Exemple #1
 def stat(self, mpath):
     """Return available dirent info for the given Manta path."""
     parts = mpath.split('/')
     if len(parts) == 0:
         raise errors.MantaError("cannot stat empty manta path: %r" % mpath)
     elif len(parts) <= 3:
         raise errors.MantaError(
             "cannot stat special manta path: %r" % mpath)
     mparent = udirname(mpath)
     name = ubasename(mpath)
     dirents = self.ls(mparent)
     if name in dirents:
         return dirents[name]
         raise errors.MantaResourceNotFoundError(
             "%s: no such object or directory" % mpath)
Exemple #2
 def stat(self, mpath):
     """Return available dirent info for the given Manta path."""
     parts = mpath.split('/')
     if len(parts) == 0:
         raise errors.MantaError("cannot stat empty manta path: %r" % mpath)
     elif len(parts) <= 3:
         raise errors.MantaError(
             "cannot stat special manta path: %r" % mpath)
     mparent = udirname(mpath)
     name = ubasename(mpath)
     dirents = self.ls(mparent)
     if name in dirents:
         return dirents[name]
         raise errors.MantaResourceNotFoundError(
             "%s: no such object or directory" % mpath)
 def test_put(self):
     client = self.get_client()
     dirents = client.list_directory(stor(udirname(TDIR)))
     dirent = [d for d in dirents if d["name"] == ubasename(TDIR)][0]
Exemple #4
def main():
	import argparse

	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
		description='Tool to manipulate OneDrive contents.')
	parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
		metavar='path', default=conf.ConfigMixin.conf_path_default,
		help='Writable configuration state-file (yaml).'
			' Used to store authorization_code, access and refresh tokens.'
			' Should initially contain at least something like "{client: {id: xxx, secret: yyy}}".'
			' Default: %(default)s')

	parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', action='store_true',
		help='Interpret file/folder arguments only as human paths, not ids (default: guess).'
			' Avoid using such paths if non-unique "name"'
				' attributes of objects in the same parent folder might be used.')
	parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', action='store_true',
		help='Interpret file/folder arguments only as ids (default: guess).')

	parser.add_argument('-k', '--object-key', metavar='spec',
		help='If returned data is an object, or a list of objects, only print this key from there.'
			' Supplied spec can be a template string for python str.format,'
				' assuming that object gets passed as the first argument.'
			' Objects that do not have specified key or cannot'
				' be formatted using supplied template will be ignored entirely.'
			' Example: {0[id]} {0[name]!r} {0[count]:03d} (uploader: {0[from][name]})')

	parser.add_argument('-e', '--encoding', metavar='enc', default='utf-8',
		help='Use specified encoding (example: utf-8) for CLI input/output.'
			' See full list of supported encodings at:'
				' http://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings .'
			' Pass empty string or "detect" to detect input encoding via'
				' chardet module, if available, falling back to utf-8 and terminal encoding for output.'
			' Forced utf-8 is used by default, for consistency and due to its ubiquity.')

	parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version',
		version='python-onedrive {}'.format(onedrive.__version__),
		help='Print version number and exit.')
	parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Verbose operation mode.')

	cmds = parser.add_subparsers(title='Supported operations', dest='call')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('auth', help='Perform user authentication.')
	cmd.add_argument('url', nargs='?', help='URL with the authorization_code.')

		help='Force-refresh OAuth2 access_token.'
			' Should never be necessary under normal conditions.')

	cmds.add_parser('quota', help='Print quota information.')
	cmds.add_parser('user', help='Print user data.')
	cmds.add_parser('recent', help='List recently changed objects.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('info', help='Display object metadata.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Object to get info on (default: %(default)s).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('info_set', help='Manipulate object metadata.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to manipulate metadata for.')
		help='JSON mapping of values to set (example: {"name": "new_file_name.jpg"}).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('link', help='Get a link to a file.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to get link for.')
	cmd.add_argument('-t', '--type', default='shared_read_link',
		help='Type of link to request. Possible values'
			' (default: %(default)s): shared_read_link, embed, shared_edit_link.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('ls', help='List folder contents.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to list contents of (default: %(default)s).')
	cmd.add_argument('-r', '--range',
		metavar='{[offset]-[limit] | limit}',
		help='List only specified range of objects inside.'
			' Can be either dash-separated "offset-limit" tuple'
				' (any of these can be omitted) or a single "limit" number.')
	cmd.add_argument('-o', '--objects', action='store_true',
		help='Dump full objects, not just name and id.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('mkdir', help='Create a folder.')
		help='Name (or a path consisting of dirname + basename) of a folder to create.')
		nargs='?', default=None,
		help='Parent folder (default: me/skydrive).')
	cmd.add_argument('-m', '--metadata',
		help='JSON mappings of metadata to set for the created folder.'
			' Optonal. Example: {"description": "Photos from last trip to Mordor"}')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('get', help='Download file contents.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='File (object) to read.')
	cmd.add_argument('file_dst', nargs='?', help='Name/path to save file (object) as.')
	cmd.add_argument('-b', '--byte-range',
		help='Specific range of bytes to read from a file (default: read all).'
			' Should be specified in rfc2616 Range HTTP header format.'
			' Examples: 0-499 (start - 499), -500 (end-500 to end).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('put', help='Upload a file.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='Path to a local file to upload.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to put file into (default: %(default)s).')
	cmd.add_argument('-n', '--no-overwrite', action='store_true', default=None,
		help='Do not overwrite existing files with the same "name" attribute (visible name).'
			' Default (and documented) API behavior is to overwrite such files.')
	cmd.add_argument('-d', '--no-downsize', action='store_true', default=None,
		help='Disable automatic downsizing when uploading a large image.'
			' Default (and documented) API behavior is to downsize images.')
	cmd.add_argument('-b', '--bits', action='store_true',
		help='Force usage of BITS API (uploads via multiple http requests).'
			' Default is to only fallback to it for large (wrt API limits) files.')
		type=int, metavar='number',
		help='Fragment size for using BITS API (if used), in bytes. Default: %(default)s')
	cmd.add_argument('--bits-do-auth-refresh-before-commit-hack', action='store_true',
		help='Do auth_refresh trick before upload session commit request.'
			' This is reported to avoid current (as of 2015-01-16) http 5XX errors from the API.'
			' See github issue #39, gist with BITS API spec and the README file for more details.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('cp', help='Copy file to a folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='File (object) to copy.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to copy file to (default: %(default)s).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('mv', help='Move file to a folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='File (object) to move.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to move file to (default: %(default)s).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('rm', help='Remove object (file or folder).')
	cmd.add_argument('object', nargs='+', help='Object(s) to remove.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('comments', help='Show comments for a file, object or folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to show comments for.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('comment_add', help='Add comment for a file, object or folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to add comment for.')
	cmd.add_argument('message', help='Comment message to add.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('comment_delete', help='Delete comment from a file, object or folder.')
		help='ID of the comment to remove (use "comments"'
			' action to get comment ids along with the messages).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('tree',
		help='Show contents of onedrive (or folder) as a tree of file/folder names.'
			' Note that this operation will have to (separately) request a listing of every'
				' folder under the specified one, so can be quite slow for large number of these.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to display contents of (default: %(default)s).')
	cmd.add_argument('-o', '--objects', action='store_true',
		help='Dump full objects, not just name and type.')

	optz = parser.parse_args()

	if optz.path and optz.id:
		parser.error('--path and --id options cannot be used together.')

	if optz.encoding.strip('"') in [None, '', 'detect']: optz.encoding = None
	if optz.encoding:
		global force_encoding
		force_encoding = optz.encoding
		import codecs
		sys.stdin = codecs.getreader(optz.encoding)(sys.stdin)
		sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(optz.encoding)(sys.stdout)

	global log
	log = logging.getLogger()
	if not optz.debug else logging.DEBUG)

	api = api_v5.PersistentOneDriveAPI.from_conf(optz.config)
	res = xres = None
	resolve_path = ( (lambda s: id_match(s) or api.resolve_path(s))\
		if not optz.path else api.resolve_path ) if not optz.id else (lambda obj_id: obj_id)

	# Make best-effort to decode all CLI options to unicode
	for k, v in vars(optz).viewitems():
		if isinstance(v, bytes): setattr(optz, k, decode_obj(v))
		elif isinstance(v, list): setattr(optz, k, map(decode_obj, v))

	if optz.call == 'auth':
		if not optz.url:
				'Visit the following URL in any web browser (firefox, chrome, safari, etc),\n'
				'  authorize there, confirm access permissions, and paste URL of an empty page\n'
				'  (starting with "https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf")'
					' you will get redirected to in the end.' )
				'Alternatively, use the returned (after redirects)'
				' URL with "{} auth <URL>" command.\n'.format(sys.argv[0]) )
			print('URL to visit: {}\n'.format(api.auth_user_get_url()))
			try: import readline # for better compatibility with terminal quirks, see #40
			except ImportError: pass
			optz.url = raw_input('URL after last redirect: ').strip()
		if optz.url:
			print('API authorization was completed successfully.')

	elif optz.call == 'auth_refresh':
		xres = dict(scope_granted=api.auth_get_token())

	elif optz.call == 'quota':
		df, ds = map(size_units, api.get_quota())
		res = dict(free='{:.1f}{}'.format(*df), quota='{:.1f}{}'.format(*ds))
	elif optz.call == 'user':
		res = api.get_user_data()
	elif optz.call == 'recent':
		res = api('me/skydrive/recent_docs')['data']

	elif optz.call == 'ls':
		offset = limit = None
		if optz.range:
			span = re.search(r'^(\d+)?[-:](\d+)?$', optz.range)
				if not span: limit = int(optz.range)
				else: offset, limit = map(int, span.groups())
			except ValueError:
					'--range argument must be in the "[offset]-[limit]"'
						' or just "limit" format, with integers as both offset and'
						' limit (if not omitted). Provided: {}'.format(optz.range) )
		res = sorted(
			api.listdir(resolve_path(optz.folder), offset=offset, limit=limit),
			key=op.itemgetter('name') )
		if not optz.objects: res = map(op.itemgetter('name'), res)

	elif optz.call == 'info':
		res = api.info(resolve_path(optz.object))
	elif optz.call == 'info_set':
		xres = api.info_update(resolve_path(optz.object), json.loads(optz.data))
	elif optz.call == 'link':
		res = api.link(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.type)
	elif optz.call == 'comments':
		res = api.comments(resolve_path(optz.object))
	elif optz.call == 'comment_add':
		res = api.comment_add(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.message)
	elif optz.call == 'comment_delete':
		res = api.comment_delete(optz.comment_id)

	elif optz.call == 'mkdir':
		name, path = optz.name.replace('\\', '/'), optz.folder
		if '/' in name:
			name, path_ext = ubasename(name), udirname(name)
			path = ujoin(path, path_ext.strip('/')) if path else path_ext
		xres = api.mkdir( name=name, folder_id=resolve_path(path),
			metadata=optz.metadata and json.loads(optz.metadata) or dict() )

	elif optz.call == 'get':
		contents = api.get(resolve_path(optz.file), byte_range=optz.byte_range)
		if optz.file_dst:
			dst_dir = dirname(abspath(optz.file_dst))
			if not isdir(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir)
			with open(optz.file_dst, "wb") as dst: dst.write(contents)

	elif optz.call == 'put':
		dst = optz.folder
		if optz.bits_do_auth_refresh_before_commit_hack:
			api.api_bits_auth_refresh_before_commit_hack = True
		if optz.bits_frag_bytes > 0: api.api_bits_default_frag_bytes = optz.bits_frag_bytes
		if dst is not None:
			xres = api.put( optz.file, resolve_path(dst),
				bits_api_fallback=0 if optz.bits else True, # 0 = "always use BITS"
				overwrite=optz.no_overwrite and False, downsize=optz.no_downsize and False )

	elif optz.call in ['cp', 'mv']:
		argz = map(resolve_path, [optz.file, optz.folder])
		xres = (api.move if optz.call == 'mv' else api.copy)(*argz)

	elif optz.call == 'rm':
		for obj in it.imap(resolve_path, optz.object): xres = api.delete(obj)

	elif optz.call == 'tree':
		def recurse(obj_id):
			node = tree_node()
			for obj in api.listdir(obj_id):
				# Make sure to dump files as lists with -o,
				#  not dicts, to make them distinguishable from dirs
				res = obj['type'] if not optz.objects else [obj['type'], obj]
				node[obj['name']] = recurse(obj['id']) \
					if obj['type'] in ['folder', 'album'] else res
			return node
		root_id = resolve_path(optz.folder)
		res = {api.info(root_id)['name']: recurse(root_id)}

		parser.error('Unrecognized command: {}'.format(optz.call))

	if res is not None: print_result(res, tpl=optz.object_key, file=sys.stdout)
	if optz.debug and xres is not None:
		buff = io.StringIO()
		print_result(xres, file=buff)
		log.debug('Call result:\n{0}\n{1}{0}'.format('-' * 20, buff.getvalue()))
 def test_put(self):
     client = self.get_client()
     dirents = client.list_directory(stor(udirname(TDIR)))
     dirent = [d for d in dirents if d["name"] == ubasename(TDIR)][0]
Exemple #6
    elif optz.call == 'info_set':
        xres = api.info_update(
            resolve_path(optz.object), json.loads(optz.data))
    elif optz.call == 'link':
        res = api.link(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.type)
    elif optz.call == 'comments':
        res = api.comments(resolve_path(optz.object))
    elif optz.call == 'comment_add':
        res = api.comment_add(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.message)
    elif optz.call == 'comment_delete':
        res = api.comment_delete(optz.comment_id)

    elif optz.call == 'mkdir':
        name, path = optz.name.replace('\\', '/'), optz.folder
        if '/' in name:
            name, path_ext = ubasename(name), udirname(name)
            path = ujoin(path, path_ext.strip('/')) if path else path_ext
        xres = api.mkdir(name=name, folder_id=resolve_path(path),
                         metadata=optz.metadata and json.loads(optz.metadata) or dict())

    elif optz.call == 'get':
        contents = api.get(resolve_path(optz.file), byte_range=optz.byte_range)
        if optz.file_dst:
            dst_dir = dirname(abspath(optz.file_dst))
            if not isdir(dst_dir):
            with open(optz.file_dst, "wb") as dst:
Exemple #7
def main():
	import argparse

	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
		description='Tool to manipulate OneDrive contents.')
	parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
		metavar='path', default=conf.ConfigMixin.conf_path_default,
		help='Writable configuration state-file (yaml).'
			' Used to store authorization_code, access and refresh tokens.'
			' Should initially contain at least something like "{client: {id: xxx, secret: yyy}}".'
			' Default: %(default)s')

	parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', action='store_true',
		help='Interpret file/folder arguments only as human paths, not ids (default: guess).'
			' Avoid using such paths if non-unique "name"'
				' attributes of objects in the same parent folder might be used.')
	parser.add_argument('-i', '--id', action='store_true',
		help='Interpret file/folder arguments only as ids (default: guess).')

	parser.add_argument('-k', '--object-key', metavar='spec',
		help='If returned data is an object, or a list of objects, only print this key from there.'
			' Supplied spec can be a template string for python str.format,'
				' assuming that object gets passed as the first argument.'
			' Objects that do not have specified key or cannot'
				' be formatted using supplied template will be ignored entirely.'
			' Example: {0[id]} {0[name]!r} {0[count]:03d} (uploader: {0[from][name]})')

	parser.add_argument('-e', '--encoding', metavar='enc', default='utf-8',
		help='Use specified encoding (example: utf-8) for CLI input/output.'
			' See full list of supported encodings at:'
				' http://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings .'
			' Pass empty string or "detect" to detect input encoding via'
				' chardet module, if available, falling back to utf-8 and terminal encoding for output.'
			' Forced utf-8 is used by default, for consistency and due to its ubiquity.')

	parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version',
		version='python-onedrive {}'.format(onedrive.__version__),
		help='Print version number and exit.')
	parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Verbose operation mode.')

	cmds = parser.add_subparsers(title='Supported operations', dest='call')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('auth', help='Perform user authentication.')
	cmd.add_argument('url', nargs='?', help='URL with the authorization_code.')

		help='Force-refresh OAuth2 access_token.'
			' Should never be necessary under normal conditions.')

	cmds.add_parser('quota', help='Print quota information.')
	cmds.add_parser('user', help='Print user data.')
	cmds.add_parser('recent', help='List recently changed objects.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('info', help='Display object metadata.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Object to get info on (default: %(default)s).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('info_set', help='Manipulate object metadata.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to manipulate metadata for.')
		help='JSON mapping of values to set (example: {"name": "new_file_name.jpg"}).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('link', help='Get a link to a file.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to get link for.')
	cmd.add_argument('-t', '--type', default='shared_read_link',
		help='Type of link to request. Possible values'
			' (default: %(default)s): shared_read_link, embed, shared_edit_link.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('ls', help='List folder contents.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to list contents of (default: %(default)s).')
	cmd.add_argument('-r', '--range',
		metavar='{[offset]-[limit] | limit}',
		help='List only specified range of objects inside.'
			' Can be either dash-separated "offset-limit" tuple'
				' (any of these can be omitted) or a single "limit" number.')
	cmd.add_argument('-o', '--objects', action='store_true',
		help='Dump full objects, not just name and id.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('mkdir', help='Create a folder.')
		help='Name (or a path consisting of dirname + basename) of a folder to create.')
		nargs='?', default=None,
		help='Parent folder (default: me/skydrive).')
	cmd.add_argument('-m', '--metadata',
		help='JSON mappings of metadata to set for the created folder.'
			' Optonal. Example: {"description": "Photos from last trip to Mordor"}')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('get', help='Download file contents.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='File (object) to read.')
	cmd.add_argument('file_dst', nargs='?', help='Name/path to save file (object) as.')
	cmd.add_argument('-b', '--byte-range',
		help='Specific range of bytes to read from a file (default: read all).'
			' Should be specified in rfc2616 Range HTTP header format.'
			' Examples: 0-499 (start - 499), -500 (end-500 to end).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('put', help='Upload a file.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='Path to a local file to upload.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to put file into (default: %(default)s).')
	cmd.add_argument('-n', '--no-overwrite', action='store_true', default=None,
		help='Do not overwrite existing files with the same "name" attribute (visible name).'
			' Default (and documented) API behavior is to overwrite such files.')
	cmd.add_argument('-d', '--no-downsize', action='store_true', default=None,
		help='Disable automatic downsizing when uploading a large image.'
			' Default (and documented) API behavior is to downsize images.')
	cmd.add_argument('-b', '--bits', action='store_true',
		help='Force usage of BITS API (uploads via multiple http requests).'
			' Default is to only fallback to it for large (wrt API limits) files.')
		type=int, metavar='number',
		help='Fragment size for using BITS API (if used), in bytes. Default: %(default)s')
	cmd.add_argument('--bits-do-auth-refresh-before-commit-hack', action='store_true',
		help='Do auth_refresh trick before upload session commit request.'
			' This is reported to avoid current (as of 2015-01-16) http 5XX errors from the API.'
			' See github issue #39, gist with BITS API spec and the README file for more details.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('cp', help='Copy file to a folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='File (object) to copy.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to copy file to (default: %(default)s).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('mv', help='Move file to a folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('file', help='File (object) to move.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to move file to (default: %(default)s).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('rm', help='Remove object (file or folder).')
	cmd.add_argument('object', nargs='+', help='Object(s) to remove.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('comments', help='Show comments for a file, object or folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to show comments for.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('comment_add', help='Add comment for a file, object or folder.')
	cmd.add_argument('object', help='Object to add comment for.')
	cmd.add_argument('message', help='Comment message to add.')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('comment_delete', help='Delete comment from a file, object or folder.')
		help='ID of the comment to remove (use "comments"'
			' action to get comment ids along with the messages).')

	cmd = cmds.add_parser('tree',
		help='Show contents of onedrive (or folder) as a tree of file/folder names.'
			' Note that this operation will have to (separately) request a listing of every'
				' folder under the specified one, so can be quite slow for large number of these.')
		nargs='?', default='me/skydrive',
		help='Folder to display contents of (default: %(default)s).')
	cmd.add_argument('-o', '--objects', action='store_true',
		help='Dump full objects, not just name and type.')

	optz = parser.parse_args()

	if optz.path and optz.id:
		parser.error('--path and --id options cannot be used together.')

	if optz.encoding.strip('"') in [None, '', 'detect']: optz.encoding = None
	if optz.encoding:
		global force_encoding
		force_encoding = optz.encoding
		import codecs
		sys.stdin = codecs.getreader(optz.encoding)(sys.stdin)
		sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(optz.encoding)(sys.stdout)

	global log
	log = logging.getLogger()
	if not optz.debug else logging.DEBUG)

	api = api_v5.PersistentOneDriveAPI.from_conf(optz.config)
	res = xres = None
	resolve_path = ( (lambda s: id_match(s) or api.resolve_path(s))\
		if not optz.path else api.resolve_path ) if not optz.id else (lambda obj_id: obj_id)

	# Make best-effort to decode all CLI options to unicode
	for k, v in vars(optz).viewitems():
		if isinstance(v, bytes): setattr(optz, k, decode_obj(v))
		elif isinstance(v, list): setattr(optz, k, map(decode_obj, v))

	if optz.call == 'auth':
		if not optz.url:
				'Visit the following URL in any web browser (firefox, chrome, safari, etc),\n'
				'  authorize there, confirm access permissions, and paste URL of an empty page\n'
				'  (starting with "https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf")'
					' you will get redirected to in the end.' )
				'Alternatively, use the returned (after redirects)'
				' URL with "{} auth <URL>" command.\n'.format(sys.argv[0]) )
			print('URL to visit: {}\n'.format(api.auth_user_get_url()))
			try: import readline # for better compatibility with terminal quirks, see #40
			except ImportError: pass
			optz.url = raw_input('URL after last redirect: ').strip()
		if optz.url:
			print('API authorization was completed successfully.')

	elif optz.call == 'auth_refresh':
		xres = dict(scope_granted=api.auth_get_token())

	elif optz.call == 'quota':
		df, ds = map(size_units, api.get_quota())
		res = dict(free='{:.1f}{}'.format(*df), quota='{:.1f}{}'.format(*ds))
	elif optz.call == 'user':
		res = api.get_user_data()
	elif optz.call == 'recent':
		res = api('me/skydrive/recent_docs')['data']

	elif optz.call == 'ls':
		offset = limit = None
		if optz.range:
			span = re.search(r'^(\d+)?[-:](\d+)?$', optz.range)
				if not span: limit = int(optz.range)
				else: offset, limit = map(int, span.groups())
			except ValueError:
					'--range argument must be in the "[offset]-[limit]"'
						' or just "limit" format, with integers as both offset and'
						' limit (if not omitted). Provided: {}'.format(optz.range) )
		res = sorted(
			api.listdir(resolve_path(optz.folder), offset=offset, limit=limit),
			key=op.itemgetter('name') )
		if not optz.objects: res = map(op.itemgetter('name'), res)

	elif optz.call == 'info':
		res = api.info(resolve_path(optz.object))
	elif optz.call == 'info_set':
		xres = api.info_update(resolve_path(optz.object), json.loads(optz.data))
	elif optz.call == 'link':
		res = api.link(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.type)
	elif optz.call == 'comments':
		res = api.comments(resolve_path(optz.object))
	elif optz.call == 'comment_add':
		res = api.comment_add(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.message)
	elif optz.call == 'comment_delete':
		res = api.comment_delete(optz.comment_id)

	elif optz.call == 'mkdir':
		name, path = optz.name.replace('\\', '/'), optz.folder
		if '/' in name:
			name, path_ext = ubasename(name), udirname(name)
			path = ujoin(path, path_ext.strip('/')) if path else path_ext
		xres = api.mkdir( name=name, folder_id=resolve_path(path),
			metadata=optz.metadata and json.loads(optz.metadata) or dict() )

	elif optz.call == 'get':
		contents = api.get(resolve_path(optz.file), byte_range=optz.byte_range)
		if optz.file_dst:
			dst_dir = dirname(abspath(optz.file_dst))
			if not isdir(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir)
			with open(optz.file_dst, "wb") as dst: dst.write(contents)

	elif optz.call == 'put':
		dst = optz.folder
		if optz.bits_do_auth_refresh_before_commit_hack:
			api.api_bits_auth_refresh_before_commit_hack = True
		if optz.bits_frag_bytes > 0: api.api_bits_default_frag_bytes = optz.bits_frag_bytes
		if dst is not None:
			xres = api.put( optz.file, resolve_path(dst),
				bits_api_fallback=0 if optz.bits else True, # 0 = "always use BITS"
				overwrite=optz.no_overwrite and False, downsize=optz.no_downsize and False )

	elif optz.call in ['cp', 'mv']:
		argz = map(resolve_path, [optz.file, optz.folder])
		xres = (api.move if optz.call == 'mv' else api.copy)(*argz)

	elif optz.call == 'rm':
		for obj in it.imap(resolve_path, optz.object): xres = api.delete(obj)

	elif optz.call == 'tree':
		def recurse(obj_id):
			node = tree_node()
			for obj in api.listdir(obj_id):
				# Make sure to dump files as lists with -o,
				#  not dicts, to make them distinguishable from dirs
				res = obj['type'] if not optz.objects else [obj['type'], obj]
				node[obj['name']] = recurse(obj['id']) \
					if obj['type'] in ['folder', 'album'] else res
			return node
		root_id = resolve_path(optz.folder)
		res = {api.info(root_id)['name']: recurse(root_id)}

		parser.error('Unrecognized command: {}'.format(optz.call))

	if res is not None: print_result(res, tpl=optz.object_key, file=sys.stdout)
	if optz.debug and xres is not None:
		buff = io.StringIO()
		print_result(xres, file=buff)
		log.debug('Call result:\n{0}\n{1}{0}'.format('-' * 20, buff.getvalue()))
def main():
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tool to manipulate OneDrive contents.")
        help="Writable configuration state-file (yaml)."
        " Used to store authorization_code, access and refresh tokens."
        ' Should initially contain at least something like "{client: {id: xxx, secret: yyy}}".'
        " Default: %(default)s",

        help="Interpret file/folder arguments only as human paths, not ids (default: guess)."
        ' Avoid using such paths if non-unique "name"'
        " attributes of objects in the same parent folder might be used.",
        "-i", "--id", action="store_true", help="Interpret file/folder arguments only as ids (default: guess)."

        help="If returned data is an object, or a list of objects, only print this key from there."
        " Supplied spec can be a template string for python str.format,"
        " assuming that object gets passed as the first argument."
        " Objects that do not have specified key or cannot"
        " be formatted using supplied template will be ignored entirely."
        " Example: {0[id]} {0[name]!r} {0[count]:03d} (uploader: {0[from][name]})",

        help="Use specified encoding (example: utf-8) for CLI input/output."
        " See full list of supported encodings at:"
        " http://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings ."
        ' Pass empty string or "detect" to detect input encoding via'
        " chardet module, if available, falling back to utf-8 and terminal encoding for output."
        " Forced utf-8 is used by default, for consistency and due to its ubiquity.",

        version="python-onedrive {}".format(onedrive.__version__),
        help="Print version number and exit.",
    parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Verbose operation mode.")

    cmds = parser.add_subparsers(title="Supported operations", dest="call")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("auth", help="Perform user authentication.")
    cmd.add_argument("url", nargs="?", help="URL with the authorization_code.")

        "auth_refresh", help="Force-refresh OAuth2 access_token." " Should never be necessary under normal conditions."

    cmds.add_parser("quota", help="Print quota information.")
    cmds.add_parser("user", help="Print user data.")
    cmds.add_parser("recent", help="List recently changed objects.")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("info", help="Display object metadata.")
    cmd.add_argument("object", nargs="?", default="me/skydrive", help="Object to get info on (default: %(default)s).")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("info_set", help="Manipulate object metadata.")
    cmd.add_argument("object", help="Object to manipulate metadata for.")
    cmd.add_argument("data", help='JSON mapping of values to set (example: {"name": "new_file_name.jpg"}).')

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("link", help="Get a link to a file.")
    cmd.add_argument("object", help="Object to get link for.")
        help="Type of link to request. Possible values"
        " (default: %(default)s): shared_read_link, embed, shared_edit_link.",

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("ls", help="List folder contents.")
        "folder", nargs="?", default="me/skydrive", help="Folder to list contents of (default: %(default)s)."
        metavar="{[offset]-[limit] | limit}",
        help="List only specified range of objects inside."
        ' Can be either dash-separated "offset-limit" tuple'
        ' (any of these can be omitted) or a single "limit" number.',
    cmd.add_argument("-o", "--objects", action="store_true", help="Dump full objects, not just name and id.")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("mkdir", help="Create a folder.")
    cmd.add_argument("name", help="Name (or a path consisting of dirname + basename) of a folder to create.")
    cmd.add_argument("folder", nargs="?", default=None, help="Parent folder (default: me/skydrive).")
        help="JSON mappings of metadata to set for the created folder."
        ' Optonal. Example: {"description": "Photos from last trip to Mordor"}',

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("get", help="Download file contents.")
    cmd.add_argument("file", help="File (object) to read.")
    cmd.add_argument("file_dst", nargs="?", help="Name/path to save file (object) as.")
        help="Specific range of bytes to read from a file (default: read all)."
        " Should be specified in rfc2616 Range HTTP header format."
        " Examples: 0-499 (start - 499), -500 (end-500 to end).",

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("put", help="Upload a file.")
    cmd.add_argument("file", help="Path to a local file to upload.")
    cmd.add_argument("folder", nargs="?", default="me/skydrive", help="Folder to put file into (default: %(default)s).")
        help='Do not overwrite existing files with the same "name" attribute (visible name).'
        " Default (and documented) API behavior is to overwrite such files.",
        help="Disable automatic downsizing when uploading a large image."
        " Default (and documented) API behavior is to downsize images.",
        help="Force usage of BITS API (uploads via multiple http requests)."
        " Default is to only fallback to it for large (wrt API limits) files.",
        help="Fragment size for using BITS API (if used), in bytes. Default: %(default)s",
        help="Do auth_refresh trick before upload session commit request."
        " This is reported to avoid current (as of 2015-01-16) http 5XX errors from the API."
        " See github issue #39, gist with BITS API spec and the README file for more details.",

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("cp", help="Copy file to a folder.")
    cmd.add_argument("file", help="File (object) to copy.")
    cmd.add_argument("folder", nargs="?", default="me/skydrive", help="Folder to copy file to (default: %(default)s).")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("mv", help="Move file to a folder.")
    cmd.add_argument("file", help="File (object) to move.")
    cmd.add_argument("folder", nargs="?", default="me/skydrive", help="Folder to move file to (default: %(default)s).")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("rm", help="Remove object (file or folder).")
    cmd.add_argument("object", nargs="+", help="Object(s) to remove.")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("comments", help="Show comments for a file, object or folder.")
    cmd.add_argument("object", help="Object to show comments for.")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("comment_add", help="Add comment for a file, object or folder.")
    cmd.add_argument("object", help="Object to add comment for.")
    cmd.add_argument("message", help="Comment message to add.")

    cmd = cmds.add_parser("comment_delete", help="Delete comment from a file, object or folder.")
        help='ID of the comment to remove (use "comments"' " action to get comment ids along with the messages).",

    cmd = cmds.add_parser(
        help="Show contents of onedrive (or folder) as a tree of file/folder names."
        " Note that this operation will have to (separately) request a listing of every"
        " folder under the specified one, so can be quite slow for large number of these.",
        "folder", nargs="?", default="me/skydrive", help="Folder to display contents of (default: %(default)s)."
    cmd.add_argument("-o", "--objects", action="store_true", help="Dump full objects, not just name and type.")

    optz = parser.parse_args()

    if optz.path and optz.id:
        parser.error("--path and --id options cannot be used together.")

    if optz.encoding.strip('"') in [None, "", "detect"]:
        optz.encoding = None
    if optz.encoding:
        global force_encoding
        force_encoding = optz.encoding

    global log
    log = logging.getLogger()
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING if not optz.debug else logging.DEBUG)

    api = api_v5.PersistentOneDriveAPI.from_conf(optz.config)
    res = xres = None
    resolve_path = (
        ((lambda s: id_match(s) or api.resolve_path(s)) if not optz.path else api.resolve_path)
        if not optz.id
        else (lambda obj_id: obj_id)

    # Make best-effort to decode all CLI options to unicode
    for k, v in vars(optz).viewitems():
        if isinstance(v, bytes):
            setattr(optz, k, decode_obj(v))
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            setattr(optz, k, map(decode_obj, v))

    if optz.call == "auth":
        if not optz.url:
                "Visit the following URL in any web browser (firefox, chrome, safari, etc),\n"
                "  authorize there, confirm access permissions, and paste URL of an empty page\n"
                '  (starting with "https://login.live.com/oauth20_desktop.srf")'
                " you will get redirected to in the end."
                "Alternatively, use the returned (after redirects)"
                ' URL with "{} auth <URL>" command.\n'.format(sys.argv[0])
            print("URL to visit: {}\n".format(api.auth_user_get_url()))
                import readline  # for better compatibility with terminal quirks, see #40
            except ImportError:
            optz.url = raw_input("URL after last redirect: ").strip()
        if optz.url:
            print("API authorization was completed successfully.")

    elif optz.call == "auth_refresh":
        xres = dict(scope_granted=api.auth_get_token())

    elif optz.call == "quota":
        df, ds = map(size_units, api.get_quota())
        res = dict(free="{:.1f}{}".format(*df), quota="{:.1f}{}".format(*ds))
    elif optz.call == "user":
        res = api.get_user_data()
    elif optz.call == "recent":
        res = api("me/skydrive/recent_docs")["data"]

    elif optz.call == "ls":
        offset = limit = None
        if optz.range:
            span = re.search(r"^(\d+)?[-:](\d+)?$", optz.range)
                if not span:
                    limit = int(optz.range)
                    offset, limit = map(int, span.groups())
            except ValueError:
                    '--range argument must be in the "[offset]-[limit]"'
                    ' or just "limit" format, with integers as both offset and'
                    " limit (if not omitted). Provided: {}".format(optz.range)
        res = sorted(api.listdir(resolve_path(optz.folder), offset=offset, limit=limit), key=op.itemgetter("name"))
        if not optz.objects:
            res = map(op.itemgetter("name"), res)

    elif optz.call == "info":
        res = api.info(resolve_path(optz.object))
    elif optz.call == "info_set":
        xres = api.info_update(resolve_path(optz.object), json.loads(optz.data))
    elif optz.call == "link":
        res = api.link(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.type)
    elif optz.call == "comments":
        res = api.comments(resolve_path(optz.object))
    elif optz.call == "comment_add":
        res = api.comment_add(resolve_path(optz.object), optz.message)
    elif optz.call == "comment_delete":
        res = api.comment_delete(optz.comment_id)

    elif optz.call == "mkdir":
        name, path = optz.name.replace("\\", "/"), optz.folder
        if "/" in name:
            name, path_ext = ubasename(name), udirname(name)
            path = ujoin(path, path_ext.strip("/")) if path else path_ext
        xres = api.mkdir(
            name=name, folder_id=resolve_path(path), metadata=optz.metadata and json.loads(optz.metadata) or dict()

    elif optz.call == "get":
        contents = api.get(resolve_path(optz.file), byte_range=optz.byte_range)
        if optz.file_dst:
            dst_dir = dirname(abspath(optz.file_dst))
            if not isdir(dst_dir):
            with open(optz.file_dst, "wb") as dst:

    elif optz.call == "put":
        dst = optz.folder
        if optz.bits_do_auth_refresh_before_commit_hack:
            api.api_bits_auth_refresh_before_commit_hack = True
        if optz.bits_frag_bytes > 0:
            api.api_bits_default_frag_bytes = optz.bits_frag_bytes
        if dst is not None:
            xres = api.put(
                bits_api_fallback=0 if optz.bits else True,  # 0 = "always use BITS"
                overwrite=optz.no_overwrite and False,
                downsize=optz.no_downsize and False,

    elif optz.call in ["cp", "mv"]:
        argz = map(resolve_path, [optz.file, optz.folder])
        xres = (api.move if optz.call == "mv" else api.copy)(*argz)

    elif optz.call == "rm":
        for obj in it.imap(resolve_path, optz.object):
            xres = api.delete(obj)

    elif optz.call == "tree":

        def recurse(obj_id):
            node = tree_node()
            for obj in api.listdir(obj_id):
                # Make sure to dump files as lists with -o,
                #  not dicts, to make them distinguishable from dirs
                res = obj["type"] if not optz.objects else [obj["type"], obj]
                node[obj["name"]] = recurse(obj["id"]) if obj["type"] in ["folder", "album"] else res
            return node

        root_id = resolve_path(optz.folder)
        res = {api.info(root_id)["name"]: recurse(root_id)}

        parser.error("Unrecognized command: {}".format(optz.call))

    if res is not None:
        print_result(res, tpl=optz.object_key, file=sys.stdout)
    if optz.debug and xres is not None:
        buff = io.StringIO()
        print_result(xres, file=buff)
        log.debug("Call result:\n{0}\n{1}{0}".format("-" * 20, buff.getvalue()))