker() mk.header.frame_id = self.kRobotFrame mk.ns = "arrows" = 0 mk.type = 0 mk.action = 0 mk.scale.x = 0.02 mk.scale.y = 0.02 mk.color.b = 1 mk.color.a = 1 mk.frame_locked = True pt = Point() pt.x = 0 pt.y = 0 pt.z = 0.03 mk.points.append(pt) pt = Point() pt.x = 0 + best_u * DWA_DT pt.y = 0 + best_v * DWA_DT pt.z = 0.03 mk.points.append(pt) pub.publish(mk) pub = rospy.Publisher("/dwa_goal", Marker, queue_size=1) mk = Marker() mk.header.frame_id = self.kRobotFrame mk.ns = "arrows" = 0 mk.type = 0 mk.action = 0 mk.scale.x = 0.02 mk.scale.y = 0.02 mk.color.g = 1 mk.color.a = 1 mk.frame_locked = True pt = Point() pt.x = 0 pt.y = 0 pt.z = 0.03 mk.points.append(pt) pt = Point() pt.x = 0 + gx pt.y = 0 + gy pt.z = 0.03 mk.points.append(pt) pub.publish(mk) pub = rospy.Publisher("/dwa_radius", Marker, queue_size=1) mk = Marker() mk.header.frame_id = self.kRobotFrame mk.ns = "radius" = 0 mk.type = 3 mk.action = 0 mk.pose.position.z = -0.1 mk.scale.x = COMFORT_RADIUS_M * 2 mk.scale.y = COMFORT_RADIUS_M * 2 mk.scale.z = 0.01 mk.color.b = 1 mk.color.g = 1 mk.color.r = 1 mk.color.a = 1 mk.frame_locked = True pub.publish(mk) # publish scan prediction msg_next = deepcopy(msg) msg_next.ranges = s_next # for pretty colors cluster_ids = clustering.cluster_ids(len(x), clusters) random_map = np.arange(len(cluster_ids)) np.random.shuffle(random_map) cluster_ids = random_map[cluster_ids] msg_next.intensities = cluster_ids self.pubs[0].publish(msg_next) # publish past msg_prev = deepcopy(msg) msg_prev.ranges = self.msg_prev.ranges self.pubs[1].publish(msg_prev) # ... # finally, set up for next callback self.msg_prev = msg atoc = timer() if self.args.hz: print("DWA callback: {:.2f} Hz".format(1 / (atoc - atic)))
def grid_feature_estimate_from_sensor_data(tracked_persons, pose2d_tracksframe_in_refmap, robot_heading, state, fixed_state): # same for all features n_agents = len(tracked_persons.tracks) # visibility_map # TODO: use lidar free space instead! map_ = ij = indexing.as_idx_array(map_.occupancy(), axis='all') ii = ij[..., 0] jj = ij[..., 1] fov = [robot_heading - HALF_FOV, robot_heading + HALF_FOV] visibility =, fov=fov) for feature_name in kStateFeatures: feature_index = kStateFeatures[feature_name] # start by assuming no humans detected, then add detections one by one. # TODO: increase nohuman uncertainty with distance? if feature_name == "crowdedness": feature_map = NOHUMAN_CROWDEDNESS_SENSOR_PR * np.zeros_like(ii, dtype=np.float32) feature_uncertainty_map = NOHUMAN_CWD_UNCERTAINTY_SENSOR_PR * np.ones_like(ii, dtype=np.float32) elif feature_name == "permissivity": feature_map = NOHUMAN_PERMISSIVITY_SENSOR_PR * np.ones_like(ii, dtype=np.float32) feature_uncertainty_map = NOHUMAN_PRM_UNCERTAINTY_SENSOR_PR * np.ones_like(ii, dtype=np.float32) elif feature_name == "perceptivity": feature_map = NOHUMAN_PERCEPTIVITY_SENSOR_PR * np.ones_like(ii, dtype=np.float32) feature_uncertainty_map = NOHUMAN_PER_UNCERTAINTY_SENSOR_PR * np.ones_like(ii, dtype=np.float32) for k in range(n_agents): tp = tracked_persons.tracks[k] from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion import pose2d quaternion = ( tp.pose.pose.orientation.x, tp.pose.pose.orientation.y, tp.pose.pose.orientation.z, tp.pose.pose.orientation.w, ) tp_pos_in_tracksframe = np.array([ tp.pose.pose.position.x, tp.pose.pose.position.y, euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)[2], ]) tp_pos_in_refmap = pose2d.apply_tf_to_pose( tp_pos_in_tracksframe, pose2d_tracksframe_in_refmap) ai, aj = map_.xy_to_ij([tp_pos_in_refmap[:2]])[0] # compute P(Z|S) if feature_name == "crowdedness": density_radius = CROWDEDNESS_RADIUS elif feature_name == "permissivity": density_radius = PERMISSIVITY_RADIUS elif feature_name == "perceptivity": density_radius = PERCEPTIVITY_RADIUS else: raise NotImplementedError("state estimate for {} not implemented.".format( feature_name)) sqr_density_radius_ij = (density_radius / map_.resolution())**2 sqr_distance = ((ii - ai)**2 + (jj - aj)**2) mask = sqr_distance < sqr_density_radius_ij if feature_name == "crowdedness": # influence_radius = 1. # bigger means "larger" people # feature_map[mask] += np.clip(1. / (0.0001 + sqr_distance[mask] * influence_radius), # 0., 1.) feature_map[mask] += HUMAN_CROWDEDNESS_SENSOR_PR # additive feature_uncertainty_map[mask] = HUMAN_CWD_UNCERTAINTY_SENSOR_PR elif feature_name == "permissivity": feature_map[mask] = HUMAN_PERMISSIVITY_SENSOR_PR feature_uncertainty_map[mask] = HUMAN_PRM_UNCERTAINTY_SENSOR_PR elif feature_name == "perceptivity": feature_map[mask] = HUMAN_PERCEPTIVITY_SENSOR_PR feature_uncertainty_map[mask] = HUMAN_PER_UNCERTAINTY_SENSOR_PR # what you can't see... feature_uncertainty_map[visibility < 0] = np.inf # no sensor update outside of sensor fov # apply observation normal pdf using bayesian posterior P(S|Z) ~= P(S) * P(Z|S) # product of two gaussian pdfs mu1 = np.array(state.grid_features_values()[feature_index, :, :]) mu2 = feature_map sigmasq1 = np.array(state.grid_features_uncertainties()[feature_index, :, :]) sigmasq2 = feature_uncertainty_map with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'invalid value encountered') warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'divide by zero') new_mu = (mu1 * sigmasq2 + mu2 * sigmasq1) / (sigmasq2 + sigmasq1) new_sigmasq = 1. / (1. / sigmasq1 + 1. / sigmasq2) # check numerics if CHECK_NUMERICS: is_both_small = np.logical_and(sigmasq1 < TINY_SIGMASQ, sigmasq2 < TINY_SIGMASQ) is_1_big = sigmasq1 > BIG_SIGMASQ is_2_big = sigmasq2 > BIG_SIGMASQ is_both_big = np.logical_and(sigmasq1 > BIG_SIGMASQ, sigmasq2 > BIG_SIGMASQ) new_mu[is_both_small] = ((mu1 + mu2) / 2.)[is_both_small] new_mu[is_1_big] = mu2[is_1_big] new_mu[is_2_big] = mu1[is_2_big] new_mu[is_both_big] = ((mu1 + mu2) / 2.)[is_both_big] new_sigmasq[is_both_small] = TINY_SIGMASQ new_sigmasq[is_1_big] = sigmasq2[is_1_big] new_sigmasq[is_2_big] = sigmasq1[is_2_big] new_mu[is_both_big] = BIG_SIGMASQ new_sigmasq[np.isnan(new_sigmasq)] = np.inf # this shouldn't happen... so it will # assign state.grid_features_values()[feature_index, :, :] = new_mu state.grid_features_uncertainties()[feature_index, :, :] = new_sigmasq