Exemple #1
def prepaidorder_refund(request, urlname, orderid):
    conference = get_authenticated_conference(request, urlname)

    order = get_object_or_404(PurchasedVoucher, pk=orderid, conference=conference)

    if PrepaidBatch.objects.filter(pk=order.batch_id).aggregate(used=Count('prepaidvoucher__user'))['used'] > 0:
        # This link should not exist in the first place, but double check if someone
        # used the voucher in between the click.
        messages.error(request, 'Cannot refund order, there are used vouchers in the batch!')
        return HttpResponseRedirect("../../")

    invoice = order.invoice
    if not invoice:
        messages.error(request, 'Order does not have an invoice, there is nothing to refund!')
        return HttpResponseRedirect("../../")
    if not invoice.paidat:
        messages.error(request, 'Invoice for this order has not been paid, there is nothing to refund!')
        return HttpResponseRedirect("../../")

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = PurchasedVoucherRefundForm(data=request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            # Actually issue the refund
            manager = InvoiceManager()
            manager.refund_invoice(invoice, 'Prepaid order refunded', invoice.total_amount - invoice.total_vat, invoice.total_vat, conference.vat_registrations)

                'Prepaid order {} refunded'.format(order.id),
                'Prepaid order {} purchased by {} {} has been refunded.\nNo vouchers were in use, and the order and batch have both been deleted.\n'.format(order.id, order.user.first_name, order.user.last_name),

            messages.info(request, 'Order has been refunded and deleted.')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("../../")
        form = PurchasedVoucherRefundForm()

    if settings.EU_VAT:
        note = 'You are about to refund {}{} ({}{} + {}{} VAT) for invoice {}. Please confirm that this is what you want!'.format(settings.CURRENCY_SYMBOL, invoice.total_amount, settings.CURRENCY_SYMBOL, invoice.total_amount - invoice.total_vat, settings.CURRENCY_SYMBOL, invoice.total_vat, invoice.id)
        note = 'You are about to refund {}{} for invoice {}. Please confirm that this is what you want!'.format(settings.CURRENCY_SYMBOL, invoice.total_amount, invoice.id)

    return render(request, 'confreg/admin_backend_form.html', {
        'conference': conference,
        'basetemplate': 'confreg/confadmin_base.html',
        'form': form,
        'note': note,
        'whatverb': 'Refund',
        'what': 'repaid vouchers',
        'savebutton': 'Refund',
        'cancelurl': '../../',
        'breadcrumbs': [('/events/admin/{}/prepaidorders/'.format(conference.urlname), 'Prepaid Voucher Orders'), ],
        'helplink': 'vouchers',
Exemple #2
def multireg_refund(request, urlname, bulkid):
    conference = get_authenticated_conference(request, urlname)

    bulkpay = get_object_or_404(BulkPayment, pk=bulkid, conference=conference)
    if bulkpay.conferenceregistration_set.exists():
        messages.error(request, "This bulk payment has registrations, cannot be canceled!")
        return HttpResponseRedirect("../../")

    invoice = bulkpay.invoice
    if not invoice:
        messages.error(request, "This bulk payment does not have an invoice!")
        return HttpResonseRedirect("../../")
    if not invoice.paidat:
        messages.error(request, "This bulk payment invoice has not been paid!")
        return HttpResonseRedirect("../../")

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = BulkPaymentRefundForm(invoice, data=request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            manager = InvoiceManager()
            manager.refund_invoice(invoice, 'Multi registration refunded', form.cleaned_data['amount'], form.cleaned_data['vatamount'], conference.vat_registrations)

                'Multi registration {} refunded'.format(bulkpay.id),
                'Multi registration {} purchased by {} {} has been refunded.\nNo registrations were active in this multi registration, and the multi registration has now been deleted.\n'.format(bulkpay.id, bulkpay.user.first_name, bulkpay.user.last_name),

            messages.info(request, 'Multi registration has been refunded and deleted.')
            return HttpResponseRedirect("../../")
        form = BulkPaymentRefundForm(invoice, initial={'amount': invoice.total_amount - invoice.total_vat, 'vatamount': invoice.total_vat})

    return render(request, 'confreg/admin_backend_form.html', {
        'conference': conference,
        'basetemplate': 'confreg/confadmin_base.html',
        'form': form,
        'whatverb': 'Refund',
        'what': 'multi registration',
        'savebutton': 'Refund',
        'cancelurl': '../../',
        'breadcrumbs': [('/events/admin/{}/multiregs/'.format(conference.urlname), 'Multi Registrations'), ],
        'helplink': 'registrations',