def raw_wind(): input_data = InputData() profile_info = { "grid_model": "usa_tamu", "base_wind": param["wind"], } profile = input_data.get_data(profile_info, "wind") return profile_info, profile
def raw_solar(): input_data = InputData() profile_info = { "grid_model": "usa_tamu", "base_solar": param["solar"], } profile = input_data.get_data(profile_info, "solar") return profile_info, profile
def raw_hydro(): input_data = InputData() profile_info = { "grid_model": "usa_tamu", "base_hydro": param["hydro"], } profile = input_data.get_data(profile_info, "hydro") return profile_info, profile
def raw_profile(kind): input_data = InputData() grid_model = "test_usa_tamu" profile_info = { "grid_model": grid_model, f"base_{kind}": param[kind], } profile = input_data.get_data(profile_info, kind) return profile_info, profile
def _set_ct_and_grid(self): """Sets change table and grid.""" base_grid = Grid( self._scenario_info["interconnect"].split("_"), source=self._scenario_info["grid_model"], ) if self._scenario_info["change_table"] == "Yes": input_data = InputData() self.ct = input_data.get_data(self._scenario_info, "ct") self.grid = TransformGrid(base_grid, self.ct).get_grid() else: self.ct = {} self.grid = base_grid
def _set_ct_and_grid(self): """Sets change table and grid.""" input_data = InputData(data_loc=self.data_loc) grid_mat_path = input_data.get_data(self._scenario_info, "grid") self.grid = Grid( interconnect=[None], source=grid_mat_path, engine=self._scenario_info["engine"], ) if self._scenario_info["change_table"] == "Yes": self.ct = input_data.get_data(self._scenario_info, "ct") else: self.ct = {}
def get_base_profile(self, kind): """Returns available base profiles. :param str kind: one of *'demand'*, *'hydro'*, *'solar'*, *'wind'*. :return: (*list*) -- available version for selected profile kind. """ return InputData().get_profile_version(self.grid_model, kind)
def test_check_field(): _check_field = InputData()._check_field _check_field("grid") _check_field("ct") with pytest.raises(ValueError): _check_field("foo") _check_field("solar")
def __init__(self, scenario_info, grid, ct): """Constructor. :param dict scenario_info: scenario information. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid: a Grid object previously transformed. :param dict ct: change table. """ self._input_data = InputData() self.scenario_info = scenario_info self.ct = copy.deepcopy(ct) self.grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) self.scale_keys = { "wind": {"wind", "wind_offshore"}, "solar": {"solar"}, "hydro": {"hydro"}, "demand": {"demand"}, } self.n_new_plant, self.n_new_clean_plant = self._get_number_of_new_plant()
def test_demand_is_scaled(base_grid): input_data = InputData() demand_info = { "interconnect": "_".join(interconnect), "grid_model": "usa_tamu", "base_demand": param["demand"], } raw_demand = input_data.get_data(demand_info, "demand") base_demand = raw_demand[base_grid.id2zone.keys()] n_zone = param["n_zone_to_scale"] ct = ChangeTable(base_grid) ct.scale_demand( zone_id={ z: f for z, f in zip( np.random.choice( [i for i in base_grid.zone2id.values()], size=n_zone, replace=False ), 2 * np.random.random(size=n_zone), ) } ) tg = TransformGrid(base_grid, ct.ct) transformed_grid = tg.get_grid() tp = TransformProfile(demand_info, transformed_grid, ct.ct) transformed_profile = tp.get_profile("demand") assert not base_demand.equals(transformed_profile) scaled_zone = list(ct.ct["demand"]["zone_id"].keys()) unscaled_zone = set(base_grid.id2zone.keys()) - set(scaled_zone) factor = list(ct.ct["demand"]["zone_id"].values()) assert transformed_profile[scaled_zone].equals( base_demand[scaled_zone].multiply(factor, axis=1) ) if unscaled_zone: assert transformed_profile[unscaled_zone].equals(base_demand[unscaled_zone])
def __init__(self, scenario_info, grid, ct, slice=True): """Constructor. :param dict scenario_info: scenario information. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid: a Grid object previously transformed. :param dict ct: change table. :param bool slice: whether to slice the profiles by the Scenario's time range. """ self.slice = slice self._input_data = InputData() self.scenario_info = {**self._default_dates, **scenario_info} self.ct = copy.deepcopy(ct) self.grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) self.scale_keys = { "wind": {"wind", "wind_offshore"}, "solar": {"solar"}, "hydro": {"hydro"}, "demand": {"demand"}, } self.n_new_plant, self.n_new_clean_plant = self._get_number_of_new_plant( )
class TransformProfile: """Transform profile according to operations listed in change table.""" _default_dates = { "start_date": "2016-01-01 00:00", "end_date": "2016-12-31 23:00" } def __init__(self, scenario_info, grid, ct, slice=True): """Constructor. :param dict scenario_info: scenario information. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid: a Grid object previously transformed. :param dict ct: change table. :param bool slice: whether to slice the profiles by the Scenario's time range. """ self.slice = slice self._input_data = InputData() self.scenario_info = {**self._default_dates, **scenario_info} self.ct = copy.deepcopy(ct) self.grid = copy.deepcopy(grid) self.scale_keys = { "wind": {"wind", "wind_offshore"}, "solar": {"solar"}, "hydro": {"hydro"}, "demand": {"demand"}, } self.n_new_plant, self.n_new_clean_plant = self._get_number_of_new_plant( ) def _get_number_of_new_plant(self): """Return the total number of new plant and new plant with profiles. :return: (*tuple*) -- first element is the total number of new plant and second element is the total number of new clean plant (*hydro*, *solar*, *onshore wind* and *offshore wind*). """ n_plant = [0, 0] if "new_plant" in self.ct.keys(): for p in self.ct["new_plant"]: n_plant[0] += 1 if p["type"] in set().union(*self.scale_keys.values()): n_plant[1] += 1 return n_plant def _get_renewable_profile(self, resource): """Return the transformed profile. :param str resource: *'hydro'*, *'solar'* or *'wind'*. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- power output for generators of specified type with plant identification number as columns and UTC timestamp as indices. """ plant_id = (self.grid.plant.iloc[:len(self.grid.plant) - self.n_new_plant].isin( self.scale_keys[resource]).query( "type == True").index) profile = self._input_data.get_data(self.scenario_info, resource)[plant_id] scaled_profile = self._scale_plant_profile(profile) if self.n_new_clean_plant > 0: new_profile = self._add_plant_profile(profile, resource) return scaled_profile.join(new_profile) else: return scaled_profile def _scale_plant_profile(self, profile): """Scale profile. :param pandas.DataFrame profile: profile with plant identification number as columns and UTC timestamp as indices. Values are for 1-W generators. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- scaled power output profile. """ plant_id = list(map(int, profile.columns)) return profile * self.grid.plant.loc[plant_id, "Pmax"] def _add_plant_profile(self, profile, resource): """Add profile for plants added via the change table. :param pandas.DataFrame profile: profile with plant identification number as columns and UTC timestamp as indices. :param resource: fuel type. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- profile with additional columns corresponding to new generators inserted to the grid via the change table. """ new_plant_ids, neighbor_ids, scaling = [], [], [] for i, entry in enumerate(self.ct["new_plant"]): if entry["type"] in self.scale_keys[resource]: new_plant_ids.append(self.grid.plant.index[-self.n_new_plant + i]) neighbor_ids.append(entry["plant_id_neighbor"]) scaling.append(entry["Pmax"]) neighbor_profile = profile[neighbor_ids] new_profile = neighbor_profile.multiply(scaling, axis=1) new_profile.columns = new_plant_ids return new_profile def _get_demand_profile(self): """Return scaled demand profile. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame of demand. """ zone_id = sorted(self.grid.bus.zone_id.unique()) demand = self._input_data.get_data(self.scenario_info, "demand").loc[:, zone_id] if bool(self.ct) and "demand" in list(self.ct.keys()): for key, value in self.ct["demand"]["zone_id"].items(): print("Multiply demand in %s (#%d) by %.2f" % (self.grid.id2zone[key], key, value)) demand.loc[:, key] *= value return demand def _slice_df(self, df): """Return dataframe, sliced by the times specified in scenario_info if and only if ``self.slice`` = True. :param pandas.DataFrame df: data frame to be sliced. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- sliced data frame. """ if not self.slice: return df return df.loc[self.scenario_info["start_date"]:self. scenario_info["end_date"]] def get_profile(self, name): """Return profile. :param str name: either *'demand'*, *'hydro'*, *'solar'*, *'wind'*. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- profile. :raises ValueError: if argument not one of *'demand'*, *'hydro'*, *'solar'* or *'wind'*. """ possible = ["demand", "hydro", "solar", "wind"] if name not in possible: raise ValueError("Choose from %s" % " | ".join(possible)) elif name == "demand": return self._slice_df(self._get_demand_profile()) else: return self._slice_df(self._get_renewable_profile(name))
def test_get_file_components(): s_info = {"id": "123"} ct_file = InputData()._get_file_path(s_info, "ct") grid_file = InputData()._get_file_path(s_info, "grid") assert "data/input/123_ct.pkl" == ct_file assert "data/input/123_grid.mat" == grid_file
def _upload_change_table(self): """Uploads change table to server.""" InputData().save_change_table(self.builder.change_table.ct, self._scenario_info["id"])