def test_potential_charge(self):
        """ tests the total charge """
        p = Potential.from_file('m0.pot')
        self.assertEqual(p.charge, 0)

        p = Potential.from_file('nomul.pot')
        self.assertEqual(p.charge, 0)
 def test_printed_potential_match(self):
     p = Potential.from_file('m2p2.pot')
     with open('printed_potential.pot', 'w') as f:
     p2 = Potential.from_file('printed_potential.pot')
     self.assertEqual(p == p2, True)
 def test_printed_potential_match(self):
     p = Potential.from_file('m2p2.pot')
     with open('printed_potential.pot', 'w') as f:
     p2 = Potential.from_file('printed_potential.pot')
     self.assertEqual(p == p2, True)
    def test_potential_charge(self):
        """ tests the total charge """
        p = Potential.from_file('m0.pot')
        self.assertEqual(p.charge, 0)

        p = Potential.from_file('nomul.pot')
        self.assertEqual(p.charge, 0)
Exemple #5
class Clique(object):
    def __init__(self, id, nodes, sizes, values=None): = id
        self.potential = Potential(nodes, sizes, values)

    def enter_evidence(self, evidence):
    def setUp(self):
        c1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
        q1 = [[1.0]]
        self.p1 = Potential.from_multipoles( c1, q1 )
        c2 = [[5.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
        d2 = [[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
        self.p2 = Potential.from_multipoles( c2, d2 )

        # a potential from a file
        self.pfile = Potential.from_file('pehf_iter.pot')
    def setUp(self):
        c1 = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
        q1 = [[1.0]]
        self.p1 = Potential.from_multipoles(c1, q1)
        c2 = [[5.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
        d2 = [[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
        self.p2 = Potential.from_multipoles(c2, d2)

        # a potential from a file
        self.pfile = Potential.from_file('pehf_iter.pot')
Exemple #8
    def test_add_potentials_with_multipoles_mixed(self):
        """ Adds potentials with mixed multipole moments """
        m2p2 = Potential.from_file('m2p2.pot')
        m0 = Potential.from_file('m0.pot')

        # check we can add both ways
        p2 = m0 + m2p2
        self.assertEqual(p2.nsites, 15)
        self.assertEqual(len(p2.polarizabilities), 15)
        self.assertEqual(max(p2.multipoles.keys()), 2)

        p1 = m2p2 + m0
        self.assertEqual(p1.nsites, 15)
        self.assertEqual(len(p1.polarizabilities), 15)
        self.assertEqual(max(p1.multipoles.keys()), 2)
    def test_add_potentials_with_multipoles_mixed(self):
        """ Adds potentials with mixed multipole moments """
        m2p2 = Potential.from_file('m2p2.pot')
        m0 = Potential.from_file('m0.pot')

        # check we can add both ways
        p2 = m0 + m2p2
        self.assertEqual(p2.nsites, 15)
        self.assertEqual(len(p2.polarizabilities), 15)
        self.assertEqual(max(p2.multipoles.keys()), 2)

        p1 = m2p2 + m0
        self.assertEqual(p1.nsites, 15)
        self.assertEqual(len(p1.polarizabilities), 15)
        self.assertEqual(max(p1.multipoles.keys()), 2)
    def __pb_train_click(self):
            class_0_point_0_x = int(self.ui.le_class_0_point_0_x.text())
            class_0_point_0_y = int(self.ui.le_class_0_point_0_y.text())
            point_0 = Point(class_0_point_0_x, class_0_point_0_y)

            class_0_point_1_x = int(self.ui.le_class_0_point_1_x.text())
            class_0_point_1_y = int(self.ui.le_class_0_point_1_y.text())
            point_1 = Point(class_0_point_1_x, class_0_point_1_y)

            self.__training_vectors[0] = [point_0, point_1]
        except ValueError:
            self.__training_vectors[0] = [Point(3, 2), Point(-5, 0)]

            class_1_point_0_x = int(self.ui.le_class_1_point_0_x.text())
            class_1_point_0_y = int(self.ui.le_class_1_point_0_y.text())
            point_0 = Point(class_1_point_0_x, class_1_point_0_y)

            class_1_point_1_x = int(self.ui.le_class_1_point_1_x.text())
            class_1_point_1_y = int(self.ui.le_class_1_point_1_y.text())
            point_1 = Point(class_1_point_1_x, class_1_point_1_y)

            self.__training_vectors[1] = [point_0, point_1]
        except ValueError:
            self.__training_vectors[1] = [Point(4, -7), Point(1, 1)]

        potential = Potential(self.__amount_of_classes)
        self.__func, isSuccess = potential.train(self.__training_vectors)

        if not isSuccess:
                'An error occurred while training. \nEnter another training data.'

        except ValueError:
                'An error occurred while training. \nEnter another training data.'
Exemple #11
def bubbler(potential, backend="cosmotransitions", **kwargs):
    :param potential: Potential object or string
    :param backend: Code with which to solve bounce
    :returns: Results from a particular code
    :rtype: namedtuple

        # Call function

        module = globals()[backend]
        potential = Potential(potential) if isinstance(potential,
                                                       str) else potential
        action, trajectory_data, time, command = module.solve(
            potential, **kwargs)

        # Make interpolation function from output

        trajectory = [
            interp(trajectory_data[:, 0], trajectory_data[:, i + 1])
            for i in range(potential.n_fields)
        ] if trajectory_data is not None else None

        # Find maximum value of rho

        rho_end = trajectory_data[-1,
                                  0] if trajectory_data is not None else None

        return Solution(backend, action, trajectory, rho_end, time, command)

    except Exception as error:

        return Solution(backend, None, None, None, None, error.message)
Exemple #12
 def test_get_pol_matrix(self):
     """ polarization matrix """
     p = Potential.from_file('nomul.pot')
     pol = p.polarizabilities[0]
     mat = util.get_polarization_matrix(p)
     self.assertEqual(pol[0], mat[0,0])
     self.assertEqual(pol[3], mat[1,1])
     self.assertEqual(pol[5], mat[2,2])
Exemple #13
def profiles(potential, backends=None, **kwargs):
    :param potential: Potential object or string

    Plots field profiles for all codes.
    potential = Potential(potential) if isinstance(potential,
                                                   str) else potential
    results = bubblers(potential, backends, **kwargs)

    # Make profile plot

    _, ax = plt.subplots()
    colors = cycle(["Brown", "Green", "Blue"])

    for result in results.itervalues():

        if not result.action:

        color = next(colors)
        lines = cycle(["-", "--", "-."])
        rho = np.linspace(0, result.rho_end, 1000)

        for name, trajectory in zip(potential.field_latex, result.trajectory):
                    label="{} from {}".format(name, result.backend),

    # Plot true vacuum

    markers = cycle(["^", "p", "*"])

    for name, field in zip(potential.field_latex, potential.true_vacuum):
                label="True vacuum for {}".format(name),

    # Labels etc

    leg = ax.legend(numpoints=1, fontsize=12, loc='best')
    def test_add_empty_potentials(self):
        """ Potential addition with empty potential """
        # first we test construction of empty potential
        p = Potential()
        self.assertEqual(p.labels, [])
        self.assertEqual(p.nsites, 0)
        self.assertEqual(p.npols, 0)

        p2 = p + p  # maybe we should just raise a value error instead?
        self.assertEqual(p2.nsites, 0)
        self.assertEqual(p2.npols, 0)
Exemple #15
 def initalize_message(self):
     '''every node has a message dictionary
     self.message ={j: {nodek: mkj(xj), nodeh: mhj(xj), ...},
                    i: {nodek: mki(xi), nodeh: mhi(xi), ...},
     self.message = {}
     for node_idx, node_name in enumerate(self.graph.node_list):
         self.message[node_idx] = {}
         for neighbor_node in self.graph.neighbor(node_idx):
             self.message[node_idx][neighbor_node] = Potential(
                 [node_idx], np.array([self.graph.node_size[node_idx]]),
Exemple #16
def bubblers(potential, backends=None, **kwargs):
    :param potential: Potential object or string
    :param backend: Code with which to solve bounce
    :returns: Results from all codes
    :rtype: list of namedtuple
    potential = Potential(potential) if isinstance(potential,
                                                   str) else potential
    backends = backends if backends else BACKENDS
    return Solutions(
        {b: bubbler(potential, backend=b, **kwargs)
         for b in backends})
Exemple #17
 def setClean(self):
     equip = Equip.equipLib.getEquip(self.m_name)
     if equip is None:
         return False
     self.m_type = equip['type']
     if equip['type'] in ['Weapon', 'Secondary', 'Emblem']:
         self.m_category = equip['category']
     self.m_level = equip['level']
     self.m_class = equip['class']
     self.m_str = equip['str']
     self.m_dex = equip['dex']
     self.m_int = equip['int']
     self.m_luk = equip['luk']
     self.m_hp = equip['hp']
     self.m_mp = equip['mp']
     self.m_watt = equip['watt']
     self.m_matt = equip['matt']
     self.m_wdef = equip['wdef']
     self.m_mdef = equip['mdef']
     self.m_accuracy = equip['accuracy']
     self.m_avoid = equip['avoid']
     self.m_boss = equip['boss']
     self.m_pdr = equip['pdr']
     self.m_total_slot = equip['slot']
     self.m_remain_slot = equip['slot']
     if equip['slot'] == 0:
         self.m_remain_hammer = 0
         self.m_remain_hammer = 2
     self.m_success = 0
     self.m_stars = 0
     self.m_setId = equip['setId']
     self.m_pot = Potential(self)
     self.m_bpot = None
     self.m_neb = None
     self.m_protect = False
     self.m_guardian = False
     self.m_safety = False
     return True
Exemple #18
            # linear combination of all the stored guesses so far
            new_guess = numpy.zeros(numpy.shape(self.guess_storage[0]))
            for i in range(n):
                new_guess += coeff[i] * self.guess_storage[i]

            # remove unwanted (non-contributing) solutions from the
            # DIIS space
            selection = list(numpy.where(numpy.abs(coeff) < self.diis_vector_threshold)[0])
            for i in selection:

        return new_guess

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

    from fields import get_static_field
    from potential import Potential
    from util import get_interaction_matrix, get_polarization_matrix

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    p = Potential.from_file(filename)

    polmat = get_polarization_matrix(p)
    intmat = get_interaction_matrix(p, induced_damping=True)
    field = get_static_field(p)
    s = IterativeDIISSolver(polmat, intmat, field, verbose = True, threshold = 1.0e-5)
    result = s.Solve()
 def test_potential_equal(self):
     """ tests equality of potentials """
     p = Potential.from_file('m0.pot')
     self.assertEqual(p == p, True)
Exemple #20
class Equip:
    'Equipment class'

    equipLib = EquipLib()
    potLib = PotentialLib()
    scrollLib = ScrollLib()
    m_name = ''
    m_type = ''
    m_category = ''
    m_level = 0
    m_class = ''
    m_str = 0
    m_dex = 0
    m_int = 0
    m_luk = 0
    m_hp = 0
    m_mp = 0
    m_watt = 0
    m_matt = 0
    m_wdef = 0
    m_mdef = 0
    m_accuracy = 0
    m_avoid = 0
    m_boss = 0
    m_pdr = 0

    m_total_slot = 0
    m_remain_slot = 0
    m_remain_hammer = 0
    m_success = 0

    m_stars = 0

    m_pot = None
    m_bpot = None
    m_neb = None

    m_protect = False
    m_guardian = False
    m_safety = False

    m_setId = 0

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.m_name = name
        self.m_type = 'generic'
        self.m_class = 'all'

    def __getitem__(self, string):
        return {
            'str': self.m_str,
            'dex': self.m_dex,
            'int': self.m_int,
            'luk': self.m_luk,
            'hp': self.m_hp,
            'mp': self.m_mp,
            'watt': self.m_watt,
            'matt': self.m_matt,
            'wdef': self.m_wdef,
            'mdef': self.m_mdef,
            'accuracy': self.m_accuracy,
            'avoid': self.m_avoid,
            'boss': self.m_boss,
            'pdr': self.m_pdr,

    def __setitem__(self, string, value):
        if string == 'str':
            self.m_str = value
        elif string == 'dex':
            self.m_dex = value
        elif string == 'int':
            self.m_int = value
        elif string == 'luk':
            self.m_luk = value
        elif string == 'hp':
            self.m_hp = value
        elif string == 'mp':
            self.m_mp = value
        elif string == 'watt':
            self.m_watt = value
        elif string == 'matt':
            self.m_matt = value
        elif string == 'wdef':
            self.m_wdef = value
        elif string == 'mdef':
            self.m_mdef = value
        elif string == 'accuracy':
            self.m_accuracy = value
        elif string == 'avoid':
            self.m_avoid = value
        elif string == 'boss':
            self.m_boss =value
        elif string == 'pdr':
            self.m_pdr = value

    def showEquip(self):
        output = ''
        output += self.m_name
        if self.m_success > 0:
            output += ' (+' + str(self.m_success) + ')\n'
            output += '\n'
        if self.m_type in ['Weapon', 'Secondary']:
            output += 'Category: ' + self.m_type + ' (' + self.m_category + ')\n'
            output += 'Category: ' + self.m_type + '\n'
        output += 'REQ LVL: ' + str(self.m_level) + '\n'
        output += 'Class: ' + self.m_class + '\n'
        if self.m_str:
            output += 'STR: +' + str(self.m_str) + '\n'
        if self.m_dex:
            output += 'DEX: +' + str(self.m_dex) + '\n'
        if self.m_int:
            output += 'INT: +' + str(self.m_int) + '\n'
        if self.m_luk:
            output += 'LUK: +' + str(self.m_luk) + '\n'
        if self.m_hp:
            output += 'MaxHP: +' + str(self.m_hp) + '\n'
        if self.m_mp:
            output += 'MaxMP: +' + str(self.m_mp) + '\n'
        if self.m_watt:
            output += 'WEAPON ATT: ' + str(self.m_watt) + '\n'
        if self.m_matt:
            output += 'MAGIC ATT: ' + str(self.m_matt) + '\n'
        if self.m_wdef:
            output += 'WEAPON DEF: ' + str(self.m_wdef) + '\n'
        if self.m_mdef:
            output += 'MAGIC DEF: ' + str(self.m_mdef) + '\n'
        if self.m_accuracy:
            output += 'ACCURACY: +' + str(self.m_accuracy) + '\n'
        if self.m_avoid:
            output += 'AVOIDABILITY: +' + str(self.m_avoid) + '\n'
        if self.m_boss:
            output += 'Boss Damage: +' + str(int(self.m_boss*100)) + '%\n'
        if self.m_pdr:
            output += 'Ignore Enemy Defense: +' + str(int(self.m_pdr*100)) + '%\n'
        output += 'NUMBER OF UPGRADES AVAILABLE: ' + str(self.m_remain_slot) + '\n'
        output += 'NUMBER OF HAMMER APPLIED: ' + str(self.m_remain_hammer) + '\n\n'
        if self.m_pot:
            output += self.m_pot.showPot()
        if self.m_setId:
            output += EquipSetLib.showSetEffect(self.m_setId)
        subScrollInfo = ''
        if self.m_protect:
            subScrollInfo += 'Protect Scroll in effect.\n'
        if self.m_guardian:
            subScrollInfo += 'Guardian Scroll in effect.\n'
        if self.m_safety:
            subScrollInfo += 'Safety Scroll in effect.\n'
        if subScrollInfo != '':
            output += '----\n'
            output += subScrollInfo
        return output

    def setClean(self):
        equip = Equip.equipLib.getEquip(self.m_name)
        if equip is None:
            return False
        self.m_type = equip['type']
        if equip['type'] in ['Weapon', 'Secondary', 'Emblem']:
            self.m_category = equip['category']
        self.m_level = equip['level']
        self.m_class = equip['class']
        self.m_str = equip['str']
        self.m_dex = equip['dex']
        self.m_int = equip['int']
        self.m_luk = equip['luk']
        self.m_hp = equip['hp']
        self.m_mp = equip['mp']
        self.m_watt = equip['watt']
        self.m_matt = equip['matt']
        self.m_wdef = equip['wdef']
        self.m_mdef = equip['mdef']
        self.m_accuracy = equip['accuracy']
        self.m_avoid = equip['avoid']
        self.m_boss = equip['boss']
        self.m_pdr = equip['pdr']
        self.m_total_slot = equip['slot']
        self.m_remain_slot = equip['slot']
        if equip['slot'] == 0:
            self.m_remain_hammer = 0
            self.m_remain_hammer = 2
        self.m_success = 0
        self.m_stars = 0
        self.m_setId = equip['setId']
        self.m_pot = Potential(self)
        self.m_bpot = None
        self.m_neb = None
        self.m_protect = False
        self.m_guardian = False
        self.m_safety = False
        return True

    def applySpecial(self, effect):
        if effect == 'Innocent':
            equip = Equip.equipLib.getEquip(self.m_name)
            if equip is None:
                return False
            self.m_str = equip['str']
            self.m_dex = equip['dex']
            self.m_int = equip['int']
            self.m_luk = equip['luk']
            self.m_hp = equip['hp']
            self.m_mp = equip['mp']
            self.m_watt = equip['watt']
            self.m_matt = equip['matt']
            self.m_wdef = equip['wdef']
            self.m_mdef = equip['mdef']
            self.m_accuracy = equip['accuracy']
            self.m_avoid = equip['avoid']
            self.m_total_slot = equip['slot']
            self.m_remain_slot = equip['slot']
            self.m_remain_hammer = 2
            self.m_success = 0
            self.m_stars = 0
            self.m_protect = False
            self.m_guardian = False
        elif effect == 'Potential':
            if random.random() < 0.8:
                numLines = 2
                numLines = 3
            r = random.random()
            if r < 0.99:
                rank = 1
            elif r < 0.9999:
                rank = 2
                rank = 3
            self.m_pot.m_rank = rank
            self.m_protect = False
            self.m_guardian = False
        elif effect == 'Epic Potential':
            if random.random() < 0.8:
                numLines = 2
                numLines = 3
            self.m_pot.m_rank = 2
            self.m_protect = False
            self.m_guardian = False
        elif effect == 'Unique Potential':
            if random.random() < 0.8:
                numLines = 2
                numLines = 3
            self.m_pot.m_rank = 3
            self.m_protect = False
            self.m_guardian = False
        elif effect == 'Clean Slate':
            if self.m_success + self.m_remain_slot < self.m_total_slot:
                self.m_remain_slot += 1
            self.m_protect = False
            self.m_guardian = False
        elif effect == 'Hammer':
            if self.m_remain_hammer > 0:
                self.m_remain_hammer -= 1
                self.m_total_slot += 1
                self.m_remain_slot += 1
                self.m_protect = False
                self.m_safety = False
        elif effect == 'Potential Stamp':
            if len(self.m_pot.m_lines) == 2:
        elif effect == 'Protect':
            self.m_protect = True
        elif effect == 'Guardian':
            self.m_guardian = True
        elif effect == 'Safety':
            self.m_safety = True
        return True

    def applyScroll(self, effect):
        scrollType, stat = Equip.scrollLib.getScrollStat(effect, self)
        if scrollType == 'decisive':
            for key, value in stat.items():
                self[key] = self[key] + value
        elif scrollType == 'chaos':
            mutable = ['str', 'dex', 'int', 'luk', 'hp', 'mp', 'watt', 'matt',
                       'wdef', 'mdef', 'accuracy', 'avoid']
            for option in mutable:
                if self[option] != 0:
                    r = random.random()
                    for i in range(min(stat.keys()), max(stat.keys())):
                        if r > stat[i]:
                            val = i
                            if option == 'hp' or option == 'mp':
                                val *= 10
                            self[option] = max(0, self[option] + val)
        self.m_remain_slot -= 1
        self.m_success += 1                        
 def test_potential_equal(self):
     """ tests equality of potentials """
     p = Potential.from_file('m0.pot')
     self.assertEqual(p == p, True)
Exemple #22
            # DIIS space
            selection = list(
                numpy.where(numpy.abs(coeff) < self.diis_vector_threshold)[0])
            for i in selection:

        return new_guess

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

    from fields import get_static_field
    from potential import Potential
    from util import get_interaction_matrix, get_polarization_matrix

    filename = sys.argv[1]
    p = Potential.from_file(filename)

    polmat = get_polarization_matrix(p)
    intmat = get_interaction_matrix(p, induced_damping=True)
    field = get_static_field(p)
    s = IterativeDIISSolver(polmat,
    result = s.Solve()
 def test_add_potentials_with_only_polarization(self):
     """ Potential addition with only polarization """
     p = Potential.from_file('nomul.pot')
     p2 = p + p
     self.assertEqual(p2.nsites, 2)
     self.assertEqual(p2.npols, 2)
 def test_add_potentials_with_only_polarization(self):
     """ Potential addition with only polarization """
     p = Potential.from_file('nomul.pot')
     p2 = p + p
     self.assertEqual(p2.nsites, 2)
     self.assertEqual(p2.npols, 2)
Exemple #25
import numpy as np
from potential import Potential

pot_x1 = Potential([0], np.array([2]), np.array([0.9, 0.1]))
pot_x2 = Potential([1], np.array([2]), np.array([1.0, 1.0]))

pot_x2x1 = Potential([1, 0], np.array([2, 2]), np.array([[0.9, 0.2], [0.1, 0.8]]))
pot_x1x2 = Potential([0, 1], np.array([2, 2]), np.array([[0.9, 0.1], [0.2, 0.8]]))

pot_m12_x2 = Potential([1], np.array([2]), np.array([0.83, 0.17]))

res1 = pot_x2x1.multiply(pot_x1)

res1_ver = Potential([1, 0], np.array([2, 2]), np.array([[0.81, 0.02], [0.09, 0.08]]))
print res1
assert res1 == res1_ver

res2 = pot_x1x2.multiply(pot_x1)
res2_ver = Potential([0, 1], np.array([2, 2]), np.array([[0.81, 0.09], [0.02, 0.08]]))
print res2
assert res2 == res2_ver

res3 = pot_x2.multiply(pot_m12_x2)
res3_ver = Potential([1], np.array([2]), np.array([0.83, 0.17]))
assert res3 == res3_ver
print res3

res4 = pot_x1.multiply(pot_x1x2, True)
print 'res4'
print res4
Exemple #26
 def __init__(self, id, nodes, sizes, values=None): = id
     self.potential = Potential(nodes, sizes, values)
import numpy as np
from potential import Potential

pot_x1 = Potential([0], np.array([2]), np.array([0.9, 0.1]))
pot_x2 = Potential([1], np.array([2]), np.array([1.0, 1.0]))

pot_x2x1 = Potential([1, 0], np.array([2, 2]),
                     np.array([[0.9, 0.2], [0.1, 0.8]]))
pot_x1x2 = Potential([0, 1], np.array([2, 2]),
                     np.array([[0.9, 0.1], [0.2, 0.8]]))

pot_m12_x2 = Potential([1], np.array([2]), np.array([0.83, 0.17]))

res1 = pot_x2x1.multiply(pot_x1)

res1_ver = Potential([1, 0], np.array([2, 2]),
                     np.array([[0.81, 0.02], [0.09, 0.08]]))
print res1
assert res1 == res1_ver

res2 = pot_x1x2.multiply(pot_x1)
res2_ver = Potential([0, 1], np.array([2, 2]),
                     np.array([[0.81, 0.09], [0.02, 0.08]]))
print res2
assert res2 == res2_ver

res3 = pot_x2.multiply(pot_m12_x2)
res3_ver = Potential([1], np.array([2]), np.array([0.83, 0.17]))
assert res3 == res3_ver
print res3
 def test_nopol_potential_fails(self):
     """ testing that potential without polarizibility correctly loads """
     p = Potential.from_file('nopol.pot')
     self.assertEqual(p.nsites, 3)
     self.assertEqual(p.npols, 0)
Exemple #29
    pot_surface3 = Surface_1D_analytic(np.cos, relative=True)

    complete_interaction = [{
        'function': pot_surface3,
        'coordinates': [0, 1]
    }, {
        'function': pot_surface3,
        'coordinates': [1, 2]
    }, {
        'function': pot_surface3,
        'coordinates': [2, 3]
    }, {
        'function': pot_surface3,
        'coordinates': [3, 4]

    pot_obj = Potential(complete_interaction)

    initial_conditions = {
        'coordinates': np.array([4, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
        'velocity': np.array([3, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
        'masses': np.array([300.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

    md = MolecularDynamics(initial_conditions=initial_conditions,

Exemple #30
 def test_nopol_potential_fails(self):
     """ testing that potential without polarizibility correctly loads """
     p = Potential.from_file('nopol.pot')
     self.assertEqual(p.nsites, 3)
     self.assertEqual(p.npols, 0)
Exemple #31
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import MDAnalysis as md

from density import Density
from potential import Potential

u = md.Universe('trj/md128_280k.tpr',

h2o = u.select_atoms('name OW or name HW1 or name HW2')
pot = Potential(u)

for _ in tqdm(u.trajectory, total=len(u_trajectory)):

plt.plot(t, np.mean(rot, axis=1), 'o')
plt.plot(ref[:,0], ref[:,2]/512, '-')
plt.xlim((0, 0.2))
Exemple #32
def run_test(configData):
    # Example with config Data
    if not configData:
        print("Using configuration file: ", configData)

    # Set up our potential class
    # TODO: Convert potential from config file

    # We will pass a dictionary that we will get from the config file. For now we construct it manually

    potential_parameters = {}

    # define fields and constants for the time being
    # define constants
    const_2, const_3, const_4 = sympy.symbols('c2,c3,c4')
    constants = (const_2, const_3, const_4)
    # define fields
    field_1, field_2 = sympy.symbols('f1,f2')
    fields = (field_1, field_2)
    # Define the potential
    potential_form = const_2 * field_1**2 + const_3 * field_1**3 + const_4 * field_1**4 + field_2**4
    # Vevs and masses
    vevs = (246., 0.)
    masses = (0., 125.
              )  # some ordering may be required to match diagonalisation

    # TODO: Are minimization bounds going to be derivived or inputs?. If inputs, put here and feed into potential parameters
    # Bounds and Initial Points

    # Build the dictionary
    potential_parameters['fields'] = fields
    potential_parameters['constants'] = constants
    potential_parameters['potential_form'] = potential_form
    potential_parameters['vevs'] = vevs
    potential_parameters['masses'] = masses
    potential_parameters['unknown_constants'] = (const_2, const_4)
    potential_parameters['known_constants'] = (const_3, )
    potential_parameters['known_constants_vals'] = (-1.5 * 125.**2 / 246. /
                                                    3, )

    # Create our potential class
    # This stores all info about the potential - See the class
    potential = Potential(potential_parameters)
    # potential currently cannot handle pure mass terms

    # solve the constants from 1st derivative and hessian of potential
    # This will be private function - But for testing lets run it
    # TODO: Make sure there are no more free constants after reduction
    print("==============coupling constants reduction============")

    # ####working out the free-parameters######

    print("===============printing free constants================")

    # print("=====================test outputs=====================")
    # # Only printing for testing. Private member
    # print("Constrained Potential :", potential._constrained_potential)
    # # Set some constants
    # constant_val = {'c3': -1.5 * 125. ** 2 / 246. / 3}
    # print("Potential with c3 Fixed :", potential.set_constants(constant_val))
    # # Get Numeric Values of Constants given fixed unknown variables
    # print("Numeric Values for Constants with c3 fixed :", potential.numeric_const_values(constant_val))
    # print("======================================================")

    # define the bounds of the minimisation, where the c20vals etc are set to fix the value
    # define initial point for minimisation
    # Initial point for finding minima

    # Bounds for the minimization
    # TODO: Implement minimization with bounds and initial point.
    # TODO: Implementation is done in the class not here!
    # TODO: Bounds can be class members and set up from config. Or dervived in the constructor
    # bnds = ((-400., 400.), (-400., 400.), (c20val, c20val), (c30val, c30val), (c40val, c40val))
    # bounds = < insert some points >

    # run minimisation
    # TODO: for each field add the range (-400.,400.)
    (bounds, initial_point) = (((-400., 400), (-400., 400.)), [0., 0.])

    print("=========printing solutions from minimisation=========")
    print(potential.minimise(bounds, initial_point))

    # Plotting
    """ Leave for Now... will fix soon