def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p=None): # There should be a better way. # This loop both checks the values for p and caclualtes a value needed # for the calculation. self._denom = 0 if isinstance(p, list): len_p = len(p) self.df = len_p * (len_p - 1) / 2.0 self._adjustment = 0 for i in range(len_p - 1): if isinstance(p, list): for j in range(i, len_p): is_in_0_1(p[i][j], 'All values of p should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p[j][i], 'All values of p should be in [0, 1].') self._denom += ((p[i][j] - p[j][i])**2 / (p[i][j] + p[j][i])) else: raise ValueError("Each list in `p` must be a " "list numerics") else: raise ValueError("`p` must be a list of lists of numerics") if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n # Set remaining variables. super(StuartMaxwell, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, power=power)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p_0=None, p=None): if isinstance(p, list): for value in p: is_in_0_1(value, 'All values of p should be in (0, 1).') else: raise ValueError("`p` must be a list of Numerics.") self.p = p if isinstance(p_0, list): for value in p_0: is_in_0_1(value, 'All values of p_0 should be in (0, 1).') else: raise ValueError("`p_0` must be a list of Numerics.") self.p_0 = p_0 if not len(p) == len(p_0): raise ValueError("`p_0` and `p` must have the same length.") if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n # Set remaining variables. super(Pearson, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, power=power)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p=None, p_0=None, margin=None): is_in_0_1(p, 'p') self.p = p is_in_0_1(p_0, 'p_0') self.p_0 = p_0 if margin is not None: is_in_0_1(margin + p_0, 'margin + p_0') self.margin = margin self.p_0 += margin else: self.margin = 0 if n is not None: is_integer(n, 'n') self.n = n super(Binomial, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, power=power, beta=beta, hypothesis='equality')
def __init__(self, n=None, epsilon=None, stdev=None, known_stdev=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, hypothesis=None): if n is not None: is_integer(n, 'N') self.n = n else: self.n = None is_numeric(epsilon, 'epsilon') self.epsilon = epsilon is_positive(stdev, 'stdev') self.stdev = stdev self.theta = self.epsilon / self.stdev if known_stdev is not None: is_boolean(known_stdev, 'known_stdev') else: known_stdev = True self.known_stdev = known_stdev # Initialize the remaining arguments through the parent. super(MeansBase, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, power=power, beta=beta, hypothesis=hypothesis)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p=None, pi=None): self._check_list(p, 'p') if pi is None: pi = [1 / float(len(p))] * len(p) else: self._check_list(pi, 'pi') if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n num = 0 denom = 0 for stratum in range(len(p)): rowsums = [sum(p[stratum][0]), sum(p[stratum][1])] colsums = [ p[stratum][0][0] + p[stratum][1][0], p[stratum][0][1] + p[stratum][1][1] ] num += pi[stratum] * (p[stratum][0][0] - rowsums[0] * colsums[0]) denom += (pi[stratum] * rowsums[0] * rowsums[1] * colsums[0] * colsums[1]) = num / math.sqrt(denom) self.n = n # Set remaining variables. super(CMH, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, power=power)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p_2=None, p_3=None, p_4=None): if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n is_in_0_1(p_2, 'p_2 should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p_3, 'p_3 should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p_4, 'p_4 should be in [0, 1].') self.p_2 = p_2 self.p_3 = p_3 self.p_4 = p_4 # Initialize the remaining arguments through the parent. super(OneSample, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, power=power, beta=beta, hypothesis=None)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, method=None, dist=None, seed=None, **kwargs): if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n if dist in dir(stats): self.dist = getattr(stats, dist)(**kwargs) if seed is None: self.seed = self._SEED else: self.seed = seed if method == 'anderson' or method == 'anderson-darling': # Need to figure out how to do this right raise ValueError('{} is not a valid method'.format(method)) elif method == 'kolmogorov-smirnov' or method == 'ks': def norm_ks(rvs): return stats.kstest(rvs, 'norm') self.normal_test = norm_ks elif method == 'kurt' or method == 'kurtosis': self.normal_test = stats.kurtosistest self._minN = 20 elif method == 'martinez-iglewicz': raise ValueError('{} is not a valid method'.format(method)) elif method in ['normaltest', 'omnibus']: self.normal_test = stats.normaltest self._minN = 20 elif method == 'range': raise ValueError('{} is not a valid method'.format(method)) elif method in ['shapiro', 'sw', 'shapiro-wilks']: self.normal_test = stats.shapiro elif method in ['skew', 'skewness']: self.normal_test = stats.skewtest self._minN = 8 else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid method'.format(method)) # Initialize the remaining arguments through the parent. super(Normal, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, power=power, beta=beta, hypothesis=None)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p_1=None, p_2=None): if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n is_in_0_1(p_1, 'p_1 should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p_2, 'p_2 should be in [0, 1].') self.p_1 = p_1 self.p_2 = p_2 # Initialize the remaining arguments through the parent. super(Independance, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, power=power, beta=beta, hypothesis=None)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p_01=None, p_10=None): is_in_0_1(p_01, 'p_01 should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p_10, 'p_10 should be in [0, 1].') if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n self.p_01 = p_01 self.p_10 = p_10 self.alpha_factor = math.sqrt(p_01 + p_10) self.beta_factor = math.sqrt(p_10 + p_01 - (p_01 - p_10)**2) # Set remaining variables. super(McNemar, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, power=power)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p=None): # This should be made much better (see CMH) if isinstance(p, list): for values in p: if isinstance(values, list): for value in values: is_in_0_1(value, 'All values of p should be in (0, 1).') else: raise ValueError("Each list in `p` must be a list " "of numerics") else: raise ValueError("`p` must be a list of lists of numerics") self.p = p # needed for degree of freedom calculations rows = len(p) cols = len(p[0]) self.df = (rows - 1) * (cols - 1) self._denom = 0 # This will be much improved when I implement this as a matrix! colsums = [0] * cols for i in range(rows): for j in range(cols): colsums[j] += p[i][j] for i in range(rows): rowsum = sum(p[i]) for j in range(cols): self._denom += ((p[i][j] - rowsum * colsums[j])**2 / (rowsum * colsums[j])) if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n # Set remaining variables. super(PearsonIndependance, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, power=power)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, p_11=None, p_12=None, p_21=None, p_22=None, gamma=None, stdev_1=None, stdev_2=None): if gamma is None: is_in_0_1(p_11, 'p_11 should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p_12, 'p_12 should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p_21, 'p_21 should be in [0, 1].') is_in_0_1(p_22, 'p_22 should be in [0, 1].') gamma = (math.log(p_11 / (1 - p_11)) + math.log(p_12 / (1 - p_12)) - math.log(p_21 / (1 - p_21)) - math.log(p_22 / (1 - p_22))) else: is_numeric(gamma, '`gamma` should be a number.') if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n is_positive(stdev_1, 'stdev_1') self.stdev_1 = stdev_1 is_positive(stdev_2, 'stdev_2') self.stdev_2 = stdev_2 self.theta = gamma / math.sqrt(stdev_1**2 + stdev_2**2) # Set remaining variables. super(CarryOverEffect, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, power=power)
def __init__(self, delta=None, stdev_wr=None, stdev_wt=None, stdev_br=None, stdev_bt=None, theta_BE=None, m_plus=None, alpha=None, power=None, beta=None): is_numeric(delta, 'delta') = delta is_positive(stdev_wr, 'stdev_wr') self.stdev_wr = stdev_wr is_positive(stdev_wt, 'stdev_wt') self.stdev_wt = stdev_wt is_positive(stdev_bt, 'stdev_bt') self.stdev_bt = stdev_bt is_positive(stdev_br, 'stdev') self.stdev_br = stdev_br if theta_BE is None: theta_BE = 1 else: is_positive(theta_BE, 'theta_BE') self.theta_BE = theta_BE if m_plus is None: m_plus = MAX_ITERATIONS else: is_integer(m_plus, 'm_plus') self.m_plus = m_plus # Initialize the remaining arguments through the parent. super(InVitro, self).__init__(hypothesis="equivalence", alpha=alpha, beta=beta, power=power)
def __init__(self, n=None, alpha=None, beta=None, power=None, method=None, dist=None, compare_dist=None, seed=None, **kwargs): if n is not None: is_integer(n, '`n` should be of type Int.') self.n = n if dist in dir(stats): self.dist = getattr(stats, dist)(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid distribution'.format(dist)) if compare_dist not in dir(stats): raise ValueError('{} is not a valid distribution'.format(compare_dist)) if seed is None: self.seed = self._SEED else: self.seed = seed if method == 'anderson' or method == 'anderson-darling': if compare_dist not in ["norm", "expon", "logistic", "gumbel", "gumbel_l", "gumbel_r", "extreme1"]: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid distribution'.format(compare_dist)) def dist_anderson(rvs): return stats.anderson(rvs, dist=compare_dist) self.distribution_test = dist_anderson elif method == 'kolmogorov-smirnov' or method == 'ks': def dist_ks(rvs): return stats.kstest(rvs, dist=compare_dist) self.distribution_test = dist_ks # Initialize the remaining arguments through the parent. super(Distribution, self).__init__(alpha=alpha, power=power, beta=beta, hypothesis=None)