def _test_transfer_data_tabular(db1: PostgreSQL, db2: PostgreSQL, csv: DataForTest):

    table_name = csv.NAME

    # Make sure that this table does not exist in the 2nd database
    if table_name in db2.all_tables_as_list():

    # Transfer to the 2nd database
    db1.transfer_data_to_another_db(table_name, db2)

    # Confirm there is now a table in the DB
    assert table_name in db2.all_tables_as_list()
def prep_data(db: PostgreSQL):
    1) Import necessary shapefiles to PostGIS
    2) Extract nodes from street segments within study area
    3) Assign closest street node ID to all SEPTA bus stops near study area

    # 1) Import necessary shapefiles to PostGIS
    # -----------------------------------------

    all_tables = db.all_tables_as_list()

    for sql_tablename, shp_path_suffix in [
        ("philly_streets", "philly complete streets/philly_complete_streets.shp"),
        ("septa_bus_stops_fall_2019", "Fall_2019_Stops_By_Route/Fall_2019_Stops_By_Route.shp"),
        ("study_bounds", "Draft_Study_Area_Extent/U_CIty_Study_Area_Dissolve_2.shp"),
        if sql_tablename not in all_tables:
            full_path = GIS_FOLDER / shp_path_suffix
            db.import_geodata(sql_tablename, full_path)

    # 2) Extract nodes from street segments within study area
    # -------------------------------------------------------
    point_query = """
        with raw as (
                st_startpoint(geom) as startpoint,
                st_endpoint(geom) as endpoint
            from philly_streets
                    (select st_collect(geom) from study_bounds)
        merged_data as (
            select startpoint as geom from raw
            select endpoint as geom from raw
            row_number() over() as streetnodeid,
        from merged_data
        group by geom
    db.make_geotable_from_query(point_query, "street_nodes", "POINT", 26918)
def _test_import_csv(db: PostgreSQL, csv: DataForTest):

    # Confirm the CSV is now a table in the DB
    assert csv.NAME in db.all_tables_as_list()