def get(self): post_id = self.request.get('post_id') if not self.user or not post_id: self.redirect('/blog/%s' % post_id) post = Post.by_id(post_id) if post and post.created_by == self.user.key().id(): Post.delete(post_id) self.redirect('/blog')
def post(id=None): if request.method == 'POST': setting = request.form.get('setting') post_id = request.form.get('value_0') value = request.form.get('value_1') if not setting or not post_id: abort(400) try: post_id = int(post_id) except: abort(400) post = Post(post_id=post_id) if not abort(400) if setting == 'delete': post.delete() flash(messages.post_deleted) if request.form.get('next'): return redirect(request.form['next']) return redirect(url_for('admin_post')) elif setting == 'public': if not value: abort(400) if value == 'True': post.set_public() flash(messages.post_marked_public) else: post.update('is_public', False) flash(messages.post_marked_private) return redirect(url_for('admin_post_id', id=post_id)) else: if id: post = Post(post_id=id) post = post.get_post() if not post: flash(messages.post_not_found) else: post = None return render_template('admin/post.html', post=post)
def delete(post_id): Post.delete(post_id) return redirect(url_for('list_posts'))
def del_post(args): Post.delete(args.postid)
def handle_procedure(self, token, procedure_number, data): procedure = procedures[procedure_number] posts = sessions[token].get_posts() result = None if token == admin_token: if procedure not in (Post.list, self.send_msg('Invalid procedure number') return None if procedure == Post.list: result = b'Notice-%d|%s|%s\n' % (notice_post.idx, str(now).encode(), str(now).encode()) result += Post.list(posts) elif procedure == Post.write: if len(posts) >= 5: self.send_msg('Excess in the maximum number of posts') return None type_ = data[0] content = data[1:] if not Post.is_valid_type(data[0]): self.send_msg('Invalid post type: %r' % type_) return None post = Post.write(token, type_, len(posts) + 2, content) if post is None: self.send_msg('Timeout to fetch %r' % content) return None sessions[token].add_post(post) result = b'created' elif procedure == idx = data[0] if idx == 0: result = notice_post.content else: result =, idx) elif procedure == Post.update: idx = data[0] type_ = data[1] content = data[2:] if not Post.is_valid_type(data[1]): self.send_msg('Invalid post type: %r' % type_) return None post = Post.update(posts, idx, type_, content) if post is None: self.send_msg('Not found post matches with idx:%r/type:%r' % (idx, type_)) return None result = b'updated' elif procedure == Post.delete: idx = data[0] is_deleted = Post.delete(posts, idx) if not is_deleted: self.send_msg('Not found post matches with idx:%r' % idx) return None result = b'deleted' elif procedure == get_admin_token: result = get_admin_token(data) if result is None: self.send_msg('Failed to get admin token. The message must satisfy MAC=%s' % hexlify(challenge_mac).decode()) return result