Exemple #1
def write_doe_from_yaml(yaml):
    """Loads DOE settings from yaml and writes GDS into build_directory

        filepath: YAML string or filepath describing DOEs

        gdspaths: list

    For each DOE save:

    - GDS
    - json metadata
    - ports CSV
    - markdown report, with DOE settings
    yaml = io.StringIO(yaml) if isinstance(yaml,
                                           str) and "\n" in yaml else yaml
    does = load_does(yaml)

    gdspaths = []
    for doe_name, doe in does.items():
        # print(doe_name)
        # print(doe.get("settings"))
        # print(doe.get("do_permutations"))
        # print(doe)
        # print(list(doe.keys()))
        # print(type(doe.get('settings')))
        # assert type(doe.get('settings'))
        d = write_doe(
            do_permutations=doe.get("do_permutations", True),
    return gdspaths
Exemple #2
def build_does(filepath, component_factory=component_factory):
    """ this function is depreacted

    Writes DOE settings from config.yml file and writes GDS into build_directory

    If you want to use cache use pp.generate_does instead

    Write For each DOE:

    - GDS
    - json metadata
    - ports CSV
    - markdown report, with DOE settings

    does = load_does(filepath)
    doe_names = does.keys()

    doe_params = zip(doe_names, itertools.repeat(filepath),
    p = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    p.starmap(_build_doe, doe_params)
Exemple #3
def build_does(config=CONFIG, component_type2factory=component_type2factory):
    """ Writes DOE settings from config.yml file and writes GDS into build_directory

    If you want to use cache use pp.generate_does instead

    Write For each DOE:

    - GDS
    - json metadata
    - ports CSV
    - markdown report, with DOE settings
    if config.get("does") is None:
        raise ValueError(f"no does defined in {CONFIG}")

    does = load_does(config)
    doe_names = does.keys()

    doe_params = zip(doe_names, itertools.repeat(config),
    p = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    p.starmap(_build_doe, doe_params)
def write_doe_from_yaml(config=CONFIG):
    """ Loads DOE settings from yaml file and writes GDS into build_directory

        filepath: YAML file describing DOE
        add_io_function: default add_io_optical

    For each DOE save:

    - GDS
    - json metadata
    - ports CSV
    - markdown report, with DOE settings
    does = load_does(config)

    gds_paths = []
    for doe_name, doe in does.items():
        # print(doe_name)
        # print(doe.get("settings"))
        # print(doe.get("do_permutations"))
        # print(doe)
        # print(list(doe.keys()))
        # print(type(doe.get('settings')))
        # assert type(doe.get('settings'))
        d = write_doe(
            do_permutations=doe.get("do_permutations", True),
    return gds_paths
Exemple #5
def component_grid_from_yaml(filepath, precision=1e-9):
    """ Returns a Component composed of DOEs/components given in a yaml file
    allows for each DOE to have its own x and y spacing (more flexible than method1)
    input_does = OmegaConf.load(str(filepath))
    mask_settings = input_does["mask"]
    does = load_does(filepath)

    placed_doe = None
    placed_does = {}
    if mask_settings.get("name"):
        component_grid = pp.Component(mask_settings["name"])
        component_grid = pp.Component()

    default_cache_enabled = (
        mask_settings["cache_enabled"] if "cache_enabled" in mask_settings else False
    for doe_name, doe in does.items():
        list_settings = doe["settings"]
        component_type = doe["component"]

        # description = doe["description"] if "description" in doe else ''
        # test = doe["test"] if "test" in doe else {}
        # analysis = doe["analysis"] if "analysis" in doe else {}

        # Get DOE policy concerning the cache
        cache_enabled = (
            doe["cache_enabled"] if "cache_enabled" in doe else default_cache_enabled

        components = None

        # If cache enabled, attempt to load from cache
        if cache_enabled:
                components = load_doe_from_cache(doe_name)
            except Exception as e:
                components = None

        # If no component is loaded, build them
        if components is None:
            print("{} - Generating components...".format(doe_name))
            components = build_components(component_type, list_settings)

            # After building the components, if cache enabled, save them
            if cache_enabled:
                save_doe(doe_name, components, precision=precision)
            _print("{} - Loaded components from cache".format(doe_name))

        # _print(doe_name, [c.name for c in components])
        # Find placer information

        default_settings = {"align_x": "W", "align_y": "S", "margin": 10}

        if "placer" in doe:
            placer_type = doe["placer"].pop("type")
            _placer = PLACER_NAME2FUNC[placer_type]

            # All other attributes are assumed to be settings for the placer
            settings = default_settings.copy()

            # x0, y0 can either be float or string
            x0 = settings.pop("x0")
            y0 = settings.pop("y0")

            # Check whether we are doing relative or absolute placement
            if (x0 in ["E", "W"] or y0 in ["N", "S"]) and not placed_doe:
                raise ValueError(
                    "At least one DOE must be placed to use\
                relative placement"

            # For relative placement (to previous DOE)
            if "margin_x" not in settings:
                settings["margin_x"] = settings["margin"]
            if "margin_y" not in settings:
                settings["margin_y"] = settings["margin"]

            margin_x = settings["margin_x"]
            margin_y = settings["margin_y"]
            align_x = settings["align_x"]
            align_y = settings["align_y"]

            ## Making sure that the alignment is sensible depending on how we stack

            # If we specify a DOE to place next to, use it
            if "next_to" in settings:
                placed_doe = placed_does[settings.pop("next_to")]

            # Otherwise, use previously placed DOE as starting point
            if x0 == "E":
                x0 = placed_doe.size_info.east
                if align_x == "W":
                    x0 += margin_x

            if x0 == "W":
                x0 = placed_doe.size_info.west
                if align_x == "E":
                    x0 -= margin_x

            if y0 == "N":
                y0 = placed_doe.size_info.north
                if align_y == "S":
                    y0 += margin_y

            if y0 == "S":
                y0 = placed_doe.size_info.south
                if align_y == "N":
                    y0 -= margin_y

            # Add x0, y0 in settings as float
            settings["x0"] = x0
            settings["y0"] = y0

            placed_components = _placer(components, **settings)
            # If no placer is specified, we assume this is a grid placer
            cols, rows = doe["shape"]
            x0, y0 = doe["origin"]
            dx, dy = doe["spacing"]

            placed_components = placer_grid_cell_refs(
                components, cols, rows, dx, dy, x0=x0, y0=y0

        # Place components within a cell having the DOE name
        placed_doe = pp.Component()
        placed_doe.name = doe_name
        placed_does[doe_name] = placed_doe

        # # Write the json and md metadata / report
        # write_doe_metadata(
        # doe_name=doe_name,
        # cells = placed_components,
        # list_settings=list_settings,
        # flag_write_component=False,
        # description=description,
        # test=test,
        # analysis=analysis
        # )


    return component_grid