def DIG_source_add(m,reg,df_nu): print("--------------------------------\n") print("Adding DIG to Source List in source_creation\n") print("--------------------------------\n") print ("Getting specific energy dumped in each grid cell") try: rtout = cfg.model.outputfile + '.sed' try: grid_properties = np.load(cfg.model.PD_output_dir+"/grid_physical_properties."+cfg.model.snapnum_str+'_galaxy'+cfg.model.galaxy_num_str+".npz") except: grid_properties = np.load(cfg.model.PD_output_dir+"/grid_physical_properties."+cfg.model.snapnum_str+".npz") cell_info = np.load(cfg.model.PD_output_dir+"/cell_info."+cfg.model.snapnum_str+"_"+cfg.model.galaxy_num_str+".npz") except: print ("ERROR: Can't proceed with DIG nebular emission calculation. Code is unable to find the required files.") print ("Make sure you have the rtout.sed, grid_physical_properties.npz and cell_info.npz for the corresponding galaxy.") return m_out = ModelOutput(rtout) oct = m_out.get_quantities() grid = oct order = find_order(grid.refined) refined = grid.refined[order] quantities = {} for field in grid.quantities: quantities[('gas', field)] = grid.quantities[field][0][order][~refined] cell_width = cell_info["fw1"][:,0] mass = (quantities['gas','density']*units.g/**3).value * (cell_width**3) met = grid_properties["grid_gas_metallicity"] specific_energy = (quantities['gas','specific_energy']*units.erg/units.s/units.g).value specific_energy = (specific_energy * mass) # in ergs/s # Black 1987 curve has a integrated ergs/s/cm2 of 0.0278 so the factor we need to multiply it by is given by this value factor = specific_energy/(cell_width**2)/(0.0278) mask1 = np.where(mass != 0 )[0] mask = np.where((mass != 0 ) & (factor >= cfg.par.DIG_min_factor))[0] # Masking out all grid cells that have no gas mass and where the specific emergy is too low print (len(factor), len(mask1), len(mask)) factor = factor[mask] cell_width = cell_width[mask] cell_x = (cell_info["xmax"] - cell_info["xmin"])[mask] cell_y = (cell_info["ymax"] - cell_info["ymin"])[mask] cell_z = (cell_info["zmax"] - cell_info["zmin"])[mask] pos = np.vstack([cell_x, cell_y, cell_z]).transpose() met = grid_properties["grid_gas_metallicity"][:, mask] met = np.transpose(met) fnu_arr = sg.get_dig_seds(factor, cell_width, met) dat = np.load(cfg.par.pd_source_dir + "/powderday/nebular_emission/data/black_1987.npz") spec_lam = dat["lam"] nu = 1.e8 * constants.c.cgs.value / spec_lam for i in range(len(factor)): fnu = fnu_arr[i,:] nu, fnu = wavelength_compress(nu,fnu,df_nu) nu = nu[::-1] fnu = fnu[::-1] lum = np.absolute(np.trapz(fnu,x=nu))*constants.L_sun.cgs.value source = m.add_point_source() source.luminosity = lum # [ergs/s] source.spectrum = (nu,fnu) source.position = pos[i] # [cm]
def DIG_source_add(m, reg, df_nu, boost): print("--------------------------------") print("Adding DIG to Source List in source_creation") print("--------------------------------") print("Getting the specific energy dumped in each grid cell") try: rtout = cfg.model.outputfile + '_DIG_energy_dumped.sed' try: grid_properties = np.load(cfg.model.PD_output_dir + "/grid_physical_properties." + cfg.model.snapnum_str + '_galaxy' + cfg.model.galaxy_num_str + ".npz") except: grid_properties = np.load(cfg.model.PD_output_dir + "/grid_physical_properties." + cfg.model.snapnum_str + ".npz") cell_info = np.load(cfg.model.PD_output_dir + "/cell_info." + cfg.model.snapnum_str + "_" + cfg.model.galaxy_num_str + ".npz") except: print( "ERROR: Can't proceed with DIG nebular emission calculation. Code is unable to find the required files." ) print( "Make sure you have the rtout.sed, grid_physical_properties.npz and cell_info.npz for the corresponding galaxy." ) return m_out = ModelOutput(rtout) oct = m_out.get_quantities() grid = oct order = find_order(grid.refined) refined = grid.refined[order] quantities = {} for field in grid.quantities: quantities[('gas', field)] = grid.quantities[field][0][order][~refined] cell_width = cell_info["fw1"][:, 0] mass = (quantities['gas', 'density'] * units.g /**3).value * (cell_width**3) specific_energy = (quantities['gas', 'specific_energy'] * units.erg / units.s / units.g).value specific_energy = (specific_energy * mass) # in ergs/s mask = np.where( mass != 0)[0] # Masking out all grid cells that have no gas mass pos = cell_info["fc1"][mask] - boost cell_width = cell_width[mask] met = grid_properties["grid_gas_metallicity"][:, mask] met = np.transpose(met) specific_energy = specific_energy[mask] mask = [] logU_arr = [] lam_arr = [] fnu_arr = [] for i in range(len(cell_width)): # Getting shape of the incident spectrum by taking a distance weighted average of the CLOUDY output spectrum of nearby young stars. sed_file_name = cfg.model.PD_output_dir + "neb_seds_galaxy_" + cfg.model.galaxy_num_str + ".npz" lam, fnu = get_DIG_sed_shape( pos[i], cell_width[i], sed_file=sed_file_name ) # Returns input SED shape, lam in Angstrom, fnu in Lsun/Hz # If the gas cell has no young stars within a specified distance (stars_max_dist) then skip it. if len(np.atleast_1d(fnu)) == 1: continue # Calulating the ionization parameter by extrapolating the specfic energy beyind the lyman limit # using the SED shape calculated above. logU = get_DIG_logU(lam, fnu, specific_energy[i], cell_width[i]) lam_arr.append(lam) fnu_arr.append(fnu) # Only cells with ionization parameter greater than the parameter DIG_min_logU are considered # for nebular emission calculation. This is done so as to speed up the calculation by ignoring # the cells that do not have enough energy to prduce any substantial emission if logU > cfg.par.DIG_min_logU: mask.append(i) lam_arr.append(lam) fnu_arr.append(fnu) logU_arr.append(logU) cell_width = cell_width[mask] met = met[mask] lam_arr = np.array(lam_arr) fnu_arr = np.array(fnu_arr) logU = np.array(logU_arr) pos = pos[mask] if (len(mask)) == 0: print( "No gas particles fit the criteria for calculating DIG. Skipping DIG calculation" ) return print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) print("Calculating nebular emission from Diffused Ionized Gas for " + str(len(mask)) + " gas cells") print( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) fnu_arr_neb = sg.get_dig_seds(lam_arr, fnu_arr, logU, cell_width, met) nu = 1.e8 * constants.c.cgs.value / lam for i in range(len(logU)): fnu = fnu_arr_neb[i, :] nu, fnu = wavelength_compress(nu, fnu, df_nu) nu = nu[::-1] fnu = fnu[::-1] lum = np.absolute(np.trapz(fnu, x=nu)) * constants.L_sun.cgs.value source = m.add_point_source() source.luminosity = lum # [ergs/s] source.spectrum = (nu[::-1], fnu[::-1]) source.position = pos[i] # [cm]