def pov_export(self, export_path, export_name): if not os.path.exists(export_path): os.makedirs(export_path) filename = export_name + '.pov' fullname = export_path + '/' + filename print( povexport.export(canvas=self.scene, filename=fullname, shadowless=1)
def cinematic_thread(svc, POVdump=None, ACCEL=ACCEL, DT=DT):"Cinematic thread started") the_world = svc.the_world scene = the_world.scene picked = None frames=-1 while 1: frames += 1 rate(ACCEL/DT) svc.cinematic_lock.acquire() try: if scene.kb.keys: k = scene.kb.getkey() if k == "Q": #send event return if ev = scene.mouse.getevent() if ev.release == "left": if picked: the_world.speeds[picked.num]=((scene.mouse.pos-picked.PV)/DT).astuple() the_world.cinematic_change = 1 picked = None else: o = ev.pick if ev.shift and o: if hasattr(o,"id"): svc.node_shift_click( elif ev.ctrl and o: if hasattr(o,"id"): svc.node_ctrl_click( else: if hasattr(o, "action"): o.action() if ev.drag == "left": if ev.pick and ev.pick.pickable: picked = ev.pick if picked: picked.PV = picked.pos picked.pos=scene.mouse.pos picked.V = vector() the_world.coords[picked.num]=picked.pos.astuple() the_world.speeds[picked.num]=(0.0,0.0,0.0) the_world.cinematic_change = 1 the_world.update(DT) the_world.update_edges() if POVdump is not None: fname = POVdump % frames povexport.export(filename=fname, display=scene, include_list=['']) except: log.exception("FRAME=%i: Catched exception in the cinematic thread!" % frames) svc.cinematic_lock.release()
scene.title = "Superhopf-3D" #scene.autoscale = False # automatic scaling (default) scene.userspin = True # the user can rotate the scene scene.userzoom = True # user can zoom in and out of the scene. scene.fullscreen = False #scene.autocenter = True #--- Creation des points dans l'espace listOfPts = initPts( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, npts ) num_image = 1 while t<tmax: rate(500) one_step( listOfPts, a, sig, dt ) t = t + dt print t # export vers POV if doPov: if num_image % 10 == 0: outputRep = "/home/mestivier/Progs/SuperHopf/vPython/PovOutput" outputBasename = "sh%010i.pov" % num_image filename = os.path.join( outputRep, outputBasename ) povexport.export( filename = filename ) print filename num_image = num_image + 1 = vector(0,0.5,0) scene.forward = vector(-.3,0,-1) gslabel = label(pos=vector(1.5,2,0), text='VPython',, align='left', box=0, line=0) box(pos=vector(-2,0,0), size=vector(.3,2.5,2.5), pov_texture='T_Wood24') box(pos=vector(.25,-1.4,0), size=vector(4.8,.3,2.5), pov_texture='T_Wood24') cylinder(pos=vector(-2,2,1.25), radius=0.7, axis=vector(0,0,-2.5), ball = sphere(pos=vector(2,1,0), radius=0.5, color=color.cyan) ptr = arrow(pos=vector(0,0,2), axis=vector(2,0,0), color=color.yellow) cone(pos=vector(-2,0,0), radius=1, length=3,, opacity=0.3) ring(pos=vector(.2,0,0), radius=.6, axis=vector(1,0,0), thickness=0.12, color=color.gray(0.4)) ellipsoid(pos=vector(-.3,2,0),, size=vector(.3,1.5,1.5)) pyramid(pos=vector(.3,2,0), color=vector(0,0.5,.25), size=vector(0.8,1.2,1.2)) spring = helix(pos=vector(2,-1.25,0), radius=0.3, axis=vector(0,1.8,0),, thickness=.1) angle = 0 da = .01 trail = curve(color=color.magenta, radius= .02) trail.append(vector(1,0,0)) trail.append(vector(1,0,2)) trail.append(vector(2,0,2)) while angle < 3*pi/4: ptr.rotate(angle=da, axis=vector(0,0,1), origin=ptr.pos) trail.append(ptr.pos+ptr.axis) angle += da inclist = ['', '', '', ''] scene.pause('Adjust the camera, then click to export to POV-ray.') povexport.export(canvas=scene, filename='VPobjects.pov', include_list=inclist)
def main(): # TEST #HT = '300' #WD = '450' #finFrame = '30' # PRODUCTION Rotate Video Parameters HT = '1200' WD = '1800' finFrame = '120' # parse the command line options args = vt.parseCMD() fileName = args.fileNames[0] outType = args.output # check if images already exist in current directory. If not, create them. if glob.glob('*png*') == []: # get cell lengths cellDims, excDims = vt.getCellDimensions(fileName) L = float(cellDims[0]) Ly = float(cellDims[1]) Lz = float(cellDims[2]) if len(excDims) > 0: ay = float(excDims[0]) az = float(excDims[1]) else: ay, az = None, None # Load the configurations from disk numFrames,wl = vt.loadPIMCPaths(fileName) print 'Number of frames: ',numFrames paths = [] for t in range(numFrames): paths.append(vt.Path(wl[t],Ly,Lz)) # choose frame number from (g)ce-wl file. numFrame = 0 # time slice info. M = paths[numFrame].numTimeSlices dM = 1.0*L/(1.0*(M-1)) # ----- This is where you define cell characteristics ----------------- scene = vis.display(title='World Lines!!',x=0, y=0, width=800, height=844, center=(0,0,0), background=(1.0,1.0,1.0)) scene.autoscale = 0 # Set up excluded volume if len(excDims)>0: excVol =,0,0), length=L, height=ay, width=az, opacity=0.7) # Set up cell walls cellWalls =,0,0), length=L, height=Ly, width=Lz, opacity=0.05) # The boundary of the simulation box in space-time -- 1D #ymax = -0.5*L + (M-1)*dM #line = [(-0.5*L,-0.5*L,0),(0.5*L,-0.5*L,0),(0.5*L,ymax,0), # (-0.5*L,ymax,0),(-0.5*L,-0.5*L,0)] #vis.curve(pos=line,radius=0.20,color=(0.5,0.5,0.5)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- wl = vt.WLFrame(paths[numFrame], L, Ly, Lz) # define povray file names povFileName = 'wlview.pov' iniFileName = povFileName[:-4]+'.ini' pov.export(scene, povFileName) # -- generate single image with povray -------------------------------- if outType == 'single': command = ('povray', povFileName, 'Height='+HT,'Width='+WD) subprocess.check_call(command) # -- generate multiple images, same image but rotating about origin --- if outType == 'rotate': vt.writeINIfile(povFileName,HT,WD,finFrame) command = ('povray', iniFileName) subprocess.check_call(command) # -- generate images showing evolving worldlines ---------------------- if outType == 'bins': # UPDATE THIS! '''n = 1 for p in paths[1:]: # visual.rate(1) wl.update(p) vt.getScreenShot(n) n += 1 ''' # ---- generate video from series of images ------------------------------- if outType != 'single': # check for Mencoder, the video processing utility. vt.findMencoder() # set up bash commands to run mencoder command = ('mencoder', 'mf://*.png', '-mf', 'type=png:w=800:h=600:fps=1', '-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts', 'vcodec=mpeg4', '-oac', 'copy', '-o', 'animatedStuff.avi') print "\n\nabout to execute:\n%s\n\n" % ' '.join(command) subprocess.check_call(command) print "\n The movie was written to 'animatedStuff.avi'" # try to close visual python window try: import wx wx.Exit() except: pass
# right = scene.forward.cross(scene.up).norm() # unit vector to the right # newforward = vector(scene.forward) # newforward = rotate(newforward, angle=0.05, axis=right) # newforward = rotate(newforward, angle=0.05, axis=scene.up) # scene.forward = newforward for dt in cosas: dt.visible = False del dt for i in range(len(pos)): ttt = theta[i] * 180.0 / math.pi rod = cylinder(pos=tuple(pos[i]), axis=tuple(dis[i]), radius=0.1) rod.color = colorAngle(ttt) cosas.append(rod) count += 1 povexport.export(display=scene, filename=dir + "images/image" + putzeros(count) + ".pov") if viewHistogram: angulos = [] for ang in theta: angulos.append(ang * 180.0 / math.pi) angulos.append(180.0 - ang * 180.0 / math.pi) [x, y] = histogram(0.0, 180.0, angulos, bins) ax.clear(), y) ax.plot(x1, y1, "r-") draw() # print count # if i < len(cosas): # cosas[i].pos=tuple(pos[i])
r = ring(frame=f, radius=1, thickness=0.2,, pov_texture='T_Wood20') b = box(pos=(0, 0, -3), size=(1.0, 0.5, 0.25), color=color.magenta, frame=f, pov_texture='T_Wood19') x = arange(0, 4, 0.4) helix = curve(x=x, y=0.5 * sin(2 * x), z=2 + 0.5 * cos(2 * x), radius=0.1, color=color.magenta, frame=f, pov_texture='T_Wood3') inclist = ['', '', '', ''] scene.mouse.getclick() ## position camera somewhere, then click print(povexport.version()) print("Begin exporting pov file") povexport.export(filename="woodexample.pov", display=scene, include_list=inclist) print("Export finished")
def cinematic_thread(svc, POVdump=None, ACCEL=ACCEL, DT=DT):"Cinematic thread started") the_world = svc.the_world scene = the_world.scene picked = None frames = -1 while 1: frames += 1 rate(ACCEL / DT) svc.cinematic_lock.acquire() try: if scene.kb.keys: k = scene.kb.getkey() if k == "Q": #send event return if ev = scene.mouse.getevent() if ev.release == "left": if picked: the_world.speeds[picked.num] = ( (scene.mouse.pos - picked.PV) / DT).astuple() the_world.cinematic_change = 1 picked = None else: o = ev.pick if ev.shift and o: if hasattr(o, "id"): svc.node_shift_click( elif ev.ctrl and o: if hasattr(o, "id"): svc.node_ctrl_click( else: if hasattr(o, "action"): o.action() if ev.drag == "left": if ev.pick and ev.pick.pickable: picked = ev.pick if picked: picked.PV = picked.pos picked.pos = scene.mouse.pos picked.V = vector() the_world.coords[picked.num] = picked.pos.astuple() the_world.speeds[picked.num] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) the_world.cinematic_change = 1 the_world.update(DT) the_world.update_edges() if POVdump is not None: fname = POVdump % frames povexport.export(filename=fname, display=scene, include_list=['']) except: log.exception( "FRAME=%i: Catched exception in the cinematic thread!" % frames) svc.cinematic_lock.release()
elif s=="r": ballslice=ballslice+1 if ballslice>=len(data[pathNum][0]): ballslice=len(data[pathNum][0])-1 elif s=="l": ballslice=ballslice-1 if ballslice<0: ballslice=0 elif s=="b": mybox.visible=0 elif s=="B": mybox.visible=1 elif s=="C": elif s=="p": povexport.export(filename="export.pov") print ballslice print len(data[pathNum][0]) ball1.visible=0 ball2.visible=0 ball3.visible=0 ball4.visible=0 ball5.visible=0 ball6.visible=0 ball7.visible=0 ball8.visible=0 ball1 = sphere (pos=(data[pathNum,0,ballslice]), radius=0.1, ball2 = sphere (pos=(data[pathNum,1,ballslice]), radius=0.1, ball3 = sphere (pos=(data[pathNum,2,ballslice]), radius=0.1, ball4 = sphere (pos=(data[pathNum,3,ballslice]), radius=0.1,
# ---Gestion des entrées clavier # n = next # p = previous # f = first # l = last elif SCENE.kb.keys: ENTRY = SCENE.kb.getkey() if ENTRY == "n": NO_SIMUL = NO_SIMUL + 1 TPS = NEWTIME elif ENTRY == "p": NO_SIMUL = NO_SIMUL - 1 TPS = NEWTIME elif ENTRY == "f": NO_SIMUL = 1 TPS = NEWTIME elif ENTRY == "l": NO_SIMUL = NB_SIMUL TPS = NEWTIME else: print "Les seules entrées valables sont n pour avancer et p pour reculer" TPS = NEWTIME # Export POV NO_SIMUL_BIS = NO_SIMUL - 1 BASENAME = "simulation%3.3i.pov" % (NO_SIMUL_BIS) FILENAME = os.path.join(POV_OUTPUT, BASENAME) povexport.export(filename=FILENAME) print FILENAME
radius=2.5, color=color.yellow) cone001.rotate(axis=khat, angle=-pi / 5.0) a = arrow(pos=(0, 0, 0), axis=ihat * 3, color=color.cyan, frame=f) s = sphere(pos=ihat * 3, radius=0.1, r = ring(frame=f, radius=1, thickness=0.2, b = box(pos=(0, 0, -3), size=(1.0, 0.5, 0.25), color=color.magenta, frame=f) x = arange(0, 4, 0.4) helix = curve(x=x, y=0.5 * sin(2 * x), z=2 + 0.5 * cos(2 * x), radius=0.1, color=color.magenta, frame=f) inclist = ['', '', '', ''] scene.mouse.getclick() ## position camera somewhere, then click import time start = time.time() print(povexport.version()) print("Begin exporting pov file") povexport.export(display=scene, include_list=inclist) print("Export finished") ##print(time.time() - start)
axis2=vector(0,1.5,0) axis3=vector(-2,0,0.6) axis4=vector(0,-1.5,0) current=0.25 Iarrow1=arrow(pos=corner, axis=axis1, shaft=Ishaft) Iarrow2=arrow(pos=Iarrow1.pos+Iarrow1.axis, axis=axis2, shaft=Ishaft) Iarrow3=arrow(pos=Iarrow2.pos+Iarrow2.axis, axis=axis3, shaft=Ishaft) Iarrow4=arrow(pos=Iarrow3.pos+Iarrow3.axis, axis=axis4, shaft=Ishaft) force1=current*cross(axis1,Bdirect) force2=current*cross(axis2,Bdirect) force3=current*cross(axis3,Bdirect) force4=current*cross(axis4,Bdirect) fshaft=0.75 farrow1=arrow(pos=Iarrow1.pos+axis1/2, axis=force1, farrow2=arrow(pos=Iarrow2.pos+axis2/2, axis=force2, farrow3=arrow(pos=Iarrow3.pos+axis3/2, axis=force3, farrow4=arrow(pos=Iarrow4.pos+axis4/2, axis=force4, tarrow=arrow(pos=vector(0,0,0), axis=cross(axis1,force2)*3, color=color.yellow) import time counter=0 while 1: scene.mouse.getclick() ## position camera somewhere, then click povexport.export(filename="%1.0_loopTorque.pov" %counter, display=scene) print "Export finished" counter=counter+1
def main(): # TEST #HT = '300' #WD = '450' #finFrame = '30' # PRODUCTION Rotate Video Parameters HT = '1200' WD = '1800' finFrame = '120' # parse the command line options args = vt.parseCMD() fileName = args.fileNames[0] outType = args.output # check if images already exist in current directory. If not, create them. if glob.glob('*png*') == []: # get cell lengths cellDims, excDims = vt.getCellDimensions(fileName) L = float(cellDims[0]) Ly = float(cellDims[1]) Lz = float(cellDims[2]) if len(excDims) > 0: ay = float(excDims[0]) az = float(excDims[1]) else: ay, az = None, None # Load the configurations from disk numFrames, wl = vt.loadPIMCPaths(fileName) print 'Number of frames: ', numFrames paths = [] for t in range(numFrames): paths.append(vt.Path(wl[t], Ly, Lz)) # choose frame number from (g)ce-wl file. numFrame = 0 # time slice info. M = paths[numFrame].numTimeSlices dM = 1.0 * L / (1.0 * (M - 1)) # ----- This is where you define cell characteristics ----------------- scene = vis.display(title='World Lines!!', x=0, y=0, width=800, height=844, center=(0, 0, 0), background=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) scene.autoscale = 0 # Set up excluded volume if len(excDims) > 0: excVol =, 0, 0), length=L, height=ay, width=az, opacity=0.7) # Set up cell walls cellWalls =, 0, 0), length=L, height=Ly, width=Lz, opacity=0.05) # The boundary of the simulation box in space-time -- 1D #ymax = -0.5*L + (M-1)*dM #line = [(-0.5*L,-0.5*L,0),(0.5*L,-0.5*L,0),(0.5*L,ymax,0), # (-0.5*L,ymax,0),(-0.5*L,-0.5*L,0)] #vis.curve(pos=line,radius=0.20,color=(0.5,0.5,0.5)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- wl = vt.WLFrame(paths[numFrame], L, Ly, Lz) # define povray file names povFileName = 'wlview.pov' iniFileName = povFileName[:-4] + '.ini' pov.export(scene, povFileName) # -- generate single image with povray -------------------------------- if outType == 'single': command = ('povray', povFileName, 'Height=' + HT, 'Width=' + WD) subprocess.check_call(command) # -- generate multiple images, same image but rotating about origin --- if outType == 'rotate': vt.writeINIfile(povFileName, HT, WD, finFrame) command = ('povray', iniFileName) subprocess.check_call(command) # -- generate images showing evolving worldlines ---------------------- if outType == 'bins': # UPDATE THIS! '''n = 1 for p in paths[1:]: # visual.rate(1) wl.update(p) vt.getScreenShot(n) n += 1 ''' # ---- generate video from series of images ------------------------------- if outType != 'single': # check for Mencoder, the video processing utility. vt.findMencoder() # set up bash commands to run mencoder command = ('mencoder', 'mf://*.png', '-mf', 'type=png:w=800:h=600:fps=1', '-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts', 'vcodec=mpeg4', '-oac', 'copy', '-o', 'animatedStuff.avi') print "\n\nabout to execute:\n%s\n\n" % ' '.join(command) subprocess.check_call(command) print "\n The movie was written to 'animatedStuff.avi'" # try to close visual python window try: import wx wx.Exit() except: pass